801 resultados para social implications


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The purpose of this study, based on secondary data from attendees at a substance abuse clinic for the Kickapoo Healing Grounds in Eagle Pass, Texas, is two fold: (1) to elucidate neuro-behavioral performance of volatile substance abusers in the Kickapoo tribe and (2) to determine factors associated with their treatment completion and rehabilitation as measured by their employment at follow-up. Volatile substance abuse (VSA) is associated with a host of neurological manifestations, and secondary prevention or clinical treatment and rehabilitation remains the mainstay of control efforts. Very little is known about VSA in general, and especially among Native American populations. It is anticipated that the results will help determine and assist other tribes and non-tribal substance abuse centers with treatment planning for volatile substance abusers among Native American populations. ^


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Other slight variations in title.


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Computing and information technology have made significant advances. The use of computing and technology is a major aspect of our lives, and this use will only continue to increase in our lifetime. Electronic digital computers and high performance communication networks are central to contemporary information technology. The computing applications in a wide range of areas including business, communications, medical research, transportation, entertainments, and education are transforming local and global societies around the globe. The rapid changes in the fields of computing and information technology also make the study of ethics exciting and challenging, as nearly every day, the media report on a new invention, controversy, or court ruling. This tutorial will explore a broad overview on the scientific foundations, technological advances, social implications, and ethical and legal issues related to computing. It will provide the milestones in computing and in networking, social context of computing, professional and ethical responsibilities, philosophical frameworks, and social, ethical, historical, and political implications of computer and information technology. It will outline the impact of the tremendous growth of computer and information technology on people, ethics and law. Political and legal implications will become clear when we analyze how technology has outpaced the legal and political arenas.


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This article evaluates social implications of the ""SIGA"" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of Sao Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.


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It is technically feasible for mobile social software such as pairing or ‘matchmaking’ systems to introduce people to others and assist information exchange. However, little is known about the social structure of many mobile communities or why they would want such pairing systems. While engaged in other work determining requirements for a mobile travel assistant we saw a potentially useful application for a pairing system to facilitate the exchange of travel information between backpackers. To explore this area, we designed two studies involving usage of a low-fidelity role prototype of a social pairing system for backpackers. Backpackers rated the utility of different pairing types, and provided feedback on the social implications of being paired based on travel histories. Practical usage of the social network pairing activity and the implications of broader societal usage are discussed.


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This article evaluates social implications of the "SIGA" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of São Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.


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Aquest document de treball es centra específicament en el desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia mòbil a Catalunya com a exemple de tecnologia amb profundes implicacions socials. Esdevé un intent inicial de definir les principals línies de recerca en aquest tema. El projecte que el sosté és emmarcat en el programa de recerca Negrisc, centrat a examinar la negociació del risc en les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació. Parteix d'una aproximació que reconeix la natura multidisciplinària del risc i que, per tant, exigeix una aproximació interdisciplinària al seu estudi i a la gestió subsegüent. Aquesta perspectiva emfatitza la necessitat d'integrar els punts de vista dels diferents stakeholders, incloent-hi el públic, en la gestió d'una tecnologia socialment controvertida. Aquest és un pas necessari per a permetre la generació d'algun tipus de consens en el cas del desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia mòbil a Catalunya.