998 resultados para social character of sign


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O caráter semiótico de todo pensamento exige que tal fenômeno seja intrinsecamente dialógico, pois uma mediação interfere na própria produção do pensamento. Todo pensamento é igualmente social, pois o signo é produto da tradição e determina um programa de conduta para o futuro que tem por sujeito último a totalidade das mentes no fim da história.


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Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [n.d.] (American culture series, Reel 337.6)


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Deaf people are perceived by hearing people as living in a silent world. Yet, silence cannot exist without sound, so if sound is not heard, can there be silence? From a linguistic point of view silence is the absence of, or intermission in, communication. Silence can be communicative or noncommunicative. Thus, silence must exist in sign languages as well. Sign languages are based on visual perception and production through movement and sight. Silence must, therefore, be visually perceptible; and, if there is such a thing as visual silence, how does it look? The paper will analyse the topic of silence from a Deaf perspective. The main aspects to be explored are the perception and evaluation of acoustic noise and silence by Deaf people; the conceptualisation of silence in visual languages, such as sign languages; the qualities of visual silence; the meaning of silence as absence of communication (particularly between hearing and Deaf people); social rules for silence; and silencing strategies.


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Anglo-Saxon monastic archaeology has been constrained by the limited scale of past investigations and their overriding emphasis on core buildings. This paper draws upon the results of an ongoing campaign of archaeological research that is redressing the balance through an ambitious programme of open-area excavation at Lyminge, Kent, the site of a royal double monastery founded in the seventh century ad. The results of five completed fieldwork seasons are assessed and contextualised in a narrative sequence emphasising the dynamic character of Lyminge as an Anglo-Saxon monastic settlement. In so doing, the study brings into sharp focus how early medieval monasteries were emplaced in the landscape, with specific reference to Anglo-Saxon Kent, a regional context offering key insights into how the process of monastic foundation redefined antecedent central places of long-standing politico-religious significance and social action.


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The Caribbean is not homogenous with regard to water resources. The Caribbean climate can be characterized as tropical rainy, with two well-defined seasons, one, rainy, and another, less rainy: these characteristics have specificities according to the geographical location of each country. The rainy, tropical character of the Caribbean climate may suggest that there are enough water resources to satisfy life requirements. Notwithstanding, the availability and distribution of water depends on geological and geographical factors that—given the insular character and characteristics of each country—make water resources both vulnerable and limited.


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"These studies have been published in various journals at different times." - Author's note.


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The study uses the value test developed by Shalom Schwartz to examine the value system of Hungarian entrepreneurs. First, the dataset of the last wave of the European Social Survey is used to define those value orientations which generally distinguish entrepreneurs from the rest of society in Europe. Second, the prevalence of these ‘entrepreneurial values’ in the general populations of various countries, and Hungary in particular, is explored. Third, using compatible data from a survey of 300 Hungarian small entrepreneurs, the value orientations that distinguish them from other European entrepreneurs and Hungarian non-entrepreneurs are examined. Multivariate regression analyses allow us to draw a nuanced value-portrait of the typical Hungarian entrepreneur. The main conclusion is that although Hungarian small entrepreneurs share the ’core values’ of entrepreneurs in Europe, they are less adventurous and less materialist, but held personal freedom and human relations especially dear.


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In this paper we present the development and the implementation of a content analysis model for observing aspects relating to the social mission of the public library on Facebook pages and websites. The model is unique and it was developed from the literature. There were designed the four categories for analysis Generate social capital and social cohesion, Consolidate democracy and citizenship, Social and digital inclusion and Fighting illiteracies. The model enabled the collection and the analysis of data applied to a case study consisting of 99 Portuguese public libraries with Facebook page. With this model of content analysis we observed the facets of social mission and we read the actions with social facets on the Facebook page and in the websites of public libraries. At the end we discuss in parallel the results of observation of the Facebook of libraries and the websites. By reading the description of the actions of the social mission, the general conclusion and the most immediate is that 99 public libraries on Facebook and websites rarely publish social character actions, and the results are little satisfying. The Portuguese public libraries highlight substantially the actions in the category Generate social capital and social cohesion.


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Using examples from contemporary policy and business discourses, and exemplary historical texts dealing with the notion of value, I put forward an argument as to why a critical scholarship that draws on media history, language analysis, philosophy and political economy is necessary to understand the dynamics of what is being called 'the global knowledge economy'. I argue that the social changes associated with new modes of value determination are closely associated with new media forms.


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Social marketing has successfully adopted many of the techniques of commercial marketing; however, a key commercial marketing theory that does not appear to be utilised in social marketing theory is brand equity. Given that a key outcome of brand equity is loyalty, which is also a desired outcome of many social marketing programs, brand equity appears to be a relevant theoretical framework. This study presents descriptive results of the brand equity levels of 296 Gen Y Australians for the social product of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a desirable health behaviour with significant health and wellbeing outcomes for infants, mothers and communities. It was selected as the focus of this paper because loyalty to the behaviour is not increasing, according to the targets set by national government authorities.


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Examined the social adaptation of 32 children in grades 3–6 with mild intellectual disability: 13 Ss were partially integrated into regular primary school classes and 19 Ss were full-time in separate classes. Sociometric status was assessed using best friend and play rating measures. Consistent with previous research, children with intellectual disability were less socially accepted than were a matched group of 32 children with no learning disabilities. Children in partially integrated classes received more play nominations than those in separate classes, but had no greater acceptance as a best friend. On teachers' reports, disabled children had higher levels of inappropriate social behaviours, but there was no significant difference in appropriate behaviours. Self-assessments by integrated children were more negative than those by children in separate classes, and their peer-relationship satisfaction was lower. Ratings by disabled children of their satisfaction with peer relationships were associated with ratings of appropriate social skills by themselves and their teachers, and with self-ratings of negative behaviour. The study confirmed that partial integration can have negative consequences for children with an intellectual disability.


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In this paper, I investigate the (mis)performance of ‘passing’ in the context of bodies with disabilities. The desire to conceal, control or contain a body’s idiosyncrasies can be a deceitful act, complicit with dominant cultural assumptions about the benefits of fitting in. Passing, and the performative tricks, techniques and prostheses that support the ‘lie’ of passing, upholding a social contract in which a closeting-as-cure approach accommodates discomfort with difference. In this paper, I consider moments of non-passing, where people are caught out by mistakes or deliberate misperformances of the daily social drama of ability and disability. I reference the work of disabled artists Bill Shannon, Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araniello, who re-perform their daily personal interactions in the public sphere as a sort of guerilla theatre. Their work brings hidden assumptions about how disabled people should act and interact to the brink of visibility. It challenges passers-by to confront their complicity in these discourses by pressing them to re-perform their own spontaneous reactions to bodies that misperform the ‘lie’ of normalcy.


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Overall, this thesis purports to make two significant contributions to knowledge. The first is a foundational critique of political economy in the context of an emergent global knowledge economy. The second is a method for analysing evaluations in language. The relationships that give coherence to those two contributions are as follows. The widely-heralded emergence of a knowledge economy indicates that more intimate aspects of human activity have become exposed to commodification on a massive scale, specifically, activities associated with thought and language. Correspondingly, more abstract forms of value have developed as the products of thought and language have become dominant commodity forms. Historical investigation shows that value has moved from an objective category in political economy, pertaining to such substances as precious metals and land, to become situated today predominantly in “expert” expressions of language, or more precisely, their institutional contexts of production. These are now propagated and circulated on a global scale. Legal, political, and technological developments are key in the development of new, more abstract forms of labour and value, although the relationships connecting these are neither simple nor direct. They are, however, inseparably related in the trajectories that this thesis describes. Consequently they are dealt with inseparably throughout.