868 resultados para social changes
The group presents an analysis of the development of the Czech society and economy during the 1990s. They believe that the Czech neo-liberal strategy of transformation led to a partial and uneven modernisation and that this strategy is unable to provide a firm basis for a complex process of modernisation. The increasing developmental problems encountered during 1996-1999 can be seen as empirical evidence of the inadequacy of the neo-liberal transformation strategy. These problems are connected to institutional shortcomings due to the excessive speed of privatisation, its form with certain important Czech innovations (particularly the voucher method and an attempt to resuscitate the Czech national capital) and with the overlooking of the importance of the legal framework and its enforcement. The overly hasty privatisation has created a type of 'recombinant property' which lacks the economic order necessary to stimulate efficiency in an atmosphere of prevailing social justice. A second reason for the present difficulties is the long-term lag behind the civilisation and cultural standards typical of the advanced European countries. The first steps of the Czech transformation concentrated mainly on changes in the institutions important for the distribution of power and wealth and largely neglected the necessity of deep-reaching modernisation of Czech society and the economy. The neo-liberal strategy created conditions conducive to predatory and speculative behaviour at the expense of creative behaviour. Inherited principles of egalitarianism combined with undeserved economic privileges survived and were reinforced by important new developments in the same direction. This situation hinders the assertion of meritocratic motivations. The group advocates the development and implementation of a complex strategy of modernisation based on deliberate reforms, institutional changes and restructuring on the basis of strategic planning, and structural and regional policies which stress the role of cultivation of the institutional order and of the most important factors of economic growth and development.
One of the most important factors of recognition, belonging and identification in scientific communities is their specialized language: doctors, mathematicians and anthropologists feel they are part of a group with which they can interact because they share a common “language”. While ideology is present in all academic registers, it is in human sciences where its presence (or absence) leads to more visible linguistic phenomena. An interesting example is that of lesbian studies: as non-heterosexual members of society have become less stigmatized, lesbian studies have developed a language of their own. In our paper, we shall explore the mechanisms used in the creation of specific vocabulary in this academic area, paying special attention to the refashioning or deconstruction of meaning of established terms as a result of changes in social perception or the challenging of pre-determined meanings.
Using examples from contemporary policy and business discourses, and exemplary historical texts dealing with the notion of value, I put forward an argument as to why a critical scholarship that draws on media history, language analysis, philosophy and political economy is necessary to understand the dynamics of what is being called 'the global knowledge economy'. I argue that the social changes associated with new modes of value determination are closely associated with new media forms.
The most frequently told story charting the rise of mass schooling should be fairly familiar to most of us. This story normally centres around the post-enlightenment social changes of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and details how society slowly became more caring and more humane, and how we all decided that rather than simply being fodder for the mills, all children – including those from the working-classes - had the right to an education. The more civilised we became, the more we pushed back the school leaving age, until we eventually developed schools which clearly reflected the values and ambitions of the wider community. After all, are school not simply microcosms of society at large? In addition to this, the form that modern schooling takes is regarded as an unproblematic part of the same story. Of course we should organise our learning in the way we do, with the emphasis on formalised learning spaces, graded curricula, timetables of activities, various forms of assessment, and a clear hierarchy of authority. These features of the contemporary education merely reflect the fact that this is self-evidently the best system available. After all, how else could education possibly be organised?
Many studies have focused on why deliberative institutions should be established in order to develop Chinese people’s citizenry skills; however few focus on the social conditions and public sentiments that shape the development of deliberative mechanisms. Skills and awareness of citizenry is not only brought into being by deliberative institutions that are set up by the government, but evolve through interplays between technologies and social changes. As a test-bed for economic reform Guangdong is increasingly identified by translocality and hybrid culture. This is framed by identity conflict and unrests, much of which is due to soaring wealth polarisation, high volumes of population movement, cultural collisions and ongoing linguistic contestations. These unrests show the region’s transformation goes beyond the economic front. Profound changes are occurring at what anthropologists and philosophers call the changing social conciseness or moral landscape (Ci, 1994; Yan, 2010). The changing social moralities are a reflection of the awareness of individuals’ rights and responsibilities, and their interdependencies from dominant ideologies. This paper discusses Guangdong’s social and cultural characteristics, and questions how existing social conditions allow the staging of political deliberation by facilitating political engagement and the formation of public opinion. The paper will investigate the tragedy of Xiao Yueyue in Foshan, Guangdong, where ‘right’ and ‘responsibility’, ‘self’ and ‘other’ define the public sentiments of deliberation and participation.
Using examples from contemporary policy and business discourses, and exemplary historical texts dealing with the notion of value, I put forward an argument as to why a critical scholarship that draws on media history, language analysis, philosophy and political economy is necessary to understand the dynamics of what is being called 'the global knowledge economy'. I argue that the social changes associated with new modes of value determination are closely associated with new media forms.
Background: Malaria was prevalent in Finland in the 18th century. It declined slowly without deliberate counter-measures and the last indigenous case was reported in 1954. In the present analysis of indigenous malaria in Finland, an effort was made to construct a data set on annual malaria cases of maximum temporal length to be able to evaluate the significance of different factors assumed to affect malaria trends. Methods: To analyse the long-term trend malaria statistics were collected from 1750–2008. During that time, malaria frequency decreased from about 20,000 – 50,000 per 1,000,000 people to less than 1 per 1,000,000 people. To assess the cause of the decline, a correlation analysis was performed between malaria frequency per million people and temperature data, animal husbandry, consolidation of land by redistribution and household size. Results: Anopheles messeae and Anopheles beklemishevi exist only as larvae in June and most of July. The females seek an overwintering place in August. Those that overwinter together with humans may act as vectors. They have to stay in their overwintering place from September to May because of the cold climate. The temperatures between June and July determine the number of malaria cases during the following transmission season. This did not, however, have an impact on the longterm trend of malaria. The change in animal husbandry and reclamation of wetlands may also be excluded as a possible cause for the decline of malaria. The long-term social changes, such as land consolidation and decreasing household size, showed a strong correlation with the decline of Plasmodium. Conclusion: The indigenous malaria in Finland faded out evenly in the whole country during 200 years with limited or no counter-measures or medication. It appears that malaria in Finland was basically a social disease and that malaria trends were strongly linked to changes in human behaviour. Decreasing household size caused fewer interactions between families and accordingly decreasing recolonization possibilities for Plasmodium. The permanent drop of the household size was the precondition for a permanent eradication of malaria.
A presente dissertação discute o futebol como caminho para o reconhecimento social por jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade, entendida aqui pela afrodescendência, residência em favelas e a escassez de recursos financeiros. Esta vulnerabilidade pode remeter a uma invisibilidade social, que pode ser compreendida como relações sociais onde alguns sujeitos, por serem na esmagadora maioria das vezes proscritos do mundo significativo daqueles que detêm o poder, através da indiferença, e/ou por habitarem o imaginário social de forma negativa sendo estigmatizados, não têm suas capacidades e potencialidades reconhecidas e passam a ser ignorados e privados de muitas formas de interação social. Dialeticamente, no cerne destas relações, está presente a luta por reconhecimento, aqui estudada com base na Teoria Crítica e especialmente nos escritos do teórico Axel Honneth. A relação do indivíduo consigo próprio está atrelada às experiências de reconhecimento, pois ele se constitui unicamente porque aprende através do assentimento ou encorajamento de outrem a referir a si próprio determinadas características. Quando essas experiências são precárias, como ocorre nos casos de invisibilidade social, se dá uma busca, uma cobrança, uma luta pelo reconhecimento negado. Reconhecimento social que pode ser obtido através do futebol e seus desdobramentos, como a possibilidade do consumo conspícuo, da exposição midiática e de um suposto poder de mudança social. Como metodologia para compreender melhor estas questões foram analisadas produções sociais, como filmes, livros, músicas e reportagens, as quais foram consideradas sinais de uma sociedade capitalista, sociedade do espetáculo e individualista que se apresenta como meritocrática, ignorando que a disponibilidade de recursos da cultura dominante que cada sujeito possui, tem relação positiva com o sucesso pessoal. E para ilustrar o contexto histórico, social e cultural, onde jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade e muitas vezes invisíveis socialmente lutam por reconhecimento através do futebol, foram realizadas entrevistas com jovens jogadores de futebol da Vila Olímpica da Mangueira. A ascensão social e a identidade de ser um jogador de futebol são almejadas pelo desejo de obtenção de experiências de reconhecimento positivas nas três esferas do reconhecimento e que assim possam promover mudanças em suas respectivas autorrelações práticas: na dedicação emotiva, sendo mais amados por seus familiares e amigos (autoconfiança); no respeito cognitivo, obtendo cidadania que lhes é rotineiramente negada (autorrespeito); e na estima social, ao serem elogiados pela performance esportiva, ter fama e visibilidade, e exercer uma função social respeitada e digna de admiração (autoestima). Em suma, esta pesquisa busca apontar o futebol como instrumento para análise da dinâmica social e contribui por conectar o contexto esportivo ao social, visando fomentar nos profissionais que trabalham com esta população uma prática mais ampla e crítica, que possa ser capaz de ajudar a promover efetivamente mudanças sociais.
A obesidade é uma condição de saúde que representa risco para uma série de mudanças fisiológicas e sociais ao indivíduo. O aumento de sua prevalência tanto no mundo quanto na população brasileira é considerado como um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública. A obesidade é associada com múltiplos fatores, como biológicos, individuais, ambientais e sociais, e a importância dos fatores sociais vêm sendo largamente discutida. O apoio social, que possui como uma de suas definições, a percepção de recursos disponibilizados por outros indivíduos no auxílio ao enfrentamento de situações adversas é um dos fatores sociais associados com obesidade e outros desfechos de saúde. Este constructo é um fator amplamente documentado que vem se mostrando ligado a vários desfechos de saúde nos últimos trinta anos, no entanto, existe uma lacuna sobre sua relação com o índice de massa corporal. Dessa forma, o presente estudo tem como objetivo estudar avaliar a associação entre as dimensões de apoio social e o IMC em indivíduos residentes no município de Duque de Caxias. A variável desfecho foi o IMC e as variáveis independentes, as quatro dimensões do apoio social (afetiva, material, emocional/informação e de interação social positiva). O estudo foi composto por uma amostra de 1465 indivíduos, entre 20 e 59 anos de idade, oriundos de uma pesquisa transversal de base populacional, chamada Grupo de Pesquisas sobre Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em Duque de Caxias SANDUC. O IMC foi calculado a partir das aferições de peso e altura realizadas por entrevistadores treinados. O instrumento utilizado para avaliar o apoio social foi elaborado para o Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), tendo sido previamente adaptado para o português e validado para a população brasileira. O modelo estatístico utilizado foi a regressão linear múltipla e as análises foram realizadas através do programa SAS versão 9.3, levando em conta o fator de ponderação e o desenho de amostra complexa. Pouco mais da metade dos indivíduos eram do sexo feminino (54,94%) e a prevalência de obesidade em torno de 27,1% entre as mulheres (IC 95%: 22.4 31.8) e 16,0% (IC 95%: 12.4 19.7) entre os homens. Com relação ao apoio social, a média dos escores das dimensões situou-se entre 84 e 90 pontos, para as mulheres e para os homens, respectivamente. Entre os homens não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre as dimensões do apoio social e o IMC (apoio afetivo: β= -0.81 e p=0.16; apoio material: β= 0.20 e p=0.72; apoio emocional/informação: β= -0.29 e p=0.61; apoio de interação social positiva: β= -0.23 e p=0.72). Porém, entre as mulheres, tanto o apoio afetivo quanto o apoio de interação social positiva mostraram associação negativa com o IMC (apoio afetivo: β= -1.02 e p=0.04; apoio de interação social positiva: β= -1.18 e p=0.01). O presente estudo sugere que, entre as mulheres, ocorre associação inversa entre o apoio social, especificamente o apoio afetivo e o de interação social positiva, e o índice de massa corporal.
Covariation between colony social structure and immune defences of workers in the ant Formica selysi
Several ant species vary in the number of queens per colony, yet the causes and consequences of this variation remain poorly understood. In previous experiments, we found that Formica selysi workers originating from multiple-queen (=polygyne) colonies had a lower resistance to a fungal pathogen than workers originating from single-queen (=monogyne) colonies. In contrast, group diversity improved disease resistance in experimental colonies. This discrepancy between field and experimental colonies suggested that variation in social structure in the field had antagonistic effects on worker resistance, possibly through a down-regulation of the immune system balancing the positive effect of genetic diversity. Here, we examined if workers originating from field colonies with alternative social structure differed in three major components of their immune system. We found that workers from polygyne colonies had a lower bacterial growth inhibitory activity than workers from monogyne colonies. In contrast, workers from the two types of colonies did not differ significantly in bacterial cell wall lytic activity and prophenoloxidase activity. Overall, the presence of multiple queens in a colony correlated with a slight reduction in one inducible component of the immune system of individual workers. This reduced level of immune defence might explain the lower resistance of workers originating from polygyne colonies despite the positive effect of genetic diversity. More generally, these results indicate that social changes at the group level can modulate individual immune defences.
Este artigo descreve o quadro de transformações históricas do Brasil, na segunda metade do século XX, para inserir aí a questão do idoso, numa perspectiva do envelhecimento da população. Situa as mudanças sociais, a perda de poder do idoso, fruto da urbanização e da modernização, com sua estrutura de empregos que transformou o antigo chefe da família extensa no aposentado. Propõe então medidas para recuperação da dignidade dessa importante categoria sociológica, a partir da educação da nova sociedade. Sugere ainda que, para os professores de crianças e adolescentes que receiam lidar com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, talvez um bom caminho para enfrentar a complexa área dos direitos humanos seja trabalhar com seus alunos na valorização da memória do idoso, o que significa ao mesmo tempo fazê-los adquirir conhecimentos e valorizar os mais velhos, reconhecendo-os como titulares de direitos.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
The economic and social changes taking place in Russia in recent decades have implied a restructuring of the Russian society. Among other things, Russian leaders have expressed a need for the reorientation of social development. In the 1990’s, cooperation was initiated on a number of social work and social welfare projects with international support, a process further speeded up during President Jeltsin’s state visit to Sweden in 1997. Discussions between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Russian authorities dealing with welfare issues started from the assumption that Russian professional social work was weak and needed to be strengthened. In the 1990's Sida was also given a stronger general mandate to work with other former Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, for example the Baltic States. The Russian-Swedish discussions resulted in projects aiming to raise social work competencies in public authorities, managements and among social workers in Russia. One of the areas chosen for these projects was Saint Petersburg, where several projects aiming to develop new models for social work were launched. The point of departure has been to transfer and adjust Swedish models of social work to the Russian context. The Stockholm University Department of Social Work became responsible for a number of such projects and besides using academic teachers also involved a number of practitioners, such as social workers in disablement services and reformatory staff who could meet and match Russian authorities and partners.
This dissertation develops and tests through path analysis a theoretical model to explain how socioeconomic, socioenvironmental, and biologic risk factors simultaneously influence each other to further produce short-term, depressed growth in preschoolers. Three areas of risk factors were identified: child's proximal environment, maturational stage, and biological vulnerability. The theoretical model represented both the conceptual framework and the nature and direction of the hypotheses. Original research completed in 1978-80 and in 1982 provided the background data. It was analyzed first by nested-analysis of variance, followed by path analysis. The study provided evidence of mild iron deficiency and gastrointestinal symptomatology in the etiology of depressed, short-term weight gain. Also, there was evidence suggesting that family resources for material and social survival significantly contribute to the variability of short-term, age-adjusted growth velocity. These results challenge current views of unifocal intervention, whether for prevention or control. For policy formulations, though, the mechanisms underlying any set of interlaced relationships must be decoded. Theoretical formulations here proposed should be reassessed under a more extensive research design. It is suggested that studies should be undertaken where social changes are actually in progress; otherwise, nutritional epidemiology in developing countries operates somewhere between social reality and research concepts, with little grasp of its real potential. The study stresses that there is a connection between substantive theory, empirical observation, and policy issues. ^
The world is changing rapidly. People today face numerous challenges in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life. In many countries, there are enormous systemic barriers to address, such as: massive unemployment, HIV/AIDS, social disintegration, and inadequate infrastructure. One job for life is over. For many it never existed. Old metaphors and old models of career development no longer apply. New ways of thinking about careers are necessary, that take into account the context in which people are living, the reality of today's labour market, and the fact people's career-life journey contains many branching paths, barriers, and obstacles, but also allies and sources of assistance. Flexibility is important, as is keeping options open and making sure the journey is meaningful. Guidance professionals need to begin early, working with other professionals and those seeking assistance to develop attitudes that facilitate people taking charge of their own career-life paths. People need a vision for their life that will drive a purposeful approach to career-life planning and avoid floundering. Helping people achieve that direction can be most effectively accomplished when policy makers and practitioners work together to ensure that effective and accessible services are available for those who need them and when a large part of focus in on addressing the context in which marginalized people work and live.