955 resultados para social aspect


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Self-regulation has recently become an important topic in cognitive and developmental domain. According to previous theories and experimental studies, it is shown that self-regulation consist of both a personality (or social) aspect and a behavioral cognitive aspect of psychology. Self-regulation can be divided into self-regulation personality and self-regulation ability. In the present study researches have been carried out from two perspectives: child development and individual differences. We are eager to explore the characteristics of self-regulation in terms of human cognitive development. In the present study, we chose two groups of early adolescences one with high intelligence and the other with normal intelligence. In Study One Questionnaires were used to compare whether the highly intelligent group had had better self-regulation personality than the normal group. In Study Two experimental psychology tasks were used to compare whether highly intelligent children had had better self-regulation cognitive abilities than their normal peers. Finally, in Study Three we combined the results of Study One and Study Two to further explore the neural mechanisms for highly intelligent children with respect to their good self-regulation abilities. Some main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) Questionnaire results showed that highly intelligent children had better self-regulation personalities, and they got higher scores on the personalities related to self-regulation such as, self-reliance, stability, rule-consciousness. They also got higher scores on self-consciousness which meant that they could know their own self better than the normal children. (2) Among the three levels of cognitive difficulties in self-regulation abilities, the highly intelligent children had faster reaction speed than normal children in the primary self-regulation tasks. In the intermediate self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children’s inhibition processing and executive processing were both better than their normal peers. In the advanced self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children again had faster reaction speed and more reaction accuracy than their normal peers when facing with conflict and inconsistency experimental conditions,. Regression model’s results showed that primary and advanced self-regulation abilites had larger predictive power than intermediate self-regualation ability. (3) Our neural experiments showed that highly intelligent children had more efficient neural automatic processing ability than normal children. They also had better, faster and larger neural reaction to novel stimuli under pre-attentional condition which made good and firm neural basis for self-regualation. Highly intelligent children had more mature frontal lobe and pariental functions for inhibition processing and executive processing. P3 component in ERP was closely related to executive processing which mainly activated pariental function. There were two time-periods for inhibition processing—first it was the pariental function and later it was the coordination function of frontal and pariental lobes. While conflict control task had pariental N2 and frontal-pariental P3 neural sources, highly intelligent children had much smaller N2 and shorter P3 latency than normal children. Inconsistency conditions induced larger N2 than conditions without inconsistency, and conditions without inconsistency (or Conflict) induced higher P3 amplitudes than with Inconsistency (or Conflict) conditions. In conclusion, the healthy development of self-regulation was very important for children’s personality and cognition maturity, and self-regulation had its own specific characteristics in ways of presentation and ways of development. Better understanding of self-regulation can further help the exploration of the nature of human intelligence and consciousness.


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Ce travail s'intéresse à la problématique du suicide à partir de l'émergence en Suisse, vers la fin des années '90, de la prévention du suicide comme préoccupation sociale et politique. Au début, ce sont les milieux associatifs qui ont soulevé à cette question en percevant le suicide comme le reflet d'une souffrance d'origine sociale. Par la suite, la prévention du suicide est progressivement devenue une problématique de santé publique appréhendée essentiellement sous le registre médical comme étant le symptôme d'une pathologie psychiatrique. Après une première partie consacrée aux processus sociopolitiques et aux transformations morales touchant le suicide et sa prévention, ce travail approfondit, au travers d'un terrain ethnographique, la prise en charge des personnes présentant des problématiques suicidaires au sein d'un service d'urgences psychiatriques.Malgré une approche se voulant biopsychosociale, l'analyse des discours et des pratiques soignantes montre que la dimension sociale est largement négligée, conduisant à une médicalisation de situations de détresse qui sont principalement de nature sociale. En effet, parmi la population qui fréquente le service, on observe une surreprésentation de personnes issues des classes sociales défavorisées présentant souvent des trajectoires biographiques particulièrement difficiles. Au fil des entretiens avec les patients émerge une analyse voyant la souffrance psychique et la prise en charge psychiatrique comme étant aujourd'hui une manière d'obtenir une reconnaissance sociale et symbolique. Les problématiques suicidaires peuvent ainsi être interprétées comme une forme d'expression, un langage au travers duquel s'exprime la position sociale défavorisée.En adoptant une posture militante construite à partir de la réalité ethnographique, les problématiques suicidaires sont analysées comme l'expression d'une condition d'oppression liée à un cadre social et économique de plus en plus contraignant, à des rapports de pouvoir inégaux ainsi qu'à une lecture individualisante, médicalisante et pathologisante des problèmes sociaux.The present thesis discusses suicide prevention in Switzerland, which emerged as a social and political issue at the end of the '90s. At first, this question was taken up by associations considering suicide as a reflection of social suffering. Thereafter, suicide prevention gradually became a public health matter conceived with a medical approach as a symptom of a psychiatric disease. The first part of this work analyzes the sociopolitical process and moral transformations concerning suicide and its prevention. The second part is based on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a psychiatric emergency unit that attends people who have tried to attempt their life or consider doing it. Through the analysis of discourses and practices of the medical staff, this research shows that the social aspect of suicide is widely neglected, leading to a medicalization of social problems. In fact, amongst patients attending the emergency unit, there is an over-­-representation of people from disadvantaged classes having very difficult life stories. Interviews with patients also revealed that psychic suffering and psychiatric treatment is nowadays a way to get social and symbolical recognition. Suicidal problems can be understood as a language expressing a disadvantaged social position. By adopting a militant position constructed from the ethnographic reality, suicide is analyzed as the expression of an oppressed condition related to a more and more restricted social and economic situation, to unequal power relations as well as to an individualistic, medical and pathological interpretation of social problems.


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Le recueil de brèves théâtrales "Les Journées nationales" rassemble trois courtes pièces ("La Journée nationale du pardon", "La Journée nationale de la lutte contre l’embonpoint" et "La Journée nationale de la frivolité") qui reposent sur une prémisse commune, en apparence farfelue : l'obligation de célébrer un quelconque impératif social dicté par la majorité. À travers un humour parfois noir, "Les Journées nationales" se présentent comme de courtes satires sociales qui, en judiciarisant une conduite morale implicitement imposée, entreprennent de disséquer et de décomposer les normes sociales et les valeurs généralement admises afin d’en souligner les incohérences. "Quand les huissiers se saisissent de la scène : l’absurde bureaucratique dans le théâtre contemporain" est un essai qui vise à analyser les procédés et à identifier les enjeux à l’œuvre dans les pièces de théâtre de l’absurde bureaucratique. Cette expression désigne des œuvres dramatiques qui, à travers un comique de décalage, une utilisation ludique et créative du jargon bureaucratique et une importance accordée au référent social du lieu et des personnages, expriment la terreur ressentie par leurs auteurs à l’endroit de l’institutionnalisation des relations humaines. À l’aide de quatre pièces principales ("Le Professeur Taranne" d’Arthur Adamov, "Les Travaux et les Jours" de Michel Vinaver, "Quelques conseils utiles aux élèves huissiers" de Lydie Salvayre et "États financiers" de Normand Chaurette), d’études sur le théâtre de l’absurde (Esslin, Hubert) de même que d’ouvrages de sociocritique (Duchet) et de sociologie (Crozier et Friedberg, Le Breton), il sera démontré qu’en exprimant une tension constante entre l’intime et le professionnel, l’absurde bureaucratique laisse aussi entrevoir la persistance du pouvoir et de la responsabilité individuels au sein des organisations sociales.


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La inversión extranjera directa en Colombia es un asunto que particularmente desde 1990 ha venido tomando fuerza y que a su vez genera múltiples cuestiones. Para abordar el impacto que la IED ha tenido en Colombia se hace necesario hacer un acercamiento teórico para comprender el concepto, pasando por el estudio del caso latinoamericano para después seleccionar los principales sectores de la economía colombiana y en los cuales la IED ha jugado un rol destacado, como es el caso del sector financiero, la industria manufacturera, el sector de electricidad, gas y agua, el sector de transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones y el sector petróleo. Con ello en mente será posible establecer y medir el impacto económico de la IED, tomando como principal indicador la correlación entre la IED y PIB por sector y otros aspectos como el impacto en el empleo y la transferencia de conocimiento y tecnología. Igualmente es necesario abordar la perspectiva del inversionista y los riesgos y beneficios que corre al invertir en Colombia, esto permitirá ampliar el campo de análisis y establecer otras relaciones e impactos conexos de la IED en los aspectos sociales y culturales del país. Gracias a estos análisis será posible emitir un juicio de valor sustentado en un análisis científico detallado sobre el verdadero impacto de la IED y extendiéndose más allá del campo económico.


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Purpose Adolescents' physical activity levels during school break time are low and understanding correlates of physical activity and sedentary time in this context is important. This study investigated cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between a range of individual, behavioural, social and policy/organisational correlates and objectively measured school break time physical activity and sedentary time.

Methods In 2006, 146 adolescents (50% males; mean age = 14.1±0.6 years) completed a questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for ≥3 school days. Time spent engaged in sedentary, light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during school break times (recess and lunchtime) were calculated using existing cut-points. Measures were repeated in 2008 among 111 adolescents. Multilevel models examined cross-sectional and longitudinal associations.

Results Bringing in equipment was cross-sectionally associated with 3.2% more MVPA during break times. Females engaged in 5.1% more sedentary time than males, whilst older adolescents engaged in less MVPA than younger adolescents. Few longitudinal associations were observed. Adolescents who brought sports equipment to school engaged in 7.2% less LPA during break times two years later compared to those who did not bring equipment to school.

Conclusion These data suggest that providing equipment and reducing restrictions on bringing in sports equipment to school may promote physical activity during school recess. Strategies targeting females' and older adolescents', in particular, are warranted.


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A dissertação aqui apresentada versa sobre uma temática nova, quer vista sob a ótica do nascimento do fato sociológico analisado - O Sindicalismo e a Administração Pública quer se considere a quase inexistência de fontes nas quais se possa abeberar, para que fosse possível estabelecer o fio condutor no desenvolvimento do tema. A temática foi analisada em dois planos: primeiro, fêz-se uma apreciação crítica da história do associativismo no Brasil, em sua simbiose com o aspecto social, com o lado econômico e com o lastro jurídico, ao ser analisado o caminho percorrido desde o primeiro clarão do Brasil até os dias presentes. Em segundo estágio, perquiriu-se a questão sindical, no que diz respeito à sua etiologia, o seu despertar mais consciente na década de 80 do nosso século, perpassando pela criação das Centrais Sindicais, ao serem detectados os desvios ideológicos, as contradições, a sua fisiologia em função de sua organização, ideário e ação na direção do que se propõem em nome de seus afiliados. Com efeito, o núcleo do trabalho se cinge à arregimentação do corpo de funcionários públicos com vistas a um eficaz - hoje, ainda muito incipiente - congraçamento, ao se deparar com uma forte resistência institucional, de vez que só a partir da Constituição de 1988, é que se abriu caminho para o direito de associação sindical a esse estamento dos agentes públicos. As disfunções são, aí, analisadas em relação ao despreparo dos Recursos Humanos no exercício de liderança e em confronto com a estrutura institucional anacrônica e de feitio autoritário, para fazer valer, de forma eficaz e efetiva, um bom desempenho da ação sindical, que se deseja genuína, autônoma e autógena, em função dos interesses de classe e a ter em vista a excelência dos serviços públicos; o fenômeno estudado, inversamente, mostra o processamento de uma luta sindical radicada em estrutura antidemocrática, em que o Estado financia os sindicatos e todo o aparelhamento sindical vertical, via contribuição sindical e a considerar que esse lastro sustentador da luta sindical é decalque de uma época de predominância de valores chauvinistas, exaltados no Brasil - e em outros países -, nas décadas de 30 e 40. Ainda foi feito um estudo comparativo com três modelos de sindicalismo, quais sejam: o francês, o alemão e o português. Os dois primeiros por razões de se constituirem em paradigmas de países centrais, tendo em vista que: (1) a França é modelo inspirador das instituições ocidentais, em sede político-jurídico-social, haja vista a sua História prenhe de fatos solapadores do statu quo ante; e (2) a Alemanha, por ter uma classe eficazmente institucionalizada de agentes públicos, tendo tradição araigada desde a burocracia prussiana, o que dá o toque de elevado profissionalismo a esses agentes públicos, os quais contam com uma agremiação sindical que guarda independência com relação ao movimento sindical do trabalhador privado, este, também consolidado em poderosa organização sindical naquele país. Portugal aparece no trabalho como o ascendente cultural do Brasil, o que implica em ser mostrado o nascedouro sindical desse país, dentro do clima cultural em que viveu e vive a península lusitana, e com isso se tenta elucidar o estágio de seu sindicalismo, as suas disfunções e auto funções , as suas semelhanças com o modelo brasileiro, as suas inclinações e natureza. As conclusões aferidas registram alguns aspectos relevantes: 1º) o Brasil nasceu de uma Administração centralizadora, marcada por uma máquina administrativa ineficaz, ineficiente, com a marca do Estato-império e sem a presença da construção concomitante de uma nação que é retardatária no assentar a viga da cidadania, o que levou a delongar a formação dos anseios e do espírito genuinamente autóctones. A repressão ao desenvolvimento das letras foi um entrave à criação de um espírito de povo, com a variante de ser uma maioria inculta, massacrantemente iletrada, em meio a uma pirâmide social em que se registrava apenas uma base desmesurada e um vértice acanhado, sem ter de permeio outras classes sociais que pudessem ser ou vir a ser estratificadas. Na esteira desses elementos, concluiu-se que: 2º) o movimento associativo é uma realidade incipiente e adormecido durante séculos, o que desbordou em uma apatia que só hoje começa a ser sacudida, através dos movimentos associativistas e sindical, este último nascido no meio das fábricas e estendido a algumas capitais de maior relevância política ou de maior peso econômico. o aspecto de maior magnitude para o trabalho foi a sinalização aberta aos servidores públicos para que se sindicalizassem, do que decorreu a conclusão de que essa ação precisa ser tangenciada e carreada a ser um movimento mais autenticamente ligado aos interesses da classe, pois por desvirtuamento contingencial em face da iniciante pouca expressão e inexperiência desse estamento, a ação sindical desses servidores sempre esteve à ilharga do movimento sindical do trabalhador privado, o qual tem outra linha de ação direcionada a interesses mais ligados ao conflito trabalho vs. capital, interesses esses que não se coadunam e nem se identificam com as aspirações e necessidades do funcionalismo público, mesmo que, muitas vezes, a questão do conflito desses agentes tenha uma interface no conjunto da pauta de reivindicação dos trabalhadores privados, ou seja, a questão salarial. O imperativo maior - e esta é a base da recomendação mais substancial - é conduzir a ação dos agentes públicos de forma heterodoxa na direção de se independentizar o movimento sindical desses agentes, a ser impulsionado pelas suas peculiaridades e por sua essencialidade ditada pela sua ontologia de servidores da coisa pública e tendo o público como sua clientela. Este é, em síntese, o caminho aqui trilhado.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de cortadores de cana-de-açúcar. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal em uma usina sucroalcooleira no Oeste do estado de São Paulo de abril (final da entressafra) a outubro (final da safra) de 2010. Foram avaliados 44 cortadores de cana-de-açúcar tabagistas e não tabagistas em três períodos: ao final da entressafra, no fim do terceiro mês de safra e no final da safra. A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi avaliada pelo questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Foram realizados análise de variância para medidas repetidas e teste de Friedman para comparar a qualidade de vida entre os períodos. Utilizou-se o teste de Goodman para identificar a frequência dos trabalhadores cujo escore aumentou nos períodos de safra em comparação com a entressafra (respondedores positivos), considerando-se as variáveis qualitativas dos domínios do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Ao final da entressafra, 23% dos trabalhadores desistiram do trabalho; 27% eram tabagistas. Houve decréscimo significativo no domínio vitalidade no final da safra em comparação com a entressafra. Os desistentes apresentaram maior escore no domínio aspecto social em relação ao grupo que permaneceu no trabalho. Não houve diferença na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde entre tabagistas e não tabagistas. No entanto, observou-se maior percentual de respondedores positivos entre não tabagistas nos domínios aspecto físico, social e emocional nos três meses de safra e nos domínios estado geral de saúde e aspecto social nos seis meses de safra, quando comparados aos tabagistas. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em cortadores de cana-de-açúcar mostrou-se diminuída após o período de safra no domínio vitalidade. Os trabalhadores que permaneceram na safra são os que apresentaram piores aspectos sociais, o que mostra a necessidade de promoção de políticas assistencialistas de saúde a essa população específica, principalmente durante a safra canavieira.


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This paper has as its main focus the relation between the infringement act and the adolescents families social economical problematic, who obey the social educational deprivation of freedom at CEDUC in the district of Pitimbu RN, establishing in the theme Children and Adolescents, with the objective of showing how these families breed in the social economical and cultural political aspect. It also seizes who those adolescents are and their family members in their social aspect and as those families face their daily activities. The focus on the social matter, family, adolescent, infringement act, exclusion, inclusion formed the analysis categories which made myths and reality possible, taking into consideration the infringement act in our society. The data collection showed that those families conditions of life are of poverty. Families originated from low social classes, 62.5 % coming from the countryside and living with a daily income ranging from R$ 0,31 to R$ 8,31. Their level of education is low; there is lack of human and citizenship rights and no professional qualification whatsoever. It questions the degrading social exclusion suffered by millions of Brazilian people due to social, political and infringement economical problems. Has this favored the infringement practice? How to confirm the families lack of competence having the social vulnerability? Are the Public Political Institutions really performing the way they should? Are they really carrying out their role as they should? We have noticed that from then on, the necessity of understanding the exclusion/inclusion suffered not only in an imprecise and empty way, but understood as processes of integrative exclusion or ways of delinquency, where the excluding is not only the only one who has lack of material care but the one who is seen or recognized as a person, is not being treated as one. The effort of this paper provided an approach to our object, and the seizing of a close relation between the infringement act and the exclusion process or inclusion suffered, which are submitted to families of those adolescents who deprive of freedom


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This study was carried out to evaluate the working procedures of the mental health at the medical and administrative team at the mental health outpatient unit in Botucatu, attempting to understand its previous and social characteristics in relation to psychiatry, health and Brazilian society. The objective of this study was to analyze the activities being used and the professional inter-relationship of the team. It tried to identify the main factors that controlled the actions, the social needs are attended to. Direct observation and interviews focused on the patients and workers were the methods used. The results were reviewed in the lights of the concepts of 'work technological organization' and 'working process' which enabled the identification of the units of work at the center. After all, it was noticed that there were two distinct trends of work organization: one of them aimed at individual treatment by medical staff and the other aimed at group treatment by non-medical staff.


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There are a large number of institutions, proposals and publications in the field of disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances. There is no corresponding progress in results obtained in clinical treatments. Concepts and appropriate points of view are indispensable. The vision of the world drug addicts is not only determined by the biochemical effects of intoxication, but also by the experience they go through, by their own way of living. By accepting such postulate, we may conceptualize the problem, thus benefiting research studies and more efficient treatments. Preventing intoxication, upon the onset of dependence, depends on educational, social, legal and other measures, which can neither be studied nor practiced by medicine.


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To quantify psychoactive drug use and investigate use-related variables among students of Assis, Brazil, a questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic data and identify the pattern of non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in 20% of public and private school students. The largest consumption indexes for lifetime use were seen for alcohol (68.9%) and tobacco (22.7%). Drugs most often used were: solvents (10.0%); marijuana (6.6%); benzodiazepines (3.8%); amphetamines (2.6%); cocaine (1.6%); and anticholinergics (1.0%).