986 resultados para slippage of wheels


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Translation in part of Cours de mathematique.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The tire inflation pressure, among other factors, determines the efficiency in which a tractor can exert traction. It was studied the effect of using two tire inflation pressures, 110.4 kPa in the front and rear wheels, 124.2 kPa in the front wheel and 138 kPa in the rear wheels, the energetic efficiency of an agricultural tractor of 147 kW of engine power, in the displacement speed of 6.0 km.h-1, on track with firm surface, with the tractor engine speed of 2000 rpm. For each condition of the tire pressure, the tested tractor was subjected to constant forces in the drawbar of 45 kN and 50 kN, covering 30 meters. It was used a randomized complete block with a 2x2 factorial arrangement (tire pressure and drawbar power) with four replications, totaling 16 experimental units. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, using the Tukey test at 5% probability for comparison averages. The lowest hourly and specific fuel consumption, the lowest slippage of the wheelsets and the highest efficiency in the drawbar was obtained with the tire inflation pressure of 110.4 kPa in the front and rear tires of the tractor, highlighting that lower pressures improve energetic and operational performance of the tractor.


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This study focuses on the effectiveness of resilient wheels in reducing railway noise and vibrations, and compares the effectiveness of three types of wheels. The finite elements method has been used to characterise the vibratory behaviour of these wheels. The model has been excited with a realistic spectrum of vertical track irregularities, and a spectral analysis has been carried out. Results have been post-processed in order to estimate the sound power emitted. These calculations have been used to assess the effectiveness of the resilient wheel designs in reducing noise emitted to the environment and in propagating structural vibrations.


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Insulated rail joints (IRJs) possess lower bending stiffness across the gap containing insulating endpost and hence are subjected to wheel impact. IRJs are either square cut or inclined cut to the longitudinal axis of the rails in a vertical plane. It is generally claimed that the inclined cut IRJs outperformed the square cut IRJs; however, there is a paucity of literature with regard to the relative structural merits of these two designs. This article presents comparative studies of the structural response of these two IRJs to the passage of wheels based on continuously acquired field data from joints strain-gauged closer to the source of impact. Strain signatures are presented in time, frequency, and avelet domains and the peak vertical and shear strains are systematically employed to examine the relative structural merits of the two IRJs subjected to similar real-life loading. It is shown that the inclined IRJs resist the wheel load with higher peak shear strains and lower peak vertical strains than that of the square IRJs.


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Proper functioning of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) is essential for the safe operation of the railway signalling systems and broken rail identification circuitries. The Conventional IRJ (CIRJ) resembles structural butt joints consisting of two pieces of rails connected together through two joint bars on either side of their web and the assembly is held together through pre-tensioned bolts. As the IRJs should maintain electrical insulation between the two rails, a gap between the rail ends must be retained at all times and all metal contacting surfaces should be electrically isolated from each other using non-conductive material. At the gap, the rail ends lose longitudinal continuity and hence the vertical sections of the rail ends are often severely damaged, especially at the railhead, due to the passage of wheels compared to other continuously welded rail sections. Fundamentally, the reason for the severe damage can be related to the singularities of the wheel-rail contact pressure and the railhead stress. No new generation designs that have emerged in the market to date have focussed on this fundamental; they only have provided attention to either the higher strength materials or the thickness of the sections of various components of the IRJs. In this thesis a novel method of shape optimisation of the railhead is developed to eliminate the pressure and stress singularities through changes to the original sharp corner shaped railhead into an arc profile in the longitudinal direction. The optimal shape of the longitudinal railhead profile has been determined using three nongradient methods in search of accuracy and efficiency: (1) Grid Search Method; (2) Genetic Algorithm Method and (3) Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Method. All these methods have been coupled with a parametric finite element formulation for the evaluation of the objective function for each iteration or generation depending on the search algorithm employed. The optimal shape derived from these optimisation methods is termed as Stress Minimised Railhead (SMRH) in this thesis. This optimal SMRH design has exhibited significantly reduced stress concentration that remains well below the yield strength of the head hardened rail steels and has shifted the stress concentration location away from the critical zone of the railhead end. The reduction in the magnitude and the relocation of the stress concentration in the SMRH design has been validated through a full scale wheel – railhead interaction test rig; Railhead strains under the loaded wheels have been recorded using a non-contact digital image correlation method. Experimental study has confirmed the accuracy of the numerical predications. Although the SMRH shaped IRJs eliminate stress singularities, they can still fail due to joint bar or bolt hole cracking; therefore, another conceptual design, termed as Embedded IRJ (EIRJ) in this thesis, with no joint bars and pre-tensioned bolts has been developed using a multi-objective optimisation formulation based on the coupled genetic algorithm – parametric finite element method. To achieve the required structural stiffness for the safe passage of the loaded wheels, the rails were embedded into the concrete of the post tensioned sleepers; the optimal solutions for the design of the EIRJ is shown to simplify the design through the elimination of the complex interactions and failure modes of the various structural components of the CIRJ. The practical applicability of the optimal shapes SMRH and EIRJ is demonstrated through two illustrative examples, termed as improved designs (IMD1 & IMD2) in this thesis; IMD1 is a combination of the CIRJ and the SMRH designs, whilst IMD2 is a combination of the EIRJ and SMRH designs. These two improved designs have been simulated for two key operating (speed and wagon load) and design (wheel diameter) parameters that affect the wheel-rail contact; the effect of these parameters has been found to be negligible to the performance of the two improved designs and the improved designs are in turn found far superior to the current designs of the CIRJs in terms of stress singularities and deformation under the passage of the loaded wheels. Therefore, these improved designs are expected to provide longer service life in relation to the CIRJs.


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Railhead is perhaps the highest stressed civil infrastructure due to the passage of heavily loaded wheels through a very small contact patch. The stresses at the contact patch cause yielding of the railhead material and wear. Many theories exist for the prediction of these mechanisms of continuous rails; this process in the discontinuous rails is relatively sparingly researched. Discontinuous railhead edges fail due to accumulating excessive plastic strains. Significant safety concern is widely reported as these edges form part of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) in the signalling track circuitry. Since Hertzian contact is not valid at a discontinuous edge, 3D finite element (3DFE) models of wheel contact at a railhead edge have been used in this research. Elastic–plastic material properties of the head hardened rail steel have been experimentally determined through uniaxial monotonic tension tests and incorporated into a FE model of a cylindrical specimen subject to cyclic tension load- ing. The parameters required for the Chaboche kinematic hardening model have been determined from the stabilised hysteresis loops of the cyclic load simulation and imple- mented into the 3DFE model. The 3DFE predictions of the plastic strain accumulation in the vicinity of the wheel contact at discontinuous railhead edges are shown to be affected by the contact due to passage of wheels rather than the magnitude of the loads the wheels carry. Therefore to eliminate this failure mechanism, modification to the contact patch is essential; reduction in wheel load cannot solve this problem.


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Synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering was used to study the deformation mechanism of high-density polyethylene that was stretched beyond the natural draw ratio. New insight into the cooperative deformational behavior being mediated via slippage of micro-fibrils was gained. The scattering data confirm on the one hand the model proposed by Peterlin on the static structure of oriented polyethylene being composed of oriented fibrils, which are built by bundles of micro-fibrils. On the other hand it was found that deformation is mediated by the slippage of the micro-fibrils and not the slippage of the fibrils. In the micro-fibrils, the polymer chains are highly oriented both in the crystalline and in the amorphous regions. When stretching beyond the natural draw ratio mainly slippage of micro-fibrils past each other takes place. The thickness of the interlamellar amorphous layers increases only slightly. The coupling force between micro-fibrils increases during stretching due to inter-microfibrillar polymer segments being stretched taut thus increasingly impeding further sliding of the micro-fibrils leading finally to slippage of the fibrils.


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Sismos recentes comprovam a elevada vulnerabilidade dos edifícios existentes de betão armado. A resposta das estruturas aos sismos é fortemente condicionada pelas características da aderência aço-betão, que exibe degradação das propriedades iniciais quando sujeitas a carregamentos cíclicos e alternados. Este fenómeno é ainda mais gravoso para elementos com armadura lisa, predominantes na maioria das estruturas construídas até à década de 70 nos países do sul da Europa. A prática corrente de conceção, dimensionamento e pormenorização das estruturas antigas leva a que tenham características de comportamento e níveis de segurança associados não compatíveis com as exigências atuais. Os estudos realizados sobre o comportamento cíclico de elementos estruturais de betão armado com armadura lisa são ainda insuficientes para a completa caracterização deste tipo de elementos. Esta tese visou a caraterização da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento para elementos estruturais com armadura lisa e o estudo da resposta cíclica de pilares e nós viga-pilar de betão armado com armadura lisa. Foram realizados dez séries de ensaios de arrancamento (nove monotónicos e um cíclico) em provetes com varões lisos. Os resultados destes ensaios permitiram propor novas expressões empíricas para a estimativa dos parâmetros usados num modelo disponível na literatura para representação da relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento. É ainda proposto um novo modelo monotónico para a relação tensão de aderência versus escorregamento que representa melhor a resposta após a resistência máxima de aderência. Uma campanha de ensaios unidirecionais em pilares e nós viga-pilar foi também realizada com o objetivo principal de caracterizar o comportamento cíclico deste tipo de elementos. No total foram realizados oito ensaios em pilares, sete ensaios em nós viga-pilar interiores e seis ensaios em nós viga-pilar exteriores representativos de estruturas antigas de betão armado com armadura lisa. Os resultados experimentais permitiram avaliar a influência do escorregamento e estudar o mecanismo de corte em nós e a evolução dos danos para elementos com armadura lisa. Com base nos resultados experimentais foi proposta uma adaptação na expressão do Eurocódigo 8-3 para o cálculo da capacidade última de rotação de elementos com armadura lisa. Foi também desenvolvido um estudo paramétrico, com diferentes estratégias de modelação não linear, para a simulação da resposta de pilares considerando o escorregamento da armadura lisa. Por último, foi proposto um novo modelo simplificado trilinear para o aço que contempla o efeito do escorregamento da armadura lisa.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels is not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Finally it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This paper describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels are not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Also it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. Further if this platform is to be part of a swarm of like platforms then it must be cost effective and relatively small. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This article describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics. Whilst the robotic platform performs well, to explore what many of them would do, that is more than are available, simulation is required. This article continues to study how best to simulate these robots for a swarm, or system of systems, approach.


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The enriched environment (EE) is a promoter of physical activity, by its characteristics such as ample room for movement and exploration, presence of wheels, tunnels and toys. The maintenance of animals in enriched environment can bring a range of benefits, but the majority of the researches investigate cognitive parameters and changes related to the nervous system. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the maintenance of aged rats in enriched cages on biochemical and metric parameters. Wistar rats were randomly distributed (n=6) into two groups during 6 weeks: control (C) in a conventional cage and enriched environment (EE). The body mass were recorded weekly and the body length at the end of the study. After euthanasia, blood was collected for analysis of glucose, triglycerides and the brain was collected for analysis of mass. The EE group had higher brain mass and lower gain of body weight compared to control group. The control group animals had normal values of blood glucose and triglyceride levels, and the maintenance in an EE did not promote changes in these parameters. Therefore, it can be concluded that the EE group increases brain mass and reduces the gain of body weight without changing the blood glucose and triglycerides in aged animals.


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Suture materials in orthopaedic surgery are used for closure of wounds, repair of fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, and cerclage or tension band of certain fractures. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of eleven commonly used sutures in orthopaedic surgery. Three types of braided non-absorbable and one type of braided absorbable suture material with different calibers (n=77) underwent biomechanical testing for maximum load to failure, strain, and stiffness. All samples were tied by one surgeon with a single SMC (Seoul Medical Center) knot and three square knots. The maximum load to failure and strain were highest for #5 FiberWire and lowest for #0 Ethibond Excel (p<0.001). The stiffness was highest for #5 FiberWire and lowest for #2-0 Vicryl (p<0.001). In all samples, the failure of the suture material occurred at the knot There was no slippage of the knot in any of the samples tested. This data will assist the orthopaedic surgeon in selection and application of appropriate suture materials and calibers to specific tasks.