975 resultados para skin surface
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Hipotermia inadvertida no perioperatório é freqüente durante anestesia subaracnóidea e após a administração de midazolam. O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do aquecimento da pele no intra-operatório, associado ou não ao aquecimento da pele durante o período de 45 minutos no pré-operatório, na prevenção de hipotermia intra- e pós-operatória determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes com medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam. TIPO DE ETUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo e aleatório, realizado no Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Botucatu, SP. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em 30 pacientes com estado físico ASA (da Sociedade Norte-americana de Anestesiologistas) I e II submetidos à cirurgia eletiva do abdômen. Como medicação pré-anestésica, utilizou-se o midazolam, 7,5 mg via intramuscular (IM) e anestesia subaracnóidea padrão. em 10 pacientes (Gcontrole) utilizou-se isolamento térmico passivo; 10 pacientes (Gpré+intra) foram submetidos a aquecimento ativo no pré- e intra-operatório; e 10 pacientes (Gintra) foram aquecidos ativamente somente no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Após 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório, os pacientes do Gpré+intra apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada em relação aos dos grupos não aquecidos antes da anestesia (p < 0,05) mas não no início da cirurgia (p > 0,05). Os pacientes que receberam aquecimento no intra-operatório apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada no final da cirurgia em relação aos de Gcontrole (p < 0,05). Todos os pacientes estavam hipotérmicos na admissão da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (temperatura central < 36º C). CONCLUSÕES: 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório combinado com aquecimento no intra- operatório não evita, mas minimiza a ocorrência de hipotermia determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes que receberam midazolam como medicação pré-anestésica.
Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and in offering good conditions to early tracheal extubation. Design: Prospective, randomized, blind study. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patients: 30 ASA physical status I and II female patients scheduled for elective abdominal surgery. Interventions: Patients received standard general anesthesia. In 10 patients, no special precautions were taken to avoid hypothermia. Ten patients were submitted to preoperative and intraoperative active warming. Ten patients were only warmed intraoperatively. Measurements and Main Results: Temperatures were recorded at 15-minute intervals. The patients who were warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively had core temperatures significantly more elevated than the other patients during the first two hours of anesthesia. All patients warmed intraoperatively were normothermic only at the end of the surgery. The majority of the patients warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively or intraoperatively only were extubated early, and none had shivering. In contrast, five unwarmed patients shivered. Conclusions: One hour of preoperative warning combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming, not simply intraoperative warming alone, avoided hypothermia caused by general anesthesia during the first two hours of surgery. Both methods prevented postoperative hypothermia and shivering and offered good conditions for early tracheal extubation. © 2003 by Elsevier B.V.
During the last few years, several methods have been proposed in order to study and to evaluate characteristic properties of the human skin by using non-invasive approaches. Mostly, these methods cover aspects related to either dermatology, to analyze skin physiology and to evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments in skin diseases, or dermocosmetics and cosmetic science to evaluate, for example, the effectiveness of anti-aging treatments. To these purposes a routine approach must be followed. Although very accurate and high resolution measurements can be achieved by using conventional methods, such as optical or mechanical profilometry for example, their use is quite limited primarily to the high cost of the instrumentation required, which in turn is usually cumbersome, highlighting some of the limitations for a routine based analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of a noninvasive skin characterization system based on the analysis of capacitive images of the skin surface. The system relies on a CMOS portable capacitive device which gives 50 micron/pixel resolution capacitance map of the skin micro-relief. In order to extract characteristic features of the skin topography, image analysis techniques, such as watershed segmentation and wavelet analysis, have been used to detect the main structures of interest: wrinkles and plateau of the typical micro-relief pattern. In order to validate the method, the features extracted from a dataset of skin capacitive images acquired during dermatological examinations of a healthy group of volunteers have been compared with the age of the subjects involved, showing good correlation with the skin ageing effect. Detailed analysis of the output of the capacitive sensor compared with optical profilometry of silicone replica of the same skin area has revealed potentiality and some limitations of this technology. Also, applications to follow-up studies, as needed to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of treatments in a routine manner, are discussed.
L’interazione che abbiamo con l’ambiente che ci circonda dipende sia da diverse tipologie di stimoli esterni che percepiamo (tattili, visivi, acustici, ecc.) sia dalla loro elaborazione per opera del nostro sistema nervoso. A volte però, l’integrazione e l’elaborazione di tali input possono causare effetti d’illusione. Ciò si presenta, ad esempio, nella percezione tattile. Infatti, la percezione di distanze tattili varia al variare della regione corporea considerata. Il concetto che distanze sulla cute siano frequentemente erroneamente percepite, è stato scoperto circa un secolo fa da Weber. In particolare, una determinata distanza fisica, è percepita maggiore su parti del corpo che presentano una più alta densità di meccanocettori rispetto a distanze applicate su parti del corpo con inferiore densità. Oltre a questa illusione, un importante fenomeno osservato in vivo è rappresentato dal fatto che la percezione della distanza tattile dipende dall’orientazione degli stimoli applicati sulla cute. In sostanza, la distanza percepita su una regione cutanea varia al variare dell’orientazione degli stimoli applicati. Recentemente, Longo e Haggard (Longo & Haggard, J.Exp.Psychol. Hum Percept Perform 37: 720-726, 2011), allo scopo di investigare come sia rappresentato il nostro corpo all’interno del nostro cervello, hanno messo a confronto distanze tattili a diverse orientazioni sulla mano deducendo che la distanza fra due stimoli puntuali è percepita maggiore se applicata trasversalmente sulla mano anziché longitudinalmente. Tale illusione è nota con il nome di Illusione Tattile Orientazione-Dipendente e diversi risultati riportati in letteratura dimostrano che tale illusione dipende dalla distanza che intercorre fra i due stimoli puntuali sulla cute. Infatti, Green riporta in un suo articolo (Green, Percpept Pshycophys 31, 315-323, 1982) il fatto che maggiore sia la distanza applicata e maggiore risulterà l’effetto illusivo che si presenta. L’illusione di Weber e l’illusione tattile orientazione-dipendente sono spiegate in letteratura considerando differenze riguardanti la densità di recettori, gli effetti di magnificazione corticale a livello della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale (regioni della corteccia somatosensoriale, di dimensioni differenti, sono adibite a diverse regioni corporee) e differenze nella dimensione e forma dei campi recettivi. Tuttavia tali effetti di illusione risultano molto meno rilevanti rispetto a quelli che ci si aspetta semplicemente considerando i meccanismi fisiologici, elencati in precedenza, che li causano. Ciò suggerisce che l’informazione tattile elaborata a livello della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale, riceva successivi step di elaborazione in aree corticali di più alto livello. Esse agiscono allo scopo di ridurre il divario fra distanza percepita trasversalmente e distanza percepita longitudinalmente, rendendole più simili tra loro. Tale processo assume il nome di “Rescaling Process”. I meccanismi neurali che operano nel cervello allo scopo di garantire Rescaling Process restano ancora largamente sconosciuti. Perciò, lo scopo del mio progetto di tesi è stato quello di realizzare un modello di rete neurale che simulasse gli aspetti riguardanti la percezione tattile, l’illusione orientazione-dipendente e il processo di rescaling avanzando possibili ipotesi circa i meccanismi neurali che concorrono alla loro realizzazione. Il modello computazionale si compone di due diversi layers neurali che processano l’informazione tattile. Uno di questi rappresenta un’area corticale di più basso livello (chiamata Area1) nella quale una prima e distorta rappresentazione tattile è realizzata. Per questo, tale layer potrebbe rappresentare un’area della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale, dove la rappresentazione della distanza tattile è significativamente distorta a causa dell’anisotropia dei campi recettivi e della magnificazione corticale. Il secondo layer (chiamato Area2) rappresenta un’area di più alto livello che riceve le informazioni tattili dal primo e ne riduce la loro distorsione mediante Rescaling Process. Questo layer potrebbe rappresentare aree corticali superiori (ad esempio la corteccia parietale o quella temporale) adibite anch’esse alla percezione di distanze tattili ed implicate nel Rescaling Process. Nel modello, i neuroni in Area1 ricevono informazioni dagli stimoli esterni (applicati sulla cute) inviando quindi informazioni ai neuroni in Area2 mediante sinapsi Feed-forward eccitatorie. Di fatto, neuroni appartenenti ad uno stesso layer comunicano fra loro attraverso sinapsi laterali aventi una forma a cappello Messicano. E’ importante affermare che la rete neurale implementata è principalmente un modello concettuale che non si preme di fornire un’accurata riproduzione delle strutture fisiologiche ed anatomiche. Per questo occorre considerare un livello astratto di implementazione senza specificare un’esatta corrispondenza tra layers nel modello e regioni anatomiche presenti nel cervello. Tuttavia, i meccanismi inclusi nel modello sono biologicamente plausibili. Dunque la rete neurale può essere utile per una migliore comprensione dei molteplici meccanismi agenti nel nostro cervello, allo scopo di elaborare diversi input tattili. Infatti, il modello è in grado di riprodurre diversi risultati riportati negli articoli di Green e Longo & Haggard.
INTRODUCTION: Mild therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to improve outcome for patients after cardiac arrest and may be beneficial for ischaemic stroke and myocardial ischaemia patients. However, in the awake patient, even a small decrease of core temperature provokes vigorous autonomic reactions-vasoconstriction and shivering-which both inhibit efficient core cooling. Meperidine and skin warming each linearly lower vasoconstriction and shivering thresholds. We tested whether a combination of skin warming and a medium dose of meperidine additively would reduce the shivering threshold to below 34 degrees C without producing significant sedation or respiratory depression. METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers participated on four study days: (1) control, (2) skin warming (with forced air and warming mattress), (3) meperidine (target plasma level: 0.9 mug/ml), and (4) skin warming plus meperidine (target plasma level: 0.9 mug/ml). Volunteers were cooled with 4 degrees C cold Ringer lactate infused over a central venous catheter (rate asymptotically equal to 2.4 degrees C/hour core temperature drop). Shivering threshold was identified by an increase of oxygen consumption (+20% of baseline). Sedation was assessed with the Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation scale. RESULTS: Control shivering threshold was 35.5 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C. Skin warming reduced the shivering threshold to 34.9 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C (p = 0.01). Meperidine reduced the shivering threshold to 34.2 degrees C +/- 0.3 degrees C (p < 0.01). The combination of meperidine and skin warming reduced the shivering threshold to 33.8 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C (p < 0.01). There were no synergistic or antagonistic effects of meperidine and skin warming (p = 0.59). Only very mild sedation occurred on meperidine days. CONCLUSION: A combination of meperidine and skin surface warming reduced the shivering threshold to 33.8 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C via an additive interaction and produced only very mild sedation and no respiratory toxicity.
Introduction The dose to skin surface is an important factor for many radiotherapy treatment techniques. It is known that TPS predicted surface doses can be significantly different from actual ICRP skin doses as defined at 70 lm. A number of methods have been implemented for the accurate determination of surface dose including use of specific dosimeters such as TLDs and radiochromic film as well as Monte Carlo calculations. Stereotactic radiosurgery involves delivering very high doses per treatment fraction using small X-ray fields. To date, there has been limited data on surface doses for these very small field sizes. The purpose of this work is to evaluate surface doses by both measurements and Monte Carlo calculations for very small field sizes. Methods All measurements were performed on a Novalis Tx linear accelerator which has a 6 MV SRS X-ray beam mode which uses a specially thin flattening filter. Beam collimation was achieved by circular cones with apertures that gave field sizes ranging from 4 to 30 mm at the isocentre. The relative surface doses were measured using Gafchromic EBT3 film which has the active layer at a depth similar to the ICRP skin dose depth. Monte Carlo calculations were performed using the BEAMnrc/EGSnrc Monte Carlo codes (V4 r225). The specifications of the linear accelerator, including the collimator, were provided by the manufacturer. Optimisation of the incident X-ray beam was achieved by an iterative adjustment of the energy, spatial distribution and radial spread of the incident electron beam striking the target. The energy cutoff parameters were PCUT = 0.01 MeV and ECUT = 0.700 - MeV. Directional bremsstrahlung splitting was switched on for all BEAMnrc calculations. Relative surface doses were determined in a layer defined in a water phantom of the same thickness and depth as compared to the active later in the film. Results Measured surface doses using the EBT3 film varied between 13 and 16 % for the different cones with an uncertainty of 3 %. Monte Carlo calculated surface doses were in agreement to better than 2 % to the measured doses for all the treatment cones. Discussion and conclusions This work has shown the consistency of surface dose measurements using EBT3 film with Monte Carlo predicted values within the uncertainty of the measurements. As such, EBT3 film is recommended for in vivo surface dose measurements.
This project was a preliminary step towards the development of novel methods for early stage cancer diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic imaging agents with high Raman signal enhancement were developed based on tailored assemblies of gold nanoparticles, which demonstrated potential for non-invasive detection from deep under the skin surface. Specifically designed polymers were employed to assemble gold nanoparticles into controlled morphologies including dimers, nanochains, nanoplates, globular and core-satellite nanostructures. Our findings suggest that the Raman enhancement is strongly dependent on assembly morphology and can be tuned to adapt to the requirements of the diagnostic agent.
We propose and mathematically examine a theory of calcium profile formation in unwounded mammalian epidermis based on: changes in keratinocyte proliferation, fluid and calcium exchange with the extracellular fluid during these cells' passage through the epidermal sublayers, and the barrier functions of both the stratum corneum and tight junctions localised in the stratum granulosum. Using this theory, we develop a mathematical model that predicts epidermal sublayer transit times, partitioning of the epidermal calcium gradient between intracellular and extracellular domains, and the permeability of the tight junction barrier to calcium ions. Comparison of our model's predictions of epidermal transit times with experimental data indicates that keratinocytes lose at least 87% of their volume during their disintegration to become corneocytes. Intracellular calcium is suggested as the main contributor to the epidermal calcium gradient, with its distribution actively regulated by a phenotypic switch in calcium exchange between keratinocytes and extracellular fluid present at the boundary between the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum. Formation of the extracellular calcium distribution, which rises in concentration through the stratum granulosum towards the skin surface, is attributed to a tight junction barrier in this sublayer possessing permeability to calcium ions that is less than 15 nm/s in human epidermis and less than 37 nm/s in murine epidermis. Future experimental work may refine the presented theory and reduce the mathematical uncertainty present in the model predictions.
Skin temperature is an important physiological measure that can reflect the presence of illness and injury as well as provide insight into the localised interactions between the body and the environment. The aim of this systematic review was to analyse the agreement between conductive and infrared means of assessing skin temperature which are commonly employed in in clinical, occupational, sports medicine, public health and research settings. Full-text eligibility was determined independently by two reviewers. Studies meeting the following criteria were included in the review: 1) the literature was written in English, 2) participants were human (in vivo), 3) skin surface temperature was assessed at the same site, 4) with at least two commercially available devices employed—one conductive and one infrared—and 5) had skin temperature data reported in the study. A computerised search of four electronic databases, using a combination of 21 keywords, and citation tracking was performed in January 2015. A total of 8,602 were returned. Methodology quality was assessed by 2 authors independently, using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. A total of 16 articles (n = 245) met the inclusion criteria. Devices are classified to be in agreement if they met the clinically meaningful recommendations of mean differences within ±0.5 °C and limits of agreement of ±1.0 °C. Twelve of the included studies found mean differences greater than ±0.5 °C between conductive and infrared devices. In the presence of external stimulus (e.g. exercise and/or heat) five studies foundexacerbated measurement differences between conductive and infrared devices. This is the first review that has attempted to investigate presence of any systemic bias between infrared and conductive measures by collectively evaluating the current evidence base. There was also a consistently high risk of bias across the studies, in terms of sample size, random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding and incomplete outcome data. This systematic review questions the suitability of using infrared cameras in stable, resting, laboratory conditions. Furthermore, both infrared cameras and thermometers in the presence of sweat and environmental heat demonstrate poor agreement when compared to conductive devices. These findings have implications for clinical, occupational, public health, sports science and research fields.
Near-ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with green skin colour generally return lower wholesale and retail prices. Pre-harvest management, especially nitrogen (N) nutrition, appears to be a major causal factor. To obtain an understanding of the extent of the problem in the Burdekin district (dry tropics; the major production area in Australia), green mature ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit were harvested from ten orchards and ripened at 20 ± 0.5 O C. Of these orchards, 70% produced fruit with more than 25% of the skin surface area green when ripe. The following year, the effect of N application on skin colour and other quality attributes was investigated on three orchards, one with a high green (HG) skin problem and two with a low green (LG) skin problem. N was applied at pre-flowering and at panicle emergence at the rate of 0,75,150,300 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree as foliar N for the HG orchard, and 0,150,300,450 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree (foliar) for the LG orchards. In all orchards the proportion of green colour on the ripe fruit was significantly (P<0.05) higher with soil applications of 150 g N or more per tree. Foliar sprays resulted in a higher proportion of green colour than the highest soil treatment in the HG orchard, but not in the LG orchards. Anthracnose disease severity was significantly (P<0.05) higher with 300 g of N per tree or foliar treatment in the HG orchard, compared with no additional N. Thus, N can reduce mango fruit quality by increasing green colour and anthracnose disease in ripe fruit.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A transferência de energia térmica da superfície corporal para a água é provavelmente o aspecto mais importante do equilíbrio térmico em mamíferos marinhos, mas os respectivos cálculos dependem do conhecimento da temperatura da superfície, T S, cuja medição direta em animais em liberdade constitui um problema difícil de resolver. Um método iterativo é proposto para a predição de T S de cetáceos em liberdade, a partir da temperatura corporal profunda, da velocidade de deslocamento e da temperatura e propriedades termodinâmicas da água.
Background The stimulation of acupoints along the meridians, but not the non-acupoints outside of the meridians, produces analgesia. Although the acupoint is defined at the body surface, the exact location of the acupoints is not known. This study aims to examine whether the intensity and duration of the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) at the Zusanli (ST36) and Sanynjiao acupoints (SP6) change according to the depth of the stimulation. Methods Ninety-six male Wistar rats classified as responders were arbitrarily allocated into 16 groups of six rats each. Six groups received EA with uninsulated acupuncture needles (type I) or needles that were immersed in varnish and had the varnish circularly peeled 0.2 mm from the tip (type II), 0.2 mm at 3 mm (type III) or 5 mm (type IV) from the tip, or 0.2 mm at 5 and 1 mm from the tip (type V), or EA sham for 20 min. Five groups received injection of formalin into the acupoint bilaterally at 5 mm or 1 mm deep into ST36, 5 mm below ST36 but inserting the needle at 45° to the skin surface, or 5 mm deep into non-acupoints. The remaining groups received intraplantar injection of saline, 1% or 2.5% formalin. The analgesic effects were measured by the rat tail-flick test. Results The bilateral stimulation of ST36 and SP6 by uninsulated or insulated needles produced analgesia in the rat tail-flick test. The stronger and longer lasting effects occurred after EA with the types I and V needles, or injection of formalin 5 mm deep into ST36. The remaining needles produced weaker and shorter lasting effects. Slow analgesic effect also occurred after formalin injection at 1 mm or 5 mm below ST36 by inserting the needle at 45° to the skin surface. Conclusion The experimental results suggest that the efficacy of the EA stimulation depends on the spatial distribution of the current density under the needling surface rather than only the acupoint or the depth of needling.