998 resultados para skin substitute


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Background: In the field of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery the development of new innovative matrices for skin repair is in urgent need. The ideal biomaterial should promote attachment, proliferation and growth of cells. Additionally, it should degrade in an appropriate time period without releasing harmful substances, but not exert a pathological immune response. Spider dragline silk from Nephila spp meets these demands to a large extent. Methodology/Principal Findings: Native spider dragline silk, harvested directly out of Nephila spp spiders, was woven on steel frames. Constructs were sterilized and seeded with fibroblasts. After two weeks of cultivating single fibroblasts, keratinocytes were added to generate a bilayered skin model, consisting of dermis and epidermis equivalents. For the next three weeks, constructs in co-culture were lifted on an originally designed setup for air/liquid interface cultivation. After the culturing period, constructs were embedded in paraffin with an especially developed program for spidersilk to avoid supercontraction. Paraffin cross-sections were stained in Haematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) for microscopic analyses. Conclusion/Significance: Native spider dragline silk woven on steel frames provides a suitable matrix for 3 dimensional skin cell culturing. Both fibroblasts and keratinocytes cell lines adhere to the spider silk fibres and proliferate. Guided by the spider silk fibres, they sprout into the meshes and reach confluence in at most one week. A well-balanced, bilayered cocultivation in two continuously separated strata can be achieved by serum reduction, changing the medium conditions and the cultivation period at the air/liquid interphase. Therefore spider silk appears to be a promising biomaterial for the enhancement of skin regeneration.


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We present a porous medium model of the growth and deterioration of the viable sublayers of an epidermal skin substitute. It consists of five species: cells, intracellular and extracellular calcium, tight junctions, and a hypothesised signal chemical emanating from the stratum corneum. The model is solved numerically in Matlab using a finite difference scheme. Steady state calcium distributions are predicted that agree well with the experimental data. Our model also demonstrates epidermal skin substitute deterioration if the calcium diffusion coefficient is reduced compared to reported values in the literature.


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Problems involving the solution of advection-diffusion-reaction equations on domains and subdomains whose growth affects and is affected by these equations, commonly arise in developmental biology. Here, a mathematical framework for these situations, together with methods for obtaining spatio-temporal solutions and steady states of models built from this framework, is presented. The framework and methods are applied to a recently published model of epidermal skin substitutes. Despite the use of Eulerian schemes, excellent agreement is obtained between the numerical spatio-temporal, numerical steady state, and analytical solutions of the model.


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The development and characterization of an enhanced composite skin substitute based on collagen and poly(e-caprolactone) are reported. Considering the features of excellent biocompatibility, easy-manipulated property and exempt from cross-linking related toxicity observed in the 1:20 biocomposites, skin substitutes were developed by seeding human single-donor keratinocytes and fibroblasts alone on both sides of the 1:20 biocomposite to allow for separation of two cell types and preserving cell signals transmission via micro-pores with a porosity of 28.8 ± 16.1 µm. The bi-layered skin substitute exhibited both differentiated epidermis and fibrous dermis in vitro. Less Keratinocyte Growth Factor production was measured in the co-cultured skin model compared to fibroblast alone condition indicating a favorable microenvironment for epidermal homeostasis. Moreover, fast wound closure, epidermal differentiation, and abundant dermal collagen deposition were observed in composite skin in vivo. In summary, the beneficial characteristics of the new skin substitutes exploited the potential for pharmaceutical screening and clinical application.


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This project investigated the calcium distributions of the skin, and the growth patterns of skin substitutes grown in the laboratory, using mathematical models. The research found that the calcium distribution in the upper layer of the skin is controlled by three different mechanisms, not one as previously thought. The research also suggests that tight junctions, which are adhesions between neighbouring skin cells, cannot be solely responsible for the differences in the growth patterns of skin substitutes and normal skin.


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This project investigated the calcium distributions of the skin, and the growth patterns of skin substitutes grown in the laboratory, using mathematical models. The research found that the calcium distribution in the upper layer of the skin is controlled by three different mechanisms, not one as previously thought. The research also suggests that tight junctions, which are adhesions between neighbouring skin cells, cannot be solely responsible for the differences in the growth patterns of skin substitutes and normal skin.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum patients suffer from extreme photosensitivity caused by a genetic defect in DNA repair pathways. This condition obliges them to live in darkness and avoid sunshine. Although the molecular basis of the defect has been known for more than 40 years now, the treatment possibilities are very limited, and to date all have been focused on the skin. Herein, we summarize the effects of sunlight and the molecular mechanisms implicated in the defects that lead to this syndrome, as well as the strategies that have been tested to alleviate skin manifestations, including cancer. Preclinical attempts to correct genetic defects by means of different gene therapy approaches are also described. All these efforts are now bringing hope and some light into the life of patients and their families.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUÇÃO: O uso de enxertos autólogos é limitado pela extensão da área doadora e pelo estado clínico dos pacientes, no caso de lesões extensas. Alotransplantes coletados de cadáveres ou voluntários são rejeitados após uma ou duas semanas, servindo apenas como cobertura temporária para essas lesões. O tratamento de grandes lesões cutâneas com tegumento autólogo reconstruído constitui alternativa atraente, já que, a partir de um pequeno fragmento de pele do paciente, pode-se obter culturas de células que se multiplicam rapidamente e podem ser criopreservadas, permitindo, assim, sua utilização em novos tratamentos por tempo indeterminado. Este estudo pretendeu avaliar o comportamento histológico de queratinócitos e fibroblastos humanos cultivados sobre uma matriz de colágeno porcino derivada da submucosa intestinal. MÉTODO: Células da epiderme e derme humana foram cultivadas separadamente e semeadas sobre matriz de colágeno porcino, onde permaneceram em ambiente controlado por 21 dias, antes de serem submetidas a análise histológica. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que os fibroblastos invadem e colonizam a matriz de colágeno, enquanto os queratinócitos se organizam de forma laminar e estratificada sobre a superfície em que foram semeados. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização da matriz de colágeno porcino como carreador de células da pele humana é possível e a organização dessas células se assemelha à arquitetura da pele humana.


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PURPOSE: This pilot study evaluated the wound healing and tissue response after placement of two different skin substitutes in subgingival mucosal pouches in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four rabbits were selected to receive a commercially available skin substitute consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts and an epithelial layer (test membrane 1) and a prototype device consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts only (test membrane 2). In each rabbit, two horizontal incisions were made in the buccal alveolar mucosa of the maxilla bilaterally to create submucosal pouches. Three pouches in each animal were filled with either the test 1 or test 2 membranes, and one pouch was left without a membrane (sham-operated control). All rabbits were sacrificed after a healing period of 4 weeks, and histologic samples were prepared and examined. RESULTS: After a healing period of 1 month, both tested membranes were still visible in the sections. Test membrane 1 was still bilayered, contained inflammatory cells in its center, and was encapsulated by a thick fibrous tissue. Numerous ectopic calcifications were evident in the collagenous part of the membrane and in association with some basal epithelial cells. Test membrane 2 was also encapsulated in fibrous tissue, with inflammatory cells present only between the fibrous encapsulation and the remnants of the membrane. For test membrane 2, no calcifications were visible. CONCLUSIONS: Test membrane 1 seemed to be more resistant to degradation, but there was also a more pronounced inflammatory reaction in comparison to test membrane 2, especially in the vicinity of the keratinocytes. The significance of the ectopic calcifications, along with that of the resorption or degradation processes of both tested membranes, must be evaluated in future experimental studies, with different time points after implantation examine


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Background: The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of three burns dressings (TransCyte, a bio-engineered skin substitute; Biobrane; and Silvazine cream (silver sulphadiazine and 0.2% chlorhexidine)), in treating children with partial-thickness burns. The primary objective was to determine the days until greater than or equal to90% re-epithelialization. The secondary objectives were to evaluate the number of wounds requiring autografting and the number of dressing changes/local wound care required. Methods: Study wounds were identified on each patient and the patients were randomized to receive TransCyte or Biobrane or Silvazine. Assessment of study wound closure began at 2 days after treatment and continued at least every other day thereafter until the wounds re-epithelialized or were autografted. A laser Doppler imaging system was used as an adjunct to assessing the depth of the burn. Results: Thirty-three patients with 58 wound sites enrolled in the study (TransCyte, n = 20, Biobrane, n = 17; Silvazine, n = 21). Mean time to re-epithelialization was 7.5 days for TransCyte, 9.5 days for Biobrane, and 11.2 days for Silvazine. The number of wounds requiring autografting were 5/21 (24%) for Silvazine, 3/17 (17%) for Biobrane, and 1/20 (5%) for TransCyte. Conclusions: When used in partial-thickness burns in children, TransCyte promotes fastest re-epithelialization and required less overall dressings then Biobrane or Silvazine. Patients who received Silvazine or Biobrane require more autografting than those treated with TransCyte.


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Le cordon ombilical humain suscite beaucoup d’intérêt comme source de cellules à des fins de recherche et de thérapie. Quatre types cellulaires majeurs - les cellules épithéliales, stromales, musculaires lisses et endothéliales - composent les tissus solides du cordon ombilical. Quelques-uns de ces types cellulaires ont été utilisés en recherche scientifique depuis longtemps, alors que d’autres commencent à peine à dévoiler leur potentiel. Nous avons développé un protocole unique pour l’extraction séquentielle de tous ces types cellulaires d’un seul cordon ombilical, permettant ainsi la reconstruction à partir d’une même source. La combinaison des techniques de perfusion, immersion et explants a mené à la mise en culture et à l’expansion de ces cellules, dont les cellules épithéliales et les cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton qui ont été caractérisées plus en détail par l’immunomarquage de protéines spécifiques. Leur potentiel pour la médecine régénératrice a été démontré par la production de tissus par génie tissulaire. Un vaisseau sanguin composé de cellules stromales et de cellules musculaires lisses du cordon ombilical démontra une résistance substantielle à l’éclatement. Les capacités de différenciation des cellules épithéliales ont été étudiées dans le contexte d’une peau bilamellaire reconstruite en combinaison avec des kératinocytes, des fibroblastes dermiques, et des cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton. Les cellules épithéliales ont montré une différenciation similaire à celle des kératinocytes lorsque cultivées sur des fibroblastes dermiques et exposées à l’air, tandis que sur des cellules stromales du cordon, elles ont subi une désorganisation. Finalement, la différenciation des cellules stromales a été induite en culture vers plusieurs types cellulaires afin de compléter cette étude. L’ensemble des résultats fait ressortir l’importance non seulement de l’influence du milieu physique sur la croissance et la différenciation des cellules, mais également de l’impact de la provenance des cellules sur la qualité des tissus reconstruits.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.