907 resultados para single-case A-B-fase design


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is na te gaan in welke mate de online cognitieve gedragstherapie bij vrouwen met seksuele disfuncties effectief is voor wat betreft seksueel functioneren, seksuele lijdensdruk en de houding die de vrouwen hebben ten aanzien van seks. Drie vrouwen (gemiddelde leeftijd 39,6 jaar) met minstens één diagnose van een opwindingsgerelateerde seksuele disfunctie (seksuele interesse/opwindingsstoornis, orgasmestoornis) volgens de criteria van de DSM-5, hebben deelgenomen aan het onderzoek. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van een single case A-B-fase design: zowel in de controlefase (Fase A) wanneer de proefpersoon nog geen internettherapie krijgt, als in de behandelfase (Fase B) worden verschillende metingen verricht. Hierbij wordt het effect van wel of geen internettherapie binnen één persoon onderzocht door de metingen in de controlefase (Fase A) te vergelijken met de metingen in de behandelfase (Fase B). Elke meting betreft een in te vullen zelfrapportage-vragenlijst (24 items) waarin de drie variabelen worden gemeten. Seksueel functioneren werd gemeten met drie items uit de Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) (Rosen et al., 2000; ter Kuile et al., 2009); seksuele lijdensdruk met de Female Sexual Distress Scale Revised (FSDS-R) (Derogatis et al., 2008; ter Kuile et al., 2009); en de attitude ten aanzien van seks met een zestal items van de Sexual Opion Survey (SOS) (Fisher, Byrne, White, & Kelley, 1988). Middels de randomisatietoets is nagegaan wat het therapie-effect per proefpersoon en het algehele therapie-effect is. Uit de resultaten met betrekking tot het therapie-effect per proefpersoon blijkt dat de behandeling enkel voor de eerste proefpersoon een positief effect lijkt te hebben op het seksueel functioneren. Wat betreft de variabele seksuele lijdensdruk lijkt de behandeling enkel voor proefpersoon 2 een positief effect te hebben. Wat betreft de variabele attitude ten aanzien van seks lijkt er voor alle drie de proefpersonen geen effect van de behandeling aanwezig te zijn. Voor proefpersoon 1 lijkt de attitude ten aanzien van seks tijdens de behandelfase juist te verslechteren in plaats van te verbeteren. Uit de resultaten met betrekking tot het algehele therapie-effect is enkel voor de variabele seksueel functioneren een kleine kans aanwezig dat de behandeling een positief effect heeft.


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The American College of Sports Medicine argues that sports performance is improved with optimal nutrition (ACSM position stand, MSSE 2009, Mar; 41(3):709-31). However, scientific evidence shows that professional athletes do not achieve nutritional recommendations (Farajian et al, IJSNEM 2004 Oct; 14(5):574-85; Shroeder et al EJSS 2004 Jun 4 (2):1; Nogueira & Da Costa, IJSNEM 2004; 14:684-697) Objectives: a) describe the nutritional practices of one professional basketball player b) carry out a long term nutritional intervention to adapt his diet to current recommendations.


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Very few empirically validated interventions for improving metacognitive skills (i.e., self-awareness and self-regulation) and functional outcomes have been reported. This single-case experimental study presents JM, a 36-year-old man with a very severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) who demonstrated long-term awareness deficits. Treatment at four years post-injury involved a metacognitive contextual intervention based on a conceptualization of neuro-cognitive, psychological, and socio-environmental factors contributing to his awareness deficits. The 16-week intervention targeted error awareness and self-correction in two real life settings: (a) cooking at home: and (b) volunteer work. Outcome measures included behavioral observation of error behavior and standardized awareness measures. Relative to baseline performance in the cooking setting, JM demonstrated a 44% reduction in error frequency and increased self-correction. Although no spontaneous generalization was evident in the volunteer work setting, specific training in this environment led to a 39% decrease in errors. JM later gained paid employment and received brief metacognitive training in his work environment. JM's global self-knowledge of deficits assessed by self-report was unchanged after the program. Overall, the study provides preliminary support for a metacognitive contextual approach to improve error awareness and functional Outcome in real life settings.


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Background: In health related research, it is critical not only to demonstrate the efficacy of intervention, but to show that this is not due to chance or confounding variables. Content: Single case experimental design is a useful quasi-experimental design and method used to achieve these goals when there are limited participants and funds for research. This type of design has various advantages compared to group experimental designs. One such advantage is the capacity to focus on individual performance outcomes compared to group performance outcomes. Conclusions: This comprehensive review demonstrates the benefits and limitations of using single case experimental design, its various design methods, and data collection and analysis for research purposes.


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Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a treatment approach that combines psychological assessment and psychotherapy. The study examines the efficacy of this approach with an individual with Binge Eating Disorder. A replicated single-case time-series design with daily measures is used to assess the effects of TA and to track the process of change during the TA. The individual experienced inconclusive benefits after participation in TA. Significant change occurred in all variables measured, though none of the changes occurred in the hypothesized direction. Further research is needed to determine if TA is an effective treatment for individuals diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder.


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Is there a role for prototyping (sketching, pattern making and sampling) in addressing real world problems of sustainability (People, Profit, and Planet), in this case social/healthcare issues, through fashion and textiles research? Skin cancer and related illnesses are a major cause of disfigurement and death in New Zealand and Australia where the rates of Melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer, are four times higher than in the Northern Hemisphere regions of USA, UK and Canada (IARC, 1992). In 2007, AUT University (Auckland University of Technology) Fashion Department and the Health Promotion Department of Cancer Society - Auckland Division (CSA) developed a prototype hat aimed at exploring a barrier type solution to prevent facial and neck skin damage. This is a paradigm shift from the usual medical research model. This paper provides an overview of the project and examines how a fashion prototype has been used to communicate emergent social, environmental, personal, physiological and technological concerns to the trans-disciplinary research team. The authors consider how the design of a product can enhance and support sustainable design practice while contributing a potential solution to an ongoing health issue. Analysis of this case study provides an insight into prototyping in fashion and textiles design, user engagement and the importance of requirements analysis in relation to sustainable development. The analysis and a successful outcome of the final prototype have provided a gateway to future collaborative research and product development.


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Photovoltaic (PV) panels and electric domestic water heater with storage (DWH) are widely used in households in many countries. However, DWH should be explored as an energy storage mechanism before batteries when households have excess PV energy. Through a residential case study in Queensland, Australia, this paper presents a new optimized design and control solution to reduce water heating costs by utilizing existing DWH energy storage capacity and increasing PV self-consumption for water heating. The solution is produced by evaluating the case study energy profile and numerically maximizing the use of PV for DWH. A conditional probability matrix for different solar insolation and hot water usage days is developed to test the solution. Compared to other tariffs, this solution shows cost reduction from 20.8% to 63.3% This new solution could encourage solar households move to a more economical and carbon neutral water heating method.


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This paper presents a case study to illustrate the range of decisions involved in designing a sampling strategy for a complex, longitudinal research study. It is based on experience from the Young Lives project and identifies the approaches used to sample children for longitudinal follow-up in four less developed countries (LDCs). The rationale for decisions made and the resulting benefits, and limitations, of the approaches adopted are discussed. Of particular importance is the choice of sampling approach to yield useful analysis; specific examples are presented of how this informed the design of the Young Lives sampling strategy.


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Objective: ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, when caregivers sing for or together with persons with dementia during morning care situations, has been shown to increase verbal and nonverbal communication between persons with dementia and their caregivers, as well as enhance positive and decrease negative emotions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this pilot project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. The aim of this pilot project was threefold: to describe expressed emotions in a woman with severe dementia, and describe communication between her and her caregivers without and with the caregiver humming. The aim was also to measure food and liquid intake without and with humming. Method: The study was constructed as a Single Case ABA design in which the ordinary mealtime constituted a baseline which comprised a woman with severe dementia being fed by her caregivers in the usual way. The intervention included the same woman being fed by the same caregiver who hummed while feeding her. Data comprised video observations that were collected once per week over 5 consecutive weeks. The Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction Scale and Observed Emotion Rating Scale were used to analyze the recorded interactions. Results: A slightly positive influence of communication was shown for the woman with dementia, as well as for the caregiver. Further, the women with dementia showed a slight increase in expressions of positive emotions, and she ate more during the intervention. Conclusion: Based on this pilot study no general conclusions can be drawn. It can be concluded, however, that humming while feeding persons with dementia might slightly enhance communication, and positive expressed emotions in persons with dementia. To confirm this, more studies on group levels are needed. Because previous studies have found that caregiver singing during caring situations influences persons with dementia positively it might be desirable to test the same during mealtime.


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A total of 1,625 tornadoes occurred in the United States in 2011, resulting in economic losses that exceeded $25 billion. Two tornado outbreaks stand out because they caused more than half of those losses. The tornadoes that cut through Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on April 27 and Joplin, Missouri, on May 22 were responsible for a combined 223 fatalities and more than 13,000 damaged buildings in the two cities. Although the economic losses associated with tornado damage are well documented, the writers argue that the overall impact should encompass longer term, broader considerations such as the social disruption and psychological effects that impact communities. This paper examines observations by tornado damage assessment teams led by the first author in these two medium-sized cities and suggests that the evolution of building codes and past approaches to construction have led to conditions that made this extent of damage possible. The authors outline a multidisciplinary path forward that incorporates engineering research and social and economic studies into a new design paradigm leading to building code changes and social practices that will improve resistance and mitigate future losses at a community level from tornadoes.


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Virtual Reality techniques are relatively new, having experienced significant development only during the last few years, in accordance with the progress achieved by computer science and hardware and software technologies. The study of such advanced design systems has led to the realization of an immersive environment in which new procedures for the evaluation of product prototypes, ergonomics and manufacturing operations have been simulated. The application of the environment realized to robotics, ergonomics, plant simulations and maintainability verifications has allowed us to highlight the advantages offered by a design methodology: the possibility of working on the industrial product in the first phase of conception; of placing the designer in front of the virtual reproduction of the product in a realistic way; and of interacting with the same concept. The aim of this book is to present an updated vision of VM through different aspects. We will describe the trends and results achieved in the automotive, aerospace and railway fields, in terms of the Digital Product Creation Process to design the product and the manufacturing process.