1000 resultados para sill
Hincks, R. (2007). 'Heb fenthyca cymaint a sill ar neb o ieithoedd y byd': Cymysgiaith a Phuryddiaeth, gyda Golwg Neilltuol ar y Gymraeg yn y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg ac ar Ddechrau'r Ugeinfed Ganrif. Aberystwyth: Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
From the point of view of rational exploitation and proper management of the fishery resources as well as for the development of intensive aquaculture of fishes through selective breeding, brood stock development, domestication and genetic improvement, a sound knowledge of reproductive biology and physiology of the candidate species is of great importance. In recent times, a wealth of information on maturity, spawning habits, spawning periodicity, spawning season, size at maturity and fecundity of commercially important fishes has been generated. Gametogenesis involves the transformation of Primordial germ cells in the gonads into specialised cells or gametes, namely ova in the female and sperms in male, through a series of complex morphological and cytological events. The formation of male gamete is known as spermatogenesis. In the female, the primary growth phase involving the formation of primary oocyte from oogonia is known as oogenesis, which would be followed by the secondary growth phase, in which considerable increase in the size of the oocyte occurs, due mainly to accumulation of yolk. This process is known as vitellogenesis, which would be followed by final maturation and ovulation of the ova. In the present work, basic aspects of maturation and spawning, salient features of gametogenesis and associated biochemical changes occurring during these processes in an important cultivable fish, Sillago sihama belonging to the family Sillaginidae have been investigated.
Maps of kriged soil properties for precision agriculture are often based on a variogram estimated from too few data because the costs of sampling and analysis are often prohibitive. If the variogram has been computed by the usual method of moments, it is likely to be unstable when there are fewer than 100 data. The scale of variation in soil properties should be investigated prior to sampling by computing a variogram from ancillary data, such as an aerial photograph of the bare soil. If the sampling interval suggested by this is large in relation to the size of the field there will be too few data to estimate a reliable variogram for kriging. Standardized variograms from aerial photographs can be used with standardized soil data that are sparse, provided the data are spatially structured and the nugget:sill ratio is similar to that of a reliable variogram of the property. The problem remains of how to set this ratio in the absence of an accurate variogram. Several methods of estimating the nugget:sill ratio for selected soil properties are proposed and evaluated. Standardized variograms with nugget:sill ratios set by these methods are more similar to those computed from intensive soil data than are variograms computed from sparse soil data. The results of cross-validation and mapping show that the standardized variograms provide more accurate estimates, and preserve the main patterns of variation better than those computed from sparse data.
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
The purpose of this study is to characterize the geological subsurface structure of the diabase sill of the Paraná Magmatic Province intruded in the Itararé Group, located near the city of Limeira, in the east-central region of São Paulo state. The magnetometric method served as an important tool defining the igneous body in view of the great contrast between the physical properties of the diabase sill and the host sandstones. Previous cartographic data signaled in region a possible lateral continuity in subsurface, of the various sills that occur in the region. However, the magnetic data obtained herein indicate that the area of occurrence of this body is very restricted and independent of the others observed in the region. The analysis of the radial average power spectrum obtained allowed determine the interval of number of waves adequate for the separation of shallow and deep sources, and thus conclude that the sill of the Limeira region is located more than 100 m deep.
The mechanics of intrusion and the processes involved are becoming of more and more interest to contemporary geologists, because most of our mineral deposits are associated with igneous intrusions, and unknown-outcropping deposits are thought to be a thing of the past. If, by studying these processes, we could understand why some igneous masses are barren, while others of similar composition carry economic mineral deposits, geological prospecting for hidden mineral concentration would see a new era.
The main objectives of the cruise MSM21/1b were to characterize the spatio-temporal variability of the Denmark Strait overflow and to identify processes responsible for the exchange of the overflow plume with ambient water downstream of Denmark Strait. A multi-platform approach was taken to achieve the goals, based on moorings, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), as well as lowered and vessel-mounted observations. From these platforms, measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, current velocity, dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, and bottom pressure were obtained.