1000 resultados para silicic large igneous province


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Oceanic flood basalts are poorly understood, short-term expressions of highly increased heat flux and mass flow within the convecting mantle. The uniqueness of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP, 92-74 Ma) with respect to other Cretaceous oceanic plateaus is its extensive sub-aerial exposures, providing an excellent basis to investigate the temporal and compositional relationships within a starting plume head. We present major element, trace element and initial Sr-Nd-Pb isotope composition of 40 extrusive rocks from the Caribbean Plateau, including onland sections in Costa Rica, Colombia and Curaçao as well as DSDP Sites in the Central Caribbean. Even though the lavas were erupted over an area of ~3*10**6 km**2, the majority have strikingly uniform incompatible element patterns (La/Yb=0.96+/-0.16, n=64 out of 79 samples, 2sigma) and initial Nd-Pb isotopic compositions (e.g. 143Nd/144Ndin=0.51291+/-3, epsilon-Nd i=7.3+/-0.6, 206Pb/204Pbin=18.86+/-0.12, n=54 out of 66, 2sigma). Lavas with endmember compositions have only been sampled at the DSDP Sites, Gorgona Island (Colombia) and the 65-60 Ma accreted Quepos and Osa igneous complexes (Costa Rica) of the subsequent hotspot track. Despite the relatively uniform composition of most lavas, linear correlations exist between isotope ratios and between isotope and highly incompatible trace element ratios. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotope and trace element signatures of the chemically enriched lavas are compatible with derivation from recycled oceanic crust, while the depleted lavas are derived from a highly residual source. This source could represent either oceanic lithospheric mantle left after ocean crust formation or gabbros with interlayered ultramafic cumulates of the lower oceanic crust. High 3He/4He in olivines of enriched picrites at Quepos are ~12 times higher than the atmospheric ratio suggesting that the enriched component may have once resided in the lower mantle. Evaluation of the Sm-Nd and U-Pb isotope systematics on isochron diagrams suggests that the age of separation of enriched and depleted components from the depleted MORB source mantle could have been <=500 Ma before CLIP formation and interpreted to reflect the recycling time of the CLIP source. Mantle plume heads may provide a mechanism for transporting large volumes of possibly young recycled oceanic lithosphere residing in the lower mantle back into the shallow MORB source mantle.


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O Grupo Iricoumé compreende rochas vulcânicas efusivas e piroclásticas, com texturas e estruturas bastante preservadas, que pertence a um extenso evento vulcano-plutônico que marcou a região central do Cráton Amazônico durante o Orosiriano. Tais rochas estão expostas no noroeste do estado do Pará, na porção meridional do sudoeste do Domínio Erepecuru-Trombetas, sul do Escudo das Guianas. Estudos petrográficos permitiram distinguir um vulcanismo explosivo, predominante e representado por rochas piroclásticas (ignimbritos, reoignimbritos, tufo coignimbrítico de queda e lápili-tufo relacionado a surge), e um efusivo, subordinado, representado por fluxos de lavas coerentes e rochas hipabissais (andesitos, lamprófiros espessartíticos e latitos). A maioria das rochas piroclásticas exibe feições diagnósticas da deposição dos piroclastos sob altas temperaturas, sugerindo que as rochas vulcânicas estão provavelmente relacionadas a ambientes de geração de caldeiras. As idades Pb-Pb de 1888 ± 2,5 e 1889 ± 2 Ma obtidas em zircão de ignimbritos traquidacíticos confirmam que a maioria das rochas estudadas pertence ao Grupo Iricoumé. Por outro lado, a idade Pb-Pb de 1992 ± 3 Ma obtida em zircão de um andesito evidencia um episódio vulcânico efusivo orosiriano mais antigo, já reconhecido, localmente, mais a sul, no Domínio Tapajós. Os dados obtidos demonstram a ampla extensão do vulcanismo Iricoumé e rochas vulcânicas correlatas na porção central do Cráton Amazônico, e constituem argumentos favoráveis para associar esse episódio vulcânico e rochas magmáticas correlatas a uma silicic large igneous province (SLIP), como já vem sendo descrito por alguns autores.


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New volumetric and mass flux estimates have been calculated for the Kenya Rift. Spatial and temporal histories for volcanic eruptions, lacustrine deposition, and hominin fossil sites are presented, aided by the compilation of a new digital geologic map. Distribution of volcanism over time indicates several periods of southward expansion followed by relative positional stasis. Volcanism occurs throughout the activated rift length, with no obvious abandonment as the rift system migrated. The main exception is a period of volcanic concentration around 10 Ma, when activity was constrained within 2° of the equator. Volumes derived from seismic data indicate a total volume of c. 310,000 km3 (2.47 x 1010 kg/yr ), which is significantly more than the map-derived volumes found here or published previously. Map-based estimates are likely affected by a bias against recognizing small volume events in the older record. Such events are, however, the main driver of erupted volume over the last 5 Ma. A technique developed here to counter this bias results in convergence of the two volume estimation techniques. Relative erupted composition over time is variable. Overall, the erupted material has a mafic to silicic ratio of 0.9:1. Basalts are distinctly more common in the Turkana region, which previously experienced Mesozoic rifting. Despite the near equal ratio of mafic to silicic products, the Kenya Rift otherwise fits the definition of a SLIP. It is proposed that the compositions would better fit the published definition if the Turkana region was not twice-rifted. Lacustrine sedimentation post-dates initial volcanism by about 5 million years, and follows the same volcanic trends, showing south and eastward migration over time. This sedimentation delay is likely related to timing of fault displacements. Evidence of hominin habitation is distinctly abundant in the northern and southern sections of the Kenya Rift, but there is an observed gap in the equatorial rift between 4 and 0.5 million years ago. After 0.5 Ma, sites appear to progress towards the equator. The pattern and timing of hominid site distributions suggests that the equatorial gap in habitation may be the result of active volcanic avoidance.


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We present four SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages for the Choiyoi igneous province from the San Rafael Block, central-western Argentina. Dated samples come from the Yacimiento Los Reyunos Formation (281.4 +/- 2.5 Ma) of the Cochico Group (Lower Choiyoi section: andesitic breccias, dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites and continental conglomerates). Agua de los Burros Formation (264.8 +/- 2.3 Ma and 264.5 +/- 3.0 Ma) and Cerro Carrizalito Formation (251.9 +/- 2.7 Ma Upper Choiyoi section: rhyolitic ignimbrites and pyroclastic flows) spanning the entire Permian succession of the Choiyoi igneous province. A single ziron from the El Imperial Formation, that is overlain unconformably by the Choiyoi succession, yielded an early Permian age (297.2 +/- 5.3 Ma). while the main detrital zircon population indicated an Ordovician age (453.7 +/- 8.1 Ma). The new data establishes a more precise Permian age (Artinskian-Lopingian) for the section studied spanning 30 Ma of volcanic activity. Volcanological observations for the Choiyoi succession support the occurrence of explosive eruptions of plinian to ultraplinian magnitudes, capable of injecting enormous volumes of tephra in the troposphere-stratosphere. The new SHRIMP ages indicate contemporaneity between the Choyoi succession and the upper part of the Parana Basin late Paleozoic section, from the Irad up to the Rio do Rasto formations, encompassing about 24 Ma. Geochemical data show a general congruence in compositional and tectonic settings between the volcanics and Parana Basin Permian ash fall derived layers of bentonites. Thickness and granulometry of ash fall layers broadly fit into the depletion curve versus distance from the remote source vent of ultraplinian eruptions. Thus, we consider that the Choiyoi igneous province was the source of ash fall deposits in the upper Permian section of the Parana Basin. Data presented here allow a more consistent correlation between tectono-volcanic Permian events along the paleo-Pacific margin of southwestern Gondwana and the geological evolution of neighboring Paleozoic foreland basins in South America and Africa. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf data require the existence of at least four mantle components in the genesis of basalts from the the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP): (1) one (or more likely a small range of) enriched component(s) within the Iceland plume, (2) a depleted component within the Iceland plume (distinct from the shallow N-MORB source), (3) a depleted sheath surrounding the plume and (4) shallow N-MORB source mantle. These components have been available since the major phase of igneous activity associated with plume head impact during Paleogene times. In Hf-Nd isotope space, samples from Iceland, DSDP Leg 49 (Sites 407, 408 and 409), ODP Legs 152 and 163 (southeast Greenland margin), the Reykjanes Ridge, Kolbeinsey Ridge and DSDP Leg 38 (Site 348) define fields that are oblique to the main ocean island basalt array and extend toward a component with higher 176Hf/177Hf than the N-MORB source available prior to arrival of the plume, as indicated by the compositions of Cretaceous basalts from Goban Spur (~95 Ma). Aside from Goban Spur, only basalts from Hatton Bank on the oceanward side of the Rockall Plateau (DSDP Leg 81) lie consistently within the field of N-MORB, which indicates that the compositional influence of the plume did not reach this far south and east ~55 Ma ago. Thus, Hf-Nd isotope systematics are consistent with previous studies which indicate that shallow MORB-source mantle does not represent the depleted component within the Iceland plume (Thirlwall, J. Geol. Soc. London 152 (1995) 991-996; Hards et al., J. Geol. Soc. London 152 (1995) 1003-1009; Fitton et al., 1997 doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00170-2). They also indicate that the depleted component is a long-lived and intrinsic feature of the Iceland plume, generated during an ancient melting event in which a mineral (such as garnet) with a high Lu/Hf was a residual phase. Collectively, these data suggest a model for the Iceland plume in which a heterogeneous core, derived from the lower mantle, consists of 'enriched' streaks or blobs dispersed in a more depleted matrix. A distinguishing feature of both the enriched and depleted components is high Nb/Y for a given Zr/Y (i.e. positive DeltaNb), but the enriched component has higher Sr and Pb isotope ratios, combined with lower epsilon-Nd and epsilon-Hf. This heterogeneous core is surrounded by a sheath of depleted material, similar to the depleted component of the Iceland plume in its epsilon-Nd and epsilon-Hf, but with lower 87Sr/86Sr, 208Pb/204Pb and negative DeltaNb; this material was probably entrained from near the 670 km discontinuity when the plume stalled at the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. The plume sheath displaced more normal MORB asthenosphere (distinguished by its lower epsilon-Hf for a given epsilon-Nd or Zr/Nb ratio), which existed in the North Atlantic prior to plume impact. Preliminary data on MORBs from near the Azores plume suggest that much of the North Atlantic may be 'polluted' not only by enriched plume material but also by depleted material similar to the Iceland plume sheath. If this hypothesis is correct, it may provide a general explanation for some of the compositional diversity and variations in inferred depth of melting (Klein and Langmuir, 1987 doi:10.1029/JB092iB08p08089) along the MAR in the North Atlantic.


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Palynological studies of the intrabasaltic sediment layers in the lower volcanic series from ODP Leg 104 outer Voring Plateau Hole 642E Cores 102 through 109 indicated abundant pollen and rarer dinoflagellate cysts. The dinoflagellates belong to the Apectodinium hyperacanthum Zone and indicate an age equivalent to nannoplankton Zones NP9-lower NP10 around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. The pollen and spore assemblage found here in 12 of the samples from the lower volcanic series is of well- preserved and distinctive specimens and contains unusual forms of pollen from the Taxodiaceae and the Hamamelidae. It has not been transported far from vegetation that was dominated by conifer forest with some ferns and deciduous arborescent angiosperms. Nearly identical assemblages are found elsewhere in the Brito-Arctic Igneous Province, in intrabasaltic sediments from eastern Greenland, the Faeroe Islands, the Isle of Mull, and Antrim (Northern Ireland), and above basalt at the Rockall Plateau. The assemblage is also present in sediments around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in Spitsbergen. This pollen and spore flora is also associated with dinoflagellate cysts of the Apectodinium hyperacanthum Zone in the deposits from eastern Greenland, the Rockall Plateau, and Spitsbergen, suggesting that these are correlative. Assemblages of the same age from the North Sea, Denmark, and the London and Paris Basins are different. Paleobotanical evidence suggests a short survival of the intrabasaltic flora, and that all the deposits considered here are of about the same age. We propose that at around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary a distinct flora, named here as the Brito-Arctic Igneous Province (BIP) flora, occurred on the line of volcanicity stretching from Rockall to the Greenland Sea, and even to Spitsbergen. Geophysical evidence supports our view that the Rockall to East Greenland intrabasaltics are more or less contemporaneous, at about the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. However, the comparable pollen and spore assemblage in the Hebridean province, at Mull and Antrim, is from pyroclastics that may be a little older.