954 resultados para signaling protocol
Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään verkkoelementiltä, joka yhdistää H.323, MEGACO- ja ISUP-protokollia käyttävät tietoliikenneverkot toisiinsa, vaadittaviin ominaisuuksiin ja toiminnallisuuksiin. Tyypillisesti tällaista toiminnallisuutta tarvitaan IP- ja PSTN-verkkojen yhdistämisessä. Tarkastelu aloitetaan kuvaamalla PSTN-verkon signalointi ja rakenne, jatketaan kuvaamalla internet-protokollia käyttävä verkkoympäristö ja lopuksi perehdytään verkkoelementiltä vaadittaviin toiminnallisuuksiin, jotta PSTN ja MEGACO-pohjaiset verkot toimivat yhteen. Työn käytännöllisenä osuutena kuvataan osa viestisekvenssikaavioista, joita verkkoelementti toteuttaa puuttumatta kuitenkaan eri protokollien toimintaan viestien parametrien tasolla.
IP networks are currently the major communication infrastructure used by an increasing number of applications and heterogeneous services, including voice services. In this context, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol widely used for controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice or video calls over IP networks, thus performing vital functions in an extensive set of public and enter- prise solutions. However, the SIP protocol dissemination also entails some challenges, such as the complexity associated with the testing/validation processes of IMS/SIP networks. As a consequence, manual IMS/SIP testing solutions are inherently costly and time consuming tasks, being crucial to develop automated approaches in this specific area. In this perspective, this article presents an experimental approach for automated testing/validation of SIP scenarios in IMS networks. For that purpose, an automation framework is proposed allowing to replicate the configuration of SIP equipment from the pro- duction network and submit such equipment to a battery of tests in the testing network. The proposed solution allows to drastically reduce the test and validation times when compared with traditional manual approaches, also allowing to enhance testing reliability and coverage. The automation framework comprises of some freely available tools which are conveniently integrated with other specific modules implemented within the context of this work. In order to illustrate the advantages of the proposed automated framework, a real case study taken from a PT Inovação customer is presented comparing the time required to perform a manual SIP testing approach with the one time required when using the proposed auto- mated framework. The presented results clearly corroborate the advantages of using the presented framework.
El proyecto consiste en la creación mediante software libre de un sistema de telefonía corporativo, que ofrece la mayor parte de las funcionalidades de un sistema telefónico implantado en cualquier PYME de la actualidad y que tiene como elemento principal una centralita telefónica Asterisk, así como en el desarrollo de un softphone(teléfono software) utilizando el protocolo de señalización SIP, que explota gran parte de las funcionalidades que proporciona la centralita. Este sistema de telefonía tiene además la capacidad de integrarse con herramientas CRM a través de la importación de los contactos en el listín corporativo del softphone.
To ensure state synchronization of signalling operations, many signaling protocol designs choose to establish “soft” state that expires if it is not refreshed. The approaches of refreshing state in multi-hop signaling system can be classified as either end-to-end (E2E) or hop-by-hop (HbH). Although both state refresh approaches have been widely used in practical signaling protocols, the design tradeoffs between state synchronization and signaling cost have not yet been fully investigated. In this paper, we investigate this issue from the perspectives of state refresh and state removal. We propose simple but effective Markov chain models for both approaches and obtain closed-form solutions which depict the state refresh performance in terms of state consistency and refresh message rate, as well as the state removal performance in terms of state removal delay. Simulations verify the analytical models. It is observed that the HbH approach yields much better state synchronization at the cost of higher signaling cost than the E2E approach. While the state refresh performance can be improved by increasing the values of state refresh and timeout timers, the state removal delay increases largely for both E2E and HbH approaches. The analysis here shed lights on the design of signaling protocols and the configuration of the timers to adapt to changing network conditions.
In this study we investigated the gene expression of proteins related to myostatin (MSTN) signaling during skeletal muscle longitudinal growth. To promote muscle growth, Wistar male rats were submitted to a stretching protocol for different durations (12, 24, 48, and 96 hours). Following this protocol, soleus weight and length and sarcomere number were determined. In addition, expression levels of the genes that encode MSTN, follistatin isoforms 288 and 315 (FLST288 and FLST315), follistatin-like 3 protein (FLST-L3), growth and differentiation factor-associated protein-1 (GASP-1), activin IIB receptor (ActIIB), and SMAD-7 were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Prolonged stretching increased soleus weight, length, and sarcomere number. In addition, MSTN gene expression was increased at 12-24 hours, followed by a decrease at 96 hours when compared with baseline values. FLST isoforms, FLST-L3, and GASP-1 mRNA levels increased significantly over all time-points. ActIIB gene expression decreased quickly at 12-24 hours. SMAD-7 mRNA levels showed a late increase at 48 hours, which peaked at 96 hours. The gene expression pattern of inhibitory proteins related to MSTN signaling suggests a strong downregulation of this pathway in response to prolonged stretching. Muscle Nerve 40: 992-999, 2009
DA SILVA, A. S. R., J. R. PAULI, E. R. ROPELLE, A. G. OLIVEIRA, D. E. CINTRA, C. T. DE SOUZA, L. A. VELLOSO, J. B. C. CARVALHEIRA, and M. J. A. SAAD. Exercise Intensity, Inflammatory Signaling, and Insulin Resistance in Obese Rats. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 2180-2188, 2010. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of intensity of exercise on insulin resistance and the expression of inflammatory proteins in the skeletal muscle of diet-induced obese (DIO) rats after a single bout of exercise. Methods: In the first exercise protocol, the rats swam for two 3-h bouts, separated by a 45-min rest period (with 6 h in duration-DIO + EXE), and in the second protocol, the rats were exercised with 45 min of swimming at 70% of the maximal lactate steady state-MLSS (DIO + MLSS). Results: Our data demonstrated that both protocols of exercise increased insulin sensitivity and increased insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 and serine phosphorylation of protein kinase B in the muscle of DIO rats by the same magnitude. In parallel, both exercise protocols also reduced protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B activity and insulin receptor substrate 1 serine phosphorylation, with concomitant reduction in c-jun N-terminal kinase and I kappa B kinase activities in the muscle of DIO rats in a similar fashion. Conclusions: Thus, our data demonstrate that either exercise protocols with low intensity and high volume or exercise with moderate intensity and low volume represents different strategies to restore insulin sensitivity with the same efficacy.
Consider the problem of sharing a wireless channel between a set of computer nodes. Hidden nodes exist and there is no base station. Each computer node hosts a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream releases messages with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements staticpriority scheduling. The MAC protocol allows multiple masters and is fully distributed. It neither relies on synchronized clocks nor out-of-band signaling; it is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. Our protocol has the key feature of not only being prioritized and collision-free but also dealing successfully with hidden nodes. This key feature enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in multihop networks.
SUMMARY Barrett's esophagus (BE) is an acquired condition in which the normal squamous epithelium in the distal esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic columnar epithelium, as a complication of chronic gastroesophageal reflux. The clinical significance of this disease is its associated predisposition to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). EAC is a highly lethal disease. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of columnar metaplasia and its progression to cancer might allow the identification of biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis, which will improve the patient survival. In this study, an improved protocol for methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis, which is used to analyze promoter methylation, is proposed and a methylation-sensitive dot blot assay is described, which allows a rapid, easy, and sensitive detection of promoter methylation. Both methods were applied to study the methylation pattern of the APC promoter in histologically normal appearing gastric mucosa. The APC promoter showed monoallelic methylation, and because the methylated allele differed between the different gastric cell types, this corresponded to allelic exclusion. The APC methylation pattern was frequently altered in noimal gastric mucosa associated with neoplastic lesions, indicating that changes in the pattern of promoter methylation might precede the development of neoplasia, without accompanying histological manifestations. An epigenetic profile of 10 genes important in EAC was obtained in this study; 5 promoter genes (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A and SFRP1) were found to be hypermethylated in the tumors. Furthermore, the promoter of APC, TIMP3 and TERT was frequently methylated in BE samples from EAC patients, but rarely in BE samples that did not progress to EAC. These three biomarkers might therefore be considered as potential predictive markers for increased EAC risk. Analysis of Wnt pathway alterations indicated that WNT2 ligand is overexpressed as early as the low-grade dysplastic stage and downregulation by promoter methylation of the SFRP1 gene occurrs already in the metaplastic lesions. Moreover, loss of APC expression is not the only factor involved in the activation of the Wnt pathway. These results indicate that a variety of biologic, mostly epigenetic events occurs very early in the carcinogenesis of BE. This new information might lead to improved early diagnosis of EAC and thus open the way to a possible application of these biomarkers in the prediction of increased EAC risk progression. RESUME L'oesophage de Barrett est une lésion métaplasique définie par le remplacement de la muqueuse malpighienne du bas oesophage par une muqueuse cylindrique glandulaire, suite à une agression chronique par du reflux gastro-esophagien. La plus importante signification clinique de cette maladie est sa prédisposition au développement d'un adénocarcinome. Le pronostic de l'adénocarcinome sur oesophage de Barrett est sombre. Seule une meilleure compréhension de la pathogenèse de l'épithélium métaplasique et de sa progression néoplasique permettrait l'identification de biomarqueurs pouvant être utilisés pour un diagnostic précoce ; la survie du patient serait ainsi augmentée. Dans cette étude, un protocole amélioré pour l'analyse de la méthylation par conformation simple brin est proposé. De plus, une technique d'analyse par dot blot permettant une détection rapide, facile et sensible de la méthylation d'un promoteur est décrite. Les deux méthodes ont été appliquées à l'étude de la méthylation du promoteur du gène APC dans des muqueuses gastriques histologiquement normales. Le promoteur APC a montré une méthylation monoallélique et, parce que les allèles méthylés différaient entre les différents types de cellules gastriques, celle-ci correspondait à une méthylation allélique exclusive. La méthylation d'APC a été trouvée fréquemment altérée dans la muqueuse gastrique normale associée à des lésions néoplasiques. Ceci indique que des changements dans la méthylation d'un promoteur peuvent précéder le développement d'une tumeur, et cela sans modification histologique. Un profil épigénétique des adénocarcinomes sur oesophage de Barrett a été obtenu dans cette étude. Cinq promoteurs (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A et SFRP1) ont été trouvés hyperméthylés dans les tumeurs. Les promoteurs d'APC, TIMP3 et TERT étaient fréquemment méthylés dans l'épithélium métaplasique proche d'un adénocarcinome et rarement dans l'épithélium sans évolution néoplasique. Ces trois biomarkers pourraient par conséquent être considérés comme marqueur prédicatif d'un risque accru de développer une tumeur. L'analyse des altérations de la voie Wnt a montré que WNT2 est surexprimé déjà dans des dysplasies de bas-grade et que la dérégulation de SFRP1 par méthylation de son promoteur intervenait dans les lésions métaplasiques. Une perte d'expression d'APC n'est pas le seul facteur impliqué dans l'activation de cette voie. Ces résultats montrent qu'une grande diversité d'événements biologiques, principalement épigénétiques, surviennent très tôt lors de la carcinogenèse de l'oesophage de Barrett. Ces nouveaux éléments pourraient améliorer le diagnostic précoce et rendre possible l'application de ces biomarqueurs dans la prédiction d'un risque accru de développer un adénocarcinome sur un oesophage de Barrett.
Background: Allergic lung inflammation is impaired in diabetic rats and is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study we investigated the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways triggered by allergic inflammation in the lung and the release of selected mediators. Methods: Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, i.v., 10 days) and matching controls were sensitized by s.c. injections of ovalbumin (OA) in aluminium hydroxide, 14 days before OA (1 mg/0.4 ml) or saline intratracheal challenge. A group of diabetic rats were treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH, 4 IU, s.c.), 2 h before the OA challenge. Six hours after the challenge, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed for mediator release and lung tissue was homogenized for Western blotting analysis of signaling pathways. Results: Relative to non-diabetic rats, the diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in OA-induced phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK, 59%), p38 (53%), protein kinase B (Akt, 46%), protein kinase C (PKC)-alpha (63%) and PKC-delta (38%) in lung homogenates following the antigen challenge. Activation of the NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Reduced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, 32%) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2, 46%) in the lung homogenates was also observed. The BAL concentration of prostaglandin (PG)-E(2), nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin (IL)-6 was reduced in diabetic rats (74%, 44% and 65%, respectively), whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-2 concentration was not different from the control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all of these parameters. This protocol of insulin treatment only partially reduced the blood glucose levels. Conclusion: The data presented show that insulin regulates MAPK, PI3K, PKC and NF-kappa B pathways, the expression of the inducible enzymes iNOS and COX-2, and the levels of NO, PGE(2) and IL-6 in the early phase of allergic lung inflammation in diabetic rats. It is suggested that insulin is required for optimal transduction of the intracellular signals that follow allergic stimulation. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Aims: In our previous work, we reported that the insulin potentiating effect on melatonin synthesis is regulated by a post-transcriptional mechanism. However, the major proteins of the insulin signaling pathway (ISP) and the possible pathway component recruited on the potentiating effect of insulin had not been characterized. A second question raised was whether windows of sensitivity to insulin exist in the pineal gland due to insulin rhythmic secretion pattern. Main methods: Melatonin content from norepinephrine(NE)-synchronized pineal gland cultures was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity was assayed by radiometry. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation techniques were performed to establish the ISP proteins expression and the formation of 14-3-3: AANAT complex, respectively. Key findings: The temporal insulin susceptibility protocol revealed two periods of insulin potentiating effect, one at the beginning and another one at the end of the in vitro induced ""night"". In some Timed-insulin Stimulation (TSs), insulin also promoted a reduction on melatonin synthesis, showing its dual action in cultured pineal glands. The major ISP components, such as IR beta, IGF-1R, IRS-1, IRS-2 and PI3K(p85), as well tyrosine phosphorylation of pp85 were characterized within pineal glands. Insulin is not involved in the 14-3-3:AANAT complex formation. The blockage of PI3K by LY 294002 reduced melatonin synthesis and AANAT activity. Significance: The present study demonstrated windows of differential insulin sensitivity, a functional ISP and the PI3K-dependent insulin potentiating effect on NE-mediated melatonin synthesis, supporting the hypothesis of a crosstalk between noradrenergic and insulin pathways in the rat pineal gland. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) are flexible fuel stores that are depleted by physical exercise and replenished by fat intake. IMCL or their degradation products are thought to interfere with insulin signaling thereby contributing to insulin resistance. From a practical point of view it is desirable to deplete IMCL prior to replenishing them. So far, it is not clear for how long and at which intensity subjects have to exercise in order to deplete IMCL. We therefore aimed at developing a standardized exercise protocol that is applicable to subjects over a broad range of exercise capacity and insulin sensitivity and allows measuring reliably reduced IMCL levels.Twelve male subjects, including four diabetes type 2 patients, with wide ranges of exercise capacity (VO(2)peak per total body weight 27.9-55.8 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)), insulin sensitivity (glucose infusion rate per lean body mass 4.7-15.3 mg x min(-1) x kg(-1)), and BMI (21.7-31.5 kg x m(-2)), respectively, were enrolled. Using (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS), IMCL was measured in m.tibialis anterior and m.vastus intermedius before and during a depletion protocol of a week, consisting of a moderate additional physical activity (1 h daily at 60% VO(2)peak) and modest low-fat (10-15%) diet.Absolute IMCL-levels were significantly reduced in both muscles during the first 3 days and stayed constant for the next 3 days of an identical diet/exercise-scheme. These reduced IMCL levels were independent of insulin sensitivity, yet a tendency to lower depleted IMCL levels has been observed in subjects with higher VO(2)peak.The proposed protocol is feasible in subjects with large differences in exercise capacity, insulin sensitivity, and BMI, leading to reduced IMCL levels that neither depend on the exact duration of the depletion protocol nor on insulin sensitivity. This allows for a standardized preparation of IMCL levels either for correlation with other physiological parameters or for replenishment studies.
For smart applications, nodes in wireless multimedia sensor networks (MWSNs) have to take decisions based on sensed scalar physical measurements. A routing protocol must provide the multimedia delivery with quality level support and be energy-efficient for large-scale networks. With this goal in mind, this paper proposes a smart Multi-hop hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo communication (MEVI). MEVI combines an opportunistic scheme to create clusters, a cross-layer solution to select routes based on network conditions, and a smart solution to trigger multimedia transmission according to sensed data. Simulations were conducted to show the benefits of MEVI compared with the well-known Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. This paper includes an analysis of the signaling overhead, energy-efficiency, and video quality.
Protocols for the generation of dendritic cells (DCs) using serum as a supplementation of culture media leads to reactions due to animal proteins and disease transmissions. Several types of serum-free media (SFM), based on good manufacture practices (GMP), have recently been used and seem to be a viable option. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the differentiation, maturation, and function of DCs from Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients (AML), generated in SFM and medium supplemented with autologous serum (AS). DCs were analyzed by phenotype characteristics, viability, and functionality. The results showed the possibility of generating viable DCs in all the conditions tested. In patients, the X-VIVO 15 medium was more efficient than the other media tested in the generation of DCs producing IL-12p70 (p=0.05). Moreover, the presence of AS led to a significant increase of IL-10 by DCs as compared with CellGro (p=0.05) and X-Vivo15 (p=0.05) media, both in patients and donors. We concluded that SFM was efficient in the production of DCs for immunotherapy in AML patients. However, the use of AS appears to interfere with the functional capacity of the generated DCs.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common environmental pollutants that occur naturally in complex mixtures. Many of the adverse health effects of PAHs including cancer are linked to the activation of intracellular stress response signaling. This study has investigated intracellular MAPK signaling in response to PAHs in extracts from urban air collected in Stockholm, Sweden and Limeira, Brazil, in comparison to BP in HepG2 cells. Nanomolar concentrations of PAHs in the extracts induced activation of MEK4 signaling with down-stream increased gene expression of several important stress response mediators. Involvement of the MEK4/JNK pathway was confirmed using siRNA and an inhibitor of JNK signaling resulting in significantly reduced MAPK signaling transactivated by the AP-1 transcription factors ATF2 and c-Jun. ATF2 was also identified as a sensitive stress responsive protein with activation observed at extract concentrations equivalent to 0.1 nM BP. We show that exposure to low levels of environmental PAH mixtures more strongly activates these signaling pathways compared to BP alone suggesting effects due to interactions. Taken together, this is the first study showing the involvement of MEK4/JNK/AP-1 pathway in regulating the intracellular stress response after exposure to nanomolar levels of PAHs in environmental mixtures.