941 resultados para signal processing in the encrypted domain


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In intelligent video surveillance systems, scalability (of the number of simultaneous video streams) is important. Two key factors which hinder scalability are the time spent in decompressing the input video streams, and the limited computational power of the processor. This paper demonstrates how a combination of algorithmic and hardware techniques can overcome these limitations, and significantly increase the number of simultaneous streams. The techniques used are processing in the compressed domain, and exploitation of the multicore and vector processing capability of modern processors. The paper presents a system which performs background modeling, using a Mixture of Gaussians approach. This is an important first step in the segmentation of moving targets. The paper explores the effects of reducing the number of coefficients in the compressed domain, in terms of throughput speed and quality of the background modeling. The speedups achieved by exploiting compressed domain processing, multicore and vector processing are explored individually. Experiments show that a combination of all these techniques can give a speedup of 170 times on a single CPU compared to a purely serial, spatial domain implementation, with a slight gain in quality.


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In our earlier work [1], we employed MVDR (minimum variance distortionless response) based spectral estimation instead of modified-linear prediction method [2] in pitch modification. Here, we use the Bauer method of MVDR spectral factorization, leading to a causal inverse filter rather than a noncausal filter setup with MVDR spectral estimation [1]. Further, this is employed to obtain source (or residual) signal from pitch synchronous speech frames. The residual signal is resampled using DCT/IDCT depending on the target pitch scale factor. Finally, forward filters realized from the above factorization are used to get pitch modified speech. The modified speech is evaluated subjectively by 10 listeners and mean opinion scores (MOS) are tabulated. Further, modified bark spectral distortion measure is also computed for objective evaluation of performance. We find that the proposed algorithm performs better compared to time domain pitch synchronous overlap [3] and modified-LP method [2]. A good MOS score is achieved with the proposed algorithm compared to [1] with a causal inverse and forward filter setup.


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This work describes the use of a quadratic programming optimization procedure for designing asymmetric apodization windows to de-noise THz transient interferograms and compares these results to those obtained when wavelet signal processing algorithms are adopted. A systems identification technique in the wavelet domain is also proposed for the estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The proposed techniques can enhance the frequency dependent dynamic range of an experiment and should be of particular interest to the THz imaging and tomography community. Future advances in THz sources and detectors are likely to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded THz transients and high quality apodization techniques will become more important, and may set the limit on the achievable accuracy of the deduced spectrum.


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We report on a comprehensive signal processing procedure for very low signal levels for the measurement of neutral deuterium in the local interstellar medium from a spacecraft in Earth orbit. The deuterium measurements were performed with the IBEX-Lo camera on NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) satellite. Our analysis technique for these data consists of creating a mass relation in three-dimensional time of flight space to accurately determine the position of the predicted D events, to precisely model the tail of the H events in the region where the H tail events are near the expected D events, and then to separate the H tail from the observations to extract the very faint D signal. This interstellar D signal, which is expected to be a few counts per year, is extracted from a strong terrestrial background signal, consisting of sputter products from the sensor’s conversion surface. As reference we accurately measure the terrestrial D/H ratio in these sputtered products and then discriminate this terrestrial background source. During the three years of the mission time when the deuterium signal was visible to IBEX, the observation geometry and orbit allowed for a total observation time of 115.3 days. Because of the spinning of the spacecraft and the stepping through eight energy channels the actual observing time of the interstellar wind was only 1.44 days. With the optimised data analysis we found three counts that could be attributed to interstellar deuterium. These results update our earlier work.


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A complete solution to the fundamental problem of delineation of an ECG signal into its component waves by filtering the discrete Fourier transform of the signal is presented. The set of samples in a component wave is transformed into a complex sequence with a distinct frequency band. The filter characteristics are determined from the time signal itself. Multiplication of the transformed signal with a complex sinusoidal function allows the use of a bank of low-pass filters for the delineation of all component waves. Data from about 300 beats have been analysed and the results are highly satisfactory both qualitatively and quantitatively.


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This paper considers the problem of weak signal detection in the presence of navigation data bits for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. Typically, a set of partial coherent integration outputs are non-coherently accumulated to combat the effects of model uncertainties such as the presence of navigation data-bits and/or frequency uncertainty, resulting in a sub-optimal test statistic. In this work, the test-statistic for weak signal detection is derived in the presence of navigation data-bits from the likelihood ratio. It is highlighted that averaging the likelihood ratio based test-statistic over the prior distributions of the unknown data bits and the carrier phase uncertainty leads to the conventional Post Detection Integration (PDI) technique for detection. To improve the performance in the presence of model uncertainties, a novel cyclostationarity based sub-optimal PDI technique is proposed. The test statistic is analytically characterized, and shown to be robust to the presence of navigation data-bits, frequency, phase and noise uncertainties. Monte Carlo simulation results illustrate the validity of the theoretical results and the superior performance offered by the proposed detector in the presence of model uncertainties.


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This paper employs a unique decentralised cooperative control method to realise a formation-based collision avoidance strategy for a group of autonomous vehicles. In this approach, the vehicles' role in the formation and their alert and danger areas are first defined, and the formation-based intra-group and external collision avoidance methods are then proposed to translate the collision avoidance problem into the formation stability problem. The extension–decomposition–aggregation formation control method is next employed to stabilise the original and modified formations, whilst manoeuvring, and subsequently solve their collision avoidance problem indirectly. Simulation study verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the intra-group and external collision avoidance strategy. It is demonstrated that both formation control and collision avoidance problems can be simultaneously solved if the stability of the expanded formation including external obstacles can be satisfied.


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Data mining is one of the hottest research areas nowadays as it has got wide variety of applications in common man’s life to make the world a better place to live. It is all about finding interesting hidden patterns in a huge history data base. As an example, from a sales data base, one can find an interesting pattern like “people who buy magazines tend to buy news papers also” using data mining. Now in the sales point of view the advantage is that one can place these things together in the shop to increase sales. In this research work, data mining is effectively applied to a domain called placement chance prediction, since taking wise career decision is so crucial for anybody for sure. In India technical manpower analysis is carried out by an organization named National Technical Manpower Information System (NTMIS), established in 1983-84 by India's Ministry of Education & Culture. The NTMIS comprises of a lead centre in the IAMR, New Delhi, and 21 nodal centres located at different parts of the country. The Kerala State Nodal Centre is located at Cochin University of Science and Technology. In Nodal Centre, they collect placement information by sending postal questionnaire to passed out students on a regular basis. From this raw data available in the nodal centre, a history data base was prepared. Each record in this data base includes entrance rank ranges, reservation, Sector, Sex, and a particular engineering. From each such combination of attributes from the history data base of student records, corresponding placement chances is computed and stored in the history data base. From this data, various popular data mining models are built and tested. These models can be used to predict the most suitable branch for a particular new student with one of the above combination of criteria. Also a detailed performance comparison of the various data mining models is done.This research work proposes to use a combination of data mining models namely a hybrid stacking ensemble for better predictions. A strategy to predict the overall absorption rate for various branches as well as the time it takes for all the students of a particular branch to get placed etc are also proposed. Finally, this research work puts forward a new data mining algorithm namely C 4.5 * stat for numeric data sets which has been proved to have competent accuracy over standard benchmarking data sets called UCI data sets. It also proposes an optimization strategy called parameter tuning to improve the standard C 4.5 algorithm. As a summary this research work passes through all four dimensions for a typical data mining research work, namely application to a domain, development of classifier models, optimization and ensemble methods.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate ex vivo the accuracy an electronic apex locator during root canal length determination in primary molars. Methods: One calibrated examiner determined the root canal length in 15 primary molars (total=34 root canals) with different stages of root resorption. Root canal length was measured both visually, with the placement of a K-file 1 mm short of the apical foramen or the apical resorption bevel, and electronically using an electronic apex locator (Digital Signal Processing). Data were analyzed statistically using the intraclass correlation (ICC) test. Results: Comparing the actual and electronic root canal length measurements in the primary teeth showed a high correlation (ICC=0.95) Conclusions: The Digital Signal Processing apex locator is useful and accurate for apex foramen location during root canal length measurement in primary molars. (Pediatr Dent 200937:320-2) Received April 75, 2008 vertical bar Lost Revision August 21, 2008 vertical bar Revision Accepted August 22, 2008


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TGN38 is one of the few known resident integral membrane proteins of the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Since it cycles constitutively between the TGN and the plasma membrane, TGN38 is ideally suited as a model protein for the identification of post-Golgi trafficking motifs. Several studies, employing chimeric constructs to detect such motifs within the cytosolic domain of TGN38, have identified the sequence 333YQRL336 as an autonomous signal capable of localizing reporter proteins to the TGN. In addition, one group has found that an upstream serine residue, S331, may also play a role in TGN38 localization. However, the nature and degree of participation of S331 in the localization of TGN38 remain uncertain, and the effect has been studied in chimeric constructs only. Here we investigate the role of S331 in the context of full-length TGN38. Mutations that abolish the hydroxyl moiety at position 331 (A, D, and E) lead to missorting of endocytosed TGN38 to the lysosome. Conversely, mutation of S331 to T has little effect on the endocytic trafficking of TGN38. Together, these findings indicate that the S331 hydroxyl group has a direct or indirect effect on the ability of the cytosolic tail of TGN38 to interact with trafficking and/or sorting machinery at the level of the early endosome. In addition, mutation of S331 to either A or D results in increased levels of TGN38 at the cell surface. The results confirm that S331 plays a critical role in the intracellular trafficking of TGN38 and further reveal that TGN38 undergoes a signal-mediated trafficking step at the level of the endosome.


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Magnetoencephalographic responses recorded from auditory cortex evoked by brief and rapidly successive stimuli differed between adults with poor vs. good reading abilities in four important ways. First, the response amplitude evoked by short-duration acoustic stimuli was stronger in the post-stimulus time range of 150–200 ms in poor readers than in normal readers. Second, response amplitude to rapidly successive and brief stimuli that were identical or that differed significantly in frequency were substantially weaker in poor readers compared with controls, for interstimulus intervals of 100 or 200 ms, but not for an interstimulus interval of 500 ms. Third, this neurological deficit closely paralleled subjects’ ability to distinguish between and to reconstruct the order of presentation of those stimulus sequences. Fourth, the average distributed response coherence evoked by rapidly successive stimuli was significantly weaker in the β- and γ-band frequency ranges (20–60 Hz) in poor readers, compared with controls. These results provide direct electrophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that reading disabilities are correlated with the abnormal neural representation of brief and rapidly successive sensory inputs, manifested in this study at the entry level of the cortical auditory/aural speech representational system(s).


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Rapid progress in effective methods to image brain functions has revolutionized neuroscience. It is now possible to study noninvasively in humans neural processes that were previously only accessible in experimental animals and in brain-injured patients. In this endeavor, positron emission tomography has been the leader, but the superconducting quantum interference device-based magnetoencephalography (MEG) is gaining a firm role, too. With the advent of instruments covering the whole scalp, MEG, typically with 5-mm spatial and 1-ms temporal resolution, allows neuroscientists to track cortical functions accurately in time and space. We present five representative examples of recent MEG studies in our laboratory that demonstrate the usefulness of whole-head magnetoencephalography in investigations of spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical signal processing.