948 resultados para sight words


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Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that can lead to blindness if not readily discovered. Automated screening algorithms have the potential to improve identification of patients who need further medical attention. However, the identification of lesions must be accurate to be useful for clinical application. The bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) algorithm employs a maximum-margin classifier in a flexible framework that is able to detect the most common DR-related lesions such as microaneurysms, cotton-wool spots and hard exudates. BoVW allows to bypass the need for pre- and post-processing of the retinographic images, as well as the need of specific ad hoc techniques for identification of each type of lesion. An extensive evaluation of the BoVW model, using three large retinograph datasets (DR1, DR2 and Messidor) with different resolution and collected by different healthcare personnel, was performed. The results demonstrate that the BoVW classification approach can identify different lesions within an image without having to utilize different algorithms for each lesion reducing processing time and providing a more flexible diagnostic system. Our BoVW scheme is based on sparse low-level feature detection with a Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) local descriptor, and mid-level features based on semi-soft coding with max pooling. The best BoVW representation for retinal image classification was an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) of 97.8% (exudates) and 93.5% (red lesions), applying a cross-dataset validation protocol. To assess the accuracy for detecting cases that require referral within one year, the sparse extraction technique associated with semi-soft coding and max pooling obtained an AUC of 94.2 ± 2.0%, outperforming current methods. Those results indicate that, for retinal image classification tasks in clinical practice, BoVW is equal and, in some instances, surpasses results obtained using dense detection (widely believed to be the best choice in many vision problems) for the low-level descriptors.


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In the non-color-word Stroop task, university students' response latencies were longer for low-frequency than for higher frequency target words. Visual identity primes facilitated color naming in groups reading the prime silently or processing it semantically (Experiment 1) but did not when participants generated a rhyme of the prime (Experiment 3). With auditory identity primes, generating an associate or a rhyme of the prime produced interference (Experiments 2 and 3). Color-naming latencies were longer for nonwords than for words (Experiment 4). There was a small long-term repetition benefit in color naming for low-frequency words that had been presented in the lexical decision task (Experiment 5). Facilitation of word recognition speeds color naming except when phonological activation of the base word increases response competition.


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This article examines book illustrations through the prism of Translation Studies. It mainly suggests that the pictures in illustrated books are (intersemiotic) translations of the text and that, as such, they can be analyzed making use of the same tools applied to verbal interlingual translation. The first section deals with the theoretical bases upon which illustrations can be regarded as translations, concentrating on theories of re-creation, as illustration is viewed essentially as the re-creation of the text in visual form. One of the claims in this section is that, because illustration is carried out in very similar ways as interlingual translation itself, the term ""intersemiotic"" relates more to the (obvious) difference of medium. For this reason the word is most often referred to in parentheses. The second section discusses three particular ways through which illustrations can translate the text, namely, by reproducing the textual elements literally in the picture, by emphasizing a specific narrative element, and by adapting the pictures to a certain ideology or artistic trend. The example illustrations are extracted from different. kinds of publication and media, ranging from Virgil`s Aeneid, Lewis Carroll`s Alice in Wonderland and Mark Twain`s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to an online comic version of Shakespeare`s Hamlet.


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Given the importance of syllables in the development of reading, spelling, and phonological awareness, information is needed about how children syllabify spoken words. To what extent is syllabification affected by knowledge of spelling, to what extent by phonology, and which phonological factors are influential? In Experiment 1, six- and seven-year-old children did not show effects of spelling on oral syllabification, performing similarly on words such as habit and rabbit. Spelling influenced the syllabification of older children and adults, with the results suggesting that knowledge of spelling must be well entrenched before it begins to affect oral syllabification. Experiment 2 revealed influences of phonological factors on syllabification that were similar across age groups. Young children, like older children and adults, showed differences between words with short and long vowels (e.g., lemon vs. demon) and words with sonorant and obstruent intervocalic consonants (e.g., melon vs. wagon). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Circular proteins are a recently discovered phenomenon. They presumably evolved to confer advantages over ancestral linear proteins while maintaining the intrinsic biological functions of those proteins. In general, these advantages include a reduced sensitivity to proteolytic cleavage and enhanced stability. In one remarkable family of circular proteins, the cyclotides, the cyclic backbone is additionally braced by a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds that confers additional stability and topological complexity upon the family. This article describes the discovery, structure, function and biosynthesis of the currently known circular proteins. The discovery of naturally occurring circular proteins in the past few years has been complemented by new chemical and biochemical methods to make synthetic circular proteins; these are also briefly described.


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Esta pesquisa teve a intenção de traçar e problematizar os atravessamentos percebidos nos encontros com profissionais do Creas (Centro de Referência Especializada da Assistência Social), que atuam com medida socioeducativa em meio aberto ou Liberdade Assistida. Através dos diálogos realizados, tanto por meio de entrevistas individuais ou em grupo, a intenção foi de localizar, intensificar entrelaçamentos, linhas presentes nas diferentes facetas e momentos que esse campo apresenta. Partindo dessa intenção, o desafio que se colocou foi traçar mapas, de forma a dar corpo a ressonâncias com diferentes tempos e territórios. Constatou-se, com o auxílio de alguns autores, como Foucault, Costa e Agamben, a presença de emaranhados de questões que se entrelaçam com várias outras áreas e esferas de atuação, ou seja, áreas que não são não específicas desse campo, mas que envolvem outros profissionais, programas e propostas de serviços Estatais. Tudo isso se encontrou nas falas dos técnicos sobre as ações diárias, priorizando encontros com adolescentes em cumprimento de liberdade assistida e suas famílias, aliadas com referências dos conceitos como de governamentalidade, biopolítica, que permitiram deslocamentos de pontos de vistas cristalizados e problematizações de práticas e discursos que ali estão colocados. Para se construir um olhar crítico sobre esse campo, também foi feito um breve levantamento histórico sobre como alguns conceitos, como os de delinquência e família, são utilizados nas estratégias de intervenção governamental da população. A partir da construção de certos padrões de normalidade no cuidado com a infância ao longo da história das estratégias socioassistenciais do Brasil, se enfatizaram relações de desigualdade nos serviços e práticas contemporâneos. Tudo isso também permitiu questionar como ilegalidades participam das relações de Estado cada vez mais de forma consolidada, participando tanto da afirmação de práticas produtoras de aprisionamentos, como também possibilitando a percepção de diferentes tipos de relações que atuam na produção de outras formas de se viver Liberdade Assistida, sob discursos e práticas vigilância e controle.


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Para pesquisar sobre as produções de cuidado pelos trabalhadores da saúde mental na relação cotidiana do trabalho e com os usuários, utilizou-se como ferramentas metodológicas: a cartografia - por considerar os processos descritivos de ‘uma vida’ e as multiplicidades que atravessam os sujeitos - e as narrativas propostas por Walter Benjamin, como forma de contar histórias sobre estes processos que se compõem na produção de cuidado. A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil foi marcada pela crítica aos modos asilares, que eram/são adoecedores e negam os desejos e os direitos das pessoas que passam pela experiência da loucura, internadas ou não. Com o olhar crítico a esse modelo hospitalocêntrico, vários atores antimanicomiais protagonizaram a criação de dispositivos que transversalizam essa forma de cuidado. O cuidado em saúde mental passou por diversas transformações como mostra Foucault (1982), principalmente com a entrada do saber científico que se apropriou do conhecimento e do controle dos corpos para lidar com a loucura, o que proporcionou o isolamento dos loucos. E, hoje, com a Reforma Psiquiátrica, temos o desafio de continuar o movimento de desinstitucionalização das práticas, dos saberes e dos manicômios mentais, que perpassam as relações de trabalho de cuidado por meio de capturas, sensíveis ou não, e que se presentificam nos corpos, nas falas e nas ações. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário que esses processos de rupturas ao modo manicomial se iniciem em nós, para que a produção de subjetividades e novos modos de existência do outro se expandam em suas (re)invenções. Por isso, o trabalho se cria a todo instante, não tendo um modelo único de cuidar na saúde mental. No entanto, é importante salientar que a intervenção seja pautada numa ética estética-política e na produção de autonomia dos sujeitos, para que o trabalho não seja tutelador, mas que permita as afirmações dos desejos dos usuários. As equipes multiprofissionais e transdisciplinares fazem toda a diferença no acolhimento, no acompanhamento e nas intervenções com os usuários, os familiares e os próprios trabalhadores da saúde mental. Como uma forma de dispositivo de trabalho para produzir cuidado, a arte e a cultura são vistas como transformadores dos modos de existência, bem como o lazer e a ocupação dos territórios e da comunidade em que os usuários estão inseridos


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This paper will focus on some aspects of translation based on blending distinct linguistic domains such as English Language and Portuguese in using false friends in the English class in tertiary level students, reflecting namely on: 1. the choice of a word suitable to the context in L2 ; 2. the difficulties encountered by choice of that word that could be misleading, by relying in a false L1 reality that is going to adulterate reality in the L2 domain; 3. the difficulty in making such type of distinctions due to the lack of linguistic and lexical knowledge. 4. the need to study the cause of these difficulties by working, not only with their peers, but also with their language teacher to develop strategies to diminish and if possible to eradicate this type of linguistic and, above all, translation problem by making an inventory of those types of mistakes. In relation to the first point it is necessary to know that translation tasks involve much more than literal concepts ( Ladmiral, 1975) : furthermore it is necessary and suitable to realise that lexicon relies in significant contexts (Coseriu 1966), which connects both domains, that, at first sight do not seem to be compatible. In other words, although students have the impression they dominate lexicon due to the fact that they possess at least seven years of foreign language exposure that doesn’t mean they master the particularities engaged in such a delicate task as translation is concerned. There are some chromaticisms in the words (false friends), that need to be researched and analysed later on by both students and language teachers. The reason for such state of affairs lies in their academic formation, of a mainly general stream, which has enabled them only for knowledge of the foreign language, but not for the translation as a tool as it is required only when they reach the tertiary level. Besides, for their translations they rely, most of the times, on glossaries, whose dominant language is portuguese of Brazil, which is, obviously, much different from the portuguese mother tongue reality and even more of English. So it seems necessary to use with caution the working tools (glossaries) that work as surpluses, but could bring translation problems as we will see.