905 resultados para shoulder joint
"Blind" shoulder injections are often inaccurate and infiltrate untargeted structures. We tested a hypothesis that optimizing certain anatomical and positional factors would improve accuracy and reduce dispersal.
We evaluated one subacromial and one glenohumeral injection technique on cadavers.
Mean accuracy was 91% for subacromial-targeted and 74 and 91% (worst- and best-case scenarios) for joint-targeted injections. Mean dispersal was 19% for subacromial-targeted and 16% for joint-targeted injections. All results bettered those reported previously.
These "optimized" techniques might improve accuracy and limit dispersal of blind shoulder injections in clinical situations, benefiting efficacy and safety. However, evaluation is required in a clinical setting.
Includes A treatise on the minute anatomy of the bones, by Antonio Scarpa; transl. by J.D. Godman.
Shoulder joint is a complex integration of soft and hard tissues. It plays an important role in performing daily activities and can be considered as a perfect compromise between mobility and stability. However, shoulder is vulnerable to complications such as dislocations and osteoarthritis. Finite element (FE) models have been developed to understand shoulder injury mechanisms, implications of disease on shoulder complex and in assessing the quality of shoulder implants. Further, although few, Finite element shoulder models have also been utilized to answer important clinical questions such as the difference between a normal and osteoarthritic shoulder joint. However, due to the absence of experimental validation, it is questionable whether the constitutive models applied in these FE models are adequate to represent mechanical behaviors of shoulder elements (Cartilages, Ligaments, Muscles etc), therefore the confidence of using current models in answering clinically relevant question. The main objective of this review is to critically evaluate the existing FE shoulder models that have been used to investigate clinical problems. Due concern is given to check the adequacy of representative constitutive models of shoulder elements in drawing clinically relevant conclusion. Suggestions have been given to improve the existing shoulder models by inclusion of adequate constitutive models for shoulder elements to confidently answer clinically relevant questions.
This paper presents a validation study on the application of a novel interslice interpolation technique for musculoskeletal structure segmentation of articulated joints and muscles on human magnetic resonance imaging data. The interpolation technique is based on morphological shape-based interpolation combined with intensity based voxel classification. Shape-based interpolation in the absence of the original intensity image has been investigated intensively. However, in some applications of medical image analysis, the intensity image of the slice to be interpolated is available. For example, when manual segmentation is conducted on selected slices, the segmentation on those unselected slices can be obtained by interpolation. We proposed a two- step interpolation method to utilize both the shape information in the manual segmentation and local intensity information in the image. The method was tested on segmentations of knee, hip and shoulder joint bones and hamstring muscles. The results were compared with two existing interpolation methods. Based on the calculated Dice similarity coefficient and normalized error rate, the proposed method outperformed the other two methods.
Introduction: Shoulder impingement is one of the most common presentations of shoulder joint problems 1. It appears to be caused by a reduction in the sub-acromial space as the humerus abducts between 60o -120o – the 'painful arc'. Structures between the humeral head and the acromion are thus pinched causing pain and further pathology 2. Shoulder muscle activity can influence this joint space but it is unclear whether this is a cause or effect in impingement patients. This study aimed to observe muscle activation patterns in normal and impingement shoulder patients and determine if there were any significant differences. Method: 19 adult subjects were asked to perform shoulder abduction in their symptomatic arm and non-symptomatic. 10 of these subjects (age 47.9 ± 11.2) were screened for shoulder impingement, and 9 subjects (age 38.9 ± 14.3) had no history of shoulder pathology. Surface EMG was used to collect data for 6 shoulder muscles (Upper, middle and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, infraspinatus, middle deltoids) which was then filtered and fully rectified. Subjects performed 3 smooth unilateral abduction movements at a cadence of 16 beats of a metronome set at 60bpm, and the mean of their results was recorded. T-tests were used to indicate any statistical significance in the data sets. Significance was set at P<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference in muscle activation with serratus anterior in particular showing a very low level of activation throughout the range when compared to normal shoulder activation patterns (<30%). Middle deltoid recruitment was significantly reduced between 60-90o in the impingement group (30:58%).Trends were noted in other muscles with upper trapezius and infraspinatus activating more rapidly and erratically (63:25%; 60:27% respectively), and lower trapezius with less recruitment (13:30%) in the patient group, although these did not quite reach significance. Conclusion: There appears to be some interesting alterations in muscle recruitment patterns in impingement shoulder patients when compared against their own unaffected shoulders and the control group. In particular changes in scapula control (serratus anterior and trapezius) and lateral rotation (infraspinatus), which have direct influence on the sub-acromial space, should be noted. It is still not clear whether these alterations are causative or reactionary, but this finding gives a clear indication to the importance of addressing muscle reeducation as part of a rehabilitation programme in shoulder impingement patients.
Training on patients in addition to conventional mannequins increased GPs shoulder injection activity and their level of confidence.Hospital injection clinicsa may provide a suitable setting in which to train GPs interested in developing their shoulder joint injection skills
The goal of the present work was assess the feasibility of using a pseudo-inverse and null-space optimization approach in the modeling of the shoulder biomechanics. The method was applied to a simplified musculoskeletal shoulder model. The mechanical system consisted in the arm, and the external forces were the arm weight, 6 scapulo-humeral muscles and the reaction at the glenohumeral joint, which was considered as a spherical joint. The muscle wrapping was considered around the humeral head assumed spherical. The dynamical equations were solved in a Lagrangian approach. The mathematical redundancy of the mechanical system was solved in two steps: a pseudo-inverse optimization to minimize the square of the muscle stress and a null-space optimization to restrict the muscle force to physiological limits. Several movements were simulated. The mathematical and numerical aspects of the constrained redundancy problem were efficiently solved by the proposed method. The prediction of muscle moment arms was consistent with cadaveric measurements and the joint reaction force was consistent with in vivo measurements. This preliminary work demonstrated that the developed algorithm has a great potential for more complex musculoskeletal modeling of the shoulder joint. In particular it could be further applied to a non-spherical joint model, allowing for the natural translation of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa.
Background: We aimed to establish values and parameters using multislice reconstruction in axial computerized tomography (CT) in order to quantify the erosion of the glenoid cavity in cases of shoulder instability. Methods: We studied two groups using CT. Group I had normal subjects and Group II had patients with shoulder instability. We measured values of the vertical segment, the superior horizontal, medial and inferior segments, and also calculated the ratio of the horizontal superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity in both normal subjects and those with shoulder instability. These variables were recorded during arthroscopy for cases with shoulder instability. Results The mean values were 40.87 mm, 17.86 mm, 26.50 mm, 22.86 mm and 0.79 for vertical segment, the superior horizontal, medial and inferior segments, and the ratio between horizontal superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity respectively, in normal subjects. For subjects with unstable shoulders the mean values were 37.33 mm, 20.83 mm, 23.07 mm and 0.91 respectively. Arthroscopic measurements yielded an inferior segment value of 24.48 mm with a loss of 2.39 mm (17.57%). The ratio between the superior and inferior segments of the glenoid cavity was 0.79. This value can be used as a normative value for evaluating degree of erosion of the anterior border of the glenoid cavity. However, values found using CT should not be used on a comparative basis with values found during arthroscopy. Conclusions: Computerized tomographic measurements of the glenoid cavity yielded reliable values consistent with those in the literature.
Solid-extracellular fluid interaction is believed to play an important role in the strain-rate dependent mechanical behaviors of shoulder articular cartilages. It is believed that the kangaroo shoulder joint is anatomically and biomechanically similar to human shoulder joint and it is easy to get in Australia. Therefore, the kangaroo humeral head cartilage was used as the suitable tissue for the study in this paper. Indentation tests from quasi-static (10-4/sec) to moderately high strain-rate (10-2/sec) on kangaroo humeral head cartilage tissues were conduced to investigate the strain-rate dependent behaviors. A finite element (FE) model was then developed, in which cartilage was conceptualized as a porous solid matrix filled with incompressible fluids. In this model, the solid matrix was modeled as an isotropic hyperelastic material and the percolating fluid follows Darcy’s law. Using inverse FE procedure, the constitutive parameters related to stiffness, compressibility of the solid matrix and permeability were obtained from the experimental results. The effect of solid-extracellular fluid interaction and drag force (the resistance to fluid movement) on strain-rate dependent behavior was investigated by comparing the influence of constant, strain dependent and strain-rate dependent permeability on FE model prediction. The newly developed porohyperelastic cartilage model with the inclusion of strain-rate dependent permeability was found to be able to predict the strain-rate dependent behaviors of cartilages.
We investigated the role of two genes, ANKH and TNAP, in patients with cuff tear arthropathy. These genes encode proteins which regulate the extracellular concentration of inorganic pyrophosphate, fluctuations of which can lead to calcium crystal formation. Variants were detected by direct sequencing of DNA and their frequencies compared with healthy controls. The effect of variants on protein function was further studied by in vitro approaches. Variant genotypes were observed more frequently in the cases when compared with controls in ANKH (45% and 20%) and TNAP (32% and 9%). Variants in ANKH altered inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) concentrations in transfected human chondrocytes. There was a higher mean serum concentration of TNAP detected in female patients compared with normal ranges. Cuff tear arthropathy is associated with variants in ANKH and TNAP that alter extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate concentrations causing calcium crystal deposition. This supports a theory that genetic variants predispose patients to primary crystal deposition which when combined with a massive rotator cuff tear leads to the development of arthritis.
Introdução: A síndrome dolorosa miofascial é um dos principais problemas encontrados na prática clínica, tendo como principais características os pontos gatilho (PG), ativos ou latentes. Os PG latentes têm uma elevada prevalência na musculatura da cintura escapular, nomeadamente ao nível do trapézio superior (TS), influenciando o controlo motor do ombro. A compressão isquémica aplicada no PG do TS poderá influenciar o comportamento muscular dos sinergistas durante o movimento de abdução no plano da omoplata. Objetivos: Este estudo visa estudar a influência da compressão isquémica aplicada no PG do TS na magnitude de ativação dos músculos TS, trapézio inferior (TI), grande dentado (GD), infra-espinhoso (IE) e deltóide médio (DM), assim como a relação muscular através da razão entre o TS e os restantes músculos em análise, durante o movimento de abdução no plano da omoplata. Métodos: O presente estudo é experimental, aleatório e controlado. Foram criados dois grupos, grupo controlo (GC) (n=14) e grupo experimental (GE) (n=15), a partir de uma amostra de 67 indivíduos. No GC foi aplicado um procedimento placebo e no GE foi aplicada no PG latente do TS a técnica de compressão isquémica. Antes e após a intervenção foi recolhida a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos em análise, assim como os dados cinemáticos, durante o movimento de elevação do ombro no plano da omoplata. Para a análise registou-se a amplitude máxima de abdução e foi analisada a atividade muscular individual dos músculos em estudo assim como a razão entre o TS e os restantes músculos. Esta análise foi realizada em intervalos de 30° até ao final do movimento. Resultados: Não se verificaram diferenças na amplitude máxima de abdução, nem entre grupos (1º momento p=0,608, t=0,816; 2º momento p=0,119; t=1,252) nem entre os dois momentos em cada grupo (GC, t=-1,119; p=0,256; GE, t=-1,604, p=0,135). Na magnitude de ativação individual de cada músculo também não se verificaram diferenças significativas com a aplicação da técnica, tendo-se verificado no DM uma tendência para o aumento da ativação aquando da intervenção, ao longo de todo o arco de movimento, em comparação com a pré-intervenção, já no GC de controlo não se verificaram alterações entre momentos. Também na análise da razão entre músculos não se verificaram diferenças entre grupos. Conclusão: A intervenção realizada não influenciou nenhum dos parâmetros em análise do complexo articular do ombro nem a amplitude de movimento de abdução.
La récupération optimale des amplitudes articulaires (AAs) et de la force musculaire est un objectif crucial de la réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive (RFI) à la suite d’une lésion médullaire (LM). Le but de la présente étude était de documenter les changements d’AAs des membres supérieurs durant la RFI chez des individus (n = 197) ayant subi une LM et d’établir le lien avec l’autonomie fonctionnelle. Les données (AA, force musculaire, spasticité, déficiences secondaires, autonomie fonctionnelle) ont été collectées à l’admission et au congé de la RFI. Des analyses descriptives, des tests d’association entre les changements d’AAs et des variables indépendantes (douleur, spasticité, déficiences secondaires, force) et des analyses multivariées ont été utilisées. Les individus ayant une paraplégie présentent peu de déficit d’AAs à l’épaule comparés à ceux ayant une tétraplégie. Parmi ces derniers, une majorité présente des AAs sous les valeurs de normalité en fin de RFI. Le groupe D, établi selon l’évaluation de l’American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA D) présente des pertes d’AAs plus importante qu’attendue. La douleur au niveau articulaire est un facteur influençant les changements d’AAs, particulièrement dans ce groupe. La force musculaire chez les personnes ayant une tétraplégie sévère (ASIA ABC) est plus faible que celle du groupe ayant une lésion moins sévère (ASIA D). Généralement, le gain de force corrèle avec le gain d’AA. La force musculaire, les AAs et le nombre de déficiences secondaires sont les principaux éléments influençant l’autonomie fonctionnelle. En conclusion, la perte d’AA est plus importante à l’articulation de l’épaule et, pour plusieurs individus, malgré un gain significatif, les AAs n’atteignent pas les valeurs de référence au congé de la RFI. La force musculaire et certaines déficiences secondaires sont des éléments à considérer pour expliquer les pertes d’AAs et d’autonomie fonctionnelle. Les études futures devront clarifier certains aspects dont l’atteinte de la rotation médiale qui semble montrer un patron différent de récupération en comparaison des autres mouvements de l’épaule. De plus, les études devront montrer si ces changements et résultats sont maintenus après le congé de la RFI.
El movimiento en el complejo articular de hombro, al igual que en las demás partes del cuerpo se realiza gracias a los sistemas óseo, articular y muscular. Cuando se presentan movimientos repetitivos, posturas y fuerzas en el lugar de trabajo al desarrollar las tareas, se pueden originar una serie de patologías profesionales en los trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos. Estas patologías no solamente se asocian a estos factores de riesgo, sino también, a una concepción inadecuada del diseño del puesto de trabajo en dónde los trabajadores desarrollan su actividad laboral. se pretende a través de este proyecto de investigación dar a conocer una herramienta de observación, detección de éstos, y medición tridimensional de los movimientos que puedan llegar a representar un riesgo, facilitando la recolección de datos de forma precisa y rápida, así como la apreciación de las condiciones de trabajo, por parte de los profesionales interesados en Salud Ocupacional.