937 resultados para shareholder contract


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Osakkeenomistajien keskinaisia suhteita sekä osakkeenomistajien suhdetta yhtiöön ja kolmanteen sääntelevät muun muassa osakeyhtiölain (29.9.1978/734) saannokset ja yhtiöjärjestyksen määräykset. Osakeyhtiölaissa on vain rajoitetusti otettu huomioon se, että osakeyhtiöiden tarkoitukset vaihtelevat ja että ne ovat erikokoisia. Saannokset soveltuvat parhaiten suuren tai keskisuuren osakeyhtiön osakaspiirin tarpeisiin. Osakassopimuksella pyritään tavallisesti siihen, että asiat olisivat ennen niiden käsittelemistä yhtiön elimissä jo edeltä kasin sovittu. Paatosten tekemistä ei kuitenkaan voida osakkeenomistajien keskinaisella sopimuksella siirtää osakeyhtiölaissa sääntelemättömille elimille. Osakassopimuksilla pyritään varmistamaan osakkaiden oikeudet yhtiön elinkaaren aikana muuttuvissa tilanteissa. Yhdistävänä tekijänä niissä on valta ja sen käyttö. Osakassopimukset ovat jaettavissa vallan keskittämistä, hajauttamista ja tasapainon ylläpitämistä koskeviin sopimuksiin. Osakassopimuksella saatetaan pyrkiä säilyttämään osakkeenomistajien osakassopimuksen tekohetken aikaiset vaikutusmahdollisuudet muuttumattomina heidän keskinaisissa suhteissaan ja suhteissa ulkopuolisiin intressiryhmiin.


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Contrary to the plethora of critical articles recently appearing in both the popular and business press, this carefully controlled investigation of 49 stadium- and arena-naming-rights agreement announcements provides striking evidence that such sponsorships can significantly enhance the stock prices of sponsoring companies. Indeed, the results of the study show that the average stadium sponsor's stock prices increased by 1.65 percent at the time of announcement of the programs-a result considerably in excess of the returns associated with other major marketing programs such as the signing of Olympic sponsorships and celebrity endorsers. A multiple regression analysis employing firm-specific changes in stock prices as the dependent variable and quantifiable corporate and sponsorship-related attributes as independent variables is also presented. Variables positively and significantly correlated with perceived sponsorship success include team-winning percentages, contract length, and high technology and locally based companies. Overall, the findings of the study are consistent with the novel hypothesis that, for some firms, the real value-added of a stadium sponsorship may lie in its ability to serve as an effective or honest signal of managerial confidence in the future of the company.


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This article analyzes the juridical controversy related to whether a person that providesservices to a company in which is partner, can be qualified or considered as adependent employee of it. In order to accomplish that purpose, the article providesa critical study of the doctrine of the Chilean Department of Labor (Dirección deTrabajo) in contrast to the jurisprudence of the Chilean courts of justice. From there,the author develops criteria that can serve as guidance towards the resolution of disputesof this nature. To this end, an interdisciplinary study is done, which combinesboth the essential elements of the contract of employment, mainly the element ofalienation, with the characteristics of each type of company.


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We explore of the feasibility of the computationally oriented institutional agency framework proposed by Governatori and Rotolo testing it against an industrial strength scenario. In particular we show how to encode in defeasible logic the dispute resolution policy described in Article 67 of FIDIC.


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This article examines contemporary feminist arguments about contract. It does not aim to advance new arguments for or against contract but to call into question the dominant feminist position which is that contract has to be cast aside and/or that alternative approaches to contract have to be developed in order to advance the position of women. In a reworking of Elizabeth Kingdom's anti-essentialist approach to rights, Sullivan argues that a feminist but non-essentialist approach to contract is both possible and desirable. Sullivan explores a number of concrete situations in the Australian context where contract approaches have been deployed in law and public policy and demonstrates that contract may be detrimental or advantageous to the position of women. Sullivan argues, therefore, for a strategic and critical feminist approach to the utilisation of the language and practice of contract.


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We investigate shareholder value creation of Spanish listed firms in response to announcements of acquisitions of unlisted companies and compare this experience to the purchase of listed firms over the period 1991–2006. Similar to foreign markets, acquirers of listed targets earn insignificant average abnormal returns, whereas acquirers of unlisted targets gain significant positive average abnormal returns. When we relate these results to company and transaction characteristics our findings diverge from those reported in the literature for other foreign markets, as our evidence suggests that the listing status effect is mainly associated with the fact that unlisted firms tend to be smaller and lesser–known firms, and thus suffer from a lack of competition in the market for corporate control. Consequently, the payment of lower premiums and the possibility of diversifying shareholders’ portfolios lead to unlisted firm acquisitions being viewed as value–orientated transactions.


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This paper presents an integrated system that helps both retail companies and electricity consumers on the definition of the best retail contracts and tariffs. This integrated system is composed by a Decision Support System (DSS) based on a Consumer Characterization Framework (CCF). The CCF is based on data mining techniques, applied to obtain useful knowledge about electricity consumers from large amounts of consumption data. This knowledge is acquired following an innovative and systematic approach able to identify different consumers’ classes, represented by a load profile, and its characterization using decision trees. The framework generates inputs to use in the knowledge base and in the database of the DSS. The rule sets derived from the decision trees are integrated in the knowledge base of the DSS. The load profiles together with the information about contracts and electricity prices form the database of the DSS. This DSS is able to perform the classification of different consumers, present its load profile and test different electricity tariffs and contracts. The final outputs of the DSS are a comparative economic analysis between different contracts and advice about the most economic contract to each consumer class. The presentation of the DSS is completed with an application example using a real data base of consumers from the Portuguese distribution company.


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