807 resultados para shale oil industrialization


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This article discusses the importance of the industrialization of Brazilian shale based on factors such as: security of the national energy system security, global oil geopoliticsl, resources available, production costs, oil prices, environmental impacts and the national oil reserves. The study shows that the industrialization of shale always arises when issues such as peak oil or its geopolitics appear as factors that raise the price of oil to unrealistic levels. The article concludes that in the Brazilian case, shale oil may be classified as a strategic resource, economically viable, currently in development by the success of the retorting technology for extraction of shale oil and the price of crude oil. The article presents the conclusion that shale may be the driving factor for the formation of a technology park in Sao Mateus do Sul, due to the city`s economic dependence on Petrosix.


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Según la Comisión Europea el gas jugará un papel importante en la política energética de la Unión Europea, puesto que no sólo es el combustible fósil más limpio disponible, sino el más abundante en Europa y en otros continentes. En España con alta tasa de importación de gas, componente vital en el mix energético. La mayoría de los proyectos de shale gas se han llevado a cabo en el norte de España, pero en este proyecto se tiene como objetivo analizar las posibilidades de shale gas y shale oil en Valdeinfierno, Córdoba, sur de España La metodología empleada ha sido evaluar el contenido el kerógeno en las muestras, para ello se ha realizado un encuadre geológico y finalmente un análisis geoquímico en el laboratorio. Los resultados han mostrado, un kerógeno con una baja productividad, insuficiente para el shale gas o shale oil, fundamentalmente debido a bajo grado de maduración, por lo tanto, no sería viable económicamente su extracción.


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At head of title: ... Department of commerce. Herbert Hoover, secretary. Bureau of mines. Scott Turner, director.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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An oil wealthy country, Argentina has repeatedly tried and failed to capitalize on its potential. The unfortunate energy policies of subsequent Argentinean government and a lack of investment capital have been two of the main reasons that have significantly limited the production of export oil in the recent past. Yet, with recent discoveries and changes to the country’s hydrocarbon laws, there may be a new dawn for Argentina’s oil industry. Since 1999 when Argentina’s oil production peaked at approximately 800,000 barrels per day, there has been a 24 percent decrease in its oil output. The country’s oil reserves have also been in steady decline. Yet, the recently enacted reforms by Argentina’s government to incentivize foreign investment in the oil industry seem to be working, allowing investors to negotiate the terms of exploration directly with local governments. As a result, foreign investment is increasing, as well as new willingness to finance exploration of untapped reserves. Also, the discovery of shale oil in Argentina may provide the potential to become a key exporter in the region. Nonetheless, there are challenges that need to be overcome and it may be years before the various oil projects underway become profitable. The success of current oil projects, coupled with the potential of shale oil, new discoveries and the sustainability of the current energy policy reforms will likely determine if Argentina is finally able to fulfill its potential and exert itself as an oil exporter country in Latin America.


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Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado grandes mudanças no mercado energético global, sendo os Estados Unidos da América um dos grandes protagonistas. A presente investigação tem como principal objetivo compreender e clarificar o conceito de independência energética/auto-suficiência energética e averiguar a possibilidade e o alcance deste propósito por parte dos Estados Unidos da América, desde a Revolução do Shale. Ao longo desta investigação haverá oportunidade de estudar as políticas energéticas assumidas durante aproximadamente os últimos 40 anos, obter informações sobre a segurança energética dos Estados Unidos, bem como formas de exploração energética americana, política para exportação de energia e impactos geopolíticos. Facilmente se observa ao longo deste trabalho que a auto-suficência não pode ser vista numa perspetiva de criação de condições para o isolacionismo americano mas sim numa perspetiva de instrumentalização e proteção dos seus aliados.


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18 months embargo on the thesis and check appendix for copy right materials


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Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica- Energia


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Este trabalho procurou avaliar a implantação de Gestão pela Qualidade Total - GQT no Serviço de Recursos Humanos - SEREC da Petrobrás, através de uma pesquisa de campo, dentro de um contexto historicista. O problema identificado para a pesquisa foi: quais as possibilidades e dificuldades da implantação da Gestão pela Qualidade Total no SEREC ? Com o intuito de melhor subsidiar a pesquisa, foram estudados os conceitos acerca da formação do petróleo, do gás natural e do xisto; foram resumidamente explicadas cada uma das principais atividades desenvolvidas pela Petrobrás; foram aborbados alguns aspectos históricos que envolveram a sua origem. Em seguida estudou-se a evolução da função RH na Petrobrás, desde a sua criação até o final de 1995. Trataram-se os aspectos que envolveram a implantação da GQT no SEREC, inicialmente percorrendo os princípios e acontecimentos que nortearam sua implantação na Petrobrás-holding. Ao final, analisou-se a pesquisa de campo.


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Pennsylvanian strata in Wyoming and adjacent areas have been the subject of much work and discussion. Most of the work has been due to the economic importance of the system as an oil producer in this region. Oil production from strata of Pennsylvanian age is rather recent history; and therefore, much of the available information is local­ized and incomplete.


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The Global and Russian Energy Outlook up to 2040, prepared by the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, analyses the long-term changes in the main energy markets and thereby identifies the threats to the Russian economy and energy sector. Research has shown that shifts in the global energy sector, especially in hydrocarbon markets (primarily the development of technologies for shale oil and gas extraction), will result in a slowdown of Russia's economy by one percentage point each year on average due to a decrease in energy exports comparison with the official projections. Owing to the lack of development of an institutional framework, an outdated tax system, low competition and low investment efficiency, Russia will be the most sensitive to fluctuations in global hydrocarbon markets among all major energy market players within the forecast period.


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El “shale gas” es un gas no convencional que actualmente se está considerando como una fuente de energía primaria en el momento en que las reservas del petróleo y gas natural convencionales se agoten, razón por la que muchos países están interesados. No obstante, el procedimiento de extracción es complejo y conlleva muchos riesgos de contaminación. En este Proyecto Fin de Carrera se hace un estudio de las posibilidades de extracción en el futuro de “shale gas” o “shale oil” en la Cuenca del Guadiato. Para ello se evaluó el contenido de materia orgánica, el tipo y la madurez en muestras de la serie estratigráfica tipo del Carbonífero. Únicamente 3 niveles presentaban materia orgánica madura, que tendrían escaso potencial para extraer gas, descartándose la extracción de “shale oil”.