545 resultados para shading
In coastal waters and estuaries, seagrass meadows are often subject to light deprivation over short time scales (days to weeks) in response to increased turbidity from anthropogenic disturbances. Seagrasses may exhibit negative physiological responses to light deprivation and suffer stress, or tolerate such stresses through photo-adaptation of physiological processes allowing more efficient use of low light. Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometery has been used to rapidly assess changes in photosynthetic responses along in situ gradients in light. In this study, however, light is experimentally manipulated in the field to examine the photosynthesis of Halophila ovalis and Zostera capricorni. We aimed to evaluate the tolerance of these seagrasses to short-term light reductions. The seagrasses were subject to four light treatments, 0, 5, 60, and 90% shading, for a period of 14 days. In both species, as shading increased the photosynthetic variables significantly (P < 0.05) decreased by up to 40% for maximum electron transport rates (ETRmax) and 70% for saturating irradiances (Ek). Photosynthetic efficiencies (a) and effective quantum yields (ΔF/Fm′ ) increased significantly (P < 0.05), in both species, for 90% shaded plants compared with 0% shaded plants. H. ovalis was more sensitive to 90% shading than Z. capricorni, showing greater reductions in ETR max, indicative of a reduced photosynthetic capacity. An increase in Ek, Fm′ and ΔF/Fm′ for H. ovalis and Z. capricorni under 90% shading suggested an increase in photochemical efficiency and a more efficient use of low-photon flux, consistent with photo-acclimation to shading. Similar responses were found along a depth gradient from 0 to10 m, where depth related changes in ETRmax and Ek in H. ovalis implied a strong difference of irradiance history between depths of 0 and 5-10 m. The results suggest that H. ovalis is more vulnerable to light deprivation than Z. capricorni and that H. ovalis, at depths of 5-10 m, would be more vulnerable to light deprivation than intertidal populations. Both species showed a strong degree of photo-adaptation to light manipulation that may enable them to tolerate and adapt to short-term reductions in light. These consistent responses to changes in light suggest that photosynthetic variables can be used to rapidly assess the status of seagrasses when subjected to sudden and prolonged periods of reduced light
A cooperative integration of stereopsis and shape-from-shading is presented. The integration makes the process of D surface reconstruction better constrained and more reliable. It also obviates the need for surface boundary conditions, and explicit information about the surface albedo and the light source direction, which can now be estimated in an iterative manner
1 PDF document (8 pp., English).-- Contributed to: VSMM'08: 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Limassol, Cyprus, Oct 20-25, 2008)
Effect of planting pattern on shading and phytoplankton photosynthesis in Bangladesh rice-fish farms
In the present study, a Border Planting (BP) pattern recommended by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council was tested against Regular Planting (RP) to assess the effect, if any, on gross phytoplankton photosynthesis and shading. A Wide Planting (WP) pattern was also included in the trial, as an extreme case, to assess the level of photosynthesis that might be obtained if some of the rice yield was sacrificed. Three rice-planting treatments, each with four replicates, using the rice variety BR16, were undertaken: (1) RP, 26 cm between rows N to S and E to W; (2) BP, 20 cm between rows N to S and alternately 21 cm and 36 cm between rows E, to W; and (3) WP, 66 cm between rows N to S and E to W. BP showed no advantage compared to RP, possibly because the rice variety used was short and thus produced relatively little shading. WP did show a benefit for phytoplankton photosynthesis, but this may not generate an increase in fish yield sufficient to justify the negative impact of rice production.
A holographic rendering algorithm using a layer-based structure with angular tiling supports view-dependent shading and accommodation cues. This approach also has the advantages of rapid computation speed and visual reduction of layer gap artefacts compared to other approaches. Holograms rendered with this algorithm are displayed using an SLM to demonstrate view-dependent shading and occlusion. © 2013 SPIE-IS&T.
\0\05{\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 a uniform wall illuminated by a spot light often gives a strong impression of the illuminant color. How can it be possible to know if it is a white wall illuminated by yellow light or a yellow wall illuminated by white light? If the wall is a Lambertian reflector, it would not be possible to tell the difference. However, in the real world, some amount of specular reflection is almost always present. In this memo, it is shown that the computation is possible in most practical cases.
Methods for fusing two computer vision methods are discussed and several example algorithms are presented to illustrate the variational method of fusing algorithms. The example algorithms seek to determine planet topography given two images taken from two different locations with two different lighting conditions. The algorithms each employ assingle cost function that combines the computer vision methods of shape-from-shading and stereo in different ways. The algorithms are closely coupled and take into account all the constraints of the photo-topography problem. The algorithms are run on four synthetic test image sets of varying difficulty.
How the visual system extracts shape information from a single grey-level image can be approached by examining how the information about shape is contained in the image. This technical report considers the characteristic equations derived by Horn as a dynamical system. Certain image critical points generate dynamical system critical points. The stable and unstable manifolds of these critical points correspond to convex and concave solution surfaces, giving more general existence and uniqueness results. A new kind of highly parallel, robust shape from shading algorithm is suggested on neighborhoods of these critical points. The information at bounding contours in the image is also analyzed.
A method will be described for finding the shape of a smooth apaque object form a monocular image, given a knowledge of the surface photometry, the position of the lightsource and certain auxiliary information to resolve ambiguities. This method is complementary to the use of stereoscopy which relies on matching up sharp detail and will fail on smooth objects. Until now the image processing of single views has been restricted to objects which can meaningfully be considered two-dimensional or bounded by plane surfaces. It is possible to derive a first-order non-linear partial differential equation in two unknowns relating the intensity at the image points to the shape of the objects. This equation can be solved by means of an equivalent set of five ordinary differential equations. A curve traced out by solving this set of equations for one set of starting values is called a characteristic strip. Starting one of these strips from each point on some initial curve will produce the whole solution surface. The initial curves can usually be constructed around so-called singular points. A number of applications of this metod will be discussed including one to lunar topography and one to the scanning electron microscope. In both of these cases great simplifications occur in the equations. A note on polyhedra follows and a quantitative theory of facial make-up is touched upon. An implementation of some of these ideas on the PDP-6 computer with its attached image-dissector camera at the Artificial intelligence Laboratory will be described, and also a nose-recognition program.
One of the first attempts to develop a formal model of depth cue integration is to be found in Maloney and Landy's (1989) "human depth combination rule". They advocate that the combination of depth cues by the visual sysetem is best described by a weighted linear model. The present experiments tested whether the linear combination rule applies to the integration of texture and shading. As would be predicted by a linear combination rule, the weight assigned to the shading cue did vary as a function of its curvature value. However, the weight assigned to the texture cue varied systematically as a function of the curvature value of both cues. Here we descrive a non-linear model which provides a better fit to the data. Redescribing the stimuli in terms of depth rather than curvature reduced the goodness of fit for all models tested. These results support the hypothesis that the locus of cue integration is a curvature map, rather than a depth map. We conclude that the linear comination rule does not generalize to the integration of shading and texture, and that for these cues it is likely that integration occurs after the recovery of surface curvature.
Recent growth in the shape-from-shading psychophysics literature has been paralled by an increasing availability of computer graphics hardware and software, to the extent that most psychophysical studies in this area now employ computer lighting algorithms. The most widely used of algorithms is shape-from-shading psychophysics is the Phong lighting model. This model, and other shading models of its genre, produce readily ineterpretable imiages of three-dimensional scenes. However, such algorithms are only approximations of how light interacts with real objects in the natural environment. Nevertheless, the results from psychophysical experiments using these techniques have been used to infer the processes underlying the perception of shape-from-shading in natural environments. It is important to establish whether this substitution is ever valid. We report a series of experiments investigating whether two recently reported illusions seen computer-generated, Phond shaded images occur for solid objects under real illuminants. The two illusions investigated are three-dimensional curvature contrast and the illuminant-position effect on perceived curvature. We show that both effects do occur for solid objects, and that the magnitude of these effects are equivalent regardless of whether subjects are presented with ray traced or solid objects.