995 resultados para sexual esteem


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The current study investigated the impact of physical disability on sexual feelings, sexual experiences, and sexual esteem. Thirty-five respondents (18 males and 17 females), with physical disabilities between 19 to 60 years (SD = 10, mean = 38) participated in focus groups where they discussed how their physical disability impacted on their sexuality. They also responded to a series of questions that were designed to examine disability-specific issues in sexual esteem using a four-point Likert-type scale. The data demonstrated that the participants struggled with many social and sexual barriers that were associated with having a physical impairment. This appeared to lead to increased feelings of negativity in many participants, including a belief that they were less sexually desirable than an able-bodied person and that having a disability seriously limited their sexual expression. The implications of these findings for practitioners and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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The current study investigated the association between sexuality and psychological well-being in people with physical disabilities. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants who had a physical disability and 448 participants who were able-bodied. The results demonstrated that sexual esteem, body esteem, and sexual satisfaction were strong predictors of self-esteem and depression among people with physical disability, and that this relationship was stronger among people with physical disability than able-bodied participants. It was also found that body esteem was more closely associated with self-esteem in disabled women, while sexual esteem was more closely associated with self-esteem in disabled men. The results of the study suggest that researchers and clinicians who are concerned with the psychological health of people with physical disability should consider strategies to improve the body esteem and sexual well-being of people with physical disabilities.


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This study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and sexual esteem, sexual depression, sexual satisfaction, and the frequency of sexual behavior. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18–69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD = 10.41). The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical impairments experienced significantly lower levels of sexual esteem and sexual satisfaction and significantly higher levels of sexual depression than people who had mild impairments or who did not report having a physical impairment. The study also found that people with more severe physical disabilities engaged in mutual sexual activity significantly less frequently. Women with physical disabilities had significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality and significantly more frequent mutual sexual experiences than their male counterparts. For people with physical disabilities, the frequency of oral sex and nude cuddling were significant predictors of sexual satisfaction in men, while the frequency of deep kissing predicted sexual satisfaction in women. Furthermore, the viewing of erotica was significantly related to sexual dissatisfaction in men. Finally, it was found that people who had experienced their physical impairment for a longer period of time reported significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.


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The Physical Disability Sexual and Body Esteem (PDSBE) scale was developed to assess respondents' capacity to feel positive about their sexuality and their body while living with a physical impairment. The current paper presents four studies that were conducted to develop and assess the psychometric properties of the 10 item PDSBE scale. The first study was an exploratory factor analysis involving 348 participants with physical disabilities. The factors were: Sexual Esteem, Attractiveness to Others, and Body Esteem. The second study was a confirmatory factor analysis, with a total of 338 participants. This analysis confirmed the factor structure established in study 1. The third study revealed good test-retest reliability on a total of 47 participants with physical disabilities. The final study was conducted with 748 participants with physical disabilities and showed that the PDSBE had high reliability and good convergent and divergent validity. Mean scores showed that women scored significantly higher than men on the total PDSBE scale and on the Sexual Esteem and Attractiveness to Others subscales. Future applications for the PDSBE scale are discussed.


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The current study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and body esteem. A total of 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied participated in the study. The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical disability experienced lower levels of body esteem than people with milder physical disabilities and able-bodied people. The duration of physical disability was not related to levels of body esteem. Except for the face, people with physical disabilities devalued all aspects of their body more than able-bodied people. For males with physical disability, the unique predictors of high body esteem were decreased need for assistance, higher self-esteem, lower depression and higher sexual esteem; for females with physical disability, the unique predictors were higher self-esteem and higher sexual esteem. Overall, the study suggested that people with physical disability, particularly those with severe disabilities, may be particularly vulnerable to problems associated with their body esteem.


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The current study investigated the association between relationship status and the psychological adjustment, sexual esteem and sexual behaviour of people with and without physical disability. A total of 1196 participants completed the study, 748 participants (367 men, 381 women) had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 men, 277 women) were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18 to 69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD=10.41). The results demonstrated that physical disability and its severity were related to an increased likelihood of being single. Men with physical disabilities were more likely than women to be single. In terms of psychological adjustment, single people with physical disabilities were more depressed than those who had a partner they did not live with. However, they were not significantly disadvantaged in this area when compared to married people and those in de facto relationships. Relationship status was strongly related to sexual wellbeing in people with and without physical disability, with single people reporting lower levels of sexual satisfaction and sexual esteem as well as less frequent mutual sexual activity. However, married people with physical disabilities reported lower levels of sexual wellbeing than the people who had partners they did not live with. This suggests that among couples where a partner has a physical disability, marriage and live-in relationships may add burdens that do not exist in more casual relationships.


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This article presents findings from a longitudinal study. The research aimed to explore the effectiveness of a treatment program for offenders which lasted for three years. The research design was structured around the program with interviews and psychometric testing undertaken at key points in time with the same group of respondents. View all notes that sought to evaluate a treatment program for child sexual abusers. A triangulated methodological approach was adopted drawing upon quantitative and qualitative methodological techniques. The focus here is upon one element of this research. 2 2The quantitative element of this research will be published shortly but is referred to in the following reports Davidson 2000, 2003 [research funded by the National Probation Service]. Psychometric testing was undertaken over a four-year period with the men attending the treatment program to explore shifts in the extent of denial, blame attribution, and victim empathy over time. Offender cognitive distortions, general health, and self-esteem were also explored via psychometric testing. An interview-administered survey was undertaken with all sex offenders registered with the Probation Service (those on probation and in custody) in order to gather demographic data, and 117 of 150 offenders responded. View all notes Ninety-one in-depth interviews were conducted over a four-year period with a small, nonrandom sample of twenty-one male offenders who had been convicted of sexual offenses against children. All of the men were subject to probation orders with a psychiatric condition (Criminal Justice Act, 1991). One of the aims of this element of the research was to explore the extent to which evidence of denial could be found in offenders’ accounts of offense circumstance and also to explore the extent to which offenders minimized the nature and extent of abuse perpetrated. Offenders’ accounts of offense circumstances were compared to victim statements, and stark differences emerge. These findings have considerable implications for treatment practice with sex offenders, where victims’ perceptions could be used to directly confront offender denial and minimization.


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This article is an attempt to highlight gender-based attitude of society towards women. Women comprise approximately 50% of the total population of Pakistan; Pakistan cannot afford to keep half of its citizens inactive and their potential as participants in development and progress untapped. Nothing more than the misogynist view of women as weak in physical power and deficient in mental faculties has marred the upward movement of societies. Women who defy this erroneous obscurantist conceptualisation and step into public domain are forced either to step back or to make compromises with the situation at the cost of their self-esteem and dignity. This deviant social behaviour is identified as sexual harassment of women. Sexual harassment of women exists beyond geographic spaces, across historic times, and today is prevalent in all societies, developed or underdeveloped. Women are sexually harassed within the safe havens of their homes too. This paper examines how a combination of factors, including religious interpretations, social norms, state negligence, and bad governance result in creating and than perpetuating an anti-women environment that breeds sexual harassment and solidifies patriarchal structures. The last section of this paper cites reported cases of sexual harassment at workplace that happened between 2001 and 2011. Summing up, the paper offers some suggestions to minimise work-place sexual harassment of women.


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A dor é uma experiência perceptualmente complexa, influenciada por um conjunto variado de fatores biológicos e também psicossociais. A sua vivência varia de pessoa para pessoa, havendo diferentes níveis de impacto no funcionamento emocional, interpessoal, motivacional e físico. A dor sexual, mais conhecida por dispareunia e vaginismo, é uma problemática de natureza habitualmente crónica que afeta muitas mulheres. Apesar de ser um importante alvo de estudo nas últimas décadas, e apesar do impacto que tem nas vidas de muitas mulheres, é ainda uma temática pouco abordada junto dos profissionais de saúde, sendo igualmente difícil a determinação da sua causa e respetivo tratamento. A sua concetualização tem sido um dos principais alvos de discussão entre investigadores e clínicos, havendo quem defenda que a mesma deve ser considerada, ou como uma perturbação de dor, ou como uma disfunção sexual. Contudo, mesmo com um crescimento significativo da literatura, não existem ainda dados que clarifiquem o papel que determinadas variáveis psicossociais exercem no desenvolvimento e manutenção da dor sexual e que forma estas aproximam, ou distanciam, este quadro clínico da dor crónica e de outras disfunções sexuais. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar a influência do Mindfulness, do afeto-traço, dos pensamentos automáticos, das crenças sexuais, da perceção, vigilância e catastrofização face à dor, da perceção da resposta do outro significativo à dor, da autoestima, da autoestima sexual, do ajustamento diádico e do funcionamento sexual em mulheres com dor sexual, comparando-as com três grupos específicos: mulheres com dor crónica, mulheres com outras dificuldades sexuais e mulheres da população geral, sem nenhuma destas dificuldades. Por outro lado, foi avaliada a capacidade preditiva de cada uma destas variáveis psicossociais na intensidade da dor em mulheres que sofrem de dor sexual e dor crónica. Um total de 1233 mulheres colaboraram no presente estudo: 371 mulheres com dor sexual, 245 mulheres com dor crónica, 94 mulheres com disfunção sexual e 523 mulheres da população geral. As participantes responderam a um conjunto de questionários que foram disponibilizados através de um link online e que avaliaram cada uma das dimensões em estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres com dor sexual e disfunção sexual apresentaram uma menor capacidade para ser mindful, mais pensamentos automáticos negativos de fracasso/desistência, uma maior escassez de pensamentos eróticos, uma menor autoestima e autoestima sexual e uma menor qualidade do ajustamento diádico e funcionamento sexual, quando comparadas com as mulheres com dor crónica e da população geral. Por outro lado, as mulheres com dor sexual e dor crónica apresentaram maiores níveis de perceção, vigilância e catastrofização face à dor, quando comparadas com as mulheres com disfunção sexual e da população geral. Ao nível da perceção da reposta do outro significativo, as mulheres com dor sexual apresentaram significativamente uma menor perceção de respostas solícitas que as mulheres com dor crónica e da população geral. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos ao nível do afeto-traço e crenças sexuais disfuncionais. No que diz respeito à intensidade da dor nas mulheres com dor sexual, emergiram como preditores significativos os pensamentos de fracasso, as crenças sexuais de desejo sexual como pecado, a magnificação e o desânimo face à dor, a atenção à dor, a perceção de resposta de punição do outro significativo, o ajustamento diádico, a autoestima e a autoestima sexual. Em relação ao grupo com dor crónica, surgiram como preditores significativos o afeto negativo, o desânimo face à dor, a atenção à dor e a perceção de resposta de punição do outro significativo. Uma análise conjunta de todos estes preditores para cada um dos grupos, demonstrou que a perceção da resposta de punição da parte de outro significativo se constituiu como o melhor preditor da intensidade da dor nas mulheres com dor sexual, enquanto que o desânimo face à dor se mostrou como o mais significativo nas mulheres com dor crónica. De uma forma geral, os resultados demonstraram a importância das diferentes variáveis psicossociais na vivência da dor sexual e na respetiva intensidade da dor. Revelaram ainda que a dor sexual apresenta aspetos em comum, quer com a dor crónica, principalmente ao nível da relação com a dor, quer com outras disfunções sexuais, nomeadamente em termos cognitivos e relacionais. O presente estudo vem assim reforçar a ideia de que este é um quadro clínico multidimensional e complexo, trazendo consigo importantes implicações ao nível da sua concetualização, avaliação e tratamento.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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This study was designed to examine the relationships between different aspects of body image and psychological, social, and sexual functioning throughout adulthood. The respondents were 211 men and 226 women (age range 18–86 years; mean = 42.26). Respondents completed measures of self-rated attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, body image behaviors, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social and sexual functioning. Body image was associated with self-esteem for all groups, but was unrelated to other aspects of psychological, social, and sexual functioning. There were some exceptions; a disturbance in body image was related to problematic social and sexual functioning among middle-aged men and to depression and anxiety symptoms in late adulthood among men and women. Middle-aged men who presented with the type of body image disturbance typical of women were more likely to have impaired interpersonal functioning. These results demonstrate that social aspects of body image appear to be important in understanding psychological functioning in later life.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between body image and social and sexual functioning. The respondents were 426 men and women from metropolitan and rural Victoria, who ranged in age from 18 to 86 years (mean age = 42.26). Respondents completed measures of attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, body image behaviours, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social and sexual functioning. Regression analyses were used to detelmine the prediction of social and sexual functioning by body image variables for men and women of different age groups, beyond the effects of psychological adjustment. The results demonstrated that while there were moderate correlations between body image and sociallsexual functioning variables, many of these relationships were best explained by the shared variance of self-esteem. There were some exceptions, particularly among middle-aged men, which are discussed.


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Women presenting with hirsuties/polycystic ovary syndrome have increased production of androgens. Clinical lore suggests that these women may have increased sexual desire. Treatment of hirsuties commonly involves antiandrogen therapy, a form of therapy with a potential for reducing sexual desire. The present study investigated sexual desire in 29 hirsute women aged 19 to 43 years presenting for therapy. We conducted a questionnaire appraisal of the women's sexual desire, body and self-esteem, and affect at baseline, 3 months, and 12 months and compared the data with a control group of 30 nonhirsute women of similar mean age. Those in the treatment group also had their Ferriman and Gallwey scores and body mass indices calculated at baseline and end of study for those in the treatment group. We determined hormone levels for those in the treatment group with baseline blood tests. Our hypotheses were that the hirsute women would experience different levels of sexual desire than the control group prior to therapy and that therapy would have a demonstrable effect on the self-reported sexual desire of these women. The study demonstrated that women with hirsuties had mean levels of sexual desire and body esteem that were significantly lower than the control group women. During the year-long course of therapy, the sexual desire levels of the hirsute women decreased progressively, while their self-esteem increased. The women's Ferriman and Gallwey scores fell, indicating diminishing hirsutism. These findings provide empirical data upon which clinicians can base advice to patients seeking therapy.


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Examination of previous empirical literature illustrates how researchers have concentrated on documenting the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on the later psychological functioning of survivors, through comparisons with those who have not had such a history. Only more recently has there been a focus on assessing the relationship between aspects of the abuse and specific psychological difficulties. This thesis investigated the relationships between CSA characteristics and women’s later psychological adjustment. The role of attributions, coping methods, parenting competency and marital satisfaction were also investigated. Qualitative data on perception of benefit and general reflections of participants were used to explore participants’ self-esteem, locus of control, decisions relating to parenting, disclosure experiences, and attributions in relation to their abuse, including the search for meaning. Recruitment through newspapers and counselling services led to 118 women volunteering to complete a questionnaire evaluating the characteristics of their CSA and their current psychological adjustment. Of this group, 33 subsequently volunteered to participate in a telephone interview that explored in greater depth issues related to the long-term impact of their CSA. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted on the data. The women reported a high prevalence of dysfunction in their families of origin. Abuse had generally commenced by middle childhood, and lasted for a number of years and often involved a number of perpetrators. Perpetrators were most likely to be intrafamilial, with stepfathers being over-represented. Sexual activities generally involved physical contact, with participation often induced by the use of coercion. Participants demonstrated significant difficulties in psychological adjustment, but attributions regarding the abuse improved over time. Some concerns were expressed regarding parenting competency, and avoidant coping methods were favoured. In general, participants were satisfied with their current marital relationship. Significant associations were found between coping methods, attributional style, beliefs and various psychological adjustment measures. Participants, in general, demonstrated low self-esteem and displayed an external locus of control. As a consequence of their experience of CSA, many participants reported they had decided not to have children. For those who did have children, CSA was almost universally seen as having had an impact on their parenting. Disclosure of CSA was usually delayed for a number of years, with poor outcomes generally resulting from disclosure when it occurred. Women with current partners rated them as very caring and not controlling. Participants were generally still searching for meaning in their abuse, despite many having accepted it. Survivors outlined an extensive range of long-term effects of CSA, and nominated a number of strategies that would assist in reducing these effects. The results of the study indicated that there are a number of characteristics associated with CSA which signal a higher risk of difficulties in psychological adjustment. Concerns of survivors regarding parenting were confirmed according to those who undertook this role. Unfortunately, concerns expressed by survivors that disclosure of their CSA would have had negative consequences was usually the case when they did finally disclose. However, the accessing of social and family support appeared to have an important role in changing the attributions of survivors regarding their CSA. Furthermore, change of attributions in relation to abuse may provide the key to resilience in survivors against the negative impact of CSA on later psychological adjustment.