6 resultados para septinen artriitti


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Termi ”septinen artriitti” tarkoittaa bakteerin aiheuttamaa nivelen vakavaa tulehdusta. Se on yleinen erityisesti sepsiksestä kärsivillä varsoilla. Septistä artriittia komplisoi usein osteomyeliitti eli luun tulehtuminen. Tutkielma koostuu kahdesta osasta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskitytään septisen artriitin patofysiologiaan, luokitteluun, kliinisiin oireisiin, diagnosointiin, differentiaalidiagnooseihin, hoitoon ja ennusteeseen aiempien tutkimustulosten pohjalta. Tutkimusosiossa kuvaillaan kahdeksan Yliopistollisessa hevossairaalassa hoidetun septisestä artriitista kärsineen varsan kinnernivelen röntgenologisia muutoksia. Tutkimuksessa myös seurataan viiden varsan kinnernivelten röntgenologisten muutosten kehittymistä varsan paranemisen jälkeen ja verrataan niitä osteokondroosin aiheuttamiin muutoksiin. Työ tehtiin, koska septisestä artriitista kärsineiden varsojen nivelmuutosten paranemisesta ei ole aiempia seurantatutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen varsoista 88 prosentilla oli röntgenologisia muutoksia talokruraalinivelessä telaluun lateraalitelassa. Muutokset olivat kooltaan vaihtelevia röntgenharvoja alueita. Septisen artriitin akuuttivaiheen jälkeen kahdelle varsalle kehittyi irtokappaleet kinnerniveliin. Toiselle näistä kehittyi myös erehdyttävästi osteokondroosin aiheuttamia muutoksia muistuttavat röntgenologiset muutokset septisten leesioiden kohdalle. Yhden varsan telaluun lateraalitelan laaja lyyttinen muutos parani täysin. Kahden varsan kohdalla päädyttiin eutanasiaan, toisella kinnernivelten pikkuluiden kokoonpainumisen takia, toisella septisiin niveliin kehittyneiden vakavien nivelrikkomuutosten takia. Tämän pienen otoksen perusteella voimme sanoa, että septisestä artriitista kärsineen varsan kinnernivelten röntgenologiset muutokset saattavat myöhemmin varsan elämässä muistuttaa osteokondroosin aiheuttamia röntgenologisia muutoksia. Toisaalta röntgenkuvassa havaitut septisen artriitin aiheuttamat luun laajatkin lyyttiset alueet voivat myös parantua täydellisesti.


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Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are the leading causes of human bacterial gastroenteritis in developed countries. Most human Campylobacter infections are sporadic and a seasonal peak in the distribution of infections can be seen in the summer months in several countries, including Finland. A variety of risk factors for Campylobacter infections have been identified; handling and eating poultry, drinking unpasteurized milk, contact with domestic animals, and travelling abroad. However, the relative importance of the different risk factors in sporadic cases of Campylobacter infection remains unknown. In most cases, the infection is self-limiting and no specific treatment is required. Campylobacter enteritis can cause a wide range of complications, including reactive arthritis (ReA) that is reported in 1-5% of the cases. Seven clinical microbiology laboratories serving different geographical areas of Finland, participated in this multi-centre study, conducted during a seasonal peak in 2002. In a matched case-control study, domestically-acquired sporadic Campylobacter infections from three geographical areas were collected. The final study comprised 100 cases and 137 controls. Risk factors for sporadic domestically-acquired Campylobacter infections were identified on the basis of a questionnaire; swimming in natural waters was found to be a novel risk factor for Campylobacter infection. Other independent risk factors were tasting or eating raw or undercooked meat and drinking untreated water from a dug well. The role of bacterial strain and host characteristics are not fully understood in Campylobacter infections. Exposure factors, demographical characteristics, and the serotype of the Campylobacter isolate may affect the severity of the enteritis. This cross-sectional study comprised 114 patients with C. jejuni enteritis, diagnosed in three clinical microbiology laboratories; most of the patients had participated in the previous case-control study. Swimming was associated with age ≤ 5 years and serotype Pen 6,7 was found significantly more often among patients reporting swimming. The geographical distribution among serotypes varied; serotype Pen 4-complex appeared more often in patients from urban areas and serotype Pen 21 among patients from more rural areas. Thus, risk factors and sources of infection for C. jejuni infection may vary among individuals depending on age and geographical location. The in vitro susceptibilities of C. jejuni and C. coli strains isolated from patients infected abroad (85 strains) or domestically (393 strains) revealed that susceptibility to erythromycin is still high, even among isolates of foreign origin. However, the novel antimicrobial agent telithromycin did not offer any advantage over erythromycin; isolates with high minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for erythromycin also showed reduced susceptibility to telithromycin. Reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones was detected almost exclusively among isolates of foreign origin and half of these isolates with high MICs for fluoroquinolones also showed elevated MICs for doxycycline. Questionnaires concerning complications associated with C. jejuni enteritis were sent to patients two months after becoming ill; 201 patients from seven different geographical areas were included in the study. Musculoskeletal complications after C. jejuni infection were commonly reported by patients (39%). The incidence of classical ReA was 4% and that of Achilles enthesopathy and/or heel pain 9%. Other C. jejuni-associated reactive joint symptoms were commonly reported, however, due to their milder nature seldom seen and diagnosed by a physician. The severity of the enteritis may predict further complications; stomach ache during enteritis was connected to the development of later joint pain. Early antimicrobial treatment, within two days from the start of symptoms, shortened the duration of diarrhoea by two days but did not prevent later musculoskeletal complications. Campylobacter is an important human enteropathogen and causes a significant burden of illness. As the incidence of Campylobacter infections is high, the importance of the infection and the occurrence of complications will increase. This stresses the importance of understanding the risk factors for acquiring Campylobacter infection and how bacterial strain and host characteristics may affect the risk for infection. The role of antimicrobial treatment for acute Campylobacter enteritis seems to be marginal and should be used restrictively.


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Severe sepsis is associated with common occurrence, high costs of care and significant mortality. The incidence of severe sepsis has been reported to vary between 0.5/1000 and 3/1000 in different studies. The worldwide Severe Sepsis Campaign, guidelines and treatment protocols aim at decreasing severe sepsis associated high morbidity and mortality. Various mediators of inflammation, such as high mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), have been tested for severity of illness and outcome in severe sepsis. Long-term survival with quality of life (QOL) assessment is important outcome after severe sepsis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence, severity of organ dysfunction and outcome of severe sepsis in intensive care treated patients in Finland (study I)). HMGB1 and VEGF were studied in predicting severity of illness, development and type of organ dysfunction and hospital mortality (studies II and III). The long-term outcome and quality of life were assessed and quality-adjusted life years and cost per one QALY were estimated (study IV). A total of 470 patients with severe sepsis were included in the Finnsepsis Study. Patients were treated in 24 Finnish intensive care units in a 4-month period from 1 November 2004 to 28 February 2005. The incidence of severe sepsis was 0.38 /1,000 in the adult population (95% confidence interval 0.34-0.41). Septic shock (77%), severe oxygenation impairment (71.4%) and acute renal failure (23.2%) were the most common organ failures. The ICU, hospital, one-year and two-year mortalities were 15.5%, 28.3%, 40.9% and 44.9% respectively. HMGB1 and VEGF were elevated in patients with severe sepsis. VEGF concentrations were lower in non-survivors than in survivors, but HMGB1 levels did not differ between patients. Neither HMGB1 nor VEGF were predictive of hospital mortality. The QOL was measured median 17 months after severe sepsis and QOL was lower than in reference population. The mean QALY was 15.2 years for a surviving patient and the cost for one QALY was 2,139 . The study showed that the incidence of severe sepsis is lower in Finland than in other countries. The short-term outcome is comparable with that in other countries, but long-term outcome is poor. HMGB1 and VEGF are not useful in predicting mortality in severe sepsis. The mean QALY for a surviving patient is 15.2 and as the cost for one QALY is reasonably low, the intensive care is cost-effective in patients with severe sepsis.


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Septic shock is a common killer in intensive care units (ICU). The most crucial issue concerning the outcome is the early and aggressive start of treatment aimed at normalization of hemodynamics and the early start of antibiotics during the very first hours. The optimal targets of hemodynamic treatment, or impact of hemodynamic treatment on survival after first resuscitation period are less known. The objective of this study was to evaluate different aspects of the hemodynamic pattern in septic shock with special attention to prediction of outcome. In particular components of early treatment and monitoring in the ICU were assessed. A total of 401 patients, 218 with septic shock and 192 with severe sepsis or septic shock were included in the study. The patients were treated in 24 Finnish ICUs during 1999-2005. 295 of the patients were included in the Finnish national epidemiologic Finnsepsis study. We found that the most important hemodynamic variables concerning the outcome were the mean arterial pressures (MAP) and lactate during the first six hours in ICU and the MAP and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) under 70% during first 48 hours. The MAP levels under 65 mmHg and SvO2 below 70% were the best predictive thresholds. Also the high central venous pressure (CVP) correlated to adverse outcome. We assessed the correlation and agreement of SvO2 and mean central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) in septic shock during first day in ICU. The mean SvO2 was below ScvO2 during early sepsis. Bias of difference was 4.2% (95% limits of agreement 8.1% to 16.5%) by Bland-Altman analysis. The difference between saturation values correlated significantly to cardiac index and oxygen delivery. Thus, the ScvO2 can not be used as a substitute of SvO2 in hemodynamic monitoring in ICU. Several biomarkers have been investigated for their ability to help in diagnosis or outcome prediction in sepsis. We assessed the predictive value of N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) on mortality in severe sepsis or septic shock. The NT-proBNP levels were significantly higher in hospital nonsurvivors. The NT-proBNP 72 hrs after inclusion was independent predictor of hospital mortality. The acute cardiac load contributed to NTproBNP values at admission, but renal failure was the main confounding factor later. The accuracy of NT-proBNP, however, was not sufficient for clinical decision-making concerning the outcome prediction. The delays in start of treatment are associated to poorer prognosis in sepsis. We assessed how the early treatment guidelines were adopted, and what was the impact of early treatment on mortality in septic shock in Finland. We found that the early treatment was not optimal in Finnish hospitals and this reflected to mortality. A delayed initiation of antimicrobial agents was especially associated with unfavorable outcome.


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Monet sairaudet voivat vaikuttaa myös leukaniveleen. Tavallisimpia leukaniveltä vaurioittavia sairauksia ovat erilaiset reumasairaudet, joista yleisimpänä on nivelreuma, eli reumatoidi artriitti. Leukanivelessä esiintyy myös vain siinä ilmeneviä sairauksia. Yleisimmin vaiva johtuu leukanivelen välilevyn häiriintyneestä toiminnasta, joka estää alaleukaluun nivelpään normaalia liikkumista. Leukanivelen toimintavaikeudet (engl. temporomandibular disorders, TMD) vaikuttavat potilaan jokapäiväiseen elämään hankaloittamalla muun muassa puhumista ja syömistä. Potilaan hoito aloitetaan aina ei-invasiivisilla hoitomuodoilla. Jos näillä ei saada tulosta, siirrytään myöhemmin invasiivisempiin hoitoihin. Vähiten invasiivisia hoitomuotoja, joilla on saavutettu leukanivelvaivapotilaille oireiden helpotusta, ovat leukanivelen tähystysleikkaukset, eli artroskopiat. Artroskopian tärkeimpiä indikaatioita ovat leukanivelen rakenteelliset ongelmat, kuten palautumattoman nivelvälilevyn sijoiltaanmenon aiheuttama ns. closed lock- tila, osteoartroosi, sekä artriitit. Artroskooppisesti diagnoosi voidaan varmistaa suorassa näköyhteydessä nivelen sisäpinnoille. Artroskooppisesti voidaan myös suorittaa leukanivelvaivojen hoitotoimenpiteitä kuten adheesioiden poistoa. Artroskooppisella hoidolla on saavutettu hyviä hoitotuloksia etenkin kivuliaasta nivelvälilevyn palautumattomasta sijoiltaanmenosta ja osteoartroosista kärsivien potilaiden hoidossa. Artroskopialla on myös saavutettu erinomainen diagnostinen tarkkuus epäselvien nivelensisäisten diagnoosien selvittämisessä.Artroskopia on erittäin hyödyllinen hoitomuoto oikein valikoiduille potilaille ja sitä kannattaa kokeilla tietyille potilasryhmille konservatiivisen hoidon jälkeen.