65 resultados para sensemaking.


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Since the middle of the first decade of this century, several authors have announced the dawn of a new Age, following the Information/ Knowledge Age (1970-2005?). We are certainly living in a Shift Age (Houle, 2007), but no standard designation has been broadly adopted so far, and others, such as Conceptual Age (Pink, 2005) or Social Age (Azua, 2009), are only some of the proposals to name current times. Due to the amount of information available nowadays, meaning making and understanding seem to be common features of this new age of change; change related to (i) how individuals and organizations engage with each other, to (ii) the way we deal with technology, to (iii) how we engage and communicate within communities to create meaning, i.e., also social networking-driven changes. The Web 2.0 and the social networks have strongly altered the way we learn, live, work and, of course, communicate. Within all the possible dimensions we could address this change, we chose to focus on language – a taken-for-granted communication tool, used, translated and recreated in personal and geographical variants, by the many users and authors of the social networks and other online communities and platforms. In this paper, we discuss how the Web 2.0, and specifically social networks, have contributed to changes in the communication process and, in bi- or multilingual environments, to the evolution and freeware use of the so called “international language”: English. Next, we discuss some of the impacts and challenges of this language diversity in international communication in the shift age of understanding and social networking, focusing on specialized networks. Then we point out some skills and strategies to avoid babelization and to build meaningful and effective content in mono or multilingual networks, through the use of common and shared concepts and designations in social network environments. For this purpose, we propose a social and collaborative approach to terminology management, as a shared, strategic and sense making tool for specialized communication in Web 2.0 environments.


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This paper provides an ongoing analysis to one of the biggest ethical and financial scandals in Portugal – Banco Espírito Santo (BES). BES was considered one of the three best banks but it went bankrupted and its employees were transferred to a new entity – Novo Banco. This study was conducted in order to provide an understanding of the employees’ side, which has been forgotten so far. An ethical scandal (sensebreaking) creates ambiguity and uncertainty which triggers new sensemaking processes in order to understand and derive meaning from the new reality. The methodology followed was semi-structured interviews to employees both from the branches and the central services. We found evidence that in organizations with strong identification, unethical behavior has a significant impact on followers’ – the new process of sensemaking is particularly important in this situation because employees suffer more from the disruption of their reality.


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Until recently, much of the discussion regarding the type of organization theory needed in management studies focused on normative vs. descriptive roles of management science. Some authors however noticed that even a descriptive theory can have a normative impact. Among others, management theories are used by practitioners to make sense of their identity and roles in given contexts, and so guide their attitude, decision process, and behavior. The sensemaking potential of a theory might in this view represent an important element for predicting the adoption of a theory by practitioners. Accordingly, theories are needed which better grasp the increased complexity of today's business environment in order to be more relevant for practitioners. This article proposes a multi-faceted perspective of organizations. This implies leaving a simplistic view of organizations and building a 'cubist' conception. Picasso's cubism paintings are characterized by the use of multiple perspectives within a single drawing. Similarly, I argue here that managers must learn not only to add multiple responsibilities in their work, but to develop an integrated conception of their managerial identity and of their organizations in which the multiple social and economic dimensions are enmeshed. Social entrepreneurship is discussed as illustration of typical multi-faceted business.


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How do organizations cope with extreme uncertainty? The existing literature is divided on this issue: some argue that organizations deal best with uncertainty in the environment by reproducing it in the organization, whereas others contend that the orga nization should be protected from the environment. In this paper we study the case of a Wall Street investment bank that lost its entire office and trading technology in the terrorist attack of September 11 th. The traders survived, but were forced to relocate to a makeshift trading room in New Jersey. During the six months the traders spent outside New York City, they had to deal with fears and insecurities inside the company as well as outside it: anxiety about additional attacks, questions of professional identity, doubts about the future of the firm, and ambiguities about the future re-location of the trading room. The firm overcame these uncertainties by protecting the traders' identities and their ability to engage in sensemaking. The organization held together through a leadership style that managed ambiguities and created the conditions for new solutions to emerge.


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Este ensaio teórico busca, sob a ótica do sensemaking proposto por Weick (1995), analisar a qualidade da informação no processo decisório organizacional, sugerindo uma proposta para ampliar as técnicas utilizadas para mensurar a qualidade da informação. Para tanto, conceitua informação e processo decisório; aborda os conceitos do sensemaking e discute as dimensões da mensuração da qualidade da informação - apresentando os relacionamentos entre estas dimensões e as propriedades do sensemaking propostas por Weick. Finalmente, o ensaio sugere-se uma agenda baseada na abordagem proposta para utilização em pesquisas empíricas e para a análise em profundidade da aplicação deste relacionamento.


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Les équipes virtuelles font l’objet de beaucoup d’attention depuis près de deux décennies. Elles font désormais partie des organisations qui ont dû s’ajuster à l’internationalisation des marchés. Elles sont aussi de plus en plus présentes dans les universités qui mettent en place des cours en environnement virtuel pour préparer leurs étudiants aux nouvelles réalités du marché du travail. Elles sont aussi le fruit des modes nées sous l’impulsion de l’approche constructiviste de la pédagogie. Les recherches qui s’intéressent a elles ont des préoccupations principalement téléologiques et utilitaristes qui donnent le point de vue des gestionnaires et des enseignants sur le phénomène. Peu de recherches se sont penchées sur l’expérience vécue par les membres de ces équipes. Par ailleurs, la volonté de dégager les lois générales des équipes virtuelles amène les chercheurs à l’amputer d’une partie de sa complexité. Notre recherche propose d’observer la manière dont des étudiants ont vécu leur expérience de collaboration en équipe virtuelle. Nous adoptons une posture interprétative et une approche narrative pour observer leur «sensemaking. Cette perspective nous permet de tenir compte de la complexité du phénomène. Nos questions de recherche sont : comment les étudiants font-ils sens de leur collaboration? Comment le «sensemaking individuel contribue-t-il à construire le «sensemaking collectif? Nos résultats nous renseignent sur l’importance que revêt le «sensegiving», pour les équipes virtuelles, dans la création de «sensemaking collectif.


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Au cours des dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont souligné l'importance d'étudier les émotions et le processus de construction de sens (sensemaking) de Weick (1995) dans des contextes organisationnels. Cependant, peu d'études ont examiné les relations complexes entre ces deux dimensions de l’expérience organisationnelle. Pour comprendre davantage ce lien, cette étude explore l’interprétation du rôle des émotions dans le processus de sensemaking dans le contexte d'un centre d’hébergement pour personnes âgées. Fondée sur l’analyse de récits d’expériences de six employés, cette analyse narrative révèle les principales différences et similitudes dans la manière dont les émotions marquent le sensemaking de ces employés dans leurs interactions quotidiennes au travail. De plus, cette recherche montre que l'accent mis sur les émotions peut faire ressortir des aspects organisationnels particuliers du sensemaking qui, autrement, restent pris pour acquis (ou cachés).


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Cette thèse a comme objectif général d’enrichir la compréhension du phénomène de mise en œuvre des services cliniques intégrés en contexte organisationnel. Elle s’inscrit dans la perspective théorique du sensemaking organisationnel (Weick, 1995). Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié comment des acteurs ont construit le sens du projet d’intégration qu’ils devaient mettre en œuvre, et les répercussions de cette construction de sens sur des enjeux cliniques et organisationnels. Le contexte étudié est une nouvelle organisation de santé créée afin d’offrir des services surspécialisés à des personnes aux prises avec un trouble concomitant de santé mentale et de dépendance. Une stratégie de recherche de type qualitatif a été utilisée. L’analyse a reposé sur des données longitudinales (8 ans) provenant de trois sources : des entrevues semi-dirigées, des observations et de l’analyse de documents. Deux articles en découlent. Alors que l’article 1 met l’accent sur la transformation des pratiques professionnelles, l’article 2 aborde le phénomène sous l’angle de l’identité organisationnelle. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé une analyse critique des écrits. Celle-ci a porté sur les tendances actuelles dans la façon d’étudier la mise en œuvre des services intégrés pour les troubles concomitants. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés dans l’article 3. Quatre grands constats se dégagent de l’ensemble de ce travail. Le premier est que la mise en œuvre de services cliniques intégrés est un phénomène dynamique, mais sous contrainte. Autrement dit, il s’agit d’un phénomène évolutif qui se définit et se redéfinit au gré des événements, mais avec une tendance lourde à maintenir la direction dans laquelle il s’est déployé initialement. L’énaction et l’engagement des professionnels sont apparus des mécanismes explicatifs centraux à cet égard. Le second constat est que la mise en œuvre s’actualise à travers des niveaux d’intégration interdépendants, ce qui signifie que le contexte et l’objet qui est mis en œuvre coévoluent et se transforment mutuellement. Nos résultats ont montré que la notion de "pratiques de couplage" était utile pour capter cette dynamique. Notre troisième constat est que la mise en œuvre demeure profondément ancrée dans le sens que les membres organisationnels construisent collectivement du projet d’intégration à travers leurs actions et interactions quotidiennes. Cette construction de sens permet de comprendre comment le contenu et la forme du projet d’intégration se façonnent au gré des circonstances, tant dans ses aspects cliniques qu’organisationnels. Enfin, le quatrième constat est que ces dynamiques demeurent relativement peu explorées à ce jour dans les écrits sur l’implantation des services intégrés pour les troubles concomitants. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que ce manque de reconnaissance pourrait expliquer une partie des difficultés de mise en œuvre actuelles. Globalement, ces constats permettent d’enrichir considérablement la compréhension du phénomène en révélant les dynamiques qui le constituent et les enjeux qu’il soulève. Aussi, leur prise en compte par les décideurs et les chercheurs a-t-elle le potentiel de faire progresser les pratiques vers une intégration accrue.


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A opção pelas alianças estratégicas como forma de sobrevivência empresarial tem se tornado cada vez mais comum, principalmente a partir da década de 1980. Dentre as alianças que vêm sendo formadas, um modelo chama a atenção por suas características peculiares: as alianças estratégicas entre empresas concorrentes. Essas alianças, também conhecidas como Alianças Horizontais, trazem em si um elemento de cooperação e competição simultâneos, criando um aparente paradoxo. Compreender como os gestores lidam com essa dualidade é uma tarefa interessante que nos leva a trafegar em um espectro de posições estratégicas que vão desde a competição extrema até a irrestrita cooperação, passando por uma visão co-opetitiva, onde as relações de mercado podem ser, ao mesmo tempo, de competição e cooperação, em um complexo jogo de percepções e impressões onde a fronteira da concorrência torna-se cada vez mais nebulosa. Esta pesquisa buscou compreender como se dá a criação de sentido (sensemaking) nos processos de formação e gestão de alianças estratégicas entre empresas concorrentes através das etapas de busca, percepção e interpretação propostas por Daft e Weick (1984). Para tal, foi necessário compreender os conceitos de Alianças Estratégicas e de criação de sentido (sensemaking), bem como entender o processo de criação de sentido acerca dessas oportunidades de alianças. Foi também importante investigar se essas alianças são formadas com intuitos instrumentais e imediatos ou se são vistas como estratégicas para a organização e de longo prazo. Utilizou-se neste trabalho uma estratégia de pesquisa com base em Estudo de Casos Múltiplos, valendo-se para tal de Análises de Antenarrativas e utilizou-se o Método do Incidente Crítico para orientar a análise. Análises de Antenarrativas buscam construir a narrativa dos casos através de fragmentos de falas e notícias. Por se tratar de uma construção focada na cognição dos gestores e reconhecendo a dificuldade de se captar essas questões, as antenarrativas forneceram um arcabouço material valioso para a construção dos casos. Foram estudadas as alianças entre TAM e Varig, quando realizaram operações de code-share durante cerca de 2,5 anos no início da década, e a Credicard, joint venture formada na década de 70 por Itaú, Unibanco e Citibank, para a expansão do mercado de cartões de crédito no país. Os casos utilizados foram escolhidos por duas razões principais: fornecem um ciclo completo de duas alianças diferentes, em setores diferentes, porém realizadas entre concorrentes; são casos emblemáticos na economia brasileira, com desfecho recente. Foi possível verificar que, para os casos citados, o sentido da aliança se altera ao longo do tempo, alterando também as ações tomadas por cada um dos parceiros em função da percepção que eles tem do ambiente e dos próprios parceiros. Enquanto muda a percepção, muda o proprio jogo da aliança. Dessa forma, é possível supor que o significado das alianças que vai mudando ao longo do tempo pode ser, em dado momento, instrumental e, em outro, estratégico.


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The generation of direction, sensemaking, is the process where the actors start to perceive the events around them establishing and creating meanings in their actions that they play daily. At the moment where they happen the interactions in a net business-oriented between the actors are that sensemaking is generated. A business-oriented example of a relationship net is the work developed for the Committee of Associations and Regional Cooperatives of Handcraft of Seridó - CRACAS. This organization, with headquarters in the city of Caicó - Rio Grande of North exists with the objective to manage the net of craftsmen of the region of the norteriograndense Seridó. The present inquiry had as objective generality to understand the generation of sensible of the activities carried through for the organizational, inserted actors in the CRACAS in Caicó/RN, directed toward the use of the resources in its daily business-oriented. The specific objectives had been) To identify the resources used for the organizational actors of the CRACAS; b) To apprehend the way for which the craftsmen play activities directed toward the control and use of the available resources in its environment business-oriented; c) To identify the role played for the organizational actors (craftsmen) in its business-oriented daily activities; d) To understand as the organizational actors of the CRACAS they generate sensible of its business-oriented activities and finally e) To verify the principles that guide the interactions of the craftsmen. Of this process of empirical inquiry, the methodology used in the inquiry consisted of a Study of Case in the CRACAS and the seven Associations of the Embroidering it. It was concluded that sensemaking happens during the accomplishment of the activity as during the confection of the products. In accordance with craftsman the financial resources do not come from the CRACAS. One evidenced that the seven cities of the business-oriented embroidering interact as a net of the handcraft and that it exists a lack of resources and infrastructure in the associations


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There has been increasing interest in the discursive aspects of strategy over the last two decades. In this editorial we review the existing literature, focusing on six major bodies of discursive scholarship: post-structural, critical discourse analysis, narrative, rhetoric, conversation analysis and metaphor. Our review reveals the significant contributions of research on strategy and discourse, but also the potential to advance research in this area by bringing together research on discursive practices and research on other practices we know to be important in strategy work. We explore the potential of discursive scholarship in integrating between significant theoretical domains (sensemaking, power and sociomateriality), and realms of analysis (institutional, organizational and the episodic), relevant to strategy scholarship. This allows us to place the papers published in the special issue Strategy as Discourse: Its Significance, Challenges and Future Directions among the body of knowledge accumulated thus far, and to suggest a way forward for future scholarship.


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How do developers and designers of a new technology make sense of intended users? The critical groundwork for user-centred technology development begins not by involving actual users' exposure to the technological artefact but much earlier, with designers' and developers' vision of future users. Thus, anticipating intended users is critical to technology uptake. We conceptualise the anticipation of intended users as a form of prospective sensemaking in technology development. Employing a narrative analytical approach and drawing on four key communities in the development of Grid computing, we reconstruct how each community anticipated the intended Grid user. Based on our findings, we conceptualise user anticipation in Terms of two key dimensions, namely the intended possibility to inscribe user needs into the technological artefact as well as the intended scope of the application domain. In turn, these dimensions allow us to develop an initial typology of intended user concepts that in turn might provide a key building block towards a generic typology of intended users.


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This paper describes the work undertaken in the Scholarly Ontologies Project. The aim of the project has been to develop a computational approach to support scholarly sensemaking, through interpretation and argumentation, enabling researchers to make claims: to describe and debate their view of a document's key contributions and relationships to the literature. The project has investigated the technicalities and practicalities of capturing conceptual relations, within and between conventional documents in terms of abstract ontological structures. In this way, we have developed a new kind of index to distributed digital library systems. This paper reports a case study undertaken to test the sensemaking tools developed by the Scholarly Ontologies project. The tools used were ClaiMapper, which allows the user to sketch argument maps of individual papers and their connections, ClaiMaker, a server on which such models can be stored and saved, which provides interpretative services to assist the querying of argument maps across multiple papers and ClaimFinder, a novice interface to the search services in ClaiMaker.


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When facing a crisis, leaders' sensemaking can take a considerable amount of time due to the need to develop consensus in how to deal with it so that vision formation and sensegiving can take place. However, research into emerging cognitive consensus when leaders deal with a crisis over time is lacking. This is limiting a detailed understanding of how organizations respond to crises. The findings, based on a longitudinal analysis of cognitive maps within three management teams at a single organization, highlight considerable individual differences in cognitive content when starting to make sense of a crisis. Evidence for an emerging viable prescriptive mental model for the future was found, but not so much in the management as a whole. Instead, the findings highlight increasing cognitive consensus based on similarities in objectives and cause-effect beliefs within well-defined management teams over time.