995 resultados para sense organ


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The discovery of a sensory organ, the Schwabe organ, was recently reported as a unifying feature of chitons in the order Lepidopleurida. It is a patch of pigmented tissue located on the roof of the pallial cavity, beneath the velum on either side of the mouth. The epithelium is densely innervated and contains two types of potential sensory cells. As the function of the Schwabe organ remains unknown, we have taken a cross-disciplinary approach, using anatomical, histological and behavioural techniques to understand it. In general, the pigmentation that characterises this sensory structure gradually fades after death; however, one particular concentrated pigment dot persists. This dot is positionally homologous to the larval eye in chiton trochophores, found in the same neuroanatomical location, and furthermore the metamorphic migration of the larval eye is ventral in species known to possess Schwabe organs. Here we report the presence of a discrete subsurface epithelial structure in the region of the Schwabe organ in Leptochiton asellus that histologically resembles the chiton larval eye. Behavioural experiments demonstrate that Leptochiton asellus with intact Schwabe organs actively avoid an upwelling light source, while Leptochiton asellus with surgically ablated Schwabe organs and a control species lacking the organ (members of the other extant order, Chitonida) do not (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 24.82, df = 3, p < 0.0001). We propose that the Schwabe organ represents the adult expression of the chiton larval eye, being retained and elaborated in adult lepidopleurans.


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Introduction: Chitons (Polyplacophora) are molluscs considered to have a simple nervous system without cephalisation. The position of the class within Mollusca is the topic of extensive debate and neuroanatomical characters can provide new sources of phylogenetic data as well as insights into the fundamental biology of the organisms. We report a new discrete anterior sensory structure in chitons, occurring throughout Lepidopleurida, the order of living chitons that retains plesiomorphic characteristics.

Results: The novel "Schwabe organ" is clearly visible on living animals as a pair of streaks of brown or purplish pigment on the roof of the pallial cavity, lateral to or partly covered by the mouth lappets. We describe the histology and ultrastructure of the anterior nervous system, including the Schwabe organ, in two lepidopleuran chitons using light and electron microscopy. The oesophageal nerve ring is greatly enlarged and displays ganglionic structure, with the neuropil surrounded by neural somata. The Schwabe organ is innervated by the lateral nerve cord, and dense bundles of nerve fibres running through the Schwabe organ epithelium are frequently surrounded by the pigment granules which characterise the organ. Basal cells projecting to the epithelial surface and cells bearing a large number of ciliary structures may be indicative of sensory function. The Schwabe organ is present in all genera within Lepidopleurida (and absent throughout Chitonida) and represents a novel anatomical synapomorphy of the clade.

Conclusions: The Schwabe organ is a pigmented sensory organ, found on the ventral surface of deep-sea and shallow water chitons; although its anatomy is well understood, its function remains unknown. The anterior commissure of the chiton oesophagial nerve ring can be considered a brain. Our thorough review of the chiton central nervous system, and particularly the sensory organs of the pallial cavity, provides a context to interpret neuroanatomical homology and assess this new sense organ.


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Specification of unequal daughter cell fates in the Drosophila external sense organ lineage requires asymmetric localization of the intrinsic determinant Numb as well as cell-cell interactions mediated by the Delta ligand and Notch receptor. Previous genetic studies indicated that numb acts upstream of Notch, and biochemical studies revealed that Numb can bind Notch. For a functional assay of the action of Numb on Notch signaling, we expressed these proteins in cultured Drosophila cells and used nuclear translocation of Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] as a reporter for Notch activity. We found that Numb interfered with the ability of Notch to cause nuclear translocation of Su(H); both the C-terminal half of the phosphotyrosine binding domain and the C terminus of Numb are required to inhibit Notch. Overexpression of Numb during wing development, which is sensitive to Notch dosage, revealed that Numb is also able to inhibit the Notch receptor in vivo. In the external sense organ lineage, the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Numb was found to be essential for the function but not for asymmetric localization of Numb. Our results suggest that Numb determines daughter cell fates in the external sense organ lineage by inhibiting Notch signaling.


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BACKGROUND This paper describes the first national burden of disease study for South Africa. The main focus is the burden due to premature mortality, i.e. years of life lost (YLLs). In addition, estimates of the burden contributed by morbidity, i.e. the years lived with disability (YLDs), are obtained to calculate disability-adjusted life years (DALYs); and the impact of AIDS on premature mortality in the year 2010 is assessed. METHOD Owing to the rapid mortality transition and the lack of timely data, a modelling approach has been adopted. The total mortality for the year 2000 is estimated using a demographic and AIDS model. The non-AIDS cause-of-death profile is estimated using three sources of data: Statistics South Africa, the National Department of Home Affairs, and the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System. A ratio method is used to estimate the YLDs from the YLL estimates. RESULTS The top single cause of mortality burden was HIV/AIDS followed by homicide, tuberculosis, road traffic accidents and diarrhoea. HIV/AIDS accounted for 38% of total YLLs, which is proportionately higher for females (47%) than for males (33%). Pre-transitional diseases, usually associated with poverty and underdevelopment, accounted for 25%, non-communicable diseases 21% and injuries 16% of YLLs. The DALY estimates highlight the fact that mortality alone underestimates the burden of disease, especially with regard to unintentional injuries, respiratory disease, and nervous system, mental and sense organ disorders. The impact of HIV/AIDS is expected to more than double the burden of premature mortality by the year 2010. CONCLUSION This study has drawn together data from a range of sources to develop coherent estimates of premature mortality by cause. South Africa is experiencing a quadruple burden of disease comprising the pre-transitional diseases, the emerging chronic diseases, injuries, and HIV/AIDS. Unless interventions that reduce morbidity and delay morbidity become widely available, the burden due to HIV/AIDS can be expected to grow very rapidly in the next few years. An improved base of information is needed to assess the morbidity impact more accurately.


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The numbers of sensilla coeloconica and sensilla ampullacea of segment 10 of the antennae of Caucasian and Africanized worker bees and of their hybrids were counted with the aid of a scanning electron microscope. Africanized bees have fewer sensilla than Caucasian bees and the continuous distribution obtained from the F1 values suggests polygenic inheritance for the control of this trait. There are also indications that the hybrid Brazilian Apis mellifera studied here are close to typical African bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) in terms of number of sensilla.


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Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, intermpting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the odors of dead and diseased honey bee brood, and Africanized honey bees are generally more hygienic than are European honey bees. We compared the number of sensilla placodea, antennal sensory structures involved in the perception of odor, in 10 bees from each of six hygienic and four non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees. The sensilla placodea of three of the terminal segments (flagellomeres) of the right antenna of each bee were counted with a scanning electron microscope. There were no significant differences in the mean numbers of sensilla placodea between the hygienic and non-hygienic bees, though the variance was higher in the hygienic group. Flagellomere 4 had significantly more sensilla placodea than flagellomeres 6 and 8. However, there was no significant difference between the other two flagellomeres. As hygienic bees are capable of identifying dead, injured, or infested brood inside a capped brood cell, sensilla placodea probably have an important role in enabling worker bees to sense sick brood. However, we did not find greater numbers of this sensory structure in the antennae of hygienic, compared to non-hygienic Africanized honey bees.


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The mammalian cochlea is sophisticated in its function and highly organized in its structure. Although the anatomy of this sense organ has been well documented, the molecular mechanisms underlying its development have remained elusive. Information generated from mutant and knockout mice in recent years has increased our understanding of cochlear development and physiology. This article discusses factors important for the development of the inner ear and summarizes cochlear phenotypes of mutant and knockout mice, particularly Otx and Otx2. We also present data on gross development of the mouse cochlea.


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The monogeneans Decacotyle lymmae and D. tetrakordyle (Monocotylidae: Decacotylinae), from gills of the dasyatid stingrays Taeniura lymma and Pastinachus sephen, respectively, have a single aperture for adhesive secretion on each side of the anterior ventrolateral region. Rod-shaped bodies (S1) and electron-dense spherical secretion (S2) exit through specialised ducts opening adjacent to one another within these apertures. The S1 bodies are 230 +/- 11 nm wide and greater than or equal to4 mum long in D. lymmae and 240 +/- 9 nm wide and greater than or equal to3.3 mum long in D. tetrakordyle. The S2 bodies have a diameter of 88 +/- 7 nm in D. lymmae and 65 +/- 6 nm in D. tetrakordyle. The apertures are unusual in being extremely small (internal diameter, 3-5 mum). Each aperture has a slit-like surface opening as small as 160 nm wide, surrounded by muscle fibres indicating that they may be opened and closed. The aperture is also surrounded and underlain by muscle fibres that may aid in secretion from, or even eversion of, the tissue within the aperture. Sensilla/cilia are also found within the apertures. Additional secretions from anteromedian and anterolateral glands (body glands), each containing granular secretions, occur in profusion and exit anteriorly and posteriorly to the position of the apertures, through duct openings in the general body tegument. These granular secretions do not appear to be associated with anterior adhesion. Both species show similarities in aperture, underlying tissue, sense organ, and secretion detail, in accordance with findings from other monogenean genera, and which supports the importance of such data for phylogenetic studies.


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Growth is a fundamental aspect of life cycle of all organisms. Body size varies highly in most animal groups, such as mammals. Moreover, growth of a multicellular organism is not uniform enlargement of size, but different body parts and organs grow to their characteristic sizes at different times. Currently very little is known about the molecular mechanisms governing this organ-specific growth. The genome sequencing projects have provided complete genomic DNA sequences of several species over the past decade. The amount of genomic sequence information, including sequence variants within species, is constantly increasing. Based on the universal genetic code, we can make sense of this sequence information as far as it codes proteins. However, less is known about the molecular mechanisms that control expression of genes, and about the variations in gene expression that underlie many pathological states in humans. This is caused in part by lack of information about the second genetic code that consists of the binding specificities of transcription factors and the combinatorial code by which transcription factor binding sites are assembled to form tissue-specific and/or ligand-regulated enhancer elements. This thesis presents a high-throughput assay for identification of transcription factor binding specificities, which were then used to measure the DNA binding profiles of transcription factors involved in growth control. We developed ‘enhancer element locator’, a computational tool, which can be used to predict functional enhancer elements. A genome-wide prediction of human and mouse enhancer elements generated a large database of enhancer elements. This database can be used to identify target genes of signaling pathways, and to predict activated transcription factors based on changes in gene expression. Predictions validated in transgenic mouse embryos revealed the presence of multiple tissue-specific enhancers in mouse c- and N-Myc genes, which has implications to organ specific growth control and tumor type specificity of oncogenes. Furthermore, we were able to locate a variation in a single nucleotide, which carries a susceptibility to colorectal cancer, to an enhancer element and propose a mechanism by which this SNP might be involved in generation of colorectal cancer.


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Rattlesnakes use their facial pit organs to sense external thermal fluctuations. A temperature decrease in the heat-sensing membrane of the pit organ has the potential to enhance heat flux between their endothermic prey and the thermal sensors, affect the optimal functioning of thermal sensors in the pit membrane and reduce the formation of thermal ‘‘afterimages’’, improving thermal detection. We examined the potential for respiratory cooling to improve strike behaviour, capture, and consumption of endothermic prey in the South American rattlesnake, as behavioural indicators of thermal detection. Snakes with a higher degree of rostral cooling were more accurate during the strike, attacking warmer regions of their prey, and relocated and consumed their prey faster. These findings reveal that by cooling their pit organs, rattlesnakes increase their ability to detect endothermic prey; disabling the pit organs caused these differences to disappear. Rattlesnakes also modify the degree of rostral cooling by altering their breathing pattern in response to biologically relevant stimuli, such as a mouse odour. Our findings reveal that low humidity increases their ability to detect endothermic prey, suggesting that habitat and ambush sites election in the wild may be influenced by external humidity levels as well as temperature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In mammals, olfactory stimuli are detected by sensory neurons at two distinct sites: the olfactory epithelium (OE) of the nasal cavity and the neuroepithelium of the vomeronasal organ (VNO). While the OE can detect volatile chemicals released from numerous sources, the VNO appears to be specialized to detect pheromones that are emitted by other animals and that convey information of behavioral or physiological importance. The mechanisms underlying sensory transduction in the OE have been well studied and a number of components of the transduction cascade have been cloned. Here, we investigated sensory transduction in the VNO by asking whether VNO neurons express molecules that have been implicated in sensory transduction in the OE. Using in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses, we found that most of the olfactory transduction components examined, including the guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit (G-alpha-olf), adenylyl cyclase type III, and an olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel subunit (oCNC1), are not expressed by VNO sensory neurons. In contrast, VNO neurons do express a second olfactory CNG channel subunit (oCNC2). These results indicate that VNO sensory transduction is distinct from that in the OE but raise the possibility that, like OE sensory transduction, sensory transduction in the VNO might involve cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels.


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The subfornical organ (SFO) is a critical circumventricular organ involved in the control of cardiovascular and metabolic homeostasis. Despite the abundant literature clearly demonstrating the ability of SFO neurons to sense and respond to a plethora of circulating signals that influence various physiological systems, investigation of how simultaneously sensed signals interact and are integrated in the SFO is lacking. In this study, we use patch clamp techniques to investigate how the traditionally classified ‘cardiovascular’ hormone angiotensin II (ANG), ‘metabolic’ hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) and ‘metabolic’ signal glucose interact and are integrated in the SFO. Sequential bath-application of CCK (10nM) and ANG (10nM) onto dissociated SFO neurons revealed that: 63% of responsive SFO neurons depolarized to both CCK & ANG; 25% depolarized to ANG only; and 12% hyperpolarized to CCK only. We next investigated the effects of glucose by incubating and recording neurons in either hypo-, normo- or hyperglycemic conditions for a minimum of 24 hours and comparing the proportions of responses to ANG (n=55) or CCK (n=83) application in each condition. A hyperglycemic environment was associated with a larger proportion of depolarizing responses to ANG (X2, p<0.05), and a smaller proportion of depolarizing responses along with a larger proportion of hyperpolarizing responses to CCK (X2, p<0.01). These data demonstrate that SFO neurons excited by CCK are also excited by ANG, suggesting that CCK may influence fluid intake or blood pressure via the SFO, complementary to the well-understood actions of ANG at this site. Additionally, the demonstration that glucose environment affects the responsiveness of neurons to both these hormones highlights the ability of SFO neurons to integrate multiple metabolic and cardiovascular signals to affect transmission of information from the circulation to the brain, which has important implications for this structure’s critical role regulation of autonomic function.


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In this article, we take a close look at the literacy demands of one task from the ‘Marvellous Micro-organisms Stage 3 Life and Living’ Primary Connections unit (Australian Academy of Science, 2005). One lesson from the unit, ‘Exploring Bread’, (pp 4-8) asks students to ‘use bread labels to locate ingredient information and synthesise understanding of bread ingredients’. We draw upon a framework offered by the New London Group (2000), that of linguistic, visual and spatial design, to consider in more detail three bread wrappers and from there the complex literacies that students need to interrelate to undertake the required task. Our findings are that although bread wrappers are an example of an everyday science text, their linguistic, visual and spatial designs and their interrelationship are not trivial. We conclude by reinforcing the need for teachers of science to also consider how the complex design elements of everyday science texts and their interrelated literacies are made visible through instructional practice.


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This study examined the tone and content of 107 political, satirical cartoons images published in the popular culture forum of mainstream newspapers. The cartoons illustrated the reform of the industrial relations system in Australia in 2005 and 2006. The images were conveyed in a moderate tone. That is, they were more about poking fun at and questioning authority and power, rather than simply describing the issues on one hand, or demonstrating any revolutionary fervor on the other. The cartoons’ content represented many of the concerns and issues being voiced by employer groups, government, opposition, unions and the media at the time. Themes likely to evoke a strong response from the readership included the importance of a collective response in voicing opposition to the legislation and enacting change, the risks to fundamental working conditions, the stealth and dogma associated with the rollout of the changes and the increasing disparity in wealth and power between employers and workers. The images were an important part of the wider discourse and a mechanism which helped place industrial relations squarely in the minds of working Australians.