955 resultados para seed scarification


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The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp.


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Foram conduzidos três ensaios com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de diferentes métodos de quebra de dormência das sementes, da qualidade da luz e da profundidade de semeadura na germinação e emergência do Xanthium strumarim L. (carrapichão). No primeiro ensaio, sob condições de câmara de crescimento, os tratamentos constaram de 5 métodos de quebra de dormência: mecânico (lixa), químico (H2SO4 conc. por 10 min.), pré-tratamento em água (imersão por 2 horas), físico (choque térmico: água à 80oC por 2 min.) e testemunha, que proporcionaram 100%, 93%, 93%, 87% e 80% de germinação, respectivamente, sem haver diferença estatística entre os mesmos. O pré-tratamento em água apresentou menor índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e os demais não diferiram significativamente entre si. No segundo ensaio, também sob condições de câmara de crescimento, os tratamentos de qualidade da luz constaram de 6 filtros de luz, que resultaram nas seguintes porcentagens de germinação: azul - com refletividade máxima a 450 nm (13%), verde-500 nm (33%), vermelho-700 nm (13%), vermelho/distante-760 nm (7%), ausência de luz (26%) e transparente - sem absortividade na região de 380 a 760 nm (testemunha, 73%), indicando sensibilidade das sementes à qualidade de luz. No terceiro ensaio, sob condições de casa-de-vegetação, os tratamentos foram diferentes profundidades de semeadura (0 a 20 cm, em intervalos de 2 cm), sendo que o máximo de emergência ocorreu no intervalo de 0 a 8 cm, no qual foi observado 67% de emergência do carrapichão, com maior índice de velocidade emergência (IVE), sendo que após os 16 cm, praticamente não houve emergência.


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Dentre as várias plantas daninhas aquáticas imersas que proliferam nos reservatórios de usinas hidrelétricas, destaca-se em importância Ceratophyllum demersum, devido à sua grande capacidade de reprodução e produção de biomassa. Contudo, apesar de problemática, estudos relacionados com o mecanismo de propagação e persistência dessa espécie em ambiente aquático são bastante escassos no Brasil. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diferentes métodos de superação de dormência em sementes desta planta daninha aquática coletadas na Lagoa Vírgula, localizada no rio Tietê-SP. As sementes coletadas foram divididas em dois lotes, sendo um constituído por sementes acondicionadas em um recipiente contendo água destilada e o outro por sementes acondicionadas em sacos de papel em condições de câmara fria (16,8 ºC). Após 650 dias da coleta das sementes, foram realizados os testes de superação de dormência, utilizando os seguintes tratamentos: escarificação manual; imersão em ácido sulfúrico concentrado (98%) por 5, 15, 25 e 35 minutos; imersão em água quente (98 ºC); e testemunha A, constituída pelo lote de sementes acondicionadas em um recipiente contendo água destilada, e uma testemunha B, constituída pelo lote de sementes acondicionadas em saco de papel. Os resultados demonstraram que a espécie C. demersum produz sementes férteis e podem permanecer viáveis no sedimento por vários anos após a fecundação. A escarificação das sementes foi o método mais eficaz na superação da dormência, sendo significativamente superior aos demais tratamentos e apresentando 65,0% de germinação aos 79 DAT. Ficou evidente a necessidade de realização de mais estudos para determinação de uma metodologia mais adequada à avaliação de dormência em sementes de C. demersum.


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O presente trabalho objetivou determinar o tempo mínimo necessário à realização do teste de germinação para sementes de B. brizantha cv. Marandu, o método de superação de dormência e a condição de temperatura que proporcionem a maior germinação no menor tempo. Numa primeira etapa, realizou-se o teste de germinação em trinta lotes de sementes, sob duas condições de temperaturas (15-35ºC e 20-35ºC), avaliadas em conjunto com três métodos para a superação de dormência (H2SO4, KNO3 e Controle), constituindo seis tratamentos. Realizaram-se contagens diárias da germinação para a determinação da data mais apropriada para o término do teste. Na segunda etapa, realizaram-se testes de germinação em oito lotes de diferentes níveis de vigor, utilizando-se os mesmos seis tratamentos e com encerramento do teste nas datas definidas na primeira etapa. Conclui-se que, para o teste de germinação de B. brizantha, a escarificação com H2SO4 e a temperatura de 20-35ºC são tratamentos que resultam na maior germinação em um menor tempo, possibilitando o encerramento do teste aos 11 dias após a semeadura.


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Pre-germination treatments such as scarification and the use of growth regulators can provide the overcoming of dormancy in seeds and enhance the emergence and development of seedlings. The aim of this study was to determine appropriate treatments to overcoming seed dormancy and enhance the initial growth of seedlings of Spondias tuberosa. We used a randomized design in factorial 2 x 4, with the following factors: seeds scarified or not scarified and then soaked in water or aqueous solutions of gibberellin, cytokinin and ethylene, with 4 replicates and 15 seeds. There was no significant interaction between scarification treatments and use of growth regulators. Mechanical scarification and soaking of seed of umbuzeiro in solutions containing growth regulators does not increase the percentage of seedling emergence, however soaking in a solution of Ethrel at 100 ppm provides higher speed of emergence and root development.


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The production of seedlings of passion fruit is done mainly with the use of seeds by most producers. It can also be propagated by cuttings, layering and in vitro tissue culture. However, even when grafting is used, it is necessary to use seeds to produce the rootstock. Nevertheless, most Passifloracea species have germination problems, making it difficult to obtain seedlings. Although several studies have been developed in an attempt to increase seed germination of passion fruit there are still difficulties in understanding the germination process and also disagreement about seed dormancy. Thus, the present study aimed to review papers related to seed germination of passion fruit emphasizing aspects such as mechanical resistance to water ingress, the need for adequate light and temperature and the use of plant growth regulators in overcoming seed dormancy. It was noticed that, in general, the passion fruit seeds are photoblastic negative and exhibit physiological dormancy, being no need of seed scarification to stimulate its germination.


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The purpose of the present work was to study various aspects of the germination of seeds of Senna occidentalis Link, which had presented promising results in biological activity against the etiological agent of malaria. These aspects were dormancy, temperatures of germination and photoblastic response. In the dormancy studies, the treatments used were: unscarified seed (control); tegument puncture with sharp point; and scarification with sand-paper and immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid during 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. For the study of temperature and photoblast, the seeds were immersed in sulfuric acid for 20 minutes, submitted to temperatures of 10 to 45degreesC, at intervals of 5degreesC, both under light and in the dark. The seeds presented dormancy related to tegument, the best treatments for breaking dormancy were immersion in sulfuric acid for 15 and 20 minutes. At temperatures 25 and 30degreesC, the best results of percentage and index of velocity of germination were observed, at which the seeds behaved as neutral photoblastic; there was no germination at 10 or at 45degreesC.


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Syagrus schizophylla (Mart.) Glass. belongs to the Arecaccae family. This palm is native of Brazil and presents great potential for use in gardens and cultivation in pot. Palms species, with relatively few exceptions, can only be propagated from seeds; even so, there are no reports in the literature about the germination of this palm seeds. The seed maturity is a factor that interferes in the success of the germination process. For some species, studies showed that palm seeds germinated better when the fruits were completely ripe (showing full color) and for other, when they were with green coloration. Several species of the Arecaccae family presents physical dormancy of seeds in varied degrees, demanding treatments for improve germination. The objective of this work was to study the effects of maturation and of the scarification on seed germination of S. schizophylla. The experimental design used was a factorial 3 x 2 (3 maturation stadiums: green, half-ripe - yellow and completely ripe - red; and mechanical scarification: with and without), entirely casualized, with four replications of 15 seeds per plot. The seeds (with 32,43% of humidity) were placed in plastic boxes with sand (60% of humidity, placing water according to weight in each three days), under controlled conditions of alternated temperature of 25-35 degrees C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated until 79 days. It was observed that, so much for germination percentage as for SGI, there was not significant difference for the interaction among the two factors, maturation stadium and scarification, however, there were significant differences among the maturation stadiums and between seeds scarified or not. The seeds from green fruits presented lower germination percentage and slower germination when compared with seeds from yellow or red fruits; the seeds from yellow or red fruits didn't differ statistically to each other. To seeds scarificated, independently of the maturation stadium, presented germination percentage significantly larger and the germination was significantly faster when compared with the seeds without scarification.


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In order to determine the optimum seed pre??sowing treatments and patterns of germination,a greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of abrasion,sulphuric acid,boiling water,cold stratification and seed exudate treatments on the germination of ten Calligonum species.The results showed that the response of seed germination to the different pretreatments was similar for all ten Calligonum species.The abrasion,sulphuric acid and cold stratification treatments significantly promoted overall germinability.Compared with the control,the exudate treatment significantly decreased the percent germination,hampered the rate of germination and bolstered dormancy for almost all species.The cold stratification treatment can break the dormancy of viable Calligonum seeds and increased the germination,but it has a little lethal effect on viable seeds probably as well as the boiling water treatments.The germinaton patterns performed significant difference between the pre-sowing treatments for all ten Calligonum species,and the speed and percent germination of the Calligonum species can be greatly increased by mechanical scarification or sulphuric acid treatments.The results showed that seeds of C.junceum have strong ability of germinating.


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Buffer strips are refuges for a variety of plants providing resources, such as pollen, nectar and seeds, for higher trophic levels, including invertebrates, mammals and birds. Margins can also harbour plant species that are potentially injurious to the adjacent arable crop (undesirable species). Sowing perennial species in non-cropped buffer strips can reduce weed incidence, but limits the abundance of annuals with the potential to support wider biodiversity (desirable species). We investigated the responses of unsown plant species present in buffer strips established with three different seed mixes managed annually with three contrasting management regimes (cutting, sward scarification and selective graminicide). Sward scarification had the strongest influence on the unsown desirable (e.g. Sonchus spp.) and unsown pernicious (e.g. Elytrigia repens) species, and was generally associated with higher cover values of these species. However, abundances of several desirable weed species, in particular Poa annua, were not promoted by scarification. The treatments of cutting and graminicide tended to have negative impacts on the unsown species, except for Cirsium vulgare, which increased with graminicide application. Differences in unsown species cover between seed mixes were minimal, although the grass-only mix was more susceptible to establishment by C. vulgare and Galium aparine than the two grass and forb mixes. Annual scarification can enable desirable annuals and sown perennials to co-exist, however, this practice can also promote pernicious species, and so is unlikely to be widely adopted as a management tool in its current form.


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Beetle assemblages and their response to plant community composition and architectural structure were monitored from 2002 to 2006 within arable field margins. Field margins were sown with either tussock grass and forbs, fine grass and forbs or grass only seed mixtures. After an establishment year, field margins were managed using standard sward cuts, scarification, or graminicide application. For predatory beetles, overall density was greatest where tussock grasses were included within the seed mixtures, while the densities of phytophagous beetles were greatest where forbs were present. Unexpectedly, species rarefaction curves suggested that phytophagous beetle species richness was greatest where field margins were established using a grass only seed mixture. The structure of the beetle assemblages, i.e., the relative abundances of individual species, was largely dependent on seed mixture, although margin management also played an important role. The results suggest that field margins established using seed mixtures containing tussock grasses and forbs would be expected to provide the greatest resources for beetles, at least at local scales. However, the use of a single standardised seed mixture for margin establishment would result in a homogenisation of beetle assemblages at a regional scale. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The slow and uneven germination of Syagrus oleracea seeds represents a problem for its propagation, especially for commercial production. This work aimed to study the effects of substrate and mechanical scarification on the germination of S. oleracea seeds. Germination (% G), emergence rate (ER), leaf area (cm(2)), root length (cm), leaf dry mass (g) and root dry mass (g) were also determined. Non-scarified seeds sown in vermiculite germinated faster and showed higher germination (65%), as well as greater root length (16.55 cm). leaf dry mass (5.07 g) and root dry mass (12.41 g), when compared to the scarified seeds.


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Syagrus picrophylla belongs to the Arecaceae family. Its propagation is made by seeds; however there is a lack of information in the literature about its seed germination. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperature and scarification on the germination of S. picrophylla seeds. The experiment was carried out at the State University of São Paulo, Jaboticabal Campus, Brazil. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 5 x 2 (five temperature conditions combined with or without mechanical scarification. The number of germinated seeds that showed primary root protrusion was noted daily, and when the germination was stabilized, the germination (%G) and germination rate (GR) were calculated. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for means comparing by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. It was concluded that the greatest %G were obtained at 20-30 degrees C (62%) and 25-35 degrees C (59%) alternated temperatures; %G and GR were similar for both scarified and non-scarified seeds, and there was a faster germination at 20-30 degrees C alternated temperature.


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The effect of scarification with sodium hypochloride on light sensitivity in seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids is presented in the paper. Light-requiring lettuce seeds germinated in both dark and continuous light after scarification and 36 degrees C pre-incubation restored light sensitivity at 25 degrees C. Curves of dose-response indicated that chemical scarification induced a change in the control of seed germination from Low Fluence Response to the Very Low Fluence Response. Pre-incubation at 36 degrees C return the control to the Low Fluence Response of phytochrome action.