927 resultados para sedimentation basin sludge
In the sparsely populated areas of Finland there are approximately 350 000 households and 450 000 leisure time residences outside sewer networks. According to the Finnish domestic wastewater act outside sewer networks, the Finnish Government is reducing the environmental load of domestic wastewaters by the year 2017. The law is aimed at restricting the quality of sludge from domestic wastewater purification systems. The wastewater purification systems are complex systems, which often include sedimentation basins. The sedimentation basins remove most of the nutrients from the domestic wastewaters. The Finnish Government has decided that sedimentation basin sludge must be treated before reusing. One possibility is to stabilise domestic sludge with slaked lime and to reuse treated sludge in agriculture. According to this master’s thesis lime stabilisation can be done in sedimentation basins or in decanting tanks. Decanting tanks must be under 100 m3. Dosage of stabilisation is 8,5 kg/m3 of lime. If you are treading sludge that is highly hydrous, you need 13,5 kg/m3 of lime. In stabilisation lime and sludge must be thoroughly mixed. Mixed sludge must be in sedimentation basin at least two hours. If there is evidence that sludge contains salmonella or if it’s decanting tank stabilisation time is 48 hours. Sludge must be mixed at least once during the longer stabilisation time. Lime destroys Esherichia coli and enterococcus concentrations below accepted level. Lime also destroys Salmonella bacterium. After treating, sludge’s can be distributed over a field. You can safely spread lime treated domestic sludge’s about 40 m3/ha. Lime stabilisation can also be used to treat separately and collectively collected domestic wastewaters.
A presente tese teve por base a identificação e resolução de um problema existente no tratamento de efluentes provenientes dos processos de tratamento de superfícies por galvanoplastia, na OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A.. Observou-se a ocorrência, esporádica, de crómio hexavalente, (Cr (VI)), em valor superior ao valor limite de emissão (VLE). Os resultados foram monitorizados e os dados recolhidos no decorrer da actividade de tratamento de efluentes, durante o período de, aproximadamente, 5 anos (2006 a 2011). A recolha de resultados decorreu no âmbito da actividade profissional da mestranda, que, para além da responsabilidade técnica dos processos de galvanoplastia na empresa, é também responsável pelo suporte técnico ao processo de tratamento de efluentes resultantes da actividade de tratamento de superficies por processos de galvanoplastia. A empresa OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A., é uma empresa de actividade aeronáutica dedicada à Fabricação e Manutenção de aeronaves, nomeadamente a prestação de serviços de Manutenção, Revisão e Modernização de, Aeronaves, Motores e Componentes, bem como Fabricação e Montagem de Aeroestruturas. Integrada na OGMA, S.A. encontra-se a área de tratamentos electroquímicos, onde são realizados processos de tratamento de materiais metálicos por electrodeposição, deposição química e conversão química. Desta actividade resulta uma quantidade considerável de efluentes líquidos que necessitam de tratamento adequado previamente à sua descarga em cursos de água. Devido ao tipo de contaminantes que estes efluentes possuem, o tratamento dos mesmos é realizado em várias etapas, passando pela oxidação de cianetos, a redução de cromatos e a neutralização. Posteriormente segue-se uma sedimentação e a remoção de lamas. De modo a garantir um controlo dos parâmetros de descarga dos efluentes tratados, de acordo com a legislação ambiental em vigor, o efluente obtido é analisado periodicamente em laboratório acreditado. Na perspectiva de solucionar o problema em questão, procedeu-se à realização de ensaios experimentais utilizando os efluentes provenientes dos tanques de reacção da redução de cromatos e da oxidação de cianetos da linha com cádmio, com especial incidência na variação dos intervalos de pH recomendados para cada uma das fases do tratamento de efluentes, e observação do comportamento das misturas em termos de presença de Cr (VI), quando sujeitos a variações de pH. Após análise dos dados disponíveis e realização de todos os ensaios, conclui-se que, o processo de oxidação de cianeto da linha com cádmio e o processo de redução de cromatos na mesma linha estão a funcionar adequadamente. Concluiu-se que o reaparecimento de Cr (VI) ocorre devido à existência de hipoclorito de sódio, em excesso, no tanque de oxidação de cianeto que, quando passa para o tanque de neutralização e entra em contacto com o efluente proveniente do tanque de redução de cromatos, oxida parte do crómio trivalente, (Cr (III)), existente, a Cr (VI). Para impedir a ocorrência deste fenómeno separou-se todo o efluente contendo crómio que passou a ser tratado na linha de tratamento de efluentes isenta de cádmio, não entrando assim em contacto com o efluente que contém hipoclorito não reagido, evitando a oxidação do Cr (III) a Cr (VI).
The hydrodynamic characterization and the performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase fluidized bed reactor in wastewater fish culture treatment are presented in this report. The objective of this study was to evaluate the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous removal efficiency in a physical and biological wastewater treatment system of an intensive Nile Tilapia laboratory production with recirculation. The treatment system comprised of a conventional sedimentation basin operated at a hydraulic detention time HDT of 2.94 h and an aerobic three phase airlift fluidized bed reactor AAFBR operated at an 11.9 min HDT. Granular activated carbon was used as support media with density of 1.64 g/cm(3) and effective size of 0.34 mm in an 80 g/L constant concentration. Mean removal efficiencies of BOD, COD, phosphorous, total ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen were 47%, 77%, 38%, 27% and 24%, respectively. The evaluated system proved an effective alternative for water reuse in the recirculation system capable of maintaining water quality characteristics within the recommended values for fish farming and met the Brazilian standards for final effluent discharges with exception of phosphorous values. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi monitorar o desempenho de remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal no tratamento das águas residuárias da produção intensiva de tilápia nilótica em sistema com recirculação de água. O sistema foi constituído por um sedimentador convencional e um reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado trifásico com circulação, operados com tempos de detenção hidráulica de 176.4 e 11.9 minutos respectivamente. O meio suporte utilizado no reator foi o carvão ativado granular com densidade aparente de 1.64 g/cm3 e tamanho efetivo de 0.34 mm; a concentração do meio suporte no reator foi mantida constante em 80 g/L. A eficiência média de remoção do nitrogênio amoniacal total foi de 41.2%. O sistema avaliado é uma alternativa efetiva para o reuso da água em sistemas de recirculação para aqüicultura. Embora a variabilidade das concentrações do nitrogênio amoniacal afluente cujo valor médio foi de 0.136 mg/L, o efluente do reator conservou as características de qualidade da água estáveis, com concentrações médias de nitrogênio amoniacal de 0.079 mg/L e do oxigênio dissolvido de 6.70 mg/L, recomendáveis para a criação dos peixes e nas faixas de valores permitidos pela legislação Brasileira (Resolução CONAMA No. 357 de março 5 de 2005) para lançamento de efluentes finais nos corpos de água receptores.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Detailed data obtained on chemistry of sedimentary rocks from the Mountainous Crimea and the Northwestern Caucasus that were dated at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary and formed during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 make it possible to calculate dissolved oxygen concentration in bottom waters of the sedimentation basin. Enrichment factors of trace elements in black shales are revised and an explanation is suggested for genesis of the rocks with regard for unusual climatic changes.
Riverine water and sediment discharge to the Arctic Ocean is among the most important parameters influencing Arctic climate. It is clear that the evaluation of Arctic paleoclimate requires information on the paleodischarge of major rivers entering the sedimentation basin. Presently, the water discharge of the Ob River accounts for about 12% of the total input of river water into the Arctic Ocean. During the investigation of the Kara Sea in the framework of the Russian-German SIRRO Project, the history of Yenisei discharge received much attention in a number of publications. This paper presents the results of lithological and geochemical investigations with application to the Holocene discharge of the Ob River. Qualitative (SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and some modules) and quantitative (sedimentation rates and absolute masses of sedimentary material) parameters were used to characterize the history of the Ob sediment discharge. It was shown that the investigated paleochannels of the Ob were initiated at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, and during the first half of the Holocene, the river discharge decreased irregularly with decreasing age of sediments. The observed maxima are in fairly good agreement with the data for the Yenisei. We proposed a hypothesis on the influence of glacioisostatic movements in the marginal region of the former Kara ice sheet of late Valdai age on the cessation of marine-fluvial glaciation in the paleochannels of Ob and Yenisei in the periphery of the Ob-Yenisei shoal.
Morphological and U-Pb isotope studies on sedimentary zircons reflect the orogenic evolution of their former host rocks. The orogenic history of detrital zircons from the Trinity Peninsula Formation (TPF) defines the former geological surrounding of the sedimentation basin of the TPF. Same few weil rounded, polycyclic zircons of Precambrian age and Cambrian overprint give hints for an old cratonic source rock. Because of their very low frequency compared with euhedral types, the contribution of an cratonic shield area to the bulk of the sedimentary debris is neglectable low. Euhedral zircons of granitoid origin and Carboniferous age indicate a derivation from an area of widespread Carboniferous intrusions. Except for southern South America and unsurveyed regions in the Antarctic Peninsula itself, no region could deliver zircons with a Carboniferous age record. The only acceptable explanation for the origin of these zircons is a position of the Antarctic Peninsula during the sedimentation of the TPF approximately southwest of southern South America.
A continuous carbon isotope curve from Middle-Upper Jurassic pelagic carbonate rocks was acquired from two sections in the southern part of the Umbria-Marche Apennines in central Italy. At the Colle Bertone section (Terni) and the Terminilletto section (Rieti), the Upper Toarcian to Bajocian Calcari e Marne a Posidonia Formation and the Aalenian to Kimmeridgian Calcari e Marne a Posidonia and Calcari Diasprigni formations were sampled, respectively. Biostratigraphy in both sections is based on rich assemblages of calcareous nannofossils and radiolarians, as well as some ammonites found in the upper Toarcian-Bajocian interval. Both sections revealed a relative minimum of delta(13)C(PDB) close to + 2 parts per thousand in the Aalenian and a maximum around 3.5 parts per thousand in early Bajocian, associated with an increase in visible chert. In basinal sections in Umbria-Marche, this interval includes the very cherry base of the Calcari Diasprigni Formation (e.g. at Valdorbia) or the chert-rich uppermost portion of the Calcari a Posidonia (e.g at Bosso). In the Terminilletto section, the Bajocian-early Barthonian interval shows a gradual decrease in delta(13)C(PDB) values and a low around 2.3 parts per thousand. This part of the section is characterised by more than 40 m of almost chart-free limestones and correlates with a recurrence of limestone-rich facies in basinal sections at Valdorbia. A double peak with values of delta(13)C(PDB) around + 3 parts per thousand was observed in the Callovian and Oxfordian, constrained by well preserved radiolarian faunas. The maxima lie in the Callovian and the middle Oxfordian, and the minimum between the two peaks should be near the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary. In the Terminilletto section, visible chert increases together with delta(13)C(PDB) values from the middle Bathonian and reaches peak values in the Callovian-Oxfordian. In basinal sections in Umbria-Marche, a sharp increase in visible chert is observed at this level within the Calcari Diasprigni. A drop of delta(13)C values towards + 2 parts per thousand occurs in the Kimmeridgian and coincides with a decrease of visible chert in outcrop. The observed delta(13)C positive anomalies during the early Bajocian and the Callovian-Oxfordian may record changes in global climate towards warmer, more humid periods characterised by increased nutrient mobilisation and increased carbon burial. High biosiliceous (radiolarians, siliceous sponges) productivity and preservation appear to coincide with the delta(13)C positive anomalies, when the production of platform carbonates was subdued and ceased in many areas, with a drastic reduction of periplatform ooze input in many Tethyan basins. The carbon and silica cycles appear to be linked through global warming and increased continental weathering. Hydrothermal events related to extensive rifting and/or accelerated oceanic spreading may be the endogenic driving force that created a perturbation of the exogenic system (excess CO2 into the atmosphere and greenhouse conditions) reflected by the positive delta(13)C shifts and biosiliceous episodes.
Late Quaternary deposits in the northeastern Brazil have been scarcely investigated, despite their relevance to the discussion of the post-rift evolution of the South American passive margin within the context of landform, sea level and tectonic deformation. Sedimentological, stratigraphic and morphological characterization of these deposits, referred as Post-Barreiras Sediments, led to their distinction from underlying Early/Middle Miocene strata. Based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, two sedimentary units (PB1 and PB2) were recognized and related to the time intervals between 74.8 +/- 9.3 and 30.8 +/- 6.9 ka, and 8.8 +/- 0.9 and 1.8 +/- 0.2 ka, respectively. Unit PB1 consists of indurated sandstones and breccias either with massive bedding or complex types of soft sediment deformation structures generated by contemporaneous seismic activity. Unit PB2 is composed of massive sands or sands related to structures developed by dissipation of dunes. The present work, focusing on the Post-Barreiras Sediments, discusses landform, sea level and tectonics of the eastern South American passive margin during the latest Quaternary. Non-deposition and sub-aerial exposure related to the Tortonian worldwide low sea level combined with tectonic quiescence followed the Miocene transgression. Tectonic deformation in the latest Pleistocene created space to accommodate unit PB1 in downthrown faulted blocks and, perhaps, also synclines produced by strike-slip deformation. Although deposition of this unit was simultaneous with the progressive fall in sea level that followed the Last Interglacial Maximum, punctuated rises combined with land subsidence led to marine deposition close to the modern coastline. Renewed subsidence in the Holocene gave rise to accommodation of the Post-Barreiras Sediments. Most of unit PB2 was deposited during the Holocene Transgression, but it is not composed of marine sediments, which suggests either an insignificant rise in relative sea level or aeolian reworking of thin transgressive sands. The data presented here lead to a review of the evolution of the South American passive margin based on assumptions of uniform sedimentation and undeformed planation surfaces over a wide coastal area of the northeastern Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Curitiba Basin, Parana, lies parallel to the west side of the Serra do Mar range and is part of a continental rift near the Atlantic coast of southeastern Brazil. It bears unconsolidated and poorly consolidated sediments divided in two formations: the lower Guabirotuba Formation and the overlying Tinguis Formation, both developed over Precambrian basement. Field observations, water well drill cores, and interpretations of satellite images lead to the inference that regional tectonic processes were responsible for the origin of the Basin in the continental rift context and for morphotecatonic evolution through block tilting, dissection, and erosion. The structural framework of the sediments and the basement is characterized by NE-SW-trending normal faults (extensional tectonic D-1 event) reactivated by NE-SW-trending strike-slip and reverse oblique faults (younger transtensional tectonic D-2' to transpressional tectonic D-2, event). This tectonic event, which started in the Paleogene and controlled the basin geometry, began as a halfgraben and was later reactivated as a pull-apart basin. D-2 is a neotectonic event that controls the current morphostructures. The Basin is connected to the structural rearrangement of the South American platform, which underwent a generalized extensional or trantensional process and, in late Oligocene, changed to a compressional to transpressional regime. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm(-2) year(-1) for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm(-2) year(-1) was found in the Corumbatai River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year(-1) that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.
Activity profiles of excess 210Pb measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbataí River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm-2 year-1 for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm-2 year-1 was found in the Corumbataí River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year-1 that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.