826 resultados para secondary erythrocytosis
Idiopathic Erythrocytosis (IE) is a diagnosis given to patients who have an absolute erythrocytosis (red cell mass more than 25% above their mean normal predicted value) but who do not have a known form of primary or secondary erythrocytosis (BCSH guideline, 2005). We report here the results of a follow-up study of 80 patients (44 male and 36 female) diagnosed with IE from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland over a 10 year period. Baseline information was initially collected when investigating for molecular causes of erythrocytosis in this group. The diagnosis of IE was made on the basis of a raised red cell mass >25% above mean normal predicted value, absence of Polycythaemia Vera (PV) based on the criteria of Pearson and Messinezy (1996), and the exclusion of secondary erythrocytosis (oxygen saturation >92% on pulse oximetry, no history of sleep apnoea, no renal or hepatic pathology, and a normal oxygen dissociation curve (if indicated). The average age at diagnosis of erythrocytosis was 34.5 (2–74 years). Erythropoietin levels were available for 77/80 of the patients and were low in 18 (23%) and normal or high in 59 (74%). Ultrasound imaging was carried out in 67 patients (84%) at time of diagnosis and no significant abnormalities found. Fourteen patients had a family history of erythrocytosis. These patients have now been followed up for an average of 9.4 years (range 1–39). Out of 80 patients 56 patients can still be classified as having IE, of whom 52 are living (cause of death in the other 4 - lung cancer, RTA, sepsis, unknown). Thirty-five of these patients are regularly venesected, 3 take hydroxyurea (one also venesected), 11 receive no treatment while treatment is unknown in 2. Twenty take aspirin, 1 warfarin and 31 no thromboprophylaxis. Four of these patients had suffered thromboembolic complications (3 with CVA/TIAs and 1 with recurrent DVT) at or before their original diagnosis. Since diagnosis 8 patients have had 9 thrombotic events of which 7 were arterial (1 CVA, 3 TIAs, 1 MI, 2 PVD) and 2 venous (DVT/PE). Twenty take aspirin, 1 dipyridamole, 1 warfarin and 30 take no thromboprophylaxis. Out of the 24 patients who now have a diagnosis other than IE, 8 have been diagnosed with myelo-proliferative disease. Thirteen patients have a molecular abnormality which is likely to account for their erythrocytosis (11 VHL, 1 PHD-2, 1 EPO-receptor mutations). Three patients have secondary erythrocytosis. Older case studies identified a heterogenous group of patients, some of whom probably had apparent erythrocytosis and some who had either primary polycythaemia or secondary causes later identified (Modan and Modan, Najean et al). More recent reviews have identified a more homogenous group with low rates of transformation to myelofibrosis/acute leukaemia and low rates of thrombosis of around 1% patient-year. Follow up of our initial patient group does indeed reveal a heterogeneous group of patients with 10% now diagnosed with an MPD, although when analysis is confined to those patients who continue to fulfil the criteria for IE, the clinical course has been more stable. There has been no progression to MDS or leukaemia in this group (one patient with PV progressed to AML). The rate of thrombosis is 1.6% patient-years which is lower than the rate seen in PV and is consistent with the rate identified in other series. Molecular defects continue to be identified in this group and future investigation is likely to reveal further abnormalities.
An absolute erythrocytosis is present when the red cell mass is raised and the haematocrit is elevated above prescribed limits. Causes of an absolute erythrocytosis can be primary where there is an intrinsic problem in the bone marrow and secondary where there an event outside the bone marrow driving erythropoiesis. This can further be divided into congenital and acquired causes. There remain an unexplained group idiopathic erythrocytosis. Investigation commencing with thorough history taking and examination and then investigation depending on initial features is required. Clear simple criteria for polycythaemia vera are now defined. Those who do not fulfil these criteria require further investigation depending on the clinical scenario and initial results. The erythropoietin level provides some guidance as to the direction in which to proceed and the order and extent of investigation necessary in an individual patient. It should thus be possible to make an accurate diagnosis in the majority of patients.
Erythrocytosis is present when there is an increase in the red cell mass, usually accompanied by an elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit. This occurs when there is an intrinsic defect in the erythroid component of the bone marrow or for secondary reasons when an increase in erythropoietin production drives red cell production. In normoxic conditions, HIF-alpha interacts with the other proteins in the HIF pathway and is destroyed, but in hypoxic conditions, HIF-alpha binds to HIF-beta. and alters the expression of downstream genes, including the erythropoietin gene. The end result is an increase in erythropoietin production. Mutations in any of the genes in the HIF pathway could lead to changed proteins, abnormalities in the degradation of HIF-alpha and, ultimately, result in increased erythropoietin levels. A number of mutations in the VHL, PHD2, and HIF2A genes have been identified in individuals. These mutations lead to erythrocytosis. The clinical results of these mutations may include some major thromboembolic events in young patients.
An erythrocytosis occurs when there is an increased red-cell mass. The causes of erythrocytosis are divided into primary, when there is an intrinsic defect in the erythroid cell, and secondary, when the cause is extrinsic to the erythroid cell. An idiopathic erythrocytosis occurs when the increased red-cell mass has no identifiable cause. Primary and secondary defects can be further classified as either congenital or acquired causes. The diagnostic pathway starts with a careful history and examination followed by measurement of the erythropoietin (EPO) levels. This allows a division of those patients with a low EPO level, who can then be investigated for primary causes of erythrocytosis, and those with a normal or high EPO level, where the oxygen-sensing pathway needs to be explored further. Physiological studies in those with congenital defects in the oxygen-sensing pathway show many changes in the downstream metabolism adapting to the defect, which has a bearing on the management of the disorders. Low-dose aspirin and venesection to an achievable target are the main therapeutic options that can be considered in the management of erythrocytosis. Specific guidance on venesection options should be considered with certain causes such as high oxygen-affinity hemoglobins.
Congenital Erythrocytosis (CE), or congenital polycythemia, represents a rare and heterogeneous clinical entity. It is caused by deregulated red blood cell production where erythrocyte overproduction results in elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. Primary congenital familial erythrocytosis is associated with low erythropoietin (Epo) levels and results from mutations in the Epo receptor gene (EPOR). Secondary congenital erythrocytosis arises from conditions causing tissue hypoxia and results in increased Epo production. These include hemoglobin variants with increased affinity for oxygen (HBB, HBA mutations), decreased production of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate due to BPGM mutations, or mutations in the genes involved in the hypoxia sensing pathway (VHL, EPAS1 and EGLN1). Depending on the affected gene, CE can be inherited either in an autosomal dominant or recessive mode, with sporadic cases arising de novo. Despite recent important discoveries in the molecular pathogenesis of CE, the molecular causes remain to be identified in about 70% of the patients. With the objective of collecting all the published and unpublished cases of CE the COST action MPN&MPNr-Euronet developed a comprehensive internet-based database focusing on the registration of clinical history, hematological, biochemical and molecular data (http://www.erythrocytosis.org/). In addition, unreported mutations are also curated in the corresponding Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION: Congenital erythrocytosis is by definition present from birth. Patients frequently present in childhood or as young adults and a family history may be present. The erythrocytosis can be primary where there is a defect in the erythroid compartment of secondary where increased erythropoietin production produced due to the defect leads to an erythrocytosis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Primary causes include erythropoietin receptor mutations. Congenital secondary causes include mutations in the genes involved in the oxygen-sensing pathway and haemoglobins with abnormal oxygen affinity. Investigations for the cause include an erythropoietin level, oxygen dissociation curve, haemoglobin electrophoresis and sequencing for known gene variants.
RESULTS: The finding of a known or new molecular variant confirms a diagnosis of congenital erythrocytosis. A congenital erythrocytosis may be an incidental finding but nonspecific symptoms are described. Major thromboembolic events have been noted in some cases. Low-dose aspirin and venesection are therapeutic manoeuvres which should be considered in managing these patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Rare individuals presenting often at a young age may have a congenital erythrocytosis. Molecular investigation may reveal a lesion. However, in the majority, currently no defect is identified.
An absolute erythrocytosis is present when the red cell mass is greater than 125 % of the predicted value for sex and body mass. It can have a primary or secondary and congenital or acquired cause. New causes particularly congenital continue to be discovered and investigated. Investigation for the cause starts with repeat and confirmation of the raised hemoglobin and measurement of an erythropoietin level to indicate whether to pursue primary or secondary causes and then further investigations as appropriate. Management options include low dose aspirin and venesection. Specific management advice is available for certain specific clinical situations.