535 resultados para seagrass epiphytes


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Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations associated with climate change will likely influence a wide variety of ecosystems. Terrestrial research has examined the effects of increasing CO2 concentrations on the functionality of plant systems; with studies ranging in scale from the short-term responses of individual leaves, to long-term ecological responses of complete forests. While terrestrial plants have received much attention, studies on the responses of marine plants (seagrasses) to increased CO 2(aq) concentrations remain relatively sparse, with most research limited to small-scale, ex situ experimentation. Furthermore, few studies have attempted to address similarities between terrestrial and seagrass responses to increases in CO2(aq). The goals of this dissertation are to expand the scope of marine climate change research, and examine how the tropical seagrass, Thalassia testudinum responds to increasing CO 2(aq)concentrations over multiple spatial and temporal scales. ^ Manipulative laboratory and field experimentation reveal that, similar to terrestrial plants, seagrasses strongly respond to increases in CO 2(aq) concentrations. Using a novel field technique, in situ field manipulations show that over short time scales, seagrasses respond to elevated CO2(aq) by increasing leaf photosynthetic rates and the production of soluble carbohydrates. Declines in leaf nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) content were additionally detected, paralleling responses from terrestrial systems. Over long time scales, seagrasses increase total above- and belowground biomass with elevated CO2(aq), suggesting that, similar to terrestrial research, pervasive increases in atmospheric and oceanic CO2(aq) concentrations stand to influence the productivity and functionality of these systems. Furthermore, field experiments reveal that seagrass epiphytes, which comprise an important component of seagrass ecosystems, additionally respond to increased CO2(aq) with strong declines in calcified taxa and increases in fleshy taxa. ^ Together, this work demonstrates that increasing CO2(aq) concentrations will alter the functionality of seagrass ecosystems by increasing plant productivity and shifting the composition of the epiphyte community. These results have implications for future rates of carbon storage and sediment production within these widely distributed systems.^


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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We examined the spatial extent of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitation of each of the major benthic primary producer groups in Florida Bay (seagrass, epiphytes, macroalgae, and benthic microalgae) and characterized the shifts in primary producer community composition following nutrient enrichment. We established 24 permanent 0.25-m2 study plots at each of six sites across Florida Bay and added N and P to the sediments in a factorial design for 18 mo. Tissue nutrient content of the turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum revealed a spatial pattern in P limitation, from severe limitation in the eastern bay (N:P > 96:1), moderate limitation in two intermediate sites (approximately 63:1), and balanced with N availability in the western bay (approximately 31:1). P addition increased T. testudinum cover by 50-75% and short-shoot productivity by up to 100%, but only at the severely P-limited sites. At sites with an ambient N:P ratio suggesting moderate P limitation, few seagrass responses to nutrients occurred. Where ambient T. testudinum tissue N:P ratios indicated N and P availability was balanced, seagrass was not affected by nutrient addition but was strongly influenced by disturbance (currents, erosion). Macroalgal and epiphytic and benthic microalgal biomass were variable between sites and treatments. In general, there was no algal overgrowth of the seagrass in enriched conditions, possibly due to the strength of seasonal influences on algal biomass or regulation by grazers. N addition had little effect on any benthic primary producers throughout the bay. The Florida Bay benthic primary producer community was P limited, but P-induced alterations of community structure were not uniform among primary producers or across Florida Bay and did not always agree with expected patterns of nutrient limitation based on stoichiometric predictions from field assays of T. testudinum tissue N:P ratios.


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We tested the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up effects by experimentally evaluating the combined and separate effects of nutrient availability and grazer species composition on epiphyte communities and seagrass condition in Florida Bay. Although we succeeded in substantially enriching our experimental cylinders, as indicated by elevated nitrogen concentrations in epiphytes and seagrass leaves, we did not observe any major increases in epiphyte biomass or major loss of Thalassia testudinum by algal overgrowth. Additionally, we did not detect any strong grazer effects and found very few significant nutrient-grazer interactions. While this might suggest that there was no important differential response to nutrients by individual grazer species or by various combinations of grazers, our results were complicated by the lack of significant differences between control and grazer treatments, and as such, these results are best explained by the presence of unwanted amphipod grazers (mean = 471 ind. m–2) in the control cylinders. Our estimates of grazing rates and epiphyte productivities indicate that amphipods in the control cylinders could have lowered epiphyte biomass to the same level that the experimental grazers did, thus effectively transforming the control treatments into grazer treatments. If so, our experiments suggest that the effects of invertebrate grazing (and those of amphipods alone) were stronger than the effects of nutrient enrichment on epiphytic algae, and that it does not require a large density


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Measurement of the physiological effects of the red algal epiphytes Smithora naiadum (Anders.) Hollenberg and Melobesia mediocris (Fosl.) Setch. and Mason on Phyllospadix torreyi Wats. were made near Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Field studies revealed a significant influence of these epiphytes on both the breakage incidence and length, with that of Melobesia being the most pronounced. Analysis of the photosynthetic rate of the seagrass shows a decrease in the photosynthetic maxima in both epiphytized samples at a light saturating intensity. Under light limiting conditions, an increase in photosynthetic efficiency and a change in chlorophyll a composition in both epiphytized sample types suggest an adaptive mechanism similiar to those found in terrestrial and aquatic shade plants.


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Juvenile tiger prawns (Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan and P. esculentus Haswell) show a strong association with vegetated habitats and are rarely caught on non-vegetated areas. This pattern of distribution may be caused by postlarvae selecting vegetation when they settle, or to differences in post-settlement mortality in different habitats. In this study, we examined whether the postlarvae and early juvenile stages of P. semisulcatus would distinguish between seagrass (Zostera capricorni Aschers) without epiphytes, artificial seagrass and bare substratum in the laboratory. The responses of prawns reared from the egg to different stages of postlarval and juvenile development were tested to determine whether, and when, each size class showed a response to a particular habitat. Five size classes of postlarvae (average carapace lengths [CL] of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.0 mm) were offered a choice between Z. capricorni and bare sand. Small size classes of postlarvae either did not respond to Z. capricorni (1.2 and 1.6 mm CL), or were more abundant on bare substratum than Z. capricorni. In contrast, the largest size classes of postlarvae (1.7 and 2.0 mm CL) were more abundant on Z. capricorni during the day but not at night. The behaviour of postlarvae changed markedly at a size of 1.7 mm CL (22 days from the first nauplius): smaller postlarvae frequently swam in the water column; 1.7 and 2.0 mm CL postlarvae spent much more. time resting on the substrate and perched on seagrass leaves. This size at which postlarvae first respond to seagrass during the day, and show mainly benthic behaviour, is similar to the size at which they are found on shallow seagrass beds in northern Australia. Large postlarvae (2.7 mm CL) and juveniles (4.1 mm CL) both were more abundant on artificial seagrass than bare sand during the day but not at night, indicating that they respond to structured habitats. When large postlarvae (2.4 mm CL) and juveniles (3.5 mm CL) were offered a choice between Z. capricorni without epiphytes and artificial seagrass, they were more abundant on the Z. capricorni, which suggests that chemical cues from seagrass may explain some of the responses of P. semisulcatus to seagrass. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Macroalgal epiphytes within seagrass meadows make a significant contribution to total primary production by assimilating water column N and transferring organic N to sediments. Assimilation of NO3 – requires nitrate reductase (NR, EC; NR activity represents the capacity for NO3 – assimilation. An optimised in vitro assay for determining NR activity in algal extracts was applied to a wide range of macroalgae and detected NR activity in all 22 species tested with activity 2 to 290 nmolNO3 – min–1 g–1 frozen thallus. With liquid-N2 freezing immediately after sample collection, this method was practical for estimating NR activity in field samples. Vertical distribution of NR activity in macroalgal epiphytes was compared in contrasting Posidonia sinuosa and Amphibolis antarctica seagrass meadows. Epiphytes on P. sinuosa had higher mass-specific NR activity than those on A. antarctica. In P. sinuosa canopies, NR activity increased with distance from the sediment surface and was negatively correlated with [NH4 +] in the water but uncorrelated with [NO3 –]. This supported the hypothesis that NH4 + released from the sediment suppresses NR in epiphytic algae. In contrast, the vertical variation in NR activity in macroalgae on A. antarctica was not statistically significant although there was a weak correlation with [NO3 –], which increased with distance from the sediment. Estimated capacities for NO3 – assimilation in macroalgae epiphytic on seagrasses during summer (24 and 46 mmolN m–2 d–1 for P. sinuosa and A. antarctica, respectively) were more than twice the estimated N assimilation rates in similar seagrasses. When the estimates were based on annual average epiphyte loads for seagrass meadows in other locations, they were comparable to those of seagrasses. We conclude that epiphytic algae represent a potentially important sink for water-column nitrate within seagrass meadows.


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An important Athecate genus, Eudendrium, and a group of species of the Thecata, the latter ecologically related by life on a common substrate, are reviewed. Eudendrium, hitherto poorly known in Australia, comprises 17 species, including 10 undescribed species with 71% Australian, and high provincial endemicity. Eudendrium may be a shelf genus avoiding turbulent oceanic waters. Species of Eudendrium are predominantly epizoic and some gregariously settling colonies may live for five years. Identification of sterile material is refined by using the cnidome in a key to classification. The species and population dynamics of hydroid epiphytes of the endemic southern Australian marine angiosperm Amphibolis were investigated with revision of historically vexatious taxa. In contrast with the northern hemisphere, no Athecata are associated with southern Australian seagrasses. Seventeen species from eight thecate families are associated with the two species of Amphibolis, including one undescribed species, H&lecium amphibolum, and one new record for Australia, Aglaophenia postdentata. The Lineolariidae is revised and a new genus, Millardaria, erected for a species from seagrass in Madagascar. The high endemicity (58%) and host-specificity of hydroids to Amphibolis is an evolutionary consequence of isolation of the seagrass dating from break-up of the Tethyan Sea. Hydroids occur throughout the year in the Amphibolis leaf canopy with a mean annual epiphytism of 44% on A. antarctica in the eastern continent and 86% in the western continent; epiphytism is 52% on A. griffithii in the western continent. Half of the eight important species are dominant epiphytes across the southern continent but the species and order of abundance varies regionally. Most are pioneer colonists with short, repetetive life-cycles lasting from weeks to a few months. Three species epiphytise the seagrass stems but only one is a leaf-canopy dominant. The canopy community comprises small, fast-growing species or dwarfed variants of species larger in other habitats: these ecomorphically constant forms are associated only with seagrass. Strategies for survival in the harsh Amphibolis environment include adnate colonies and gonothecae adnate or recumbent to the substrate, marked strengthening of the hydrorhiza, various hydrodynamic adaptations of the hydrotheca, early maturation and production of numerous small ova.


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Simple ecological models that predict trophic responses to bottom-up forcing are valuable tools for ecosystem managers. Traditionally, theoretical ecologists have used resource-dependent functional responses to explain the modification of food chains exposed to bottom-up perturbations. These models predict alternating positive, negative and zero responses at each trophic level. More recently, ratio-dependent functional response models that predict proportional increases at each level have challenged this paradigm. The present study tested the predictions of the 2 hypotheses empirically by comparing the relative biomasses of 4 trophic levels of an estuarine seagrass food chain in relatively undisturbed, low-nutrient catchments and ‘developed’ catchments subjected to a prolonged period of nutrient enrichment. We found that nutrient-enriched sites had significantly greater biomass of both epiphytic algae and grazing invertebrates; however, the bottom-up forcing of nutrients was attenuated at higher trophic levels (occupied by juvenile and piscivorous fish), with no significant effect of catchment development. This disconnect in the upward cascade of energy may be due to a number of possible reasons including high levels of diversity and omnivory, trophic subsidy within the system or the strength or nature of perturbations. Although the predictions of both hypotheses failed to hold across all trophic groups, ratio dependence was prevalent at the lower levels of the food chain, which has implications for catchment management.