998 resultados para scoliosis correction surgery
Study Design Retrospective study of surgical outcome. Objectives To evaluate quantitatively the changes in trunk surface deformities after scoliosis spinal surgery in Lenke 1A adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients and to compare it with changes in spinal measurements. Summary of Background Data Most studies documenting scoliosis surgical outcome used either radiographs to evaluate changes in the spinal curve or questionnaires to assess patients health-related quality of life. Because improving trunk appearance is a major reason for patients and their parents to seek treatment, this study focuses on postoperative changes in trunk surface deformities. Recently, a novel approach to quantify trunk deformities in a reliable, automatic, and noninvasive way has been proposed. Methods Forty-nine adolescents with Lenke 1A idiopathic scoliosis treated surgically were included. The back surface rotation and trunk lateral shift were computed on trunk surface acquisitions before and at least 6 months after surgery. We analyzed the effect of age, height, weight, curve severity, and flexibility before surgery, length of follow-up, and the surgical technique. For 25 patients with available three-dimensional (3D) spinal reconstructions, we compared changes in trunk deformities with changes in two-dimensional (2D) and 3D spinal measurements. Results The mean correction rates for the back surface rotation and the trunk lateral shift are 18% and 50%, respectively. Only the surgical technique had a significant effect on the correction rate of the back surface rotation. Direct vertebral derotation and reduction by spine translation provide a better correction of the rib hump (22% and 31% respectively) than the classic rod rotation technique (8%). The reductions of the lumbar Cobb angle and the apical vertebrae transverse rotation explain, respectively, up to 17% and 16% the reduction of the back surface rotation. Conclusions Current surgical techniques perform well in realigning the trunk; however, the correction of the deformity in the transverse plane proves to be more challenging. More analysis on the positive effect of vertebral derotation on the rib hump correction is needed. Level of evidence III.
Improving the appearance of the trunk is an important goal of scoliosis surgical treatment, mainly in patients' eyes. Unfortunately, existing methods for assessing postoperative trunk appearance are rather subjective as they rely on a qualitative evaluation of the trunk shape. In this paper, an objective method is proposed to quantify the changes in trunk shape after surgery. Using a non-invasive optical system, the whole trunk surface is acquired and reconstructed in 3D. Trunk shape is described by two functional measurements spanning the trunk length: the lateral deviation and the axial rotation. To measure the pre and postoperative differences, a correction rate is computed for both measurements. On a cohort of 36 scoliosis patients with the same spinal curve type who underwent the same surgical approach, surgery achieved a very good correction of the lateral trunk deviation (median correction of 76%) and a poor to moderate correction of the back axial rotation (median correction of 19%). These results demonstrate that after surgery, patients are still confronted with residual trunk deformity, mainly a persisting hump on the back. That can be explained by the fact that current scoliosis assessment and treatment planning are based solely on radiographic measures of the spinal deformity and do not take trunk deformity into consideration. It is believed that with our novel quantitative trunk shape descriptor, clinicians and surgeons can now objectively assess trunk deformity and postoperative shape and propose new treatment strategies that could better address patients' concern about their appearance. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
One of the major concerns of scoliotic patients undergoing spinal correction surgery is the trunk's external appearance after the surgery. This paper presents a novel incremental approach for simulating postoperative trunk shape in scoliosis surgery. Preoperative and postoperative trunk shapes data were obtained using three-dimensional medical imaging techniques for seven patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, based on the comparison of the simulated and actual postoperative trunk surfaces, showed an adequate accuracy of the method. Our approach provides a candidate simulation tool to be used in a clinical environment for the surgery planning process.
In adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) there has been a shift towards increasing the number of implants and pedicle screws, which has not been proven to improve cosmetic correction. To evaluate if increasing cost of instrumentation correlates with cosmetic correction using clinical photographs. 58 Lenke 1A and B cases from a multicenter AIS database with at least 3 months follow-up of clinical photographs were used for analysis. Cosmetic parameters on PA and forward bending photographs included angular measurements of trunk shift, shoulder balance, rib hump, and ratio measurements of waist line asymmetry. Pre-op and follow-up X-rays were measured for coronal and sagittal deformity parameters. Cost density was calculated by dividing the total cost of instrumentation by the number of vertebrae being fused. Linear regression and spearman`s correlation were used to correlate cost density to X-ray and photo outcomes. Three independent observers verified radiographic and cosmetic parameters for inter/interobserver variability analysis. Average pre-op Cobb angle and instrumented correction were 54A degrees (SD 12.5) and 59% (SD 25) respectively. The average number of vertebrae fused was 10 (SD 1.9). The total cost of spinal instrumentation ranged from $6,769 to $21,274 (Mean $12,662, SD $3,858). There was a weak positive and statistically significant correlation between Cobb angle correction and cost density (r = 0.33, p = 0.01), and no correlation between Cobb angle correction of the uninstrumented lumbar spine and cost density (r = 0.15, p = 0.26). There was no significant correlation between all sagittal X-ray measurements or any of the photo parameters and cost density. There was good to excellent inter/intraobserver variability of all photographic parameters based on the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 0.74-0.98). Our method used to measure cosmesis had good to excellent inter/intraobserver variability, and may be an effective tool to objectively assess cosmesis from photographs. Since increasing cost density only improves mildly the Cobb angle correction of the main thoracic curve and not the correction of the uninstrumented spine or any of the cosmetic parameters, one should consider the cost of increasing implant density in Lenke 1A and B curves. In the area of rationalization of health care expenses, this study demonstrates that increasing the number of implants does not improve any relevant cosmetic or radiographic outcomes.
PURPOSE: To assess the outcomes in patients who required 1 or more vitreoretinal interventions for posterior segment complications arising from elective uneventful cataract surgery. SETTING: Tertiary referral center, single-center study. METHODS: A retrospective interventional case series included 56 consecutive patients who were referred for surgical correction of posterior segment complications within 6 months of cataract surgery. The study period was between 1996 and 2003, and the minimum follow-up was 5 months. RESULTS: Posterior segment complications were resolved with a single surgical intervention in 40 cases (71.4%). Within 5 months of primary surgical correction, persisting or newly arising posterior segment complications were noted in 16 cases (28.6%). After a mean of 2.1 +/- 1.4 (SD) additional surgeries, the number of eyes with posterior segment problems decreased to 7 (12.5%) (P = .035). Posterior segment complications requiring more than 1 vitreoretinal intervention included retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, and choroidal hemorrhages. After primary correction surgery, the mean best corrected visual acuity increased from 0.15 +/- 0.24 to 0.37 +/- 0.33 (P = .001) after a single intervention and to 0.39 +/- 0.32 (P>.05) after additional interventions. Although the intraocular pressure (IOP) decreased from 21.8 +/- 16.6 mm Hg to 14.9 +/- 3.4 mm Hg (P = .008), 4 (7.1%) consecutive vascular optic atrophies occurred. A reduction in corneal transparency was observed in 46.4% of patients before primary surgical correction and 12.5% after primary surgical correction (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: In many cases, posterior segment complications arising from cataract surgery could be repaired with favorable functional and anatomical outcomes by a single vitreoretinal intervention. Additional surgery, if requested, provided stabilization of the anatomical and functional outcomes.
Introducción: la escoliosis, definida como una deformidad de la columna vertebral en más de 10 grados, se agrupa en 4 orígenes distintos: idiopática, congénita, neuromuscular y sindromática. Cada una de ellas con diferente riesgo de progresión en severidad, lo que determina la necesidad de corrección quirúrgica para cada caso en su tratamiento. Conocer las probabilidades de complicación en la etapa peri operatoria, abre la posibilidad de dar asesoría integral que mida la relación riesgo - beneficio de la medida terapéutica. Métodos: se realiza un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal. La información se obtiene de los registros de las historias clínicas desde el año 2010 al 2014, de pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente para la corrección de escoliosis. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 318 registros de procedimientos en 230 pacientes. El tipo de escoliosis presentado con mayor frecuencia es de origen idiopático 108 (47%); en los 4 tipos de escoliosis se observa mayor número de mujeres 169 (73,4%). La edad donde se concentran la mayor cantidad de cirugías para corrección de escoliosis está entre 10 - 14 años. De 13 complicaciones seleccionadas, aquellas de origen respiratorio son las de mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia (OR 30 - sig 0,000). La característica sociodemográfica “edad” logra predecir el 46% de las complicaciones perioperatorias. Discusión: La corrección de escoliosis va acompañada de comorbilidades, datos sociodemográficos y diagnósticos que en conjunto determinan el grado de complicación peri operatoria. Se necesitan registros clínicos muy completos para poder determinar la asociación entre la etiología de la escoliosis con las complicaciones más comunes. Este trabajo propone y evidencia los datos de los registros clínicos como predictores de complicaciones quirúrgicas de escoliosis. Esto exige un trabajo institucional interno que garantice la calidad en los registros de datos clínicos.
RESUMO: O envelhecimento da população é um fenómeno à escala mundial, com tendência a aumentar, sendo cada vez mais os idosos e mais velhos. Esta propensão é notória nos utentes que recorrem aos cuidados de saúde. À medida que se envelhece maior vai sen-do a vulnerabilidade e riscos para a saúde, bem como a prevalência para doenças croni-cas, que se traduz num aumento de hospitalizações e consumo. As complicações ocorri-das em idosos aquando submetidos a intervenções cirúrgicas estão descritas na literatu-ra, havendo uma escassez de publicações nacionais relacionadas com o tema. O presente estudo teve por objectivo caracterizar idosos submetidos a correcção cirúrgi-ca de hérnias da parede abdominal, os procedimentos e as complicações ocorridas. O estudo, transversal e de natureza quantitativa, foi realizado no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, e teve como critério de inclusão os indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos submetidos a correcção cirúrgica de hérnias da parede abdominal, realizadas em 2009-2010, que tiveram um período de recobro na Unidade de Cuidados Anestésicos Pós-operatórios. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram analisados os processos clínicos do Arquivo Clínico da Instituição e registada informação sobre variáveis de caracterização sócio demográfi-ca, de saúde pré, intra e pós-operatória imediata e descritivas da cirurgia. Foram avaliadas as situações de 164 indivíduos, 78.7% eram homens e 21.3% mulheres e a média de idades era de 72.4 anos e desvio padrão 5.46. Em termos de hábitos de Vida, foi possível constatar um predomínio de baixo consumo de tabaco (13.4%) e álcool (6.7%). O valor médio de co-morbilidades foi de 2.6 e desvio padrão de 1.34 sendo a maior prevalência de 3-4 co-morbilidades com 48.8%. Salienta-se que todas as mulheres da amostra apresentaram doenças. As patologias mais prevalentes são as do foro cardiovascular: Hipertensão Arterial (75.0%), Dislipidémia (35.4%) e Insuficiência Venosa Periférica (14.6%), de forma menos expressiva, mas igualmente relevante a Diabetes Mellitus (23.8%). Nos mais idosos [75 ou mais], verificou-se uma expressivi-dade Hipertrofia benigna da próstata (18.2%). Das cirurgias ocorridas predominou a correcção cirúrgica de Hérnia Inguinal.Das complicações identificadas prevaleceu a dor (97.6%). A hipotermia (34.8%), HTA (24.4%) e bradicárdia (14.6%) encontram-se entre as complicações mais determinantes. Verificaram-se diferenças com significado estatístico entre os dois grupos etários consi-derados nas complicações bradicárdia (p=0.021) e a saturação de oxigénio <90% (p = 0.006), hemorragia (p=0.036) e retenção urinária (p = 0.038). Neste estudo constata-se que a cirúrgica de hérnias da parede abdominal em idosos é uma realidade prevalente. Dos factores que possam estar associados a propensão para complicações pós-cirúrgicas, a idade e a presença de co-morbilidade controlada não revelaram ter influência. Também os tempos de cirurgia e de anestesia não revelaram influências no surgimento de complicações. A monitorização dos sinais vitais deve ser constante, desde o período pré-operatório imediato de forma a permitir aos profissionais de saúde identificar uma propensão para vulnerabilidade, com vantagem em ser apre-sentado sob a forma de score. Este manifestou diferenças significativas a nível dos dois grupos etários considerados (p=0.001). Este score, vai possibilitar sinalizar quais os idosos com maior susceptibilidade de ocorrência de complicações.------------------ABSTRACT:Population aging has become a worldwide phenomenon with tendency to increase. This is particularly evident due to the amount of elderly that attend the medical services. As one gets older, more vulnerable and more risks to one’s health. Also chronic diseas-es are more likely to exist which lead to more hospitalizations and increase of consuma-bles. The complications after a surgery in older people are well documented in international scientific studies, however national studies are still lacking. The present study aims to characterize elderly patients after abdominal hernia surgical correction, the procedures and complications detected. This transversal and quantitative nature like study, was held in the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa-Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, and as inclusive criteria where patients with more than 65 or more years old, who undergone abdominal hernia surgical correction surgery in 2009-2010 and had the post-operation on the Unidade de Cuidados Anestésicos Pós-Operatorios. Data from the clinical files from the archive of the hospital where analyzed. Information was taken regarding social demographic variables; before, during and immediately after surgery variables and also descriptive of the surgery itself. Were evaluated 164 individuals, 78, 7% of which were men and 21, 3% women with an average age of 72, 4 years and standard deviation 5.46. Life habits analyzed detected low consumption of tobacco (13, 4%) and alcohol (6, 7%). The average of co-morblity was 2, 6 and standard deviation 1.34. The biggest prevalence of 3-4 co-morbilities was 48, 8%. Important to notice that, all women from the study presented illnesses. The illnesses more frequent were cardiovascular: High Blood Pressure (75%), Dyslipidemia (35, 4%), Deep Venous Insufficiency (14, 6%), less significant but also relevant, Diabetes Melli-tus (23, 8%). In the older (75 or more), was noticed Benign Prostatic (18, 2%). In the surgeries verified, the abdominal hernia correction was more frequent. From all thecomplications identified, pain was 97, 6%, Hypothermia 34, 8%, high Blood Pressure 24, 4% and Bradycardia 14, 6%, were higher prevalence. Was seen differences in the statistic meaning of the two groups in the Bradycardia com-plications (p=0.021), and the oxygen saturation < 90% (p=0.006), bleeding (p=0,036) and urine retention (p=0,038). In the present study it is evident that the abdominal hernia surgical correction in older population is a common procedure. Of all the factors that might be related with post-operatory complications, age and the presence of controlled co-morbility didn’t reveal relevant. Also, surgical times and duration of anesthesia didn´t seem to be related to complications incidence. Monitoring the vital signs must be constant since the immedi-ate post-operatory to ensure that the professionals can identify any possible vulnerabil-ity, presenting it in a score like way. The score has shown meaningful differences be-tween the two age groups analyzed (p=0,001). This score allows identifying which pa-tients are more likely to suffer complications.
Background and objectives: The introduction of extracorporeal circulation in clinical practice was decisive for the development of modern cardiovascular surgery. Addition of new procedures and equipment, however, brings inherent risks and complications. The objective of this report is to describe a malfunction of the oxygenation system and emphasize the importance of the interaction among the medical team members to prevent errors and complications. Case Report: During valve replacement and IVC correction surgery, we observed a darker shade of red in the blood on the exit of the oxygenator. Laboratory tests demonstrated severe acidosis and hypoxemia. The entire system was evaluated, but the cause of the malfunction was not found. Measures to reduce damage were successfully instituted. After the surgery, the whole system underwent technical evaluation. Conclusions: Interaction among the medical team members, early diagnosis, and immediate intervention were fundamental for a favorable outcome. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.
The palatoplasty is a correction surgery to restore the isolation between the oral and nasal cavity, avoid breath of food. There are many techniques to repair palatal defects, and the most used is mucoperiosteal flap. Grafts and prothesis, can be used too. Scientific works with Natural Latex Biomembrane with 0,1% Polylisine reveals properties like biocompatibility, improve and accelerate the cicatricial process, the stimulation of new vessels and organized tissue growth in different organs. Seven dogs were arranged in two groups and were submitted to experimental hard palate cleft. Five dogs received palatal repair with the natural latex biomembrane with 0,1% polylisine. Two animals did not receive any repair (control group) and the defect healing by second intention. After surgery, the groups were observed macroscopically and clinically to evaluate the results. The healling of cleft palate of group I was faster than control group, and this fact suggests that the biomembrane is an accelerator factor for cicatricial process.
The authors conducted a retrospective study on 24 consecutive adolescent scoliosis patients, 11 of whom were instrumented with hooks and 13 with hooks and screws (hybrid technique). The mean preoperative Cobb angle was 62.2 degrees (range: 48 degrees-96 degrees). The mean correction of the primary curve was 56.6% at followup after +/- 1.18 years ; there was no statistically significant difference between groups. Special attention was given to the postoperative quality of life (QOL) by means of the following scores: COMI patient self-assessment, SF-36, ODI, and VAS. Again, there was no statistical difference between groups but, interestingly, there was no correlation between QOL and degree of correction, after a follow-up period of +/- 2.1 years. Nevertheless, on the COMI patient self-assessment, there was a high level of satisfaction with treatment. Further studies should concentrate on how to achieve a high QOL, and abandon the best possible correction as a primary endpoint of success.
A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed.
La recherche de nouvelles voies de correction de la scoliose idiopathique a une longue histoire. Le traitement conventionnel de la scoliose idiopathique est présenté par le port du corset ou par la correction opératoire de la déformation. Depuis leur introduction, les deux méthodes ont prouvé leur efficacité. Cependant, malgré des caractéristiques positives évidentes, ces méthodes peuvent causer un nombre important d'effets indésirables sur la santé du patient. Les techniques sans fusion pour le traitement de la scoliose semblent être une alternative perspective de traitement traditionnel, car ils apportent moins de risques et des complications chirurgicales que les méthodes conventionnelles avec la conservation de la mobilité du disque intravertébral. Cependant, l'utilisation de techniques mentionnées exige une connaissance profonde de la modulation de croissance vertébrale. L'objectif principal de la présente étude est d'estimer le potentiel d'agrafes à l’AMF de moduler la croissance des vertèbres porcines en mesurant la croissance osseuse sur la plaque de croissance de vertèbres instrumentées en comparaison avec le groupe contrôle. La méthode est basée sur la loi de Hueter-Volkmann. Nous avons choisi NiTi agrafes à l’AMF pour notre étude et les porcs de race Landrace comme un animal expérimental. Les agrafes ont été insérés sur 5 niveaux thoracique de T6 à T11. En outre, les radiographies ont été prises toutes les 2 semaines. La présence d'agrafes en alliage à mémoire de forme a produit la création de courbes scoliotiques significatives dans 4 de 6 animaux chargés et le ralentissement considérable de la croissance osseuse (jusqu'à 35,4%) comparativement aux groupes contrôle et sham. L'étude a démontré in vivo le potentiel d'agrafes en alliage à mémoire de formes de moduler la croissance des vertèbres en créant des courbes scoliotiques sur les radiographies et en ralentissant le taux de croissance sur les plaques de croissance instrumenté. La position précise de l'agrafe est essentielle pour la modulation de croissance osseuse et le développement de la scoliose expérimentale.
Persistence of external trunk asymmetry after scoliosis surgical treatment is frequent and difficult to predict by clinicians. This is a significant problem considering that correction of the apparent deformity is a major factor of satisfaction for the patients. A simulation of the correction on the external appearance would allow the clinician to illustrate to the patient the potential result of the surgery and would help in deciding on a surgical strategy that could most improve his/her appearance. We describe a method to predict the scoliotic trunk shape after a spine surgical intervention. The capability of our method was evaluated using real data of scoliotic patients. Results of the qualitative evaluation were very promising and a quantitative evaluation based on the comparison of the simulated and the actual postoperative trunk surface showed an adequate accuracy for clinical assessment. The required short simulation time also makes our approach an eligible candidate for a clinical environment demanding interactive simulations.