3 resultados para schnauzer
Alterações adquiridas na coloração da pelagem de cães são raras. Schnauzers miniaturas podem apresentar desenvolvimento idiopático de coloração dourada do pelame, primariamente do tronco, chamada de aurotriquia. O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de aurotriquia em um cão da raça schnauzer, de três anos de idade, sendo esse o primeiro relato de caso de aurotriquia em schnauzer no Brasil. Por se tratar de alteração de rara ocorrência, torna-se necessária maior atenção a características raciais e um melhor exame físico e anamnese, mesmo se tratando de alteração considerada meramente de fenótipo, pois existem as alterações de coloração bem piores, ligadas a doenças de prognóstico.
One male and 1 female, 8-week-old, schnauzer littermates were presented with moderate and mild pectus excavatum, respectively. External application of a coaptation splint to the ventral aspect of the thorax was used For correction of the sternal deformity in the male; conservative treatment was used in the female.
The hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrinopathy reported in dogs, caused by a deficiency in the synthesis of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The lack of PTH causes hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, resulting in a series of neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Unlike most endocrinopathies, hypoparathyroidism is a disease in which the exogenous hormone replacement is not being viable, becoming the treatment a challenge. The present report aims to describe a case of primary hypoparathyroidism in a Schnauzer dog with seizures and neuromuscular disorders, and successful treatment employed, this being the first case, according to the literature, of hypoparathyroidism diagnosed in Brazil. The hypoparathyroidism should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of seizure. A complete neurological evaluation and determination of serum ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone are essential for the diagnosis of this disease. Early diagnosis may improve the quality of life of affected animals, since after the initiation of therapy, there is complete remission of clinical signs.