31 resultados para schedulability
LLF (Least Laxity First) scheduling, which assigns a higher priority to a task with a smaller laxity, has been known as an optimal preemptive scheduling algorithm on a single processor platform. However, little work has been made to illuminate its characteristics upon multiprocessor platforms. In this paper, we identify the dynamics of laxity from the system’s viewpoint and translate the dynamics into LLF multiprocessor schedulability analysis. More specifically, we first characterize laxity properties under LLF scheduling, focusing on laxity dynamics associated with a deadline miss. These laxity dynamics describe a lower bound, which leads to the deadline miss, on the number of tasks of certain laxity values at certain time instants. This lower bound is significant because it represents invariants for highly dynamic system parameters (laxity values). Since the laxity of a task is dependent of the amount of interference of higher-priority tasks, we can then derive a set of conditions to check whether a given task system can go into the laxity dynamics towards a deadline miss. This way, to the author’s best knowledge, we propose the first LLF multiprocessor schedulability test based on its own laxity properties. We also develop an improved schedulability test that exploits slack values. We mathematically prove that the proposed LLF tests dominate the state-of-the-art EDZL tests. We also present simulation results to evaluate schedulability performance of both the original and improved LLF tests in a quantitative manner.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a tasksplitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semipartitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A certain type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks at high processor utilizations. We present a new schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms that takes the overhead into account and also a new task assignment algorithm.
LLF (Least Laxity First) scheduling, which assigns a higher priority to a task with smaller laxity, has been known as an optimal preemptive scheduling algorithm on a single processor platform. However, its characteristics upon multiprocessor platforms have been little studied until now. Orthogonally, it has remained open how to efficiently schedule general task systems, including constrained deadline task systems, upon multiprocessors. Recent studies have introduced zero laxity (ZL) policy, which assigns a higher priority to a task with zero laxity, as a promising scheduling approach for such systems (e.g., EDZL). Towards understanding the importance of laxity in multiprocessor scheduling, this paper investigates the characteristics of ZL policy and presents the first ZL schedulability test for any work-conserving scheduling algorithm that employs this policy. It then investigates the characteristics of LLF scheduling, which also employs the ZL policy, and derives the first LLF-specific schedulability test on multiprocessors. It is shown that the proposed LLF test dominates the ZL test as well as the state-of-art EDZL test.
Consider the problem of deciding whether a set of n sporadic message streams meet deadlines on a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus for a specified priority assignment. It is assumed that message streams have implicit deadlines and no release jitter. An algorithm to solve this problem is well known but unfortunately it time complexity is non-polynomial. We present an algorithm with polynomial time-complexity for computing an upper bound on the response times. Clearly, if the upper bound on the response time does not exceed the deadline then all deadlines are met. The pessimism of our approach is proven: if the upper bound of the response time exceeds the deadline then the response time exceeds the deadline as well for a CAN network with half the speed.
Hard real- time multiprocessor scheduling has seen, in recent years, the flourishing of semi-partitioned scheduling algorithms. This category of scheduling schemes combines elements of partitioned and global scheduling for the purposes of achieving efficient utilization of the system’s processing resources with strong schedulability guarantees and with low dispatching overheads. The sub-class of slot-based “task-splitting” scheduling algorithms, in particular, offers very good trade-offs between schedulability guarantees (in the form of high utilization bounds) and the number of preemptions/migrations involved. However, so far there did not exist unified scheduling theory for such algorithms; each one was formulated in its own accompanying analysis. This article changes this fragmented landscape by formulating a more unified schedulability theory covering the two state-of-the-art slot-based semi-partitioned algorithms, S-EKG and NPS-F (both fixed job-priority based). This new theory is based on exact schedulability tests, thus also overcoming many sources of pessimism in existing analysis. In turn, since schedulability testing guides the task assignment under the schemes in consideration, we also formulate an improved task assignment procedure. As the other main contribution of this article, and as a response to the fact that many unrealistic assumptions, present in the original theory, tend to undermine the theoretical potential of such scheduling schemes, we identified and modelled into the new analysis all overheads incurred by the algorithms in consideration. The outcome is a new overhead-aware schedulability analysis that permits increased efficiency and reliability. The merits of this new theory are evaluated by an extensive set of experiments.
Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.
Presented at 23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.
Linking real-time schedulability directly to the Quality of Control (QoC), the ultimate goal of a control system, a hierarchical feedback QoC management framework with the Fixed Priority (FP) and the Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) policies as plug-ins is proposed in this paper for real-time control systems with multiple control tasks. It uses a task decomposition model for continuous QoC evaluation even in overload conditions, and then employs heuristic rules to adjust the period of each of the control tasks for QoC improvement. If the total requested workload exceeds the desired value, global adaptation of control periods is triggered for workload maintenance. A sufficient stability condition is derived for a class of control systems with delay and period switching of the heuristic rules. Examples are given to demonstrate the proposed approach.
Utilization bounds for Earliest Deadline First(EDF) and Rate Monotonic(RM) scheduling are known and well understood for uniprocessor systems. In this paper, we derive limits on similar bounds for the multiprocessor case, when the individual processors need not be identical. Tasks are partitioned among the processors and RM scheduling is assumed to be the policy used in individual processors. A minimum limit on the bounds for a 'greedy' class of algorithms is given and proved, since the actual value of the bound depends on the algorithm that allocates the tasks. We also derive the utilization bound of an algorithm which allocates tasks in decreasing order of utilization factors. Knowledge of such bounds allows us to carry out very fast schedulability tests although we are constrained by the fact that the tests are sufficient but not necessary to ensure schedulability.
采用静态优先级调度的实时系统中,当任务个数多于优先级个数时,只能给多个任务分配相同的优先级·现有分配算法增大了高优先级任务的最坏情况响应时间,可能造成任务集合不可调度·利用抢占阈值的调度算法,能在提高任务集合可调度性的同时,使用较少的线程·但所用优先级个数没有减少·提出了一种优先级映射算法———阈值段间映射法(threshold segment mapping,TSM),以及与之配合的事件驱动线程框架·证明了TSM是严格排序的·仿真结果表明,在保证任务集合可调度的前提下,TSM使用了比现有映射算法更少的优先级·
固定优先级任务可调度性判定是实时系统调度理论研究的核心问题之一.目前已有的各种判定方法可归结为两大类:多项式时间调度判定和确切性判定.多项式时间调度判定通常采用调度充分条件来进行,为此,许多理想条件下基于RM(rate monotonic)调度算法的CPU利用率最小上界被提了出来.确切性判定利用RM调度的充要条件,保证任何任务集均可被判定,并且判定结果是确切的.但是由于时间复杂度较差,确切性判定方法难以实现在线分析.提出了一种改进的RM可调度性判定方法(improved schedulability test algorithm,简称ISTA).首先介绍了任务调度空间这一概念,并提出了二叉树表示,然后进一步提出了相关的剪枝理论.在此基础上,研究了任务之间可调度性的相关性及其对判定任务集可调度性的影响,提出并证明了相关的定理.最后基于提出的定理,给出了一种改进的伪多项式时间可调度性判定算法,并与已有的判定方法进行了比较.仿真结果表明,该算法平均性能作为任务集内任务个数的函数具有显著提高.
随着实时系统越来越多地应用于各种快速更新系统,尤其是各种片上系统,如PDA(personal digital assistant),PSP(play station portable)等,性价比已成为系统设计者的主要关注点.实际应用中,实时系统通常仅支持较少的优先级,常出现系统优先级数小于任务数的情况(称为有限优先级),此时,需将多个任务分配到同一系统优先级,RM(rate monotonic),DM(deadline monotonic)等静态优先级分配算法不再适用.为此,静态有限优先级分配是研究在任务集合静态优先级可调度的情况下,可否以及如何用较少或最少的系统优先级保持任务集合可调度.已有静态有限优先级分配可分为两类:固定数目优先级分配和最少优先级分配.给出了任意截止期模型下任务静态有限优先级可调度的充要条件以及不同静态有限优先级分配间转换时的几个重要性质,指出了系统优先级从低到高分配策略的优越性,定义了饱和任务组与饱和分配的概念,证明了在任务集合静态优先级可调度的情况下,最少优先级分配比固定数目优先级分配更具一般性.最后提出一种最少优先级分配算法LNPA(least-number priority assignment).与现有算法相比,LNPA适用范围更广,且复杂度较低.
可调度性判定是实时调度算法的关键问题.单调速率算法RM(rate monotonic)及其扩展是应用广泛的实时调度算法,大量文献讨论了实时任务在这些算法下的可调度性判定,给出了相应的判定算法.但迄今为止,对这些判定算法的性能分析都是理论上的定性分析或者只是少数几种判定算法之间的简单比较,这不利于实时系统的开发.归纳了RM及其扩展的可调度性判定算法,通过测试平台,系统地测试和分析了各算法的性能和适用场合,讨论了各种条件和实现方式对算法性能和可调度性的影响.
In this paper we present Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), a generalization of the classical RMS results of Liu and Layland that allows scheduling periodic tasks with highly variable execution times and statistical QoS requirements. Similar to RMS, SRMS has two components: a feasibility test and a scheduling algorithm. The feasibility test for SRMS ensures that using SRMS' scheduling algorithms, it is possible for a given periodic task set to share a given resource (e.g. a processor, communication medium, switching device, etc.) in such a way that such sharing does not result in the violation of any of the periodic tasks QoS constraints. The SRMS scheduling algorithm incorporates a number of unique features. First, it allows for fixed priority scheduling that keeps the tasks' value (or importance) independent of their periods. Second, it allows for job admission control, which allows the rejection of jobs that are not guaranteed to finish by their deadlines as soon as they are released, thus enabling the system to take necessary compensating actions. Also, admission control allows the preservation of resources since no time is spent on jobs that will miss their deadlines anyway. Third, SRMS integrates reservation-based and best-effort resource scheduling seamlessly. Reservation-based scheduling ensures the delivery of the minimal requested QoS; best-effort scheduling ensures that unused, reserved bandwidth is not wasted, but rather used to improve QoS further. Fourth, SRMS allows a system to deal gracefully with overload conditions by ensuring a fair deterioration in QoS across all tasks---as opposed to penalizing tasks with longer periods, for example. Finally, SRMS has the added advantage that its schedulability test is simple and its scheduling algorithm has a constant overhead in the sense that the complexity of the scheduler is not dependent on the number of the tasks in the system. We have evaluated SRMS against a number of alternative scheduling algorithms suggested in the literature (e.g. RMS and slack stealing), as well as refinements thereof, which we describe in this paper. Consistently throughout our experiments, SRMS provided the best performance. In addition, to evaluate the optimality of SRMS, we have compared it to an inefficient, yet optimal scheduler for task sets with harmonic periods.