52 resultados para scalpel


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This thesis explores individuals' experiences of cosmetic surgery in Melbourne. The research conducted with recipients of cosmetic surgery is a complex and ambiguous practice simultaneously encompassing pain and pleasure, agency and constraint, empowerment and conformity. By providing a more nuanced representation of people's experiences of such surgery, the thesis envisions a subjectivity that may better account for individuals' active and lived relationship to their bodies.


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One of the important factors accounting for successful delayed replantation of avulsed teeth is seemingly the type of root surface treatment. Removal of necrotic cemental periodontal ligament remnants may prevent the occurrence of external root resorption, which is the major cause of loss of teeth replanted in such conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two mechanical techniques for removal of root-adhered periodontal ligament. Preservation or removal of the cementum layer concomitantly with these procedures was also assessed. Forty-five roots of healthy premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes were selected. After extraction, the teeth were kept dry at room temperature for 1 h and then immersed in saline for rehydration for an additional 10 min. Thereafter, the roots were assigned to three groups, as follows: group 1 (control) - the cemental periodontal ligament was preserved; group 2 - removal of the periodontal ligament by scraping root surface with a scalpel blade (SBS); group 3 - periodontal ligament remnants were removed using a Robinson bristle brush at low-speed with pumice/water slurry (RBP). The specimens were analysed histomorphometrically and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the results showed that the RBP technique was significantly more effective than the SBS technique for removal of the periodontal ligament remnants adhered to root surface. Both techniques preserved the cementum layer.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: The aim of this study was to compare the rates of local postoperative complications among women undergoing modified radical mastectomy with an electric scalpel (ES) or a harmonic scalpel (HS). It is thought that HS use has less postoperative complications, mainly seroma formation. Methods: This study was a prospective non-randomised clinical trial (NCT01391988) among consecutive patients, performed in parallel. Patients underwent modified radical mastectomy using an HS or ES. We analysed the following operative variables: time, blood loss and seroma volume drainage. Postoperative complications, including seroma, flap necrosis, haematoma and infection were evaluated on the 7th and 14th days. Results: Forty-six patients underwent a MRM with ES and 49 with HS; no differences were observed between the groups. The rate of local complications was 29% in the HS group and 52% in the ES group (p=0.024). The rates of seroma (16.3% versus 28.3%; p=0.161), necrosis (4.1% vs. 21.7%; p=0.013; OR=0.15), haematoma (2.0% vs. 8.7%; p=0.195) and infection (2.0% vs. 6.5%; p=0.351) were lower in the HS group. Adding the findings of all comparative studies using HSs in MRM to the seroma rates in the current study, the seroma rate, expressed as a categorical variable, did not decrease with HS. Seroma was present in 60/219 cases using an HS and in 69/239 cases utilising an ES (p=0.72). Based on a multivariate analysis, HS decreased the risk of skin necrosis (p=0.015). Conclusions: HSs do not decrease the seroma rate. However, this method may be useful in skin sparing mastectomy because it decreases skin flap necrosis. © 2013 Surgical Associates Ltd.


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Fillers are an important tool in the armamentarium of the physician combating aging phenomena. A wide variety of filler substances are now available that meet many, but by far not all, needs in aesthetic medicine. The most commonly used substances now are hyaluronic acid and collagen preparations that have slightly different indications, but collagen requires pre-use testing to rule out inflammatory complications. Poly-L-lactic acid has gained its place in the filling of adipose tissue wasting in HIV-infected patients. Autologous fat is easy to harvest and inject and has virtually no risk of adverse side effects. Permanent fillers may be of advantage but carry the risk of permanent adverse reactions. Skillful combination of different fillers as well as with botulinum toxin injections and other cosmetic procedures may give optimal results.


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Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to examine mechanical, microbiologic, and morphologic changes of the appendicle rim to assess if it is appropriate to dissect the appendix with the ultrasound-activated scalpel (UAS) during laparoscopic appendectomy. Materials and Methods: After laparoscopic resection of the appendix, using conventional Roeder slings, we investigated 50 appendicle rims with an in vitro procedure. The overall time of dissection of the mesoappendix with UAS was noted. Following removal, the appendix was dissected in vitro with the UAS one cme from the resection rim. Seal-burst pressures were recorded. Bacterial cultures of the UAS-resected rim were compared with those of the scissors resected rim. Tissue changes were quantified histologically with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stains. Results: The average time to dissect the mesoappendix was 228 seconds (25-900). Bacterial culture growths were less in the UAS-resected probes (7 versus 36 positive probes; (p > 0.01). HE-stained tissues revealed mean histologic changes in the lamina propria muscularis externa of 2 mm depth. The seal-burst pressure levels of the appendicle lumen had a mean of 420 mbar. Seal-burst pressures and depths of histologic changes were not dependent on the different stages of appendicitis investigated, gender, or age groups. Seal-burst pressure levels were not related to different depths of tissue changes (P = 0.64). Conclusions: The UAS is a rapid instrument for laparoscopic appendectomy and appears to be safe with respect to stability, sterility and tissue changes. It avoids complex time consuming instrument change manoeuvres and current transmission, which may induce intra- and postoperative complications. Our results suggest that keeping a safety margin of at least 5 mm from the bowel would be sufficient to avoid thermal damage.


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Vols. have subtitle: a journal of health, adapted to popular & professional reading, & the exposure of quackery.


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Os tumores odontogénicos são neoplasias derivadas da ectoderme ou dos componentes mesenquimais do periodonto. As lesões possuem características clínicas similares aos tumores odontogénicos, sendo a diferenciação histopatológica essencial para o diagnóstico. Existe controvérsia em relação aos nomes, as características clínicas e histopatológicas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos cirurgiões removem-nos sem exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso de fibroma periférico odontogénico (FPO) em um cão castrado, sem raça definida, 11 anos de idade. O paciente apresentava uma massa ao redor do segundo, terceiro e quarto dente pré-molar da maxila direita. Foi realizado o hemograma, bioquímica sérica, exame de urina e a biópsia da massa enviada para a histopatologia, sendo o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico de fibroma periférico odontogénico. O tratamento foi cirúrgico, utilizando o bisturi elétrico. O presente relato de caso permitiu concluir que o exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico é importante para o diagnóstico do tumor e a exérese total da massa tumoral é o tratamento de eleição.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivo: Avaliar a evolução da úlcera de córnea experimental tratada com enxerto de membrana amniótica (MA) homóloga. Métodos: Foram utilizados 18 coelhos, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: úlcera corneana (G1) e úlcera corneana tratada com enxerto de MA (G2). A ulceração corneana foi induzida na córnea toda, com álcool absoluto e lâmina de bisturi. Os animais foram sacrificados em três momentos experimentais: 7 dias (M1), 15 dias (M2) e 30 dias (M3) após a indução da ulceração. Os defeitos corneanos foram avaliados com fotodocumentação por analisador de imagem Luzex-F e exames histopatológicos, comparando-se os resultados por meio da análise de variância. Resultados: O resultado do exame morfométrico mostrou desepitelização maior em G2 no M1; a opacidade corneana foi mais intensa na área central da córnea, sendo significativamente maior em G1 no M3. Os neovasos corneanos também foram mais intensos em G1. A avaliação histopatológica revelou ulceração epitelial em dois animais de G1 no M2 e em dois de G2 no M1; o edema estromal foi mais intenso em G1, assim como a presença de neovasos. Conclusão: O uso de MA homóloga no tratamento da úlcera corneana experimental não acelerou a cicatrização, porém preveniu o edema estromal e a formação de neovascularização corneana. A cicatrização se mostrou mais deficiente na área central da córnea.


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Replantation is an acceptable option for treatment of an avulsed permanent tooth. Nevertheless, an extended extraoral period damages the periodontal ligament and results in external root resorption. The purpose of this study was to assess by histologic and histometric analysis, the influence of propolis 15% (natural resinous substance collected by Apis mellifera bees from various plants) and the fluoride solution used as root surface treatment on the healing process after delayed tooth replantation. Thirty Wistar (Rattus norvegicus albinus) rats were submitted to extraction of their upper right incisor. The teeth were maintained in a dry environment for 60 min. After this, the pulp was extirpated and the papilla, enamel organ and periodontal ligament were removed with scalpel. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups: Group I - teeth immersed in 20 ml of physiologic saline; Group II - teeth immersed in 20 ml of 2% acidulated phosphate sodium fluoride; Group III - teeth immersed in 20 ml of 15% propolis. After 10 min of immersion in the solutions, the root canals were dried and filled with calcium hydroxide paste and the teeth were replanted. The animals were euthanized 60 days after replantation. The results showed that similar external root resorption was seen in the propolis and fluoride groups. Teeth treated with physiologic saline tended to have more inflammatory root resorption compared with those treated with fluoride or propolis. However, the comparative analysis did not reveal statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) between the treatment modalities when used for delayed tooth replantation.