947 resultados para satellite-to-ground laser communications


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卫星激光通信具有巨大的潜在应用价值, 国际上已实现高码率、小型化、轻量化和低功耗激光通信终端, 全文的第一部分即“链路和终端技术”综述了卫星激光通信的国外进展, 介绍了终端的关键技术, 讨论了终端设计思想。第二部分(另文)将讨论和介绍卫星激光通信终端地面检测和验证技术。


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[1] In the event of a termination of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission before the launch of GRACE Follow-On (due for launch in 2017), high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking (hl-SST) will be the only dedicated observing system with global coverage available to measure the time-variable gravity field (TVG) on a monthly or even shorter time scale. Until recently, hl-SST TVG observations were of poor quality and hardly improved the performance of Satellite Laser Ranging observations. To date, they have been of only very limited usefulness to geophysical or environmental investigations. In this paper, we apply a thorough reprocessing strategy and a dedicated Kalman filter to Challenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) data to demonstrate that it is possible to derive the very long-wavelength TVG features down to spatial scales of approximately 2000 km at the annual frequency and for multi-year trends. The results are validated against GRACE data and surface height changes from long-term GPS ground stations in Greenland. We find that the quality of the CHAMP solutions is sufficient to derive long-term trends and annual amplitudes of mass change over Greenland. We conclude that hl-SST is a viable source of information for TVG and can serve to some extent to bridge a possible gap between the end-of-life of GRACE and the availability of GRACE Follow-On.


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星间激光通信终端的主要技术指标和运行性能必须事先在地面实验室条件下进行模拟检验, 因此在研制卫星激光通信终端的同时必须发展相应的系统性检测和验证平台, 主要包括激光通信性能检验、光跟瞄性能检验和光束质量检验。本文综述了卫星激光通信终端检验技术的国外进展, 介绍了我们全物理模拟的地面检测验证思路和方法。


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The potential for implementation of retrodirective arrays as antenna terminals for future integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile communications is discussed in this paper. Particularly, in the context of the Inmarsat L-band system we address the issues related to array antenna element capacity to produce high-quality circular polarized radiation pattern over large angles of arrival. We also discuss circuitry reduction methodologies and their effect on retrodirected beam characteristics. The possibility of circular polarization modulation of the re-transmit signal is also discussed.


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Long time series of ground-based plant phenology, as well as more than two decades of satellite-derived phenological metrics, are currently available to assess the impacts of climate variability and trends on terrestrial vegetation. Traditional plant phenology provides very accurate information on individual plant species, but with limited spatial coverage. Satellite phenology allows monitoring of terrestrial vegetation on a global scale and provides an integrative view at the landscape level. Linking the strengths of both methodologies has high potential value for climate impact studies. We compared a multispecies index from ground-observed spring phases with two types (maximum slope and threshold approach) of satellite-derived start-of-season (SOS) metrics. We focus on Switzerland from 1982 to 2001 and show that temporal and spatial variability of the multispecies index correspond well with the satellite-derived metrics. All phenological metrics correlate with temperature anomalies as expected. The slope approach proved to deviate strongly from the temporal development of the ground observations as well as from the threshold-defined SOS satellite measure. The slope spring indicator is considered to indicate a different stage in vegetation development and is therefore less suited as a SOS parameter for comparative studies in relation to ground-observed phenology. Satellite-derived metrics are, however, very susceptible to snow cover, and it is suggested that this snow cover should be better accounted for by the use of newer satellite sensors.


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We present an analysis of a cusp ion step, observed by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F10 spacecraft, between two poleward moving events of enhanced ionospheric electron temperature, observed by the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar. From the ions detected by the satellite, the variation of the reconnection rate is computed for assumed distances along the open-closed field line separatrix from the satellite to the X line, do. Comparison with the onset times of the associated ionospheric events allows this distance to be estimated, but with an uncertainty due to the determination of the low-energy cutoff of the ion velocity distribution function, ƒ(ν). Nevertheless, the reconnection site is shown to be on the dayside magnetopause, consistent with the reconnection model of the cusp during southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Analysis of the time series of distribution function at constant energies, ƒ(ts), shows that the best estimate of the distance do is 14.5±2 RE. This is consistent with various magnetopause observations of the signatures of reconnection for southward IMF. The ion precipitation is used to reconstruct the field-parallel part of the Cowley D ion distribution function injected into the open low-latitude boundary layer in the vicinity of the X line. From this reconstruction, the field-aligned component of the magnetosheath flow is found to be only −55±65 km s−1 near the X line, which means either that the reconnection X line is near the stagnation region at the nose of the magnetosphere, or that it is closely aligned with the magnetosheath flow streamline which is orthogonal to the magnetosheath field, or both. In addition, the sheath Alfvén speed at the X line is found to be 220±45 km s−1, and the speed with which newly opened field lines are ejected from the X line is 165±30 km s−1. We show that the inferred magnetic field, plasma density, and temperature of the sheath near the X line are consistent with a near-subsolar reconnection site and confirm that the magnetosheath field makes a large angle (>58°) with the X line.


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A method for estimating both the Alfvén speed and the field-aligned flow of the magnetosheath at the magnetopause reconnection site is presented. The method employs low-altitude cusp ion observations and requires the identification of a feature in the cusp ion spectra near the low-energy cutoff which will often be present for a low-latitude dayside reconnection site. The appearance of these features in data of limited temporal, energy, and pitch angle resolution is illustrated by using model calculations of cusp ion distribution functions. These are based on the theory of ion acceleration at the dayside magnetopause and allow for the effects on the spectrum of flight times of ions precipitating down newly opened field lines. In addition, the variation of the reconnection rate can be evaluated, and comparison with ground-based observations of the corresponding sequence of transient events allows the field-aligned distance from the ionosphere to the reconnection site to be estimated.


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Mount Etna, Italy, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and is also regarded as one of the strongest volcanic sources of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Since October 2004, an automated ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer network (FLAME) has provided ground-based SO2 measurements with high temporal resolution, providing an opportunity to validate satellite SO2 measurements at Etna. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the NASA Aura satellite, which makes global daily measurements of trace gases in the atmosphere, was used to compare SO2 amount released by the volcano during paroxysmal lava-fountaining events from 2004 to present. We present the first comparison between SO2 emission rates and SO2 burdens obtained by the OMI transect technique and OMI Normalized Cloud-Mass (NCM) technique and the ground-based FLAME Mini-DOAS measurements. In spite of a good data set from the FLAME network, finding coincident OMI and FLAME measurements proved challenging and only one paroxysmal event provided a good validation for OMI. Another goal of this work was to assess the efficacy of the FLAME network in capturing paroxysmal SO2 emissions from Etna, given that the FLAME network is only operational during daylight hours and some paroxysms occur at night. OMI measurements are advantageous since SO2 emissions from nighttime paroxysms can often be quantified on the following day, providing improved constraints on Etna’s SO2 budget.


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The design of a Ku-band reconfigurable reflectarray antenna for emergency satellite communications is presented. Bidirectional high data rate satellite links are needed in emergency conditions where other telecommunication infrastructures are not available. In order to operate in this type of scenario, an antenna should be deployable, transportable, and easily repointable. The need of an automatic and fast satellite location and pointing system leads to a completely electronic reconfigurable antenna. The operative bandwidth is from 10.7 to 12.5 GHz for reception and from 14 up to 14.5 GHz for transmission (30% of relative bandwidth). The selected antenna architecture is based on a dual reflectarray system comprising a passive subreflectarray and an active main reflectarray made of reconfigurable 1-bit elementary cells based on PIN diodes.


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For optimum utilization of satellite-borne instrumentation, it is necessary to know precisely the orbital position of the spacecraft. The aim of this thesis is therefore two-fold - firstly to derive precise orbits with particular emphasis placed on the altimetric satellite SEASAT and secondly, to utilize the precise orbits, to improve upon atmospheric density determinations for satellite drag modelling purposes. Part one of the thesis, on precise orbit determinations, is particularly concerned with the tracking data - satellite laser ranging, altimetry and crossover height differences - and how this data can be used to analyse errors in the orbit, the geoid and sea-surface topography. The outcome of this analysis is the determination of a low degree and order model for sea surface topography. Part two, on the other hand, mainly concentrates on using the laser data to analyse and improve upon current atmospheric density models. In particular, the modelling of density changes associated with geomagnetic disturbances comes under scrutiny in this section. By introducing persistence modelling of a geomagnetic event and solving for certain geomagnetic parameters, a new density model is derived which performs significantly better than the state-of-the-art models over periods of severe geomagnetic storms at SEASAT heights. This is independently verified by application of the derived model to STARLETTE orbit determinations.


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Since the satellite network plays an irreplaceable role in many fields, how to interconnect it with the ground network has received an unprecedented attention. However, with much more requirements imposed to the current terrestrial network, many serious problems caused by the IP dual-role exposed. In this context, their direct interconnection seems not the most appropriate way. Thus, in this paper, SAT-GRD, an incrementally deployable ID/Loc split network architecture is proposed, aiming to integrate the satellite and ground networks efficiently. Specifically, SAT-GRD separates the identity of both the host and network from the location. Then, it isolates the host from the network, and further divides the whole network into core and edge networks. These make SAT-GRD much more flexible and scalable to achieve heterogeneous network convergence and avoid problems resulting from the overloaded semantics of IP addresses. In addition, much work has been done to implement the proof-of-concept prototype of SAT-GRD, and experimental results prove its feasibility.