999 resultados para sand grains


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Detrital modes determined on 68 sandstone samples from CRP-3 drillcore indicate a continuation of the dynamic history of uplift-related erosion and unroofing previously documented in CRP-1 and CRP-2/2A. The source area is identified very strongly with the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) Dry Valleys block in southern Victoria Land. Initial unroofing of the TAM comprised removal of much of a former capping sequence of Jurassic Kirkpatrick basalts, which preceded the formation of the Victoria Land Basin. Erosion of Beacon Supergroup outcrops took place during progressive uplift of the TAM in the Oligocene. Earliest CRP-3 Oligocene samples above 788 metres below the sea floor (mbsf) were sourced overwhelmingly in Beacon Supergroup strata, including a recognisable contribution from Triassic volcanogenic Lashly Formation sandstones (uppermost Victoria Group). Moving up-section, by 500 mbsf, the CRP-3 samples are depauperate quartz arenites dominantly derived from the quartzose Devonian Taylor Group. Between c. 500 and 450 mbsf, the modal parameters show a distinctive change indicating that small outcrops of basement granitoids and metamorphic rocks were also being eroded along with the remaining Beacon (mainly Taylor Group) sequence. Apart from enigmatic fluctuations in modal indices above 450 mbsf, similar to those displayed by samples in CRP-2/2A, the CRP-3 modes are essentially constant (within a broad data scatter) to the top of CRP-3. The proportion of exposed basement outcrop remained at < 20 %, indicating negligible uplift (i.e. relative stability) throughout that period.


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The sedimentation rate of sand grains in the hindered settling regime has been considered to assess particle shape effects. The behaviour of various particulate systems involving sand has been compared with the widely used Richardson-Zaki expression. The general form of the expression is found to hold, in as much as remaining as a suitable means to describe the hindered settling of irregular particles. The sedimentation exponent n in the Richardson-Zaki expression is found to be significantly larger for natural sand grains than for regular particles. The hindered settling effect is therefore greater, leading to lower concentration gradients than expected. The effect becomes more pronounced with increasing particle irregularity. At concentrations around 0.4, the hindered settling velocity of fine and medium natural sands reduces to about 70% of the value predicted using existing empirical expressions for n. Using appropriate expressions for the fluidization velocity and the clear water settling velocity, a simple method is discussed to evaluate the sedimentation exponent and to determine the hindered settling effect for sands of various shapes.


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Sediment drifts on the continental rise are located proximal to the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and recorded changes in glacial volume and thermal regime over the last ca. 15 m.y. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1101 (Leg 178), which recovered sediments back to 3.1 Ma, glacial-interglacial cyclicity was identified based on the biogenic component and sedimentary structures observed in X-radiographs, magnetic susceptibility and lithofacies descriptions. Glacial intervals are dominated by fine-grained laminated mud and interglacial units consist of bioturbated muds enriched in biogenic components. From 2.2 to 0.76 Ma, planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils dominate in the interglacials suggesting a shift of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) to the south near the drifts. Prior to 2.2 Ma, cyclicity cannot be identified and diatoms dominate the biogenic component and high percent opal suggests warmer conditions south of the APF and reduced sea ice over the drifts. Analyses of the coarse-grained terrigenous fraction (pebbles and coarse sand) from Sites 1096 and 1101 record glaciers at sea-level releasing iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) throughout the last 3.1 m.y. Analyses of quartz sand grains in IRD with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) show an abrupt change in the frequency of occurrence of microtextures at ~1.35 Ma. During the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, the population of quartz grains included completely weathered grains and a low frequency of crushing and abrasion, suggesting that glaciers were small and did not inundate the topography. Debris shed from mountain peaks was transported supraglacially or englacially allowing weathered grains to pass through the glacier unmodified. During glacial periods from 1.35-0.76 Ma, glaciers expanded in size. The IRD flux was very high and dropstones have diverse lithologies. Conditions resembling those at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) have been episodically present on the Antarctic Peninsula since ~0.76 Ma. Quartz sand grains show high relief, fracture and abrasion common under thick ice and the IRD flux is low with a more restricted range of dropstone lithologies.


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With the PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) measurement technology, the probability distributions of particle impact and lift-off velocities on bed surface and the particle velocity distributions at different heights are detected in a wind tunnel. The results show that the probability distribution of impact and lift-off velocities of sand grains can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact and lift-off angles complies with an exponential function. The mean impact angle is between 28 degrees and 39 degrees, and the mean lift-off angle ranges from 30 degrees to 44 degrees. The mean lift-off velocity is 0.81-0.9 times the mean impact velocity. The proportion of backward-impacting particles is 0.05-0.11, and that of backward-entrained particles ranges from 0.04 to 0.13. The probability distribution of particle horizontal velocity at 4 mm height is positive skew, the horizontal velocity of particles at 20 mm height varies widely, and the variation of the particle horizontal velocity at 80 mm height is less than that at 20 mm height. The probability distribution of particle vertical velocity at different heights can be described as a normal function.


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© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Laboratory tests on microscale are reported in which millimeter-sized amorphous silica cubes were kept highly compressed in a liquid environment of de-ionized water solutions with different silica ion concentrations for up to four weeks. Such an arrangement simulates an early evolution of bonds between two sand grains stressed in situ. In-house designed Grain Indenter-Puller apparatus allowed measuring strength of such contacts after 3-4 weeks. Observations reported for the first time confirm a long-existing hypothesis that a stressed contact with microcracks generates silica polymers, forming a bonding structure between the grains on a timescale in the order of a few weeks. Such structure exhibits intergranular tensile force at failure of 1-1.5 mN when aged in solutions containing silica ion concentrations of 200-to 500-ppm. The magnitude of such intergranular force is 2-3 times greater than that of water capillary force between the same grains.


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On Elan Bank, a southwestern promontory of the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean, we cored an interval of conglomerate and minor sandstone within a thick section of Cretaceous flood basalts. Most of the detritus in these sedimentary rocks is volcanic with the exception of a small amount of conspicuous material of probable continental derivation. The anomalous clasts include several pebbles of gneiss (Nicolaysen et al., 2001, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0235:POPGBG>2.0.CO;2) and garnet sand grains. The presence of continental material on the plateau bears significantly on the interpretation of Indian Ocean basalts (Weis et al., 2001, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0147:OOCCII>2.0.CO;2). The purpose of the present study was to determine the composition of the garnets to provide additional constraints on the nature of the source area.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate directional asymmetric properties and internal structures of the bedforms on the intertidal sand bars in comparison with the migration problems of the sand bodies developed in the channel systems of the tidal basin off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. The tidal channel sand bodies studied have 'V'-shaped outlines and are asymmetric in cross-section. Based on such knowledge it was hoped to understand and find possible factors for application to recent and ancient tidal depositional environments. The V-shaped intertidal channel sand bodies developed in the tidal environments between Sylt and Föhr Island are constantly migrating sand bars. The migration directions are in good agreement with the resultant vector mean directions of internal cross-stratification structures of asymmetric sedimentary bedforms. Finally, it is shown that the orientation of the apex of V-shaped sand bar as an equilibrium form alone can not indicate the migration direction, but that the orientation of the resultant vector mean of internal structures of sedimentary bedforms does indicate the migration direction. Based on the analyses of textural parameters of the migrating intertidal bar sands, it seems that sands of typical intertidal sand bars are negatively skewed and well sorted. The high rounding of quarz sand grains of these tidal channel sand bars seems to be an additional characteristical criterion for tidal depositional environments, as also indicated by Balazs and Klein (1972).