852 resultados para salt tolerant variant
The responses of stem segments of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) to 6-BA,NAA and 2,4-D were studied. MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 6-BA, 0.2 mg/L 2,4-D was used for callus initiation and maintenance. MS medium supplemented with 4.0 mg/L 6-BA was suitable for plant regeneration and MS medium without plant hormone supplement was used for rooting and plant propagation. For screening of salt tolerant calli, stem segments of watercress were plated onto callus initiation medium containing 1/3 natural seawater. Seventeen out of the 325 plated explants produced calli. The growth curves demonstrated that the growth rate of salt-tolerant calli on saline medium almost matched that of the control calli on normal medium. Some of the salt-tolerant calli were transferred to the normal regeneration medium or saline regeneration medium to induce plant regeneration. In the first case, buds and shoots were regenerated in the same way as those of control calli on normal regeneration medium. More than 1 000 regenerated shoots were obtained of which 83 regenerated shoots were cut and transferred to saline MS base medium. At first, all shoot growth was inhibited, but 40 days after the transfer, rapid-growing axillary shoots were observed on 16 of the original shoots but none on the control shoots on saline MS base medium. Moreover, green spots appeared on most calli 10 days after they were transferred to saline medium, however buds appeared only on 5 calli from the 30 transferred calli and at the end only 2 rapid-growing shoots were obtained from two calli. In total, 18 variant lines were obtained through. propagation of the salt-tolerant shoots on saline MS base medium. RAPD analysis was performed in 10 of the 18 salt-tolerant variant lines and DNA variation was detected in all the tested variant lines.
This project built upon the successful outcomes of a previous project (TU02005) by adding to the database of salt tolerance among warm season turfgrass cultivars, through further hydroponic screening trials. Hydroponic screening trials focussed on new cultivars or cultivars that were not possible to cover in the time available under TU02005, including: 11 new cultivars of Paspalum vaginatum; 13 cultivars of Cynodon dactylon; six cultivars of Stenotaphrum secundatum; one accession of Cynodon transvaalensis; 12 Cynodon dactylon x transvaalensis hybrids; two cultivars of Sporobolus virginicus; five cultivars of Zoysia japonica; one cultivar of Z. macrantha, one common form of Z. tenuifolia and one Z. japonica x tenuifolia hybrid. The relative salinity tolerance of different turfgrasses is quantified in terms of their growth response to increasing levels of salinity, often defined by the salt level that equates to a 50% reduction in shoot yield, or alternatively the threshold salinity. The most salt tolerant species in these trials were Sporobolus virginicus and Paspalum vaginatum, consistent with the findings from TU02005 (Loch, Poulter et al. 2006). Cynodon dactylon showed the largest range in threshold values with some cultivars highly sensitive to salt, while others were tolerant to levels approaching that of the more halophytic grasses. Coupled with the observational and anecdotal evidence of high drought tolerance, this species and other intermediately tolerant species provide options for site specific situations in which soil salinity is coupled with additional challenges such as shade and high traffic conditions. By recognising the fact that a salt tolerant grass is not the complete solution to salinity problems, this project has been able to further investigate sustainable long-term establishment and management practices that maximise the ability of the selected grass to survive and grow under a particular set of salinity and usage parameters. Salt-tolerant turf grasses with potential for special use situations were trialled under field conditions at three sites within the Gold Coast City Council, while three sites, established under TU02005 within the Redland City Council boundaries were monitored for continued grass survival. Several randomised block experiments within Gold Coast City were established to compare the health and longevity of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum), Manila grass (Zoysia matrella), as well as the more tolerant cultivars of other species like buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and green couch (Cynodon dactylon). Whilst scientific results were difficult to achieve in the field situation, where conditions cannot be controlled, these trials provided valuable observational evidence of the likely survival of these species. Alternatives to laying full sod such as sprigging were investigated, and were found to be more appropriate for areas of low traffic as the establishment time is greater. Trials under controlled and protected conditions successfully achieved a full cover of Paspalum vaginatum from sprigs in a 10 week time frame. Salt affected sites are often associated with poor soil structure. Part of the research investigated techniques for the alleviation of soil compaction frequently found on saline sites. Various methods of soil de-compaction were investigated on highly compacted heavy clay soil in Redlands City. It was found that the heavy duplex soil of marine clay sediments required the most aggressive of treatments in order to achieve limited short-term effects. Interestingly, a well constructed sports field showed a far greater and longer term response to de-compaction operations, highlighting the importance of appropriate construction in the successful establishment and management of turfgrasses on salt affected sites. Fertiliser trials in this project determined plant demand for nitrogen (N) to species level. This work produced data that can be used as a guide when fertilising, in order to produce optimal growth and quality in the major turf grass species used in public parkland. An experiment commenced during TU02005 and monitored further in this project, investigated six representative warm-season turfgrasses to determine the optimum maintenance requirements for fertiliser N in south-east Queensland. In doing so, we recognised that optimum level is also related to use and intensity of use, with high profile well-used parks requiring higher maintenance N than low profile parks where maintaining botanical composition at a lower level of turf quality might be acceptable. Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) seemed to require the greatest N input (300-400 kg N/ha/year), followed by the green couch (Cynodon dactylon) cultivars ‘Wintergreen’ and ‘FLoraTeX’ requiring approximately 300 kg N/ha/year for optimal condition and growth. ‘Sir Walter’ (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and ‘Sea Isle 1’ (Paspalum vaginatum) had a moderate requirement of approximately 200 kg/ha/year. ‘Aussiblue’ (Digitaria didactyla)maintained optimal growth and quality at 100-200 kg N/ha/year. A set of guidelines has been prepared to provide various options from the construction and establishment of new grounds, through to the remediation of existing parklands by supporting the growth of endemic grasses. They describe a best management process through which salt affected sites should be assessed, remediated and managed. These guidelines, or Best Management Practices, will be readily available to councils. Previously, some high salinity sites have been turfed several times over a number of years (and Council budgets) for a 100% failure record. By eliminating this budgetary waste through targeted workable solutions, local authorities will be more amenable to investing appropriate amounts into these areas. In some cases, this will lead to cost savings as well as resulting in better quality turf. In all cases, however, improved turf quality will be of benefit to ratepayers, directly through increased local use of open space in parks and sportsfields and indirectly by attracting tourists and other visitors to the region bringing associated economic benefits. At the same time, environmental degradation and erosion of soil in bare areas will be greatly reduced.
Assess establishment and management of salt tolerant turf grasses on salt affected parklands.
Wheat, although moderately tolerant to salt, can not be cultivated in many areas. However, in the triticeae tribe, some of the wild wheat relatives are highly tolerant, e.g. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which grows on the sea shore. Eight primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines, amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum have been produced which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. These tritipyrums (2n=6x=42, AABBEbEb) due to reasons such as brittle rachis, continuous production of tillers, late maturity, tall stature and meiotic instability will not fulfill the requirements of a successful commercial salt tolerant crop. To overcome such problems the substituted tritipyrum, in which selected Eb chromosomes are replaced by D genome chromosomes of 6x wheat, was produced from 6x tritipyrum x 6x wheat hybrids (F1: 2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) followed by selfing and backcrossing with 6x tritipyrum. The fertile plants among the above progenies were screened by the genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization technique to identify their Eb and D chromosome constitution. This study showed that producing tritiprum with variable numbers of Eb and D genome chromosomes is feasible and that FISH is a useful technique for determining the number of Eb chromosomes present.
We have investigated OsHKT2;1 natural variation in a collection of 49 cultivars with different levels of salt tolerance and geographical origins. The effect of identified polymorphism on OsHKT2;1 activity was analysed through heterologous expression of variants in Xenopus oocytes. OsHKT2;1 appeared to be a highly conserved protein with only five possible amino acid substitutions that have no substantial effect on functional properties. Our study, however, also identified a new HKT isoform, No-OsHKT2;2/1 in Nona Bokra, a highly salt-tolerant cultivar. No-OsHKT2;2/1 probably originated from a deletion in chromosome 6, producing a chimeric gene. Its 5¢ region corresponds to that of OsHKT2;2, whose full-length sequence is not present in Nipponbare but has been identified in Pokkali, a salt-tolerant rice cultivar. Its 3¢ region corresponds to that of OsHKT2;1. No-OsHKT2;2/1 is essentially expressed in roots and displays a significant level of expression at high Na+ concentrations, in contrast to OsHKT2;1. Expressed in Xenopus oocytes or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, No-OsHKT2;2/1 exhibited a strong permeability to Na+ and K+, even at high external Na+ concentrations, like OsHKT2;2, and in contrast to OsHKT2;1. Our results suggest that No-OsHKT2;2/1 can contribute to Nona Bokra salt tolerance by enabling root K+ uptake under saline conditions.
本文以芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体为材料,比较了两者在形态、生理生化以及分子生物学特性上的差异,对耐盐变异体抗盐能力提高的机理作了初步的探讨。为了适应推广芦苇耐盐变异体的需要,进行了耐盐变异体快速繁殖的研究,建立了两种诱导丛生芽的技术系统。对耐盐变异体芦苇在滩涂上的利用作了有益的尝试。结果总结如下: 1.通过对芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体的基因组DNA用随机引物扩增分析,发现两者的基因组DNA在序列上存在着一定的差异,并克隆测序了几个对变异体而言是特异的标记序列。 2.生化分析发现,在盐胁迫下,两者在可溶性蛋白上存在着差异,芦苇耐盐变异体在胁迫下分别在20~30 kD和43~66.2 kD之间各有一条特异的蛋白带表达。而且变异体盐胁迫下在同工酶的表达上也与野生亲本有着显著的区别。 3.生理测定发现,芦苇耐盐变异体在200 mmol/L NaCl盐胁迫下光合作用要比野生亲本强,叶绿素测定的结果与此相吻合,在此浓度的胁迫下,变异体叶绿素含量受影响较小,而野生亲本的叶绿素含量明显降低。对两者胁迫前后的离子含量测定发现,虽然K+含量最多,但是植株内离子含量变化最大且增加最多的离子是Na+,而且变异体内Na~+增加的量比野生亲本高得多。另一个变化较大的是游离脯氨酸的含量,其变化情况类似于Na~+,在胁迫后脯氨酸含量增加明显,而且变异体内的增加量比野生亲本高。对变异体进一步的胁迫反应证实了Na+和脯氨酸含量变化与胁迫反应的密切联系。推测它们的这些变化与变异体抗盐能力提高密切相关。 4.将芦苇耐盐变异体的种子苗切去种壳和种子根,以此作为外植体,通过筛选大量的激素组合,最终建立了两种快繁技术系统(MP-A和MP-B)进行丛生芽诱导。两个系统都包含预处理和诱导两个主要步骤,其中预处理培养基激素组合是相同的(NAA 2~5 mg/L + 2,4-D 0.05 ~ 0.1 mg + BA 1mg/L),而诱导处理的培养基激素组合不同,分别为:MP-A的诱导处理的激素组合是将预处理的激素组合中的2,4-D去除即可;MP-B诱导处理的激素组合为1mg/L NAA + 0.05 ~0.1mg/L 2,4-D + 2~5mg/L BA. 两个系统都获得显著的丛生芽诱导效果。 5.在滩涂水产养殖中引入芦苇种植、发现耐盐芦苇能有效地降低水体污染和病害,实验了两种模式的种养殖方式:围隔模式和混合模式,初步结果表明混合模式效果较好。这一初中初步验证了芦苇对海水养殖的价值,对开发滩涂具有很大的意义,具有创新性。
以药蒲公英(Taraxacum officinale Weber)叶片外植体为材料诱导愈伤组织。以NaCl作为选择因子,从愈伤组织直接筛选。在选择培养基上,大部分愈伤组织褐化死亡,在一些褐化死亡的愈伤组织周围有少量新的细胞团生长,挑选生长存活状况好的细胞团转接到新鲜培养基上,每3周继代一次,经3个月继代筛选获得了耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英细胞团。以普通愈伤为对照,发现随着NaCl浓度的升高,耐盐愈伤的相对生长率下降但显著高于对照;且随着盐胁迫处理时间的延长持续升高,而普通愈伤对照几乎停止生长,说明耐盐愈伤具有相对稳定的耐盐性。在蛋白水平上,耐盐愈伤与对照愈伤差异明显,SDS-PAGE分析显示:耐盐愈伤比对照多出一条34 KD大小的蛋白带,且30 KD,18 KD左右的蛋白带明显上调。相同处理条件下耐盐愈伤脯氨酸的增加幅度高于对照。盐胁迫条件下,耐盐愈伤的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性明显高于对照,且随着处理时间的延长和盐浓度的增加呈现升高的趋势,而对照则呈现先升高后下降的趋势。1.5% NaCl处理前后,耐盐愈伤的总黄酮含量显著高于对照。结果说明耐盐愈伤一方面通过积累蛋白和其他小分子有机溶质的方式调节其渗透平衡,另一方面还可通过提高抗氧化能力降低盐分造成的次级伤害。 将耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英愈伤组织接种在分化培养基上分化出芽,之后将再生芽转接到生根培养基中进行生根培养,经4个月得到了12株耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生植株。与野生型相比,耐盐植株叶片宽大、叶柄粗短、叶表面覆盖白色细毛,根粗壮较短,花茎中部具有2 cm左右的苞叶。RAPD和SDS-PAGE检测表明,耐盐植株与对照植株在DNA及蛋白水平上均存在明显差异。1.5% NaCl处理后,与普通再生植株相比,耐盐株系的抗氧化酶活性明显提高,脯氨酸含量上升幅度更为显著,而丙二醛含量降低,其主要药用成分黄酮的含量显著增加。这些结果说明耐盐植株的抗氧化防御能力明显增强。以上结果表明耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生植株为耐1.5% NaCl药蒲公英变异体,这些耐盐变异体有望成为抗盐耐海水蔬菜家族的新成员。同时,这些耐盐变异体植株比普通植株具有更高的医用商业价值。耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生变异体遗传稳定性的研究正在进行中。
In February 2004, Redland Shire Council with help from a Horticulture Australia research project was able to establish a stable grass cover of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) on a Birkdale park where the soil had previously proved too salty to grow anything else. Following on from their success with this small 0.2 ha demonstration area, Redland Shire has since invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in successfully turfing other similarly “impossible” park areas with seashore paspalum. Urban salinity can arise for different reasons in different places. In inland areas such as southern NSW and the WA wheatbelt, the usual cause is rising groundwater bringing salt to the surface. In coastal sites, salt spray or periodic tidal inundation can result in problems. In Redland Shire’s case, the issue was compacted marine sediments (mainly mud) dug up and dumped to create foreshore parkland in the course of artificial canal developments. At Birkdale, this had created a site that was both strongly acid and too salty for most plants. Bare saline scalds were interspersed by areas of unthrifty grass. Finding a salt tolerant grass is no “silver bullet” or easy solution to salinity problems. Rather, it buys time to implement sustainable long-term establishment and maintenance practices, which are even more critical than with conventional turfgrasses. These practices include annual slicing or coring in conjunction with gypsum/dolomite amendment and light topdressing with sandy loam soil (to about 1 cm depth), adequate maintenance fertiliser, weed control measures, regular leaching irrigation was applied to flush salts below the root zone, and irrigation scheduling to maximise infiltration and minimise run off. Three other halophytic turfgrass species were also identified, each of them adapted to different environments, management regimes and uses. These have been shortlisted for larger-scale plantings in future work.
Turfgrasses range from extremely salt sensitive to highly salt tolerant. However, the selection of a salt tolerant turf is not a 'silver bullet' solution to successful turf growth on salt-affected parklands. Interactions between factors such as cultivar, construction practices, establishment, and maintenance can be complex and should not be considered in isolation of one another. Taking this holistic approach, a study investigating cultivar evaluation for salt-affected sites also included a comparison of topsoil materials as turf underlay, as well as pre-treatment of the sod. The turf species and cultivars used in the study were: Cynodon dactylon, cultivar 'Oz Tuff (I) '; Paspalum vaginatum, cultivars 'Sea Isle 1 (I) ' and 'Velvetene (I) '; Zoysia matrella cultivar 'A-1 (I) '; and Zoysia japonica, cultivar 'Empire (I) '. The two underlay materials were compost (100%) or a sandy clay topsoil each applied above a coastal sand profile to a depth of 10 cm. Rooting depth or root dry weight did not significantly differ among turf cultivars. Compost profile treatment had significantly greater root mass than the topsoil among all turf cultivars. This higher root production was reflected by improved quality of all turf at the final evaluation. Turfgrass grown on compost had a higher normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), regardless of whether full sod or bare-rooted turfgrass was used. The use of a quality underlay was paramount to the successful growth of the turf cultivars investigated. While each cultivar had superior performance in sub-optimal conditions, the key to success was the selection of the right species and cultivar for each situation combined with proper establishment and maintenance of each turf grass.
The effect of NaCl on total peroxidase activity, induction of isoperoxidases and lipid peroxidation in 5-day-old seedlings of two contrasting genotypes of Setaria italica L. (Prasad, a salt tolerant cultivar and Lepakshi, a salt susceptible cultivar), was studied. Total peroxidase activity increased under NaCl salinity and the degree of elevation in the activity was salt concentration dependent. Nevertheless, a greater activity was recorded in the tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) compared to the susceptible (cv Lepakshi) one in all days of sampling. Further, the pattern of isoperoxidases was modified during stress conditions as evident from the electrophoregrams. Although, five acidic isoforms were detected in both cultivars, differences were found between the cultivars. Furthermore, it was observed that acidic isoperoxidases were strongly expressed and an acidic isoperoxidase, A(3p) (27 kDa) is specifically found in the tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) under NaCl stress. This isoform was partially purified and found to be thermostable with pr 5.5 and the optimum pH 7.4. A close correlation exists between the rate of lipid peroxidation in terms of malonaldehyde (MDA) content and total peroxidase activity per gram fresh weight with salt tolerance of the two cultivars. The tolerant cultivar (cv Prasad) had low MDA content and high total peroxidase activity than the susceptible variety (cv Lepakshi) during salinity stress. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Salt tolerance of selected cultures of Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Vibrio, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/ Cytophaga was determined. More than 80% of the cultures belonging to each of the above genera, were capable of growth in presence of 1.5 to 3.5% salt (NaCl) and at least 25 to 30% of the cultures in each group required 1.5 to 3.5% salt for growth. 40% each of Pseudomonas and Vibrio strains and 30% each of Moraxella, Micrococcus and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga strains tolerated 10% salt. Majority of the cultures belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga were slightly halophilic (2 to 5% salt tolerant), about 25% especially of Micrococcus spp. moderately halophilic (5 to 20% salt tolerant) and none from Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga spp. extremely halophilic (20 to 32% salt tolerant).
The study deals with the generation of variability for salt tolerance in rice using tissue culture techniques. Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world’s population. The management of drought, salinity and acidity in soils are all energy intensive agricultural practices. The Genetic variability is the basis of crop improvement. Somaclonal and androclonal variation can be effectively used for this purpose. In the present study, eight isozymes were studied and esterase and isocitric dehydrogenase was found to have varietal specific, developmental stage specific and stress specific banding pattern in rice. Under salt stress thickness of bands and enzyme activity showed changes. Pokkali, a moderately salt tolerant variety, had a specific band 7, which was present only in this variety and showed slight changes under stress. This band was faint in tillering and flowering stage .Based on the results obtained in the present study it is suggested that esterase could possibly be used as an isozyme marker for salt tolerance in rice. Varietal differences and stage specific variations could be detected using esterase and isocitric dehydrogenase . Moreover somaclonal and androclonal variation could be effectively detected using isozyme markers.
El suelo salino impone un estrés abiótico importante que causa graves problemas en la agricultura ya que la mayoría de los cultivos se ven afectados por la salinidad debido a efectos osmóticos y tóxicos. Por ello, la contaminación y la escasez de agua dulce, la salinización progresiva de tierras y el aumento exponencial de la población humana representan un grave problema que amenaza la seguridad alimentaria mundial para las generaciones futuras. Por lo tanto, aumentar la tolerancia a la salinidad de los cultivos es un objetivo estratégico e ineludible para garantizar el suministro de alimentos en el futuro. Mantener una óptima homeostasis de K+ en plantas que sufren estrés salino es un objetivo importante en el proceso de obtención de plantas tolerantes a la salinidad. Aunque el modelo de la homeostasis de K+ en las plantas está razonablemente bien descrito en términos de entrada de K+, muy poco se sabe acerca de los genes implicados en la salida de K+ o de su liberación desde la vacuola. En este trabajo se pretende aclarar algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la homeostasis de K+ en plantas. Para ello se eligió la briofita Physcomitrella patens, una planta no vascular de estructura simple y de fase haploide dominante que, entre muchas otras cualidades, hacen que sea un modelo ideal. Lo más importante es que no sólo P. patens es muy tolerante a altas concentraciones de Na+, sino que también su posición filogenética en la evolución de las plantas abre la posibilidad de estudiar los cambios claves que, durante el curso de la evolución, se produjeron en las diversas familias de los transportadores de K+. Se han propuesto varios transportadores de cationes como candidatos que podrían tener un papel en la salida de K+ o su liberación desde la vacuola, especialmente miembros de la familia CPA2 que contienen las familias de transportadores KEA y CHX. En este estudio se intenta aumentar nuestra comprensión de las funciones de los transportadores de CHX en las células de las plantas usando P. patens, como ya se ha dicho. En esta especie, se han identificado cuatro genes CHX, PpCHX1-4. Dos de estos genes, PpCHX1 y PpCHX2, se expresan aproximadamente al mismo nivel que el gen PpACT5, y los otros dos genes muestran una expresión muy baja. La expresión de PpCHX1 y PpCHX2 en mutantes de Escherichia coli defectivos en el transporte de K+ restauraron el crecimiento de esta cepa en medios con bajo contenido de K+, lo que viii sugiere que la entrada de K+ es energizada por un mecanismo de simporte con H+. Por otra parte, estos transportadores suprimieron el defecto asociado a la mutación kha1 en Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lo que sugiere que podrían mediar un antiporte en K+/H+. La proteína PpCHX1-GFP expresada transitoriamente en protoplastos de P. patens co-localizó con un marcador de Golgi. En experimentos similares, la proteína PpCHX2-GFP localizó aparentemente en la membrana plasmática y tonoplasto. Se construyeron las líneas mutantes simples de P. patens ΔPpchx1 y ΔPpchx2, y también el mutante doble ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1. Los mutantes simples crecieron normalmente en todas las condiciones ensayadas y mostraron flujos de entrada normales de K+ y Rb+; la mutación ΔPpchx2 no aumentó el defecto de las plantas ΔPphak1. En experimentos a largo plazo, las plantas ΔPpchx2 mostraron una retención de Rb+ ligeramente superior que las plantas silvestres, lo que sugiere que PpCHX2 promueve la transferencia de Rb+ desde la vacuola al citosol o desde el citosol al medio externo, actuando en paralelo con otros transportadores. Sugerimos que transportadores de K+ de varias familias están involucrados en la homeostasis de pH de orgánulos ya sea mediante antiporte K+/H+ o simporte K+-H+.ix ABSTRACT Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress causing serious problems in agriculture as most crops are affected by it. Moreover, the contamination and shortage of freshwater, progressive land salinization and exponential increase of human population aggravates the problem implying that world food security may not be ensured for the next generations. Thus, a strategic and an unavoidable goal would be increasing salinity tolerance of plant crops to secure future food supply. Maintaining an optimum K+ homeostasis in plants under salinity stress is an important trait to pursue in the process of engineering salt tolerant plants. Although the model of K+ homeostasis in plants is reasonably well described in terms of K+ influx, very little is known about the genes implicated in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole. In this work, we aim to clarify some of the mechanisms involved in K+ homeostasis in plants. For this purpose, we chose the bryophyte plant Physcomitrella patens, a nonvascular plant of simple structure and dominant haploid phase that, among many other characteristics, makes it an ideal model. Most importantly, not only P. patens is very tolerant to high concentrations of Na+, but also its phylogenetic position in land plant evolution opens the possibility to study the key changes that occurred in K+ transporter families during the course of evolution. Several cation transporter candidates have been proposed to have a role in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole especially members of the CPA2 family which contains the KEA and CHX transporter families. We intended in this study to increase our understanding of the functions of CHX transporters in plant cells using P. patens, in which four CHX genes have been identified, PpCHX1-4. Two of these genes, PpCHX1 and PpCHX2, are expressed at approximately the same level as the PpACT5 gene, but the other two genes show an extremely low expression. PpCHX1 and PpCHX2 restored growth of Escherichia coli mutants on low K+-containing media, suggesting they mediated K+ uptake that may be energized by symport with H+. In contrast, these genes suppressed the defect associated to the kha1 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which suggest that they might mediate K+/H+ antiport. PpCHX1-GFP protein transiently expressed in P. patens protoplasts co-localized with a Golgi marker. In similar experiments, the PpCHX2-GFP protein appeared to localize to tonoplast and plasma x membrane. We constructed the ΔPpchx1 and ΔPpchx2 single mutant lines, and the ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1 double mutant. Single mutant plants grew normally under all the conditions tested and exhibited normal K+ and Rb+ influxes; the ΔPpchx2 mutation did not increase the defect of ΔPphak1 plants. In long-term experiments, ΔPpchx2 plants showed a slightly higher Rb+ retention than wild type plants, which suggests that PpCHX2 mediates the transfer of Rb+ from either the vacuole to the cytosol or from the cytosol to the external medium in parallel with other transporters. We suggest that K+ transporters of several families are involved in the pH homeostasis of organelles by mediating either K+/H+ antiport or K+-H+ symport.