993 resultados para sales increase


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Hoje, a literatura é bastante limitada no que se refere a estudos sobre a influência da mídia no consumo de alimentos, especialmente se pretendemos articular cultura e saúde. Neste estudo, buscamos compreender a prática discursiva presente na publicidade televisiva de um refrigerante a partir do olhar de diversos segmentos da sociedade. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, que parte de um filme publicitário de um refrigerante muito consumido. Realizamos dez grupos focais envolvendo profissionais e estudantes do campo da Nutrição e da Comunicação e prestadores de serviços de limpeza de uma universidade, num total de 74 participantes. Entre os temas que surgiram a partir da análise do material oriundo dos grupos focais e tomando por referência teórica autores como Bourdieu, Bauman e Ayres, destacamos a recontextualização e a fragmentação da vida humana e, em seu interior, da alimentação dita saudável na prática discursiva publicitária, neste momento em que, no Brasil, a prevalência de obesidade e de outras doenças crônico-degenerativas a ela associada encontra-se em elevação e onde há movimentos na sociedade militando pela regulamentação da publicidade de alimentos industrializados. Parece-nos que, ao reduzir o ser humano à condição de consumidor tentando levá-lo para o mundo idealizado dos sonhos, colocam-se os objetivos de aumento de vendas e de lucros acima daqueles relativos à promoção de saúde, à boa alimentação e ao bem viver. A indústria de alimentos juntamente com as agências de publicidade operam fenômenos inerentes a esse modelo de financiamento da televisão através da publicidade que reforçam perspectivas fragmentárias, recontextualizadas e conflituosas de pensar a saúde, a alimentação e a vida. Não contribuem, ou mesmo, dificultam a construção de projetos de felicidade num mundo mais justo e humano.


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Taking competitive advantage or satisfy the client are the reasons why companies have been implementing a Quality Management System (QMS). It brings benefits such as the improvement in the processes, products and services; an enhancement in the image of the company (marketing) and satisfaction of the clients. As a whole, this paper aims to evaluate the results obtained from the implementation of the QMS in the certified companies in the ISO 9001 standard, contained in the database of INMETRO, of the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN). In order to achieve the goals, a bibliographical research about the theme quality management system was made and, subsequently a survey was made with the managers of the certified companies in RN, using the online questionnaire. Out of 27 companies that have the certificate in Rio Grande do Norte, 21 responded the data collection instrument. The data analysis was made through techniques of descriptive and multivariate statistics: cluster analysis. The research instrument used contained 20 questions that address the main theme of this dissertation. Using the cluster analysis, four groupings that possessed similarities concerning the survey answers were found. This analysis allowed us to conclude that the QMS boosts significant improvements in the organizations, such as: quality in the reputation of the company and sales increase. On the other hand, it allowed us to identify as main difficulties: the dissemination of the quality culture, lack of commitment of the whole organization and the resistance of the workers


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A disputa pela preferência do consumidor no cenário global gerou um quadro de crescente concorrência. O ponto-de-venda passou a destacar-se como meio de comunicação de marca após a profissionalização do varejo brasileiro, iniciada na década de 1980. Com isso, o ponto-de-venda passou a exigir pesquisas sobre produtos, sobre comportamento do consumidor e ferramentas promocionais específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a participação de materiais de merchandising no processo de compra do consumidor em supermercados. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi escolhido o método quantitativo por meio da técnica experimental em ambiente natural, ou seja, em supermercados selecionados como Grupo Experimental e Grupo de Controle. O Grupo Experimental recebeu materiais de merchandising durante uma semana e as vendas foram comparadas com o Grupo de Controle. Na comparação entre grupos, foi registrado aumento de vendas de 27,86% no supermercado experimental em relação ao supermercado controle. Na comparação com a semana anterior ao experimento, ocorreu queda de 12,62% nas vendas do supermercado experimental. A queda no poder de compra do consumidor no período é uma das possíveis explicações para esse resultado.(AU)


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A disputa pela preferência do consumidor no cenário global gerou um quadro de crescente concorrência. O ponto-de-venda passou a destacar-se como meio de comunicação de marca após a profissionalização do varejo brasileiro, iniciada na década de 1980. Com isso, o ponto-de-venda passou a exigir pesquisas sobre produtos, sobre comportamento do consumidor e ferramentas promocionais específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a participação de materiais de merchandising no processo de compra do consumidor em supermercados. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi escolhido o método quantitativo por meio da técnica experimental em ambiente natural, ou seja, em supermercados selecionados como Grupo Experimental e Grupo de Controle. O Grupo Experimental recebeu materiais de merchandising durante uma semana e as vendas foram comparadas com o Grupo de Controle. Na comparação entre grupos, foi registrado aumento de vendas de 27,86% no supermercado experimental em relação ao supermercado controle. Na comparação com a semana anterior ao experimento, ocorreu queda de 12,62% nas vendas do supermercado experimental. A queda no poder de compra do consumidor no período é uma das possíveis explicações para esse resultado.(AU)


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A disputa pela preferência do consumidor no cenário global gerou um quadro de crescente concorrência. O ponto-de-venda passou a destacar-se como meio de comunicação de marca após a profissionalização do varejo brasileiro, iniciada na década de 1980. Com isso, o ponto-de-venda passou a exigir pesquisas sobre produtos, sobre comportamento do consumidor e ferramentas promocionais específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a participação de materiais de merchandising no processo de compra do consumidor em supermercados. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi escolhido o método quantitativo por meio da técnica experimental em ambiente natural, ou seja, em supermercados selecionados como Grupo Experimental e Grupo de Controle. O Grupo Experimental recebeu materiais de merchandising durante uma semana e as vendas foram comparadas com o Grupo de Controle. Na comparação entre grupos, foi registrado aumento de vendas de 27,86% no supermercado experimental em relação ao supermercado controle. Na comparação com a semana anterior ao experimento, ocorreu queda de 12,62% nas vendas do supermercado experimental. A queda no poder de compra do consumidor no período é uma das possíveis explicações para esse resultado.(AU)


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Much management accounting research focuses on design of incentive compensation contracts. A basic assumption in these contracts is that performance-based incentives improve employee performance. This paper reports on a field test of the multi-period incentive effects of a performance-based compensation plan on the sales of a retail establishment. Analysis of panel data for 15 retail outlets over 66 months indicates a sales increase when the plan is implemented, an effect that persists and increases over time. Sales gains are significantly lower in the peak selling season when more temporary workers are employed.


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Este trabajo es para fines institucionales de la Universidad del Rosario. A lo largo del segundo semestre del año 2016 entendimos la importancia de los medios digitales para las empresas, por lo cual el profesor Juan Manuel Méndez nos dio el caso de las bicicletas de Nairo Quintana con el cual teníamos que desarrollar un plan de estrategias digitales acorde con el contexto actual del sector de las bicicletas, en donde se creara y desarrollara la marca de la agencia digital creada por los estudiantes, describir el producto innovador, desarrollar nuestros objetivos en los medios digitales, identificar y definir nuestro mercado objetivo (Target), crear todo un flow de medios con cronogramas, fechas y porcentaje de inversión en cada medio y por ultimo identificar los KPI´s de nuestra campaña propuesta según los objetivos planteados.


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Background: Traffic light labelling of foods—a system that incorporates a colour-coded assessment of the level of total fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt on the front of packaged foods—has been recommended by the UK Government and is currently in use or being phased in by many UK manufacturers and retailers. This paper describes a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of an intervention designed to increase the use of traffic light labelling during real-life food purchase decisions.

Methods/design: The objectives of this two-arm randomised controlled pilot trial are to assess recruitment, retention and data completion rates, to generate potential effect size estimates to inform sample size calculations for the main trial and to assess the feasibility of conducting such a trial. Participants will be recruited by email from a loyalty card database of a UK supermarket chain. Eligible participants will be over 18 and regular shoppers who frequently purchase ready meals or pizzas. The intervention is informed by a review of previous interventions encouraging the use of nutrition labelling and the broader behaviour change literature. It is designed to impact on mechanisms affecting belief and behavioural intention formation as well as those associated with planning and goal setting and the adoption and maintenance of the behaviour of interest, namely traffic light label use during purchases of ready meals and pizzas. Data will be collected using electronic sales data via supermarket loyalty cards and web-based questionnaires and will be used to estimate the effect of the intervention on the nutrition profile of purchased ready meals and pizzas and the behavioural mechanisms associated with label use. Data collection will take place over 48 weeks. A process evaluation including semi-structured interviews and web analytics will be conducted to assess feasibility of a full trial.

Discussion: The design of the pilot trial allows for efficient recruitment and data collection. The intervention could be generalised to a wider population if shown to be feasible in the main trial.


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Der Europäische Markt für ökologische Lebensmittel ist seit den 1990er Jahren stark gewachsen. Begünstigt wurde dies durch die Einführung der EU-Richtlinie 2092/91 zur Zertifizierung ökologischer Produkte und durch die Zahlung von Subventionen an umstellungswillige Landwirte. Diese Maßnahmen führten am Ende der 1990er Jahre für einige ökologische Produkte zu einem Überangebot auf europäischer Ebene. Die Verbrauchernachfrage stieg nicht in gleichem Maße wie das Angebot, und die Notwendigkeit für eine Verbesserung des Marktgleichgewichts wurde offensichtlich. Dieser Bedarf wurde im Jahr 2004 von der Europäischen Kommission im ersten „Europäischen Aktionsplan für ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel und den ökologischen Landbau“ formuliert. Als Voraussetzung für ein gleichmäßigeres Marktwachstum wird in diesem Aktionsplan die Schaffung eines transparenteren Marktes durch die Erhebung statistischer Daten über Produktion und Verbrauch ökologischer Produkte gefordert. Die Umsetzung dieses Aktionsplans ist jedoch bislang nicht befriedigend, da es auf EU-Ebene noch immer keine einheitliche Datenerfassung für den Öko-Sektor gibt. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, angemessene Methoden für die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Analyse von Öko-Marktdaten zu finden. Geeignete Datenquellen werden identifiziert und es wird untersucht, wie die erhobenen Daten auf Plausibilität untersucht werden können. Hierzu wird ein umfangreicher Datensatz zum Öko-Markt analysiert, der im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes „Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development” (OMIaRD) erhoben wurde und alle EU-15-Länder sowie Tschechien, Slowenien, Norwegen und die Schweiz abdeckt. Daten für folgende Öko-Produktgruppen werden untersucht: Getreide, Kartoffeln, Gemüse, Obst, Milch, Rindfleisch, Schaf- und Ziegenfleisch, Schweinefleisch, Geflügelfleisch und Eier. Ein zentraler Ansatz dieser Studie ist das Aufstellen von Öko-Versorgungsbilanzen, die einen zusammenfassenden Überblick von Angebot und Nachfrage der jeweiligen Produktgruppen liefern. Folgende Schlüsselvariablen werden untersucht: Öko-Produktion, Öko-Verkäufe, Öko-Verbrauch, Öko-Außenhandel, Öko-Erzeugerpreise und Öko-Verbraucherpreise. Zudem werden die Öko-Marktdaten in Relation zu den entsprechenden Zahlen für den Gesamtmarkt (öko plus konventionell) gesetzt, um die Bedeutung des Öko-Sektors auf Produkt- und Länderebene beurteilen zu können. Für die Datenerhebung werden Primär- und Sekundärforschung eingesetzt. Als Sekundärquellen werden Publikationen von Marktforschungsinstituten, Öko-Erzeugerverbänden und wissenschaftlichen Instituten ausgewertet. Empirische Daten zum Öko-Markt werden im Rahmen von umfangreichen Interviews mit Marktexperten in allen beteiligten Ländern erhoben. Die Daten werden mit Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen untersucht, und es werden Hypothesen über vermutete Zusammenhänge zwischen Schlüsselvariablen des Öko-Marktes getestet. Die Datenbasis dieser Studie bezieht sich auf ein einzelnes Jahr und stellt damit einen Schnappschuss der Öko-Marktsituation der EU dar. Um die Marktakteure in die Lage zu versetzen, zukünftige Markttrends voraussagen zu können, wird der Aufbau eines EU-weiten Öko-Marktdaten-Erfassungssystems gefordert. Hierzu wird eine harmonisierte Datenerfassung in allen EU-Ländern gemäß einheitlicher Standards benötigt. Die Zusammenstellung der Marktdaten für den Öko-Sektor sollte kompatibel sein mit den Methoden und Variablen der bereits existierenden Eurostat-Datenbank für den gesamten Agrarmarkt (öko plus konventionell). Eine jährlich aktualisierte Öko-Markt-Datenbank würde die Transparenz des Öko-Marktes erhöhen und die zukünftige Entwicklung des Öko-Sektors erleichtern. ---------------------------


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Background: Enforcement of legislation restricting retail access to tobacco is increasingly relied on to reduce adolescent smoking rates. In 1996, health authorities in the Northern Sydney Health Area began monitoring tobacco retailer compliance (PROOF program) with staged purchase attempts by adolescents below the legal age (18 years).

Methods: Repeat cross-sectional surveys before (1995) and after (2000) the introduction of PROOF monitored changes in adolescent smoking behaviour. Students aged 12 to 17 years from 11 Northern Sydney metropolitan public secondary schools were surveyed for self-reported smoking and tobacco purchasing behavior in 1995 (n = 5,206) and 2000 (n = 4,120).

Results: Between 1996 and 2000, 545 retailer compliance checks found 34% unlawfully sold cigarettes to minors and 28% of these repeated the offence. Nine prosecutions resulted. Modelling revealed a significant association between the intervention and never having smoked (adjusted OR = 1.16, 95% CI = 1.01–1.33) although there was no significant association with being a current smoker. The odds of being a smoker were greater for students from coeducational schools, with this effect being modified by gender.

Conclusions: There was no reduction in adolescent smoking with active enforcement of tobacco access laws despite an apparent increase in students who reported never to have smoked.


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The purpose of this study was to test whether calculated inclusion of cultural sensitivity in a selected entrepreneurial business planning (EBP) process could increase sales growth in a test market and to explore the implications of a positive answer for the theory and practice of entrepreneurial business planning. Execution of a pretest-posttest control group experimental design measured and compared the implemented effectiveness of a planned entrepreneurial initiative based on cultural sensitivity. Though small in scale and limited in focus, the initiative qualified as an example of entrepreneurial business planning (EBP) and could be used to apply, test and extend aspects of the developing theory in this field of entrepreneurship research. Since the initiative was planned to overcome a culturally-defined impediment to business growth, it also offered opportunity to explore the specific importance of cultural variables in the context of EBP.

A planned sales-promotion was offered to a control group (receiving information in English) and a treatment group (who received the information in the language of ethnic origin). The sixty subjects had been chosen at random from a population of route-trade retailers of defined ethnic origins (Greek, Lebanese and Chinese) and randomly assigned to control and treatment groups. Monthly sales averages of the promoted product were measured before and after treatment. A Chi Square test was used to evaluate the relative proportion of the control and treatment groups who accepted the promotional offer. A two sample t-test procedure and complementary non-parametric Mann-Whitney test were performed to compare the mean sales-performance change of the two groups. Analysis showed that there was a significant increase in mean sales when the planned entrepreneurial initiative was communicated in the relevant language of origin.

The experimental results have specific practical relevance to revitalising the deteriorating route-trade segment of the Australian confectionery market through increasing the sales growth of wholesalers who are prepared to act entrepreneurially and include cultural sensitivity as an element in planning and implementation. By introducing cultural sensitivity as a necessary extension of a plan’s communications role, the results also have general theoretical implications for the developing paradigm of entrepreneurial business planning.


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Increasing competition caused by globalization, high growth of some emerging markets and stagnation of developed economies motivate Consumer Packaged Goods (CPGs) manufacturers to drive their attention to emerging markets. These companies are expected to adapt their marketing activities to the particularities of these markets in order to succeed. In a country classified as emerging market, regions are not alike and some contrasts can be identified. In addition, divergences of marketing variables effect can also be observed in the different retail formats. The retail formats in emerging markets can be segregated in chain self-service and traditional full-service. Thus, understanding the effectiveness of marketing mix not only in country aggregated level data can be an important contribution. Inasmuch as companies aim to generate profits from emerging markets, price is an important marketing variable in the process of creating competitive advantage. Along with price, promotional variables such as in-store displays and price cut are often viewed as temporary incentives to increase short-term sales. Managers defend the usage of promotions as being the most reliable and fastest manner to increase sales and then short-term profits. However, some authors alert about sales promotions disadvantages; mainly in the long-term. This study investigates the effect of price and in-store promotions on sales volume in different regions within an emerging market. The database used is at SKU level for juice, being segregated in the Brazilian northeast and southeast regions and corresponding to the period from January 2011 to January 2013. The methodological approach is descriptive quantitative involving validation tests, application of multivariate and temporal series analysis method. The Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) model was used to perform the analysis. Results suggest similar price sensitivity in the northeast and southeast region and greater in-store promotion sensitivity in the northeast. Price reductions show negative results in the long-term (persistent sales in six months) and in-store promotion, positive results. In-store promotion shows no significant influence on sales in chain self-service stores while price demonstrates no relevant impact on sales in traditional full-service stores. Hence, this study contributes to the business environment for companies wishing to manage price and sales promotions for consumer brands in regions with different features within an emerging market. As a theoretical contribution, this study fills an academic gap providing a dedicated price and sales promotion study to contrast regions in an emerging market.


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Smoking is major cause of premature mortality and morbidity in the United States. The health consequences of tobacco usage are increasingly concentrated in minority and lower socioeconomic groups. One of the most effective means of deterring tobacco consumption and generating revenue to fund prevention activities is the levying of excise taxes. In 2007 the state of Texas increased the excise tax on cigarettes by $1.00 per pack. This study sought to determine if there was a significant effect on smoking prevalence in the state by examining Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data for two years leading up to the tax increase-2005 and 2006- and two years post tax increase -2007 and 2008. Results were compared against a chi square distribution and three multiple logistic regression models were created to adjust for race/ethnicity, age, education and income. Results from this study show that there was not a significant decrease in smoking prevalence for most of the groups stratified by age, income and ethnicity. There was not a significant decrease in the younger adults aged 18-34 by income, ethnicity, or education. Smoking prevalence increased for some groups, e.g., Hispanic females. In the regression models, the tax effect was not significant. While overall prevalence decreased by 9%, there were not significant reductions among non-White or Hispanic survey participants. Taxed sales dropped by approximately 17% according to the Texas Comptroller. Without BRFSS data measuring daily cigarette consumption among current smokers, now not assessed, it is impossible to determine whether the discrepancy in reported prevalence and taxes sales is attributable to consumption of fewer cigarettes among smokers or tax avoidance.^