927 resultados para sale of goods


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L’ouvrage constitue la thèse de Doctorat de Monsieur Lauri Railas soutenue le 16 Octobre 2004 à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Helsinki. Expert reconnu en droit du commerce international, son parcours professionnel explique les orientations prises dans son étude et son approche très large des transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises comparativement à d’autres travaux dans le même domaine. L’auteur a été conseiller juridique à l’Institut d’arbitrage de la chambre de commerce centrale finlandaise puis secrétaire général de la section finlandaise de la chambre internationale de commerce. Il a, ensuite, occupé le poste d’administrateur principal au secrétariat général du conseil de l’Union Européenne entre 1996 et 2002. Il est, actuellement, associé senior chez Krogerus & Co, un des plus importants cabinets d’avocats de Finlande. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans le fait qu’elle aborde les transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises du point de vue du commerce électronique. L’étude traite de la création d’un cadre juridique uniforme et cohérent encadrant l’utilisation des instruments du commerce élecronique pour la vente internationale de marchandises en se concentrant, uniquement, sur le commerce électronique entre professionnels (B to B) et plus précisément sur les initiatives des organisations internationales pour en diffuser et en faciliter l’usage. S’inspirant des théories de l’analyse économique du droit, le postulat de départ de Monsieur Railas est que le commerce électronique peut changer les procédures du commerce international et apporter d’importante économie de coûts. Pour ce faire, un cadre juridique pour le commerce électronique et plus généralement les affaires électroniques, est en cours d’élaboration par les organisations internationales. L’étude aborde ces développements dans différents domaines comme la formation du contrat, le crédit documentaire ou encore la résolution des conflits.L’approche est holistique et basée sur les efforts déployés pour introduire des sources uniformes de régulation pour les transactions électroniques dans le commerce international. L’auteur recense un large répertoire de règles de droit qui sont en majorité d’origine internationales avec pour objectif la détermination du rôle que peuvent jouer les communications électroniques dans la passation de contrats de vente de marchandises, leur livraison mais aussi dans le recours au service de tiers dans des fonctions comme le transport, l’assurance-transport et la sécurisation des droits des différentes parties impliquées. L’idée de base étant que la vente internationale et le transport constituent une chaine de contrats et de services interreliés. En plus des règles de droits déjà établies, l’auteur analyse différentes initiatives de régulation novatrices pour le commerce électronique initiées par la CNUDCI notamment. L’ouvrage traite, également, des problématiques générales comme la formation des contrats et la signature électronique. Par ailleurs, l’auteur procède à l’analyse des contrats de vente dans lesquels le vendeur a l’obligation de livrer en plus des marchandises, les documents relatifs aux marchandises et ceux de transfert de propriété. Les marchandises étant soumises à différents droits de propriété, les documents de vente et de transport ont un rôle important à jouer dans l’exercice de ces droits. Enfin, l’auteur considère la procédure de résolution des conflits comme une part du cycle de vie de chaque transaction. L’arbitrage en ligne et les autres méthodes de résolution en ligne des conflits contribuant à la réalisation de transactions électroniques réussies. L’ouvrage peut être particulièrement utile pour les personnes qui s’intéressent à l’harmonisation internationale des droits applicables au commerce international. L’auteur fait une analyse, particulièrement intéressante, de plusieurs instruments et projets comme les E-terms 2004 de la chambre internationale de commerce, le système Boléro, le système TEDI (Trade Electronic Data Interchange) et le système de transactions financières SWIFNet. La finalité de la démarche est de trouver une plate-forme commune qui fasse en sorte que les transactions électroniques puissent être conclues de manière sécuritaire en s’inspirant des résultats tangibles d’harmonisation atteints par la convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises et par les principes UNIDROIT mais aussi du consensus selon lequel le commerce électronique doit être gouverné dans une large part par les instruments de « droit mou » comme les codes de conduite, et que, les règlements extrajudiciaires des conflits doivent être utilisés pour les transactions électroniques.


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A family owned Mexican company, Zapata Hermanos Sucesores, S.A. ("Zapata"), sold approximately US$950,000 worth of cookie tins over a period of four years to the Maurice Lenell Cooky Company ("Lenell"), an American company that produced baked goods. Lenell failed to pay Zapata for the cookie tins so Zapata sought legal advice and instituted legal proceedings against Lenell for breach of contract in the Federal District Court of Illinios. The cookie tin sale contracts were governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"). Zapata succeeded in its Federal District Court claim and, as part of the Court's order, was awarded US$550,000 as foreseeable loss under Article 74 of the CISG, being the amount of legal fees incurred by Zapata in bringing proceedings against Lenell. On appeal to the Federal Appellate Court, however, the award of legal fees was overturned. The parties now find themselves contesting a leave application to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States of America in a much anticipated debate over who should pay the lawyers.


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After many years of negotiation, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) came into force in 1988. Today, 62 states have adopted the CISG. Together these countries account for over two-thirds of all world trade.2 On this basis alone, the CISG is an outstanding success in the legal harmonisation of the law governing the international sale of goods. However, the CISG has its critics and much comment has been made on the failure of the CISG to achieve its goal of promoting international trade through a body of uniform rules.The primary motivation driving the push for a harmonised law on the international sale of goods is economic: a harmonised law makes it easier and more efficient for the business person to sell and buy goods across state borders. However, the engine driving the push for harmonisation is political and cultural; and the task of creating the harmonised law belongs to the diplomat.3 A study of the CISG demonstrates that the political and cultural demands on the diplomat also act as shackles that restrain the achievement of a harmonised law.This paper will consider the CISG and discuss the constraints on treaty making as a mechanism for legal harmonisation. Part one discusses the constraints faced when creating a uniform text.Part two discusses the problems with the text of the CISG that result from the negotiation process. Finally, part three discusses the constraints faced in maintaining the uniformity of the CISG.


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This article addresses how the advent of trade in computer software, and nowdigital products, has challenged the application of sales law and consumer law.It addresses the law of three jurisdictions: the United Kingdom (‘UK’),Australia and New Zealand. Often, applying the ‘goods’ criterion in theseregimes will be uncontroversial. Nevertheless, modern market conditions havecreated a need to move beyond the existing question of whether softwareconstitutes ‘goods’, and instead to ask how a range of different types of digitalproducts fit into sales law and consumer law regimes. Many legal systems havesettled the software-as-goods question. However, software is only one kind ofcommonly traded digital product. This article argues that other types of digitalproducts — including apps, firmware, digital music and electronic books —should be treated the same way as software by sales law and consumer lawregimes. Recent developments in UK consumer law are also analysed as aninnovative model for reform regarding party rights and obligations in the supplyof digital products.


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The greater volume of businesses sold in Australia each year are small to medium enterprises. The administration of business contracts presents far different challenges than, for example, contracts for the sale of goods alone or contracts for the sale of land. The subject matter comprises both real and personal, and tangible and intangible property. Other considerations that do not affect those other commonplace contracts include dealing with employees who are both remaining and departing, taking account of restraints of trade, and the phenomena of the passing of property being different in respect of different forms of property being transferred in the same contract. In keeping with the format of the previous edition, the book is written with the busy practitioner in mind. It deals with the formation of business contracts, all aspects of disclosure both contractual and statutory, the role of agents, and detailed consideration of the different types of subject matter of small business contracts including, the lease of the premises, intellectual property, goodwill, licences, book debts and plant and equipment. It has up to date treatment of income tax implications of the sale and the impact of the latest Commonwealth legislation on dealing with employees of a business on sale. Consistent with the last edition, the book has chapters on time of the essence and completion, personal securities, restraint of trade clauses, special conditions and remedies for breach by both parties and misleading or deceptive conduct by the seller. In relation to personal securities, whilst the current State and Territory based law on Bills of Sale and other Chattel Securities has been the subject of commentary, the proposed national reform agenda has also been commented upon although that legislation is not due until May 2010 at the earliest


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The objectives of this thesis are to examine and evaluate the process of marketing as practiced by an established and successful company in the sports trade, Dunlop Sports Company Ltd. (D.S.C.). In particular the field of strategy formulation for exporting is considered in an operational context, and compared with existing literature and theory on the subject. Market intelligence has been gathered by visiting European territories and pursuing available sources in the United Kingdom. The data now available is intended to act as a base for developing a more effective market research function within D.S.C. At various stages reports have been submitted on specific topics to the Company and this thesis represents the culmination of these reports and an outline for future policies which are open to D.S.C. The thesis chooses certain aspects of marketing and examines the way in which the marketing strategy of the Company appears to act upon these. In particular the topics of Pricing, Distribution and Market Research are considered. Initially a series of alternative market postures are postulated and assessed within the European strategy of D.S.C. Where no explicit strategy is available an implied strategy is identified and evaluated. In chapters on Pricing and Distribution some of the problems being encountered are given detailed consideration and preferred policies arc suggested. In the final chapter the major strengths and weaknesses of of the Company are brought together and the various recommendations summarised in the context of a marketing strategy which would meet some o:f the current difficulties. The emphasis tliroughout is on the effect of strategy formulation, whether or not this appears adequate, and how each of the various operational elements of the marketing mix depend upon this.


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On February 1st, 1854 an act was passed in order to regulate the sale of goods, wares and merchandise. Section I pertained to the fact that any merchant would first obtain a license. Section II deemed that no merchant should sell any wine or spirituous liquors, beer or ale within the municipality of Crowland in any less quantity than 5 gallons or less than 12 bottles in any place other than a House of Public Entertainment without having obtained a license. Section III was in regard to licensing any person who would use a billiard table which was set up for hire or gain. Section IV stated that all sums of money paid by the keepers of Houses of Public Entertainment plus the imperial duty of 2 pound would be payable to the Treasurer of the Municipality of Crowland. Section V was written regarding the continuance of the act to regulate inns, taverns, temperance houses and other Houses of Public Entertainment. Section VI specified that all recesses (not authorized to sell liquor) would pay the sum of 2 pounds. Section VII declared that Peter Benedict was appointed Revenue Inspector of the township and section VIII stated that recess-keepers who took out liquor licenses would be required to pay 6 pounds 5 shillings and for violating this they would pay a penalty. This document was written by Leonard M. Matthews, Township reeve and Alex Reid, clerk.


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During the second half of the nineteenth century, British society experienced a rise in real incomes and a change in its composition, with the expansion of the middle classes. These two factors led to a consumer revolution, with a growing, but still segmented, demand for household goods that could express status and aspiration. At the same time technological changes and new ways of marketing and selling goods made these goods more affordable. This paper analyzes these themes and the process of mediation that took place between producers, retailers, and consumers, by looking at the most culturally symbolic of nineteenth century consumer goods, the piano.


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The fundamental personal property rule – no one can transfer a better title to property than they had – is subject to exceptions in the Sale of Goods legislation, which aim to protect innocent buyers who are deceived by a seller’s apparent physical possession of property. These exceptions cover a limited range of transactions and are restrictive in their operation. Australia now has national legislation - the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) - which will apply to many transactions outside the scope of the Sale of Goods Act and which includes rules for sales by non-owners which will provide exceptions to the nemo dat quod non habet rule for many common commercial transactions. This article explores the effect of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) on the Sale of Goods exceptions, explains that the new provisions are so wide that there is little continuing relevance for the Sale of Goods Act exceptions, and indicates where they may still apply.


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The authors examine Moylan v Rickard and how the case illustrates the effectiveness of the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 (Qld) to provide remedies and other possible avenues of redress


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The principles relating to the passing of risk under a contract for the sale of real property would seem to have been long settled. The rule under the general law is that the risk of loss of the subject matter under a contract for the sale of real property passes to the buyer upon the creation of a valid and binding contract. This article considers the origin of that rule, how it developed with the growth of equity, and advances the view that it is anomalous in a modern context of property dealings. In doing so, the article adverts to the variety of statutory mechanisms used to subvert the rule, few of which are of practical value. It concludes that the rule is outmoded in many respects and suggests a number of reforms which might be implemented nationally to bring consistency and simplicity to the issue of damage or destruction of improvements which are the subject of a land contract.