58 resultados para saké
21 x 30 cm
Tutkielmani aiheena on suomalaisen konsensusyhteiskunnan muotoutuminen vuosina 1975–77. Tutkin Suomen sosialidemokraattisen puolueen, Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestön ja suomalaista elinkeinoelämää (Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta ja Teollisuuden keskusliitto) sekä työnantajia (Suomen työnantajien keskusliitto) edustaneiden järjestöjen välisten suhteiden muutosta. Keskiössä on edellä mainittujen järjestöjen talous- ja yhteiskuntapoliittisen ajattelun ja toiminnan kehittyminen ja vuorovaikutus aikana, jolloin Suomea kohtasi ensimmäinen merkittävä talouslama sitten toisen maailmansodan. Tutkimukseni perustuu arkistolähteiden erittelyyn ja vertailuun. Täydennän tätä eräillä valtio-opillisilla ja sosiologisilla teorioilla. Tutkielmani primääriaineistona toimivat SDP:n, SAK:n ja elinkeinoelämän johdon jälkeensä jättämä arkistomateriaali. Tutkielmassani tulen siihen päätelmään, että elinkeinoelämän aktiivinen vaikutustyö, yhteyksien avaaminen SDP:n ylimpään johtoon, SDP:n johdon talouspoliittisen ajattelun muuttuminen ja vaikeat taloudelliset olosuhteet yhdessä vaikuttivat niin sanotun ”Korpilammen konsensuksen” syntyyn. Konsensuksen keskiöön nostettiin ajatus teollisuuden kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn ensisijaisuudesta muihin politiikkatavoitteisiin nähden. Prosessissa reaktiivisempi rooli jäi SAK:lle ja talouspoliittisesti keynesiläisille. Tutkielmani perusteella konsensus herätti myös vastustusta. Laajassa kuvassa konsensus silti läpäisi suomalaisen yhteiskunnan eliitit. Radikaalien talouspoliittisten tavoitteiden työntövoima sen sijaan hiipu
The aim with this study is to analyze how Swedish social services interpret men's and women's needs and whether it is possible to discern any pattern in the social services investigations. The following questions are of importance: how men and women are described in the assistance investigations and if there are any differences between men and women in assistance investigations. The analysis is based on a qualitative text analysis of twenty assistance investigations. The investigations have been studied gradually and interesting patterns emerged which were analyzed by the theory of gender.The results are multifaceted and demonstrate on the one hand that men and women receive the help they apply for and the assessment of their needs is conducted in an equitable way. On the other hand, the study demonstrates that there is a difference in how men and women are described in the investigations.
Syftet med denna studie är att få en insikt i lärares respektive skollednings syn på implementering av digital teknik i undervisningen på en mindre F–6-skola. Genom enkäter till samtliga lärare på skolan samt intervjuer med fyra lärare och rektor på skolan undersöktes hur de ser på syftet med implementeringen och hur de använder den utrustning de har tillgång till. De tillfrågades även om hur de ser på resultatet och vad de kan ange som framgångsfaktorer respektive hinder i implementeringen. Genom att använda ett verksamhetsteoretiskt perspektiv gavs möjlighet att undersöka hur individer som innehar olika positioner i en organisation samverkar i implementeringsprocessen. Verksamhetsteorin hjälper oss att se på hur lärare respektive skolledning kommunicerar på olika nivåer i organisationen. Resultatet av studien visar att lärare och skolledning till stora delar har samma mål med implementeringen, men att deras uppfattning om vad som styr användandet av den digitala tekniken i undervisningen skiljer sig åt. Lärarna fokuserar på kommunikationen med eleverna och de ser den digitala tekniken som lärresurser medan skolledningen fokuserar mera på den fysiska tillgången till utrustningen och lärarnas behov av fortbildning för att öka möjligheterna att hantera denna. En nedskriven plan för implementeringen av digital teknik i undervisningen saknas på den aktuella skolan. Därför har de inte tillgång till det verktyg planen skulle kunna utgöra för att tillsammans kunna driva implementeringen med gemensamma krafter. De diskuterar därigenom inte tillsammans hur de ska arbeta med denna process, utan de diskussioner som förekommer sker i mindre grupper.
fun Tunkelen
After the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, approximately 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry living on the west coast of the United States were forcibly removed from their home communities. These people were designated as "evacuees" by the U.S. Government and were incarcerated within a network of federal government facilities the largest of which were internment centers operated by the War Relocation Authority that held mostly U.S. citizens. The Granada Relocation Center (Amache) was the smallest of these internment centers. The presence of saké at Amache indicates that Japanese Americans continued important practices of daily life despite restrictions under confinement. This thesis investigates the practices of saké production and consumption at Amache and examines the importance of these practices in Japanese American daily life. In order to understand these practices, this research draws on multiple lines of evidence. This includes investigations of an assemblage of the material culture associated with saké, research into the history and methods of production and consumption, collection of oral histories, review of archival data, and the application of practice theory. These data provide insight into practices that are not well understood by researchers of Japanese American internment due to their illicit nature. This research endeavors to characterize how saké was produced and used at Amache and provides a way to understand how cultural practices maintain aspects of everyday life in ways that may have little to do with intentional resistance.
Özege, M. S. Eski harflerle,
Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria are gaining increased importance due to their activity against undesirable microorganisms in foods. In this study, a concentrated acid extract of a culture of Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 2a, a bacteriocinogenic strain isolated from a Brazilian pork product, was purified by cation exchange and reversed-phase chromatographic methods. The amino acid sequences of the active antimicrobial compounds determined by Edman degradation were compared to known protein sequences using the BLAST-P software. Three different antimicrobial compounds were obtained, P1, P2 and P3, and mass spectrometry indicated molecular masses of 4.4, 6.8 and 9.5 kDa, respectively. P1 corresponds to classical sakacin P, P2 is identical to the 30S ribosomal protein S21 of L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K, and P3 is identical to a histone-like DNA-binding protein HV produced by L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K. Total genomic DNA was extracted and used as target DNA for PCR amplification of the genes sak, lis and his involved in the synthesis of P1, P2 and P3. The fragments were cloned in pET28b expression vector and the resulting plasmids transformed in E. coli KRX competent cells. The transformants were active against Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that the activity of the classical sakacin P produced by L. sakei 2a can be complemented by other antimicrobial proteins.
Primary cardiac tumours are rare entities and angiosarcoma is the most frequent primary cardiac malignant tumour. Mean survival is six months and the tumour responds poorly to chemotherapy. We present the case of a 50 year-old patient with localised pericardial angiosarcoma who survived 23 months after diagnosis with a combined approach of chemotherapy and surgery.