948 resultados para saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast


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CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUGAR CANE SPIRITS FERMENTED BY DIFFERENT Saccharomyces cerevisiae YEAST STRAINS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of sugar cane spirits, fermented by different commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains and double distilled by pot still. Sugar cane juices were separately fermented by yeasts CA-11, Y-904, BG-1, PE-2, SA-1 and CAT-1 and distilled by pot still according to the methodology used for whisky production. The alcoholic liquids from first and second distillations were analyzed for concentrations of ethanol, volatile acidity, aldehydes, esters, furfural, higher alcohols and methanol. The sugar cane spirits derived from fermentation by the different yeast strains presented distinct chemical compositions.


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All organisms have evolved mechanisms to acquire thermotolerance. A moderately high temperature activates heat shock genes and triggers thermotolerance towards otherwise lethal high temperature. The focus of this work is the recovery mechanisms ensuring survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells after thermal insult. Yeast cells, first preconditioned at 37˚C, can survive a short thermal insult at 48-50˚C and are able to refold heat-denatured proteins when allowed to recover at physiological temperature 24˚C. The cytoplasmic chaperone Hsp104 is required for the acquisition of thermotolerance and dissolving protein aggregates in the cytosol with the assistance of disaccharide trehalose. In the present study, Hsp104 and trehalose were shown to be required for conformational repair of heat-denatured secretory proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. A reporter protein was first accumulated in the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum and heat-denatured by thermal insult, and then failed to be repaired to enzymatically active and secretion-competent conformation in the absence of Hsp104 or trehalose. The efficient transport of a glycoprotein CPY, accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum, to the vacuole after thermal insult also needed the presence of Hsp104 and trehalose. However, proteins synthesized after thermal insult at physiological temperature were secreted with similar kinetics both in the absence and in the presence of Hsp104 or trehalose, demonstrating that the secretion machinery itself was functional. As both Hsp104 and trehalose are cytosolic, a cross-talk between cytosolic and luminal chaperone machineries across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane appears to take place. Global expression profiles, obtained with the DNA microarray technique, revealed that the gene expression was shut down during thermal insult and the majority of transcripts were destroyed. However, the transcripts of small cytosolic chaperones Hsp12 and Hsp26 survived. The first genes induced during recovery were related to refolding of denatured proteins and resumption of de novo protein synthesis. Transcription factors Spt3p and Med3p appeared to be essential for acquisition of full thermotolerance. The transcription factor Hac1p was found to be subject to delayed up-regulation at mRNA level and this up-regulation was diminished or delayed in the absence of Spt3p or Med3p. Consequently, production of the chaperone BiP/Kar2p, a target gene of Hac1p, was diminished and delayed in Δspt3 and Δmed3 deletion strains. The refolding of heat-denatured secretory protein CPY to a transport-competent conformation was retarded, and a heat-denatured reporter enzyme failed to be effectively reactivated in the cytoplasm of the deletion strains.


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The nucleotide sequence of a genomic DNA fragment thought previously to contain the dihydrofolate reductase gene (DFR1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by genetic criteria was determined. This DNA fragment of 1784' basepairs contains a large open reading frame from position 800 to 1432, which encodes a enzyme with a predicted molecular weight of 24,229.8 Daltons. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of this protein revealed that the yeast polypep·tide contained 211 amino acids, compared to the 186 residues commonly found in the polypeptides of other eukaryotes. The difference in size of the gene product can be attributed mainly to an insert in the yeast gene. Within this region, several consensus sequences required for processing of yeast nuclear and class II mitochondrial introns were identified, but appear not sufficient for the RNA splicing. The primary structure of the yeast DHFR protein has considerable sequence homology with analogous polypeptides from other organisms, especially in the consensus residues involved in cofactor and/or inhibitor binding. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence also revealed the presence of a number of canonical sequences identified in yeast as having some function in the regulation of gene expression. These include UAS elements (TGACTC) required for tIle amino acid general control response, and "TATA H boxes as well as several consensus sequences thought to be required for transcriptional termination and polyadenylation. Analysis of the codon usage of the yeast DFRl coding region revealed a codon bias index of 0.0083. this valve very close to zero suggestes 3 that the gene is expressed at a relatively low level under normal physiological conditions. The information concerning the organization of the DFRl were used to construct a variety of fusions of its 5' regulatory region with the coding region of the lacZ gene of E. coli. Some of such fused genes encoded a fusion product that expressed in E.coli and/or in yeast under the control of the 5' regulatory elements of the DFR1. Further studies with these fusion constructions revealed that the beta-galactosidase activity encoded on multicopy plasmids was stimulated transiently by prior exposure of yeast host cells to UV light. This suggests that the yeast PFRl gene is indu.ced by UV light and nlay in1ply a novel function of DHFR protein in the cellular responses to DNA damage. Another novel f~ature of yeast DHFR was revealed during preliminary studies of a diploid strain containing a heterozygous DFRl null allele. The strain was constructed by insertion of a URA3 gene within the coding region of DFR1. Sporulation of this diploid revealed that meiotic products segregated 2:0 for uracil prototrophy when spore clones were germinated on medium supplemented with 5-formyltetrahydrofolate (folinic acid). This finding suggests that, in addition to its catalytic activity, the DFRl gene product nlay play some role in the anabolisln of folinic acid. Alternatively, this result may indicate that Ura+ haploid segregants were inviable and suggest that the enzyme has an essential cellular function in this species.


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We show the size-based separation of model Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells from a background of Lactobacillus acidophillus bacteria under the combined effect of dielectrophoretic (DEP) and hydrodynamic forces. © 2012 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of sugar cane spirits, fermented by different commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains and double distilled by pot still. Sugar cane juices were separately fermented by yeasts CA-11, Y-904, BG-1, PE-2, SA-1 and CAT-1 and distilled by pot still according to the methodology used for whisky production. The alcoholic liquids from first and second distillations were analyzed for concentrations of ethanol, volatile acidity, aldehydes, esters, furfural, higher alcohols and methanol. The sugar cane spirits derived from fermentation by the different yeast strains presented distinct chemical compositions.


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En la presente investigación se evaluó el efecto de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae adicionada a la dieta basal de terneros sobre la Condición Corporal (CC), Alzada, Ganancia Diaria de Peso (GDP), Parámetros Hematológicos y Metabólicos en terneros de reemplazo. Se realizó en la granja Nero de la Universidad de Cuenca con 18 terneros Holstein Friesian de 4 a 6 meses de edad, entre 100 a 200 kg/PV, criados en pastoreo, todos con las mismas condiciones de suplementación y manejo nutricional; divididos en dos grupos, un control T1 (n1=9) alimentados con dieta basal y un experimental T2 (n2=9) adicionado a la dieta 15 g/ternero/día de levadura. Se usó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar (DBA) y los resultados fueron analizados con el programa SPSS. El peso y alzada se registró semanalmente para evaluar su GDP (gramos) y talla (cm), respectivamente. La CC y los parámetros sanguíneos fueron realizados en 5 momentos. Los resultados de GDP y Alzada fueron analizados con las pruebas estadísticas de Shapiro – Wilk y Levene al 5%, al realizar el (ADEVA) no se encontró diferencias estadísticas. La variable CC presento diferencia significativa (p <0.05). Al analizar los parámetros hematológicos se encontró diferencia estadística en glucosa (p <0.05). En el análisis financiero, se apreció que el grupo control tiene un menor costo por Kg de peso producido 0,84 USD vs 0,96 USD del grupo experimental. En conclusión, se pone en manifiesto que el empleo de S. cerevisiae como aditivo nutricional de terneros de remplazo criados al pastoreo, puede constituir como una alternativa que incrementa los parámetros de salud expresados en glucosa y condición corporal


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Whisky is a major global distilled spirit beverage. Whiskies are produced from cereal starches that are saccharified, fermented and distilled prior to spirit maturation. The strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae employed in whisky fermentations is crucially important not only in terms of ethanol yields, but also for production of minor yeast metabolites which collectively contribute to development of spirit flavour and aroma characteristics. Distillers must therefore pay very careful attention to the strain of yeast exploited to ensure consistency of fermentation performance and spirit congener profiles. In the Scotch whisky industry, initiatives to address sustainability issues facing the industry (for example, reduced energy and water usage) have resulted in a growing awareness regarding criteria for selecting new distilling yeasts with improved efficiency. For example, there is now a desire for Scotch whisky distilling yeasts to perform under more challenging conditions such as high gravity wort fermentations. This article highlights the important roles of S. cerevisiae strains in whisky production and describes key fermentation performance attributes sought in distiller's yeast, such as high alcohol yields, stress tolerance and desirable congener profiles. We hope that the information herein will be useful for whisky producers and yeast suppliers in selecting new distilling strains of S. cerevisiae, and for the scientific community to stimulate further research in this area.


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The availability of oxygen has a major effect on all organisms. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to adapt its metabolism for growth in different conditions of oxygen provision, and to grow even under complete lack of oxygen. Although the physiology of S. cerevisiae has mainly been studied under fully aerobic and anaerobic conditions, less is known of metabolism under oxygen-limited conditions and of the adaptation to changing conditions of oxygen provision. This study compared the physiology of S. cerevisiae in conditions of five levels of oxygen provision (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.8 and 20.9% O2 in feed gas) by using measurements on metabolite, transcriptome and proteome levels. On the transcriptional level, the main differences were observed between the three level groups, 0, 0.5 2.8 and 20.9% O2 which led to fully fermentative, respiro-fermentative and fully respiratory modes of metabolism, respectively. However, proteome analysis suggested post-transcriptional regulation at the level of 0.5 O2. The analysis of metabolite and transcript levels of central carbon metabolism also suggested post-transcriptional regulation especially in glycolysis. Further, a global upregulation of genes related to respiratory pathways was observed in the oxygen-limited conditions and the same trend was seen in the proteome analysis and in the activities of enzymes of the TCA cycle. The responses of intracellular metabolites related to central carbon metabolism and transcriptional responses to change in oxygen availability were studied. As a response to sudden oxygen depletion, concentrations of the metabolites of central carbon metabolism responded faster than the corresponding levels of gene expression. In general, the genome-wide transcriptional responses to oxygen depletion were highly similar when two different initial conditions of oxygen provision (20.9 and 1.0% O2) were compared. The genes related to growth and cell proliferation were transiently downregulated whereas the genes related to protein degradation and phosphate uptake were transiently upregulated. In the cultures initially receiving 1.0% O2, a transient upregulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation, peroxisomal biogenesis, response to oxidative stress and pentose phosphate pathway was observed. Additionally, this work analysed the effect of oxygen on transcription of genes belonging to the hexose transporter gene family. Although the specific glucose uptake rate was highest in fully anaerobic conditions, none of the hxt genes showed highest expression in anaerobic conditions. However, the expression of genes encoding the moderately low affinity transporters decreased with the decreasing oxygen level. Thus it was concluded that there is a relative increase in high affinity transport in anaerobic conditions supporting the high uptake rate.


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Previous work from our laboratory had demonstrated that deletion of TGL3 encoding the major yeast triacylglycerol (TAG) lipase resulted in decreased mobilization of TAG, a sporulation defect and a changed pattern of fatty acids, especially increased amounts of C22:0 and C26:0 very long chain fatty acids in the TAG fraction K. Athenstaedt and G. Daum, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 23317-23323]. To study a possible link between TAG lipolysis and membrane lipid biosynthesis, we carried out metabolic labeling experiments with wild type and deletion strains bearing defects in the three major yeast TAG lipases, Tgl3p, Tgl4p and Tgl5p. Using H-3]inositol. P-32]orthophosphate, 3H]palmitate and C-14]acetate as precursors for complex lipids we demonstrated that tgl mutants had a lower level of sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids than wild type. ESI-MS/MS analyses confirmed that TAG accumulation in these mutant cells resulted in reduced amounts of phospholipids and sphingolipids. In vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that TAG lipolysis markedly affected the metabolic flux of long chain fatty acids and very long chain fatty acids required for sphingolipid and glycerophospholipid synthesis. Activity and expression level of fatty acid elongases, Elo1p and Elo2p were enhanced as a consequence of reduced TAG lipolysis. Finally, the pattern of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine molecular species was altered in tgl deletion strain underlining the important role of TAG turnover in maintaining the pool size of these compounds and the remodeling of complex membrane lipids. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adapted metabolic response of commercial wine yeast under prolonged exposure to concentrated solutes present in Icewine juice is not fully understood. Presently, there is no information regarding the transcriptomic changes in gene expression associated with the adaptive stress response ofwine yeast during Icewine fermentation compared to table wine fermentation. To understand how and why wine yeast respond differently at the genomic level and ultimately at the metabolic level during Icewine fermentation, the focus ofthis project was to identify and compare these differences in the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KI-Vll16 using cDNA microarray technology during the first five days of fermentation. Significant differences in yeast gene expression patterns between fermentation conditions were correlated to differences in nutrient utilization and metabolite production. Sugar consumption, nitrogen usage and metabolite levels were measured using enzyme assays and HPLC. Also, a small subset of differentially expressed genes was verified using Northern analysis. The high osmotic stress experienced by wine yeast throughout Icewine fermentation elicited changes in cell growth and metabolism correlating to several fermentation difficulties, including reduced biomass accumulation and fermentation rate. Genes associated with carbohydrate and nitrogen transport and metabolism were expressed at lower levels in Icewine juice fermenting cells compared to dilute juice fermenting cells. Osmotic stress, not nutrient availability during Icewine fermentation appears to impede sugar and nitrogen utilization. Previous studies have established that glycerol and acetic acid production are increased in yeast during Icewine fermentation. A gene encoding for a glycerollW symporter (STL1) was found to be highly expressed up to 25-fold in the i Icewine juice condition using microarray and Northern analysis. Active glycerol transport by yeast under hyperosmotic conditions to increase cytosolic glycerol concentration may contribute to reduced cell growth observed in the Icewine juice condition. Additionally, genes encoding for two acetyl CoA synthetase isoforms (ACSl and ACS2) were found to be highly expressed, 19- and II-fold respectively, in dilute juice fermenting cells relative to the Icewine juice condition. Therefore, decreased conversion of acetate to acetyl-CoA may contribute to increased acetic acid production during Icewine fermentation. These results further help to explain the response of wine yeast as they adapt to Icewine juice fermentation. ii