989 resultados para runoff erosivity parameter


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study was carried out on a previously eroded Oxic Paleustalf in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria to determine the extent of soil degradation under mound tillage with some herbaceous legumes and residue management methods. A series of factorial experiments was carried out on 12 existing runoff plots. The study commenced in 1996 after a 5-year natural fallow. Mound tillage was introduced in 1997 till 1999. The legumes - Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Pueraria phaseoloides - were intercropped with maize in 1996 and 1998 while yam was planted alone in 1997 and 1999. This paper covers 1997-1999. At the end of each year, residues were either burned or mulched on respective plots. Soil loss, runoff, variations in mound height, bulk density, soil water retention and sorptivity were measured. Cumulative runoff was similar among interactions of legume and residue management in 1997 (57-151 mm) and 1999 (206-397 mm). However, in 1998, cumulative runoff of 95 mm observed for Mucuna-burned residue was significantly greater than the 46 mm observed for cowpea-burned residue and the 39-51 mm observed for mulched residues of cowpea, Mucuna and Pueraria. Cumulative soil loss of 7.6 Mg ha(-1) observed for Mucuna-burned residue in 1997 was significantly greater than those for Pueraria-mulched (0.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Mucuna-mulched (1.4 Mg ha(-1)) residues whereas in 1999 it was similar to soil loss from cowpea treatments and Pueraria-burned residue (2.3-5.3 Mg ha(-1)). There were no significant differences in soil loss in 1998 (1-3.2 Mg ha(-1)) whereas Mucuna-burned residue had a greater soil loss (28.6 Mg ha(-1)) than mulched cowpea (6.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Pueraria (5.4 Ms ha(-1)). Mound heights (23 cm average) decreased non-linearly with cumulative rainfall. A cumulative rainfall of 500 mm removed 0.3-2.3 cm of soil from mounds in 1997, 3.5-6.9 cm in 1998 and 2.3-4.6 cm in 1999, indicating that (detached but less transported) soil from mounds was far higher than observed soil loss in each year. Soil water retention was improved at potentials ranging from -1 to -1500 kPa by Mucuna-mulched residue compared to the various burned-residue treatments. Also, mound sorptivity at -1 cm water head (14.3 cm h(-1/2)) was higher than furrow sorptivity (8.5 cm h(-1/2)), indicating differences in hydraulic characteristics between mound and furrow. Pueraria-mulched residues for mounds had the highest sorptivity of 17.24 cm h(-1/2), whereas the least value of 6.96 cm h(-1/2) was observed in furrow of Mucuna-burned residue. Pueraria phas eoloides was considered the best option for soil conservation on the previously eroded soil, cultivated with mound tillage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coupled hydrology and water quality models are an important tool today, used in the understanding and management of surface water and watershed areas. Such problems are generally subject to substantial uncertainty in parameters, process understanding, and data. Component models, drawing on different data, concepts, and structures, are affected differently by each of these uncertain elements. This paper proposes a framework wherein the response of component models to their respective uncertain elements can be quantified and assessed, using a hydrological model and water quality model as two exemplars. The resulting assessments can be used to identify model coupling strategies that permit more appropriate use and calibration of individual models, and a better overall coupled model response. One key finding was that an approximate balance of water quality and hydrological model responses can be obtained using both the QUAL2E and Mike11 water quality models. The balance point, however, does not support a particularly narrow surface response (or stringent calibration criteria) with respect to the water quality calibration data, at least in the case examined here. Additionally, it is clear from the results presented that the structural source of uncertainty is at least as significant as parameter-based uncertainties in areal models. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A global river routing scheme coupled to the ECMWF land surface model is implemented and tested within the framework of the Global Soil Wetness Project II, to evaluate the feasibility of modelling global river runoff at a daily time scale. The exercise is designed to provide benchmark river runoff predictions needed to verify the land surface model. Ten years of daily runoff produced by the HTESSEL land surface scheme is input into the TRIP2 river routing scheme in order to generate daily river runoff. These are then compared to river runoff observations from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in order to evaluate the potential and the limitations. A notable source of inaccuracy is bias between observed and modelled discharges which is not primarily due to the modelling system but instead of to the forcing and quality of observations and seems uncorrelated to the river catchment size. A global sensitivity analysis and Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) uncertainty analysis are applied to the global routing model. The ground water delay parameter is identified as being the most sensitive calibration parameter. Significant uncertainties are found in results, and those due to parameterisation of the routing model are quantified. The difficulty involved in parameterising global river discharge models is discussed. Detailed river runoff simulations are shown for the river Danube, which match well observed river runoff in upstream river transects. Results show that although there are errors in runoff predictions, model results are encouraging and certainly indicative of useful runoff predictions, particularly for the purpose of verifying the land surface scheme hydrologicly. Potential of this modelling system on future applications such as river runoff forecasting and climate impact studies is highlighted. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society.


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A reliable hydrograph separation method is necessary for surface runoff modeling and hydrological studies. This paper investigates and compares the separation characteristics of two single-parameter digital filters, which are herein referred to as the one-parameter algorithm and the conceptual method. The application of the one-parameter algorithm was found to be restricted to low and medium baseflow separations, with a maximum separation limit of 50% of the total runoff hydrograph. The one-parameter algorithm was also observed to produce unrealistic sharp peaks under the peaks of the measured hydrograph when recession constant is smaller than 0.96. On the other hand, the conceptual method is applicable even for catchments fed largely by groundwater discharge. However, a reliable estimation of recession constant is a prerequisite for applying the conceptual method for large baseflow separations. Based on the hydrograph separation results, useful empirical relationships were developed for a partially urbanized watershed to estimate total runoff and direct runoff from the measured rainfall depth. The relationships between rainfall depth and total runoff depth and rainfall depth and direct runoff depth were found to be well represented by linear equations. The empirical relationships were then applied to estimate the long-term contribution of baseflow and surface runoff to total runoff at the study site. Baseflow was found to contribute about 58–61% of the annual total runoff.


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Accurate parameter estimation is important for reliable rainfall-runoff modeling. Previous studies emphasize that a sufficient length of continuous events is required for model calibration to overcome the effect of initial conditions. This paper investigates the feasibility of calibrating rainfall-runoff models over a number of limited storm flow events. For a subcatchment having a moderate influence from initial soil moisture conditions, this study shows that rainfall-runoff models could still be calibrated reliably over a set of representative events provided that the events cover a wide range of peak flow, total runoff volume, and initial soil moisture conditions. This approach could provide an alternative calibration strategy for a small watershed that has a limited data length but consists of runoff events with a wide range of magnitudes. Compared to continuous-event calibration, event-based calibration appears to perform better in simulating the overall shape of hydrograph, peak flow and time to peak. However, continuous-event calibration was found to be more reliable in providing runoff volume, suggesting that continuous-event calibration should still be used when runoff volume is the main concern of a study.


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This paper presents the application of an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique for training an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict water levels for the Heshui watershed, China. Daily values of rainfall and water levels from 1988 to 2000 were first analyzed using ANNs trained with the conjugate-gradient, gradient descent and Levenberg-Marquardt neural network (LM-NN) algorithms. The best results were obtained from LM-NN and these results were then compared with those from PSO-based ANNs, including conventional PSO neural network (CPSONN) and improved PSO neural network (IPSONN) with passive congregation. The IPSONN algorithm improves PSO convergence by using the selfish herd concept in swarm behavior. Our results show that the PSO-based ANNs performed better than LM-NN. For models run using a single parameter (rainfall) as input, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the testing dataset for IPSONN was the lowest (0.152 m) compared to those for CPSONN (0.161 m) and LM-NN (0.205 m). For multi-parameter (rainfall and water level) inputs, the RMSE of the testing dataset for IPSONN was also the lowest (0.089 m) compared to those for CPSONN (0.105 m) and LM-NN (0.145 m). The results also indicate that the LM-NN model performed poorly in predicting the low and peak water levels, in comparison to the PSO-based ANNs. Moreover, the IPSONN model was superior to CPSONN in predicting extreme water levels. Lastly, IPSONN had a quicker convergence rate compared to CPSONN.


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Analogous to West- and North Africa, East Africa experienced more humid conditions between approximately 12 to 5 kyr BP, relative to today. While timing and extension of wet phases in the North and West are well constrained, this is not the case for the East African Humid Period. Here we present a record of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the East African continental slope, in order to provide insight into the regional shallow Indian Ocean paleoceanography and East African climate history of the last 40 kyr. During glacial times, the dominance of a benthic foraminiferal assemblage characterized by Bulimina aculeata, suggests enhanced surface productivity and sustained flux of organic carbon to the sea floor. During Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1), the Nuttallides rugosus Assemblage indicates oligotrophic bottom water conditions and therefore implies a stronger flow of southern-sourced AAIW to the study site. During the East African Humid Period, the Saidovina karreriana Assemblage in combination with sedimentary C/N and Fe/Ca ratios suggest higher river runoff to the Indian Ocean, and hence more humid conditions in East Africa. Between 8.5 and 8.1 kyr, contemporaneous to the globally documented 8.2 kyr Event, a severe reduction in river deposits implies more arid conditions on the continent. Comparison of our marine data with terrestrial studies suggests that additional moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, delivered by an eastward migration of the Congo Air Boundary during that time period, could have contributed to East African rainfall. Since approximately 9 kyr, the gaining influence of the Millettiana millettii Assemblage indicates a redevelopment of the East African fringe reefs.