37 resultados para ruddy turnstone


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In 2010, following successful trials with geolocators on Ruddy Turnstones in 2009, a total of 105 units, of four different models, were deployed at five locations on Ruddy Turnstones and Greater Sandplovers. Geolocator retrieval rates were 44% on Ruddy Turnstone and 27% on Greater Sandplover. Complete (59%) and partial (15%) technical failure rates on geolocators were high and were mostly the result of wear and saltwater corrosion. All 30 units from the Swiss Ornithological Institute failed. Only half of the Mk10 and Mk12 units from the British Antarctic Survey produced full migration histories. The northward migration of Ruddy Turnstones was on a narrow path with many birds completing an initial non-stop flight of 7,600 km to Taiwan. Later, most made a stopover in the Yellow Sea. Median migration duration was 39.5 days and average migration speed of the first major leg of the journey (assuming the birds followed the great circle route between stopovers) was 63.4 kph. Southward migration paths showed a much wider spread, ranging from Mongolia to the central Pacific. The latter involved the same bird that had been tracked along this route the previous year. It has now been logged on similar 27,000 km round trips in two successive years. The median duration of southward migration (78 days) was nearly twice that of northward migration and data on average migration speed for just two migration legs indicated that it might be lower, 30 and 40 kph being the values recorded. Greater Sandplovers were only tracked on northward migration but seemed to follow a similar migration strategy with a large initial non-stop flight followed by shorter flights and more regular stopovers. Plans are outlined for further analyses and future deployments of geolocators.


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Geolocators were deployed on waders in Australia for a third successive year, in Feb/Apr 2011 including on Eastern Curlew and Sanderling for the first time. Retrieval rates, in the 2011/12 austral summer, varied markedly between species. Technical performance of the geolocators was better than in previous years. However units on Greater Sand Plovers, migrating to breeding grounds in the Gobi Desert, China/Mongolia, again behaved erratically, and exhibited symptoms suggesting extraneous electromagnetic interference. Generally, for each species studied, the results confirm earlier indications that the first step of northward migration from Australia is a long non-stop flight. Subsequent movements to breeding areas are usually shorter with up to three stopovers in SE Asia or Siberia. Similarly southward migration strategies include at least one long nonstop flight, though this is usually the second (or later) leg of the journey. The timing of migration appears to be particularly related to breeding latitude. Eastern Curlews, which breed at relatively southern latitudes, depart from SE Australia from early March, reach the breeding grounds and lay eggs in April, set off on return migration in early June and, after a long stopover in the Yellow Sea, arrive back in SE Australia in early August. In contrast arctic-breeding Ruddy Turnstones do not depart from SE Australia until mid/late April and do not arrive back at their non-breeding locations until October, with the last individuals (which have taken a trans-Pacific route) not returning until late November/early December. Recorded migration speeds (assuming the birds take a great circle route) were quite variable, ranging from 32 to 84 km/h, presumably due to wind conditions. They generally averaged nearer to 50 km/h rather than the 60–70 km/h which waders are known to be capable of achieving and which has been the basis of some past flight range calculations.


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As aves migratórias podem reconhecer humanos e animais domésticos como possíveis predadores, alterando seus padrões de abundância e comportamento de formação de bandos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a abundância de aves migratórias neárticas, a freqüência de bandos e o número médio de aves por bando em áreas com alta e baixa concentração humana em uma região costeira de praia arenosa no sudeste do Brasil. As aves, pessoas e cães foram contados mensalmente entre novembro de 2006 a abril de 2007. Foram registradas seis espécies de aves (Arenaria interpres, Calidris alba, Calidris canutus, Calidris pusilla, Charadrius semipalmatus, Pluvialis dominica) nas duas áreas, no entanto somente C. canutus foi registrado exclusivamente na área com baixa concentração humana. Houve diferença significativa no número médio de pessoas e cães entre as áreas, mas não no número médio de aves. Não houve correlação entre o número de humanos e aves, e entre cães e aves. Adicionalmente, não houve diferença significativa na freqüência de bandos e número de indivíduos por bando entre as áreas. Os resultados deste estudo destacaram a sensibilidade de C. canutus na área com alta concentração humana e a necessidade de futuras investigações que determinem os limites máximos de concentração de pessoas e cães domésticos que as aves migratórias neárticas podem tolerar para a tomada de ações de proteção em áreas costeiras com ocupação humana.


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Heterogeneity in the transmission rates of pathogens across hosts or environments may produce disease hotspots, which are defined as specific sites, times or species associations in which the infection rate is consistently elevated. Hotspots for avian influenza virus (AIV) in wild birds are largely unstudied and poorly understood. A striking feature is the existence of a unique but consistent AIV hotspot in shorebirds (Charadriiformes) associated with a single species at a specific location and time (ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres at Delaware Bay, USA, in May). This unique case, though a valuable reference, limits our capacity to explore and understand the general properties of AIV hotspots in shorebirds. Unfortunately, relatively few shorebirds have been sampled outside Delaware Bay and they belong to only a few shorebird families; there also has been a lack of consistent oropharyngeal sampling as a complement to cloacal sampling. In this study we looked for AIV hotspots associated with other shorebird species and/or with some of the larger congregation sites of shorebirds in the old world. We assembled and analysed a regionally extensive dataset of AIV prevalence from 69 shorebird species sampled in 25 countries across Africa and Western Eurasia. Despite this diverse and extensive coverage we did not detect any new shorebird AIV hotspots. Neither large shorebird congregation sites nor the ruddy turnstone were consistently associated with AIV hotspots. We did, however, find a low but widespread circulation of AIV in shorebirds that contrast with the absence of AIV previously reported in shorebirds in Europe. A very high AIV antibody prevalence coupled to a low infection rate was found in both first-year and adult birds of two migratory sandpiper species, suggesting the potential existence of an AIV hotspot along their migratory flyway that is yet to be discovered.


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The conservation of migratory species represents a major challenge, as they use multiple sites, all contributing in varying degrees in sustaining high survival and reproductive success. There is particular concern for shorebirds of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), where declining numbers of migratory species have mostly been attributed to habitat loss along the East Asian coast. Using a stochastic dynamic programming migration model, we assessed the effect of habitat degradation scenarios along the EAAF on migration behaviour, survival and reproductive success of a long-distance migrating shorebird, the Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres). Following manipulation of habitat quality through changes in intake rate, we found that changes on the wintering (major non-breeding) ground in South Australia had the highest negative effect on reproductive success and survival. We also identified Taiwan and the Yellow Sea as sites with high importance for reproductive success. Although habitats along the East Asian coastline are currently most threatened from a range of global change processes, we highlight the importance of conserving high-quality shorebird wintering habitat in Australia. This may be of notable importance to trans-equatorial migratory shorebirds, which often make a long non-stop flight from their wintering grounds in order to skip low-latitude sites that typically provide little food.


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Migratory birds make decisions about how far to travel based on cost-benefit trade-offs. However, in many cases the net effect of these trade-offs is unclear. We sought to address this question by measuring feather corticosterone (CORTf), leucocyte profile, avian malaria parasite prevalence and estimating fueling rates in three spatially segregated wintering populations of the migratory shorebird ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres during their stay in the winter habitat. These birds fly from the high-Arctic breeding ground to Australia, but differ in that some decide to end their migration early (Broome, Western Australia), whereas others travel further to either South Australia or Tasmania. We hypothesized that the extra costs in birds migrating greater distances and overwintering in colder climates would be offset by benefits when reaching their destination. This would be evidenced by lower stress biomarkers in populations that travel further, owing to the expected benefits of greater resources and improved vitality. We show that avian malaria prevalence and physiological stress levels were lower in birds flying to South Australia and Tasmania than those overwintering in Broome. Furthermore, our modeling predicts that birds in the southernmost locations enjoy higher fueling rates. Our data are consistent with the interpretation that birds occupying more costly wintering locations in terms of higher migratory flight and thermoregulatory costs are compensated by better feeding conditions and lower blood parasite infections, which facilitates timely and speedy migration back to the breeding ground. These data contribute to our understanding of cost-benefit trade-offs in the decision making underlying migratory behaviour.


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Habitat use by wintering Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in Lijiang Lashihai Lake of southwest China was studied from 1 November 1999 to 29 April 2000. We divided habitats into five types-deep water, shallow water, mudflat, grassland and farmland. Shallow water and grassland, with rich food and easily accessible water, were preferred by wintering Ruddy Shelducks, Farmland was preferred in mid-winter but avoided in early winter and late winter. Even in mid-winter, the feeding Ruddy Shelduck on farmland were not equally distributed in fields and preferred wet fields (just irrigated) and avoided dry fields. In dry fields, the distances to water sources had great impact on the feeding distribution. Mudflats were only selected in later winter, coinciding with the growth of water-weeds. Deep-water areas were always avoided. Prohibition of human disturbance and retaining shallow water areas and grassland are important measures to mitigate conflict between Ruddy Sheldruck and local people.


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The effect of distance between members of pairs of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) during vigilance behavior was studied during winter at Lijiang Lashihai Lake Reserve, southwest China. The distance between the paired birds while feeding was grouped into three categories: <1 m, 1-3 to and >3 m. Nearly 90% of the distances recorded between paired males and females were within three meters. The degree of vigilance increased with distance apart for females, but not for males. The scanning rate of males was significantly, higher than that of females at <1 m and at 1-3 m respectively, but no significant difference occurred when the distance between them was >3 m. These results are discussed in relation to mate competition and wintering strategy; it is suggested that staving close together is the optimal strategy for members of Ruddy Shelduck pairs.


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Purpose To determine i) the architectural adaptations of the biceps femoris long head (BFlf) following concentric or eccentric strength training interventions; ii) the time course of adaptation during training and detraining. Methods Participants in this randomized controlled trial (control [n=28], concentric training group [n=14], eccentric training group [n=14], males) completed a 4-week control period, followed by 6 weeks of either concentric- or eccentric-only knee flexor training on an isokinetic dynamometer and finished with 28 days of detraining. Architectural characteristics of BFlf were assessed at rest and during graded isometric contractions utilizing two-dimensional ultrasonography at 28 days pre-baseline, baseline, days 14, 21 and 42 of the intervention and then again following 28 days of detraining. Results BFlf fascicle length was significantly longer in the eccentric training group (p<0.05, d range: 2.65 to 2.98) and shorter in the concentric training group (p<0.05, d range: -1.62 to -0.96) after 42 days of training compared to baseline at all isometric contraction intensities. Following the 28-day detraining period, BFlf fascicle length was significantly reduced in the eccentric training group at all contraction intensities compared to the end of the intervention (p<0.05, d range: -1.73 to -1.55). There was no significant change in fascicle length of the concentric training group following the detraining period. Conclusions These results provide evidence that short term resistance training can lead to architectural alterations in the BFlf. In addition, the eccentric training-induced lengthening of BFlf fascicle length was reversed and returned to baseline values following 28 days of detraining. The contraction mode specific adaptations in this study may have implications for injury prevention and rehabilitation.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en base a los registros productivos y reproductivos del hato Holstein. Friesian Canadiense existente en el distrito tres de la Empresa Genética "Roberto Alvarado" (Chiltepe); ubicada en el Departamento de Managua, Nicaragua, a una latitud 12º 14' y una longitud de 86º 25' y a una elevación promedio de 49 msnm, con una temperatura promedio anual de 28.43°C, humedad relativa promedio anual 68.38% y una precipitación promedio anual de 87.72 mm. distribuida en dos épocas: Época lluviosa (Mayo - Octubre ) y época seca (Noviembre - Abril). A partir de la información proporcionada se evaluó el efecto de distintos factores ambientales : número de partos (NUMPA), época de parto (EPOCA) y año de parto (AP); sobre las variables productivas y reproductivas: producción de leche total (PLT), duración de la lactancia (DL), producción de leche diaria (PLD), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y producción de leche por día de intervalo entre partos (PLDIEP), las cuales resultaron todas altamente significativas (P < 0.01), considerando para la variable PLT el efecto de la covariable DL con Numpa. También se caracterizó el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo del hato, basado en el cálculo de los promedios de mínimos cuadrados de las características productivas y reproductivas en los diferentes niveles de cada uno de los factores estudiados, resultando promedios generales de: PLT 3,207.53 ± 54.37 Kg., DL 321.98 ± 3.89 días, PLD 10.67 ± 0.17 Kg., IEP 468;63 ± 4.29 días y PLDIEP 7.51 ± 0.14 Kg. Además se estimaron las correlaciones lineales fenotípicas entre las variables y los factores NUMPA y EPAR , resultando entre ellos los valores más altos para: EPAR -NUMPA (r= + 0.96), DL - IEP (r= + 0.80), PLD - PLDIEP (r= + 0.80), PLT - PLDIEP (r= + 0.76) y valores absolutos para r más bajos entre NUMPA - PLDIEP (r= + 0.18), NUMPA - PLT (r= -0.19), NUMPA - PLD (r= + 0.23) y EPAR - PLT (r= - 0.21).


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El estudio se realizó en parcelas experimentales establecidas en el centro experimental “Jardín Botánico”, UNICAFE y en el centro experimental “Campos Azules”, INTA, ubicado en Masatepe, Masaya en el periodo comprendido de Febrero 2006 a Enero 2007. El objetivo fue estudiar el efecto de las interacciones de cuatro combinaciones de árboles de sombra ( Simarouba glauca, Tabebuia rosea, Inga laurina y Samanea saman) y pleno sol, con cuatro niveles de insumo (convencional intensivo, convencional extensivo, orgánico intensivo y orgánico extensivo), sobre el comportamiento de las principales plagas y enfermedades y su influencia sobre el rendimiento del cultivo del café. En total se evaluaron 14 tratamientos, en cada parcela se evaluaron 15 plantas distribuidas en 3 sitios de 5 plantas cada uno. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente y las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia de mancha de hierro, roya, antracnosis (hoja y bandola), incidencia deminador, broca, chasparria y rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que la enfermedad que tuvo mayor incidencia fue mancha de hierro que alcanzó incidencia entre 8.9% y 11.8% en los meses de Agosto y Octubre en los tratamientos convencional intensivo y convencional extensivo a pleno sol; los tratamientos menos afectados por la enfermedad fueron orgánico intensivo con sombra de I. laurina más S. glauca y con sombra de T. rosea y S. glauca. Otra enfermedad importante fue antracnosis y los tratamientos que presentaron mayor incidencia fueron los mismos más afectados por mancha de hierro, los tratamientos de menor incidencia fueron orgánico extensivo e intensivo con con sombra de I. laurina y S. saman. La roya se presentó en época seca y aproximadamente 50 días después de la época lluviosa, los tratamientos menos afectados fueron convencional intensivo y extensivo a pleno sol. La chasparria presentó su mayor incidencia en los meses de Septiembre y Octubre y los tratamientos que presentaron menor incidencia fueron orgánico intensivo con sombra de I. laurina más S. glauca y con sombra de T. rosea más S. glauca. El minador (Leucoptera coffeella Guérin-Méneville) se presentó en la época seca y la broca (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) en época de lluvias, para ambos no se encontró diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos. El rendimiento no mostró diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos ni entre réplicas.