990 resultados para rubber mixing process


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This paper describes a method for dynamic data reconciliation of nonlinear systems that are simulated using the sequential modular approach, and where individual modules are represented by a class of differential algebraic equations. The estimation technique consists of a bank of extended Kalman filters that are integrated with the modules. The paper reports a study based on experimental data obtained from a pilot scale mixing process.


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Nowadays the development of new Internal Combustion Engines is mainly driven by the need to reduce tailpipe emissions of pollutants, Green-House Gases and avoid the fossil fuels wasting. The design of dimension and shape of the combustion chamber together with the implementation of different injection strategies e.g., injection timing, spray targeting, higher injection pressure, play a key role in the accomplishment of the aforementioned targets. As far as the match between the fuel injection and evaporation and the combustion chamber shape is concerned, the assessment of the interaction between the liquid fuel spray and the engine walls in gasoline direct injection engines is crucial. The use of numerical simulations is an acknowledged technique to support the study of new technological solutions such as the design of new gasoline blends and of tailored injection strategies to pursue the target mixture formation. The current simulation framework lacks a well-defined best practice for the liquid fuel spray interaction simulation, which is a complex multi-physics problem. This thesis deals with the development of robust methodologies to approach the numerical simulation of the liquid fuel spray interaction with walls and lubricants. The accomplishment of this task was divided into three tasks: i) setup and validation of spray-wall impingement three-dimensional CFD spray simulations; ii) development of a one-dimensional model describing the liquid fuel – lubricant oil interaction; iii) development of a machine learning based algorithm aimed to define which mixture of known pure components mimics the physical behaviour of the real gasoline for the simulation of the liquid fuel spray interaction.


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Nokian Renkaat Oyj:ssä on suuntaus päivittäin valmistettavien kumisekoitusten määrien lisäämiseen. Sekoitusmäärien kasvaessa myös laadunvalvontamittauksien kapasiteettia pitää nostaa tai vaihtoehtoisesti vähentää näytteiden tutkimiseen kuluvaa aikaa tai tutkittavien näytteiden määrää. On mietitty, voitaisiinko näytteenottopaikkaa vaihtamalla saada edustavampi näyte. Aikaistamalla näytteenottopaikkaa näytteet saataisiin tutkittua aikaisemmin ja siten sekoitukset saataisiin käyttöön entistä nopeammin. Teoriaosassa käsitellään kumisekoitusprosessia ja tutustutaan käytettävään prosessilaitteistoon ja prosessin eri vaiheisiin. Lisäksi tutustutaan prosessin ohjaukseen, prosessimittauksiin, prosessin säätöihin ja hälytyksiin. Työssä käsitellään myös laatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja perehdytään käytössä oleviin laadunvalvontamittauksiin ja näytteiden analysointiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan, mikä olisi paras näytteenottokohta, mietitään mittausten ja mittausajan vähentämisen vaikutuksia sekä sitä, miten näytteet tulisi merkitä. Lisäksi kokeellisessa osassa tehdään neuroverkkomalli viskositeetin ennustamiseksi.


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Two-photon resonant parametric four-wave mixing and a newly developed variant called seeded parametric four-wave mixing are used to detect trace quantities of sodium in a flame. Both techniques are simple, requiring only a single laser to generate a signal beam at a different wavelength which propagates collinearly with the pump beam, allowing efficient signal recovery. A comparison of the two techniques reveals that seeded parametric four-wave mixing is more than two orders of magnitude more sensitive than parametric four-wave mixing, with an estimated detection sensitivity of 5 x 10(9) atoms/cm(3). Seeded parametric four-wave mixing is achieved by cascading two parametric four-wave mixing media such that one of the parametric fields generated in the first high-density medium is then used to seed the same four-wave mixing process in a second medium in order to increase the four-wave mixing gain. The behavior of this seeded parametric four-wave mixing is described using semiclassical perturbation theory. A simplified small-signal theory is found to model most of the data satisfactorily. However, an anomalous saturationlike behavior is observed in the large signal regime. The full perturbation treatment, which includes the competition between two different four-wave mixing processes coupled via the signal field, accounts for this apparently anomalous behavior.


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We have developed a sensitive resonant four-wave mixing technique based on two-photon parametric four-wave mixing with the addition of a phase matched ''seeder'' field. Generation of the seeder field via the same four-wave mixing process in a high pressure cell enables automatic phase matching to be achieved in a low pressure sample cell. This arrangement facilitates sensitive detection of complex molecular spectra by simply tuning the pump laser. We demonstrate the technique with the detection of nitric oxide down to concentrations more than 4 orders of magnitude below the capability of parametric four-wave mixing alone, with an estimated detection threshold of 10(12) molecules/cm(3).


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A two-stage mixing process for concrete involves mixing a slurry of cementitious materials and water, then adding the slurry to coarse and fine aggregate to form concrete. Some research has indicated that this process might facilitate dispersion of cementitious materials and improve cement hydration, the characteristics of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate and paste, and concrete homogeneity. The goal of the study was to find optimal mixing procedures for production of a homogeneous and workable mixture and quality concrete using a two-stage mixing operation. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: (1) To achieve optimal mixing energy and time for a homogeneous cementitious material, (2) To characterize the homogeneity and flow property of the pastes, (3) To investigate effective methods for coating aggregate particles with cement slurry, (4) To study the effect of the two-stage mixing procedure on concrete properties, (5) To obtain the improved production rates. Parameters measured for Phase I included: heat of hydration, maturity, and rheology tests were performed on the fresh paste samples, and compressive strength, degree of hydration, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging tests were conducted on the cured specimens. For Phases II and III tests included slump and air content on fresh concrete and compressive and tensile strengths, rapid air void analysis, and rapid chloride permeability on hardened concrete.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on parantaa meesauunin toiminnallista tehokkuutta tehostamalla lämmönsiirtoa. Lämmönsiirron parantamiseksi kehitetään erilaisia nostinratkaisuja. Kokeita suoritetaan käyttäen eri sekoitinratkaisuja ja erilaisia prosessiparametreja. Työn kirjallisuusosassa esitetään meesauuni sekä rumpumaisten uunien toiminta. Työssä selvitetään myös sekoituksen analysointiin käytettäviä tapoja ja laskukaavoja. Kirjallisuusosassa keskitytään myös rummussa tapahtuviin fysikaalisiin ilmiöihin sekä erilaisten fluidien reologiaan. Työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettiin LUT Kemiantekniikalla suunniteltua pilot -kokoluokan rumpu-uunia, jolla kokeitaan suoritettiin, käyttäen erilaisia sekoitinratkaisuja ja sekoitusprosessiparametreja. Kokeissa käytettiin myös eri viskositeetin omaavia materiaaleja. Valitut materiaalit olivat vesi, CMC (karboksimetyyliselluloosa) ja kiinteä meesa. Kokeiden tuloksena löydettiin nostinratkaisuja, joilla sekoittumista ja lämmönsiirtoa pystytään parantamaan sekä pidentämään viipymäaikaa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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[EN] The correct determination of the energy generated or absorbed in the sample cell of an Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) requires a thorough analysis of the calorimetric signal. This means the identification and quantification of any thermal effect inherent to the working method. In this work, it is carried out a review on several thermal effects, studied by us in previous work, and which appear when an ITC is used for measuring the heats of mixing of liquids in a continuous mode. These effects are due to: (i) the difference between the temperature of the injected liquid and the temperature of the mixture during the mixing process, (ii) the increase of the liquid volume located in the mixing cell and (iii) the stirring velocity. Besides, methods for the identification and quantification of the mentioned effects are suggested.


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In many field or laboratory situations, well-mixed reservoirs like, for instance, injection or detection wells and gas distribution or sampling chambers define boundaries of transport domains. Exchange of solutes or gases across such boundaries can occur through advective or diffusive processes. First we analyzed situations, where the inlet region consists of a well-mixed reservoir, in a systematic way by interpreting them in terms of injection type. Second, we discussed the mass balance errors that seem to appear in case of resident injections. Mixing cells (MC) can be coupled mathematically in different ways to a domain where advective-dispersive transport occurs: by assuming a continuous solute flux at the interface (flux injection, MC-FI), or by assuming a continuous resident concentration (resident injection). In the latter case, the flux leaving the mixing cell can be defined in two ways: either as the value when the interface is approached from the mixing-cell side (MC-RT -), or as the value when it is approached from the column side (MC-RT +). Solutions of these injection types with constant or-in one case-distance-dependent transport parameters were compared to each other as well as to a solution of a two-layer system, where the first layer was characterized by a large dispersion coefficient. These solutions differ mainly at small Peclet numbers. For most real situations, the model for resident injection MC-RI + is considered to be relevant. This type of injection was modeled with a constant or with an exponentially varying dispersion coefficient within the porous medium. A constant dispersion coefficient will be appropriate for gases because of the Eulerian nature of the usually dominating gaseous diffusion coefficient, whereas the asymptotically growing dispersion coefficient will be more appropriate for solutes due to the Lagrangian nature of mechanical dispersion, which evolves only with the fluid flow. Assuming a continuous resident concentration at the interface between a mixing cell and a column, as in case of the MC-RI + model, entails a flux discontinuity. This flux discontinuity arises inherently from the definition of a mixing cell: the mixing process is included in the balance equation, but does not appear in the description of the flux through the mixing cell. There, only convection appears because of the homogeneous concentration within the mixing cell. Thus, the solute flux through a mixing cell in close contact with a transport domain is generally underestimated. This leads to (apparent) mass balance errors, which are often reported for similar situations and erroneously used to judge the validity of such models. Finally, the mixing cell model MC-RI + defines a universal basis regarding the type of solute injection at a boundary. Depending on the mixing cell parameters, it represents, in its limits, flux as well as resident injections. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cloud edge mixing plays an important role in the life cycle and development of clouds. Entrainment of subsaturated air affects the cloud at the microscale, altering the number density and size distribution of its droplets. The resulting effect is determined by two timescales: the time required for the mixing event to complete, and the time required for the droplets to adjust to their new environment. If mixing is rapid, evaporation of droplets is uniform and said to be homogeneous in nature. In contrast, slow mixing (compared to the adjustment timescale) results in the droplets adjusting to the transient state of the mixture, producing an inhomogeneous result. Studying this process in real clouds involves the use of airborne optical instruments capable of measuring clouds at the `single particle' level. Single particle resolution allows for direct measurement of the droplet size distribution. This is in contrast to other `bulk' methods (i.e. hot-wire probes, lidar, radar) which measure a higher order moment of the distribution and require assumptions about the distribution shape to compute a size distribution. The sampling strategy of current optical instruments requires them to integrate over a path tens to hundreds of meters to form a single size distribution. This is much larger than typical mixing scales (which can extend down to the order of centimeters), resulting in difficulties resolving mixing signatures. The Holodec is an optical particle instrument that uses digital holography to record discrete, local volumes of droplets. This method allows for statistically significant size distributions to be calculated for centimeter scale volumes, allowing for full resolution at the scales important to the mixing process. The hologram also records the three dimensional position of all particles within the volume, allowing for the spatial structure of the cloud volume to be studied. Both of these features represent a new and unique view into the mixing problem. In this dissertation, holographic data recorded during two different field projects is analyzed to study the mixing structure of cumulus clouds. Using Holodec data, it is shown that mixing at cloud top can produce regions of clear but humid air that can subside down along the edge of the cloud as a narrow shell, or advect down shear as a `humid halo'. This air is then entrained into the cloud at lower levels, producing mixing that appears to be very inhomogeneous. This inhomogeneous-like mixing is shown to be well correlated with regions containing elevated concentrations of large droplets. This is used to argue in favor of the hypothesis that dilution can lead to enhanced droplet growth rates. I also make observations on the microscale spatial structure of observed cloud volumes recorded by the Holodec.


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Using the coupled-system approach we calculate the optical spectra of the fluorescence and transmitted fields of a two-level atom driven by a squeezed vacuum of bandwidths smaller than the natural atomic linewidth. We find that in this regime of squeezing bandwidths the spectra exhibit unique features, such as a hole burning and a three-peak structure, which do not appear for a broadband excitation. We show that the features are unique to the quantum nature of the driving squeezed vacuum field and donor appear when the atom is driven by a classically squeezed field. We find that a quantum squeezed-vacuum field produces squeezing in the emitted fluorescence field which appears only in the squeezing spectrum while there is no squeezing in the total field. We also discuss a nonresonant excitation and find that depending on the squeezing bandwidth there is a peak or a hole in the spectrum at a frequency corresponding to a three-wave-mixing process. The hole appears only for a broadband excitation and results from the strong correlations between squeezed-vacuum photons.


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A fuzzy linguistic controller has been developed and implemented with the aim to cope with interactions between control loops due to coupling effects. To access the performance of the proposed approach several experiments have also been conducted using the classical PID controllers in the control loops. A mixing process has been used as test bed of all controllers experimented and the corresponding dynamic model has been derived. The successful results achieved with the fuzzy linguistic controllers suggests that they can be an alternative to classical controllers when in the presence of process plants where automatic control as to cope with coupling effects between control loops. © 2014 IEEE.


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Understanding the mixing process of complex composite materials is fundamental in several industrial processes. For instance, the dispersion of fillers in polymer melt matrices is commonly employed to manufacture polymer composites, using a twin-screw extruder. The effectiveness of the filler dispersion depends not only on the complex flow patterns generated, but also on the polymer melt rheological behavior. Therefore, the availability of a numerical tool able to predict mixing, taking into account both fluid and particles phases would be very useful to increase the process insight, and thus provide useful guidelines for its optimization. In this work, a new Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical solver is developed OpenFOAM® computational library, and used to better understand the mechanisms determining the dispersion of fillers in polymer matrices. Particular attention will be given to the effect of the rheological model used to represent the fluid behavior, on the level of dispersion obtained. For the Eulerian phase the averaged volume fraction governing equations (conservation of mass and linear momentum) are used to describe the fluid behavior. In the case of the Lagrangian phase, Newton’s second law of motion is used to compute the particles trajectories and velocity. To study the effect of fluid behavior on the filler dispersion, several systems are modeled considering different fluid types (generalized Newtonian or viscoelastic) and particles volume fraction and size. The results obtained are used to correlate the fluid and particle characteristics on the effectiveness of mixing and morphology obtained.


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After some success with a small asphalt pavement recycling project in 1975, Kossuth County, Iowa programmed a much larger undertaking during the 1976 construction season. The work performed in 1975 indicated that a quality product could be produced with some modifications to conventional equipment. As anticipated , the major problem encountered was the excessive air pollution created during the heating and mixing process. As part of its 1976 road program, Kossuth County developed plans for recycling sixteen miles of existing asphalt pavements using the "hot mix" recycling process. One project, ten miles in length, was selected by the Federal Highway Authority as part of "Demonstration Project No. 39, Recycling Asphalt Pavements." The FHWA provided a $29,500 grant t o the project to be used for project testing and evaluation. Cooperation and input into the work proposed for 1976 was received from many sources. The people and organizations contributing were the Federal Highway Authority, the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, several contractors, and personnel from the Kossuth County Engineer's Office.