943 resultados para rough turning
Huolimatta korkeasta automaatioasteesta sorvausteollisuudessa, muutama keskeinen ongelma estää sorvauksen täydellisen automatisoinnin. Yksi näistä ongelmista on työkalun kuluminen. Tämä työ keskittyy toteuttamaan automaattisen järjestelmän kulumisen, erityisesti viistekulumisen, mittaukseen konenäön avulla. Kulumisen mittausjärjestelmä poistaa manuaalisen mittauksen tarpeen ja minimoi ajan, joka käytetään työkalun kulumisen mittaukseen. Mittauksen lisäksi tutkitaan kulumisen mallinnusta sekä ennustamista. Automaattinen mittausjärjestelmä sijoitettiin sorvin sisälle ja järjestelmä integroitiin onnistuneesti ulkopuolisten järjestelmien kanssa. Tehdyt kokeet osoittivat, että mittausjärjestelmä kykenee mittaamaan työkalun kulumisen järjestelmän oikeassa ympäristössä. Mittausjärjestelmä pystyy myös kestämään häiriöitä, jotka ovat konenäköjärjestelmille yleisiä. Työkalun kulumista mallinnusta tutkittiin useilla eri menetelmillä. Näihin kuuluivat muiden muassa neuroverkot ja tukivektoriregressio. Kokeet osoittivat, että tutkitut mallit pystyivät ennustamaan työkalun kulumisasteen käytetyn ajan perusteella. Parhaan tuloksen antoivat neuroverkot Bayesiläisellä regularisoinnilla.
Rough turning is an important form of manufacturing cylinder-symmetric parts. Thus far, increasing the level of automation in rough turning has included process monitoring methods or adaptive turning control methods that aim to keep the process conditions constant. However, in order to improve process safety, quality and efficiency, an adaptive turning control should be transformed into an intelligent machining system optimizing cutting values to match process conditions or to actively seek to improve process conditions. In this study, primary and secondary chatter and chip formation are studied to understand how to measure the effect of these phenomena to the process conditions and how to avoid undesired cutting conditions. The concept of cutting state is used to address the combination of these phenomena and the current use of the power capacity of the lathe. The measures to the phenomena are not developed based on physical measures, but instead, the severity of the measures is modelled against expert opinion. Based on the concept of cutting state, an expert system style fuzzy control system capable of optimizing the cutting process was created. Important aspects of the system include the capability to adapt to several cutting phenomena appearing at once, even if the said phenomena would potentially require conflicting control action.
Metal machining is the complex process due the used cutting parameters. In metal cutting process, materials of workpiece differ widely in their ability to deform plastically, to fracture and to sustain tensile stresses. Moreover, the material involved in the process has a great influence in these operations. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy is very used in the aeronautical industry, mainly in the manufacture of engines, has very important properties such the mechanical and corrosion resistance in high te mperatures. The turning of the Ti-Al-4V alloy is very difficult due the rapid tool wear. Such behavior result of the its low thermal conductivity in addition the high reactivity with the cutting tool. The formed chip is segmented and regions of the large deformation named shear bands plows formed. The machinability of the cutting process can be evaluated by several measures including power consume, machined surface quality, tool wear, tool life, microstructure and morphology of the obtained chip. This paper studies the effect of cutting parameters, speed and feed rates, in the tool wear and chip properties using uncoating cemented carbide tool. Microe-structural characterization of the chip and tool wear was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Light Optical Mcroscopy (LOM).
Ultraprecision diamond turning was used to evaluate the surface integrity of a carbon nanotube (CNT) composite as a function of the cutting conditions and the percentage of CNT in the epoxy matrix. The effects of cutting conditions on the chip morphology and surface roughness were analysed. The results showed that an increase in the percentage of CNT may influence the mechanism of material removal and consequently improve the quality of the machined surface. When smaller quantities of CNT (0.02 and 0.07 wt %) are present in the matrix, microcracks form within the cutting grooves (perpendicular to the cutting direction). This indicates that the amount of CNT on the epoxy matrix may have a direct influence on the mechanical properties of these materials. Chips removed from the CNT composite samples were analysed by scanning electron microscopy in order to correlate the material removal mechanism and the surface generation process. The area average surface roughness Sa was influenced by the material removal mechanism (Sa ranging from 0.28 to 1.1 mu m).
Dynamic vehicle behavior is used to identify safe traffic speed limits. The proposed methodology is based on the vehicle vertical wheel contact force response excited by measured pavement irregularities on the frequency domain. A quarter-car model is used to identify vehicle dynamic behavior. The vertical elevation of an unpaved road surface has been measured. The roughness spectral density is quantified as ISO Level C. Calculations for the vehicle inertance function were derived by using the vertical contact force transfer function weighed by the pavement spectral density roughness function in the frequency domain. The statistical contact load variation is obtained from the vehicle inertance density function integration. The vehicle safety behavior concept is based on its handling ability properties. The ability to generate tangential forces on the wheel/road contact interface is the key to vehicle handling. This ability is related to tire/pavement contact forces. A contribution to establish a traffic safety speed limit is obtained from the likelihood of the loss of driveability. The results show that at speeds faster than 25 km/h the likelihood of tire contact loss is possible when traveling on the measured road type. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.19435436.0000216. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
These notes follow on from the material that you studied in CSSE1000 Introduction to Computer Systems. There you studied details of logic gates, binary numbers and instruction set architectures using the Atmel AVR microcontroller family as an example. In your present course (METR2800 Team Project I), you need to get on to designing and building an application which will include such a microcontroller. These notes focus on programming an AVR microcontroller in C and provide a number of example programs to illustrate the use of some of the AVR peripheral devices.
Variation in larval size has been shown to be an important factor for the post-metamorphic performance of marine invertebrates but, despite its importance, few sources of this variation have been identified. For a range of taxa, offspring size is positively correlated with maternal size but the reasons for this correlation remain unclear. We halved the size of colonies in the bryozoan Bugula neritina 1 wk prior to reproduction (but during embryogenesis) to determine if larval size is a fixed or plastic trait. We manipulated colonies in such a way that the ratio of feeding zooids to reproductive zooids was constant between treatment and control colonies. We found that manipulating colony size strongly affects larval size; halved colonies produced larvae that were similar to13% smaller than those produced by intact colonies. We entered these data into a simple model based on previous work to estimate the likely post-metamorphic consequences of this reduction in larval size. The model predicted that larvae that came from manipulated colonies would suffer similar to300% higher post-metamorphic mortality and similar to50% lower fecundity as adults. Colonies that are faced with a stress appear to be trading off current offspring fitness to maximize their own long-term fitness and this may explain previous observations of compensatory growth in colonial organisms. This study demonstrates that larval size is a surprisingly dynamic trait and strong links exist between the maternal phenotype and the fitness of the offspring. The performance of settling larvae may be determined not only by their larval experience but also by the experience of their mothers.
Background: Newly formed biofilm after implant debridement may challenge the long-term stability of peri-implant therapy. This in vitro study aimed to assess the roughness and adherence of Streptococcus sanguinis after treatment of smooth and rough titanium surfaces with an erbium-doped: yttrium, aluminum, and garnet (Er:YAG) laser, metal and plastic curets, and an air-powder abrasive system. Methods: Forty titanium disks with smooth-machined surfaces and 40 with sand-blasted and acid-etched surfaces were divided into the following treatment groups: Er:YAG laser; plastic curet; metal curet, and air-powder abrasive system. The surface roughness (roughness average [Raj) before and after treatments was determined using a profilometer. S. sanguinis (American Type Culture Collection 10556) was grown on treated and untreated specimens, and the amounts of retained bacteria on the surfaces were measured by the culture method. Rough and smooth surfaces with and without a suspension of S. sanguinis were also analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: For smooth surfaces, the roughest surfaces were produced by metal curets (repeated - measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] and Tukey test; P<0.05). The rough-surface profile was not altered by any of the treatments (repeated-measures ANOVA; P>0.05). Rough surfaces treated with metal curets and air-powder abrasion showed the lowest level of bacteria] adhesion (two-way ANOVA and Tukey test; P<0.05). SEM analysis revealed distinct surface profiles produced by all devices. Conclusions: Metal curets are not recommended for smooth titanium surface debridement due to severe texture alteration. Rough surfaces treated with a metal curet and the air-powder abrasive system were less susceptible to bacterial adhesion, probably due to texture modification and the presence of abrasive deposits. J Periodontol 2009;80: 1824-1832.
The intracellular assembly site for flaviviruses in currently not known but is presumed to be located within the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Building on previous studies involving immunofluorescence (IF) and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy of Kunjin virus (KUN)-infected cells, we sought to identify the steps involved in the assembly and maturation of KUN. Thus, using antibodies directed against envelope protein E in IF analysis, we found the accumulation of E within regions coincident with the RER and endosomal compartments. Immunogold labeling of cryosections of infected cells indicated that E and minor envelope protein prM were localized to reticulum membranes continuous with KUN-induced convoluted membranes (CM) or paracrystalline arrays (PC) and that sometimes the RER contained immunogold-labeled virus particles. Both proteins were also observed to be labeled in membranes at the periphery of the induced CIM or PC structures, but the latter were very seldom labeled internally. Utilizing drugs that inhibit protein and/or membrane traffic throughout the cell, we found that the secretion of KUN particles late in infection was significantly affected in the presence of brefeldin A and that the infectivity of secreted particles was severely affected in the presence of monensin and N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin. Nocodazole did not appear to affect maturation, suggesting that microtubules play no role in assembly or maturation processes. Subsequently, we showed that the exit of intact virions from the RER involves the transport of individual virions within individual vesicles en route to the Golgi apparatus. The results suggest that the assembly of virions occurs within the lumen of the RER and that subsequent maturation occurs via the secretory pathway.
We determined the maximum sustained swimming speed (U-crit), and resting and maximum ventilation rates of the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki at five temperatures between -1degreesC and 8degreesC. We also determined resting metabolic rate (VO2) at -1degreesC, 2degreesC, and 4degreesC. U-crit of P. borchgrevinki was highest at -1degreesC (2.7+/-0.1 BL s(-1)) and rapidly decreased with temperature, representing a thermal performance breadth of only 5degreesC. This narrow thermal performance supports our prediction that specialisation to the subzero Antarctic marine environment is associated with a physiological trade-off in performance at high temperatures. Resting oxygen consumption and ventilation rate increased by more than 200% across the temperature range, which most likely contribute to the decrease in aerobic swimming capabilities at higher temperatures. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
River Flow 2008, Vol.1