1000 resultados para root respiration


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Global climate change might significantly impact future ecosystems. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate potential changes in woody plant fine root respiration in response to a changing climate. In a sugar maple dominated northern hardwood forest, the soil was experimentally warmed (+4 °C) to determine if the tree roots could metabolically acclimate to warmer soil conditions. After one and a half years of soil warming, there was an indication of slight acclimation in the fine roots of sugar maple, helping the ecosystem avoid excessive C loss to the atmosphere. In a poor fen northern peatland in northern Michigan, the impacts of water level changes on woody plant fine root respiration were investigated. In areas of increased and also decreased water levels, there were increases in the CO2 efflux from ecosystem fine root respiration. These studies show the importance of investigating further the impacts climate change may have on C balance in northern ecosystems.


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Sinorhizobium meliloti bacteria produce a signal molecule that enhances root respiration in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and also triggers a compensatory increase in whole-plant net carbon assimilation. Nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and ultraviolet–visible absorption identify the enhancer as lumichrome, a common breakdown product of riboflavin. Treating alfalfa roots with 3 nM lumichrome increased root respiration 21% (P < 0.05) within 48 h. A closely linked increase in net carbon assimilation by the shoot compensated for the enhanced root respiration. For example, applying 5 nM lumichrome to young alfalfa roots increased plant growth by 8% (P < 0.05) after 12 days. Soaking alfalfa seeds in 5 nM lumichrome before germination increased growth by 18% (P < 0.01) over the same period. In both cases, significant growth enhancement (P < 0.05) was evident only in the shoot. S. meliloti requires exogenous CO2 for growth and may benefit directly from the enhanced root respiration that is triggered by lumichrome. Thus Sinorhizobium–alfalfa associations, which ultimately form symbiotic N2-reducing root nodules, may be favored at an early developmental stage by lumichrome, a previously unrecognized mutualistic signal. The rapid degradation of riboflavin to lumichrome under many physiological conditions and the prevalence of riboflavin release by rhizosphere bacteria suggest that events demonstrated here in the S. meliloti–alfalfa association may be widely important across many plant–microbe interactions.


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This paper investigates the tidal effects on aeration conditions for plant root respiration in a tidal marsh. We extend the work of Ursino et al. ( 2004) by using a two-phase model for air and water flows in the marsh. Simulations have been conducted to examine directly the link between the airflow dynamics and the aeration condition in the marsh soil. The results show that the effects of entrapped air on water movement in the vadose zone are significant in certain circumstances. Single-phase models based on Richards' equation, which neglect such effects, may not be adequate for quantifying the aeration condition in tidal marsh. The optimal aeration condition, represented by the maximum of the integral magnitude of tidally advected air mass ( TAAM) flux, is found to occur near the tidal creek for the four soil textures simulated. This may explain the observation that some salt marsh plant species grow better near tidal creeks than in the inner marsh areas. Our analyses, based on the two-phase model and predicted TAAM flux magnitude, provide further insight into the positive feedback'' mechanism proposed by Ursino et al. ( 2004). That is, pioneer plants may grow successfully near the creek where the root aeration condition is optimal. The roots of the pioneer plants can soften and loosen the rhizosphere soil, which increases the evapotranspiration rate, the soil porosity, and absolute permeability and weakens the capillary effects. These, in turn, improve further the root aeration conditions and may lead to colonization by plants less resistant to anaerobic conditions.


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Root respiration uses a significant proportion of photosynthetically fixed carbon (C) and is a globally important source of C liberated from soils. Mangroves, which are an important and productive forest resource in many tropical and subtropical countries, sustain a high ratio of root to shoot biomass which may indicate that root respiration is a particularly important component in mangrove forest carbon budgets. Mangroves are often exposed to nutrient pollution from coastal waters. Here we assessed the magnitude of fine root respiration in mangrove forests in Belize and investigated how root respiration is influenced by nutrient additions. Respiration rates of excised fine roots of the mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., were low (4.01 +/- 0.16 nmol CO2 g(-1) s(-1)) compared to those measured in temperate tree species at similar temperatures. In an experiment where trees where fertilized with nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) in low productivity dwarf forests (1-2 m height) and more productive, taller (47 m height) seaward fringing forests, respiration of fine roots did not vary consistently with fertilization treatments or with forest stature. Fine roots of taller fringe trees had higher concentrations of both N and P compared to dwarf trees. Fertilization with P enhanced fine root P concentrations in both dwarf and fringe trees, but reduced root N concentrations compared to controls. Fertilization with N had no effect on root N or P concentrations. Unlike photosynthetic C gain and growth, which is strongly limited by P availability in dwarf forests at this site, fine root respiration (expressed on a mass basis) was variable, but showed no significant enhancements with nutrient additions. Variation in fine root production and standing biomass are, therefore, likely to be more important factors determining C efflux from mangrove sediments than variations in fine root respiration per unit mass.


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In savannah and tropical grasslands, which account for 60% of grasslands worldwide, a large share of ecosystem carbon is located below ground due to high root:shoot ratios. Temporal variations in soil CO2 efflux (R-S) were investigated in a grassland of coastal Congo over two years. The objectives were (1) to identify the main factors controlling seasonal variations in R-S and (2) to develop a semi-empirical model describing R-S and including a heterotrophic component (R-H) and an autotrophic component (R-A). Plant above-ground activity was found to exert strong control over soil respiration since 71% of seasonal R-S variability was explained by the quantity of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed (APAR) by the grass canopy. We tested an additive model including a parameter enabling R-S partitioning into R-A and R-H. Assumptions underlying this model were that R-A mainly depended on the amount of photosynthates allocated below ground and that microbial and root activity was mostly controlled by soil temperature and soil moisture. The model provided a reasonably good prediction of seasonal variations in R-S (R-2 = 0.85) which varied between 5.4 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) in the wet season and 0.9 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) at the end of the dry season. The model was subsequently used to obtain annual estimates of R-S, R-A and R-H. In accordance with results reported for other tropical grasslands, we estimated that R-H accounted for 44% of R-S, which represented a flux similar to the amount of carbon brought annually to the soil from below-ground litter production. Overall, this study opens up prospects for simulating the carbon budget of tropical grasslands on a large scale using remotely sensed data. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An analytical solution for steady-state oxygen transport in soils including 2 sink terms, viz roots and microbes with the corresponding vertical distribution scaling lengths forming a ratio p, showed p governed the critical air-filled porosity, θc, needed by most plants. For low temperature and p, θc was <0.1 but at higher temperatures and p = 1, θc was >0.15 m3/m3. When root length density at the surface was 104 m/m3 and p > 3, θc was 0.25 m3/m3, more than half the pore space. Few combinations of soil and climate regularly meet this condition. However, for sandy soils and seasonally warm, arid regions, the theory is consistent with observation, in that plants may have some deep roots. Critical θc values are used to formulate theoretical solutions in a forward mode, so different levels of oxygen uptake by roots may be compared to microbial activity. The proportion of respiration by plant roots increases rapidly with p up to p ≈2.


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Abstract. Peat surface CO2 emission, groundwater table depth and peat temperature were monitored for two years along transects in an Acacia plantation on thick tropical peat (>4 m) in Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 2300 emission measurements were taken at 144 locations. The autotrophic root respiration component of the CO2 emission was separated from heterotrophic emissions caused by peat oxidation in three ways: (i) by comparing CO2 emissions within and beyond the tree rooting zone, (ii) by comparing CO2 emissions with and without peat trenching (i.e. cutting any roots remaining in the peat beyond the tree rooting zone), and (iii) by comparing CO2 emissions before and after Acacia tree harvesting. On average, the contribution of root respiration to daytime CO2 emission is 21 % along transects in mature tree stands. At locations 0.5 m from trees this is up to 80 % of the total emissions, but it is negligible at locations more than 1.3 m away. This means that CO2 emission measurements well away from trees are free of any root respiration contribution and thus represent only peat oxidation emission. We find daytime mean annual CO2 emission from peat oxidation alone of 94 t ha−1 yr−1 at a mean water table depth of 0.8 m, and a minimum emission value of 80 t ha−1 yr−1 after correction for the effect of diurnal temperature fluctuations, which resulted in a 14.5 % reduction of the daytime emission. There is a positive correlation between mean long-term water table depths and peat oxidation CO2 emission. However, no such relation is found for instantaneous emission/water table depth within transects and it is clear that factors other than water table depth also affect peat oxidation and total CO2 emissions. The increase in the temperature of the surface peat due to plantation development may explain over 50 % of peat oxidation emissions.


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本文综述了草原群落土壤呼吸研究的理论、方法、最新进展和主要成果。从2001年6月5日到10月15日,在内蒙古锡林河流域的一个典型草原群落放牧地段用气相色谱法对土壤呼吸进行了测定,并同期观测相应的环境因子,分析了它们之间的相互关系,并根据根系生物量和土壤呼吸的相关性外推出根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸的比例。同时,采用碱液吸收法对该草原群落和一个沼泽化草甸群落的土壤呼吸进行了比对测定,比较在不同生境下土壤呼吸速率的差异。另外,重点比较了两种常用的土壤呼吸测量方法——碱液吸收法和气相色谱法对典型草原群落土壤呼吸的测量效果。主要研究成果如下: 1.在草原群落,生物量(包括地上和地下生物量)、温度(包括气温和土壤温度)和水分及土壤呼吸的季节变化均呈不规则的波动曲线;土壤呼吸与土壤湿度高度相关,与温度尤其是土壤温度以及地下生物量之间存在着一定的相关性,但和地上生物量及绿色生物量之间几乎没有关系。 2.草原群落和草甸群落土壤呼吸的季节动态基本一致,均出现了两个峰值,分别出现在6月底和7月底,它们的变化范围分别为312.8~1738.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1 和 354.6 ~2235.6 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,日平均土壤呼吸速率分别为785.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1 和1349.6 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,草甸群落的土壤呼吸速率明显高于草原群落; 3.土壤水分是草原群落土壤呼吸的主要限制因子,但对草甸群落的土壤呼吸变化却基本没有影响;草甸群落中,地上总生物量与土壤呼吸速率间没有显著的相关关系,但地上部分绿色生物量与土壤呼吸间存在着显著的幂函数关系,而在草原群落中,土壤呼吸速率与地上活生物量或地上总生物量的相关关系均很弱。 4.在草原群落,根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸的比例为60.7% - 93.3%,平均为82%; 5.碱液吸收法和气相色谱法的测定结果具有很高的相关性(R2=0.7563),它们的季节动态基本一致,变化范围分别为从249.3~1795.1 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1和从312.8~1738.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,平均值分别为634.2 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1和802.7 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,碱液吸收法的测量值是气相色谱法的约1.4倍。


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Potentilla fruticosa scrub, Kobresia humilis meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4September, based on close chamber-GC method, a study on CO2 emissions from different treatments was conducted in these meadows at Haibei research station, CAS. Results indicated that mean CO2emission rates from various treatments were 672.09+152.37 mgm-2h-1 for FC (grass treatment); 425.41+191.99 mgrn-2h-1 for FJ (grass exclusion treatment); 280.36+174.83 mgrn-2h-1 for FL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); 838.95+237.02 mgm-2h-1 for GG (scrub+grass treatment); 528.48+205.67 mgm-2h-1for GC (grass treatment); 268.97 ±99.72 mgm-2h-1 for GL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); and 659.20±94.83 mgm-2h-1 for LC (grass treatment), respectively (FC, FJ, FL, GG, GC, GL, LC were the Chinese abbreviation for various treatments). Furthermore, Kobresia humilis meadow, Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow differed greatly in average CO2 emission rate of soil-plant system, in the order of GG>FC>LC>GC. Moreover, in Kobresia humilis meadow,heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 42% and 58% of the total respiration of soil-plant system respectively, whereas, in Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 32% and 68% of total system respiration from G-G; 49% and 51%from GC. In addition, root respiration from Kobresia humilis meadow approximated 145 mgCO2m-2h-1,contributed 34% to soil respiration. During the experiment period, Kobresia humilis meadow and Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow had a net carbon fixation of 111.11 grn-2 and 243.89 grn-2,respectively. Results also showed that soil temperature was the main factor which influenced CO2 emission from alpine meadow ecosystem, significant correlations were found between soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO2 emission from GG, GC, FC and FJ treatments. In addition, soil moisture may be the inhibitory factor of CO2 emission from Kobresia tibetica meadow, and more detailed analyses should be done in further research.


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The soil respiration and net ecosystem productivity of Kobresia littledalei meadow ecosystem was investigated at Dangxiong grassland station, one grassland field station of Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station. Soil respiration and soil heterotrophic respiration were measured at the same time by using Li6400-09 chamber in growing season of year 2004. The response of soil respiration and its components, i.e. microbial heterotrophic respiration and root respiration to biotic and abiotic factors were addressed. We studied the daily and seasonal variation on Net Ecosystem carbon Exchange (NEE) measured by eddy covariance equipments and then the regression models between the NEE and the soil temperature. Based on the researches, we analyzed the seasonal variation in grass biomass and estimated NEE combined the Net Ecosystem Productivity with heterogeneous respiration and then assessed the whether the area is carbon source or carbon sink. 1.Above-ground biomass was accumulated since the grass growth started from May; On early September the biomass reached maximum and then decreased. The aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was 150.88 g m~" in 2004. The under-ground biomass reached maximum when the aboveground start to die back. Over 80% of the grass root distributed at the soil depth from 0 to 20cm. The underground NPP was 1235.04 g m"2.. Therefore annual NPP wasl.385X103kg ha"1, i.e.6236.6 kg C ha"1. 2. The daily variation of soil respiration showed single peak curve with maximum mostly at noon and minimum 4:00-6:00 am. Daily variations were greater in June, July and August than those in September and October. Soil respiration had strong correlation with soil temperature at 5cm depth while had weaker correlation with soil moisture, air temperature, surface soil temperature, and so on. But since early September the soil respiration had a obviously correlation with soil moisture at 5cm depth. Biomass had a obviously linearity correlation with soil respiration at 30th June, 20th August, and the daytime of 27th September except at 23lh October and at nighttime of 27th September. We established the soil respiration responding to the soil temperature and to estimate the respiration variation during monsoon season (from June through August) and dry season (May, September and October). The regression between soil respiration and 5cm soil temperature were: monsoon season (June through August), Y=0.592expfl()932\ By estimating , the soil daily respiration in monsoon season is 7.798gCO2m"2 and total soil respiration is 717.44 gCC^m" , and the value of Cho is 2.54; dry season (May, September and October), Y=0.34exp°'085\ the soil daily respiration is 3.355gCO2m~2 and total soil respiration is 308.61 gCC^m", and the value of Cho is 2.34. So the total soil respiration in the grown season (From May to October) is 1026.1 g CO2IT1"2. 3. Soil heterogeneous respiration had a strong correlation with soil temperature especially with soil temperature at 5cm depth. The variation range in soil heterogeneous respiration was widely. The regression between soil heterogeneous respiration and 5cm soil temperature is: monsoon season, Y=0.106exp ' 3x; dry season, Y=0.18exp°"0833x.By estimating total soil heterotrophic respiration in monsoon season is 219.6 gCC^m"2, and the value of Cho is 3.78; While total soil heterogeneous respiration in dry season is 286.2 gCCbm"2, and the value of Cho is 2.3. The total soil heterotrophic respiration of the year is 1379.4kg C ha"1. 4. We estimated the root respiration through the balance between soil respiration and the soil heterotrophic respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total respiration was different during different period: re-greening period 48%; growing period 69%; die-back period 48%. 5. The Ecosystem respiration was relatively strong from May to October, and of which the proportion in total was 97.4%.The total respiration of Ecosystem was 369.6 g CO2 m" .we got the model of grass respiration respond to the soil temperature at 5cm depth and then estimated the daytime grass respiration, plus the nighttime NEE and daytime soil respiration. But when we estimated the grass respiration, we found the result was negative, so the estimating value in this way was not close. 6. The estimating of carbon pool or carbon sink. The NPP minus the soil heterogeneous respiration was the NEE, and it was 4857.3kg C o ha"1, which indicated that the area was the carbon sink.


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Forest soils account for a large part of the stable carbon pool held in terrestrial ecosystems. Future levels of atmospheric CO2 are likely to increase C input into the soils through increased above- and below-ground production of forests. This increased input will result in greater sequestration of C only if the additional C enters stable pools. In this review, we compare current observations from four large-scale Free Air FACE Enrichment (FACE) experiments on forest ecosystems (EuroFACE, Aspen-FACE, Duke FACE and ORNL-FACE) and consider their predictive power for long-term C sequestration. At all sites, FACE increased fine root biomass, and in most cases higher fine root turnover resulted in higher C input into soil via root necromass. However, at all sites, soil CO2 efflux also increased in excess of the increased root necromass inputs. A mass balance calculation suggests that a large part of the stimulation of soil CO2 efflux may be due to increased root respiration. Given the duration of these experiments compared with the life cycle of a forest and the complexity of processes involved, it is not yet possible to predict whether elevated CO2 will result in increased C storage in forest soil.