997 resultados para rooftop PV unit


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Integration of rooftop photovoltaics (PVs) in residential networks at moderate penetration levels is becoming a reality in many countries including Australia. Despite the technical challenges in properly accommodating PV units, one of the major benefits is the ability of PV units to extend useful life time of distribution transformers. This effect is not quantified in the existing literature. This paper carries out an analysis into the impacts of rooftop PVs at different penetration levels on the performance of distribution transformers and residential networks. This paper presents a methodology to quantify the benefit of the distribution transformer life extension brought about by customer-owned rooftop PV units. The proposed methodology is applied to a real distribution system with various scenarios, including different penetration levels. The results show the distribution transformer loss-of-life function, as a function of the rooftop PV penetration level, is monotonically decreasing function which saturates after a certain penetration level. The best life improvements occur with transformers that are highly loaded and the presence of a significant PV installation may support the deferral of transformer upgrades.


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A comprehensive voltage imbalance sensitivity analysis and stochastic evaluation based on the rating and location of single-phase grid-connected rooftop photovoltaic cells (PVs) in a residential low voltage distribution network are presented. The voltage imbalance at different locations along a feeder is investigated. In addition, the sensitivity analysis is performed for voltage imbalance in one feeder when PVs are installed in other feeders of the network. A stochastic evaluation based on Monte Carlo method is carried out to investigate the risk index of the non-standard voltage imbalance in the network in the presence of PVs. The network voltage imbalance characteristic based on different criteria of PV rating and location and network conditions is generalized. Improvement methods are proposed for voltage imbalance reduction and their efficacy is verified by comparing their risk index using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Voltage Unbalance (VU) is a power quality issue arising within the low voltage residential distribution networks due to the random location and rating of single-phase rooftop photovoltaic cells (PVs). In this paper, an analysis has been carried out to investigate how PV installations, their random location and power generation capacity can cause an increase in VU. Several efficient practical methods are discussed for VU reduction. Based on this analysis, it has been shown that the installation of a DSTATCOM can reduce VU. In this paper, the best possible location for DSTATCOM and its efficient control method to reduce VU will be presented. The results are verified through PSCAD/EMTDC and Monte Carlo simulations.


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Installation of domestic rooftop photovoltaic cells (PVs) is increasing due to feed–in tariff and motivation driven by environmental concerns. Even though the increase in the PV installation is gradual, their locations and ratings are often random. Therefore, such single–phase bi–directional power flow caused by the residential customers can have adverse effect on the voltage imbalance of a three–phase distribution network. In this chapter, a voltage imbalance sensitivity analysis and stochastic evaluation are carried out based on the ratings and locations of single–phase grid–connected rooftop PVs in a residential low voltage distribution network. The stochastic evaluation, based on Monte Carlo method, predicts a failure index of non–standard voltage imbalance in the network in presence of PVs. Later, the application of series and parallel custom power devices are investigated to improve voltage imbalance problem in these feeders. In this regard, first, the effectiveness of these two custom power devices is demonstrated vis–à–vis the voltage imbalance reduction in feeders containing rooftop PVs. Their effectiveness is investigated from the installation location and rating points of view. Later, a Monte Carlo based stochastic analysis is utilized to investigate their efficacy for different uncertainties of load and PV rating and location in the network. This is followed by demonstrating the dynamic feasibility and stability issues of applying these devices in the network.


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Despite tough economic times, the uptake of photovoltaic (PV) technology has seen tremendous growth over the past decade. More than 21 GW of rooftop PV systems were installed globally in the year 2012 alone. This is fueled by various incentives offered by policy makers around the world with a goal of enhancing renewable energy integration and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels. For instance, the goal of achieving 20% energy consumption from renewable resources by 2020 has been unanimously accepted by numerous countries in Europe, North America, and Australia. Uptake of PVs by residential and small businesses has been augmented by generous rebates offered by government on installations and on the amount of energy injected into the grid. Furthermore, the global market outlook report published by EPIA predicts that the rooftop PV installations will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.


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This work develops a transactive energy management system in order to automate the operation and efficiently utilize the energy generated from the solar PV unit and BESS in a single house as well as in the microgrid and provides cost-benefit analysis.


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The reliable operation of distribution systems is critically dependent on detailed understanding of load impacts on distribution transformer insulation systems. This paper estimates the impact of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) generation on a typical 200-kVA, 22/0.415-kV distribution transformer life under different operating conditions. This transformer supplies a suburban area with a high penetration of roof top photovoltaic systems. The transformer loads and the phase distribution of the PV systems are significantly unbalanced. Oil and hot-spot temperature and remnant life of distribution transformer under different PV and balance scenarios are calculated. It is shown that PV can significantly extend the transformer life.


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Voltage unbalance is a major power quality problem in low voltage residential feeders due to the random location and rating of single-phase rooftop photovoltaic cells (PV). In this paper, two different improvement methods based on the application of series (DVR) and parallel (DSTATCOM) custom power devices are investigated to improve the voltage unbalance problem in these feeders. First, based on the load flow analysis carried out in MATLAB, the effectiveness of these two custom power devices is studied vis-à-vis the voltage unbalance reduction in urban and semi-urban/rural feeders containing rooftop PVs. Their effectiveness is studied from the installation location and rating points of view. Later, a Monte Carlo based stochastic analysis is carried out to investigate their efficacy for different uncertainties of load and PV rating and location in the network. After the numerical analyses, a converter topology and control algorithm is proposed for the DSTATCOM and DVR for balancing the network voltage at their point of common coupling. A state feedback control, based on pole-shift technique, is developed to regulate the voltage in the output of the DSTATCOM and DVR converters such that the voltage balancing is achieved in the network. The dynamic feasibility of voltage unbalance and profile improvement in LV feeders, by the proposed structure and control algorithm for the DSTATCOM and DVR, is verified through detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulations.


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Large number of rooftop Photovoltaics (PVs) have turned traditional passive networks into active networks with intermittent and bidirectional power flow. A community based distribution network grid reinforcement process is proposed to address technical challenges associated with large integration of rooftop PVs. Probabilistic estimation of intermittent PV generation is considered. Depending on the network parameters such as the R/X ratio of distribution feeder, either reactive control from PVs or coordinated control of PVs and Battery Energy Storage (BES) has been proposed. Determination of BES capacity is one of the significant outcomes from the proposed method and several factors such as variation in PV installed capacity as well as participation from community members are analyzed. The proposed approach is convenient for the community members providing them flexibility of managing their integrated PV and BES systems


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Significant increase in installation of rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) in the Low-Voltage (LV) residential distribution network has resulted in over voltage problems. Moreover, increasing peak demand creates voltage dip problems and make voltage profile even worse. Utilizing the reactive power capability of PV inverter (RCPVI) can improve the voltage profile to some extent. Resistive caharcteristic (higher R/X ratio) limits the effectiveness of reactive power to provide voltage support in distribution network. Battery Energy Storage (BES), whereas, can store the excess PV generation during high solar insolation time and supply the stored energy back to the grid during peak demand. A coordinated algorithm is developed in this paper to use the reactive capability of PV inverter and BES with droop control. Proposed algorithm is capable to cater the severe voltage violation problem using RCPVI and BES. A signal flow is also mentioned in this research work to ensure smooth communication between all the equipments. Finally the developed algorithm is validated in a test distribution network.


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This thesis addresses voltage violation problem, the most critical issue associated with high level penetration of photovoltaic (PV) in electricity distribution network. A coordinated control algorithm using the reactive power from PV inverter and integrated battery energy storage has been developed and investigated in different network scenarios in the thesis. Probable variations associated with solar generation, end-user participation and network parameters are also considered. Furthermore, a unified data model and well-defined communication protocol to ensure the smooth coordination between all the components during the operation of the algorithm is described. Finally this thesis incorporated the uncertainties of solar generation using probabilistic load flow analysis.


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Weltweit leben mehr als 2 Milliarden Menschen in ländlichen Gebieten. Als Konzept für die elektrische Energieversorgung solcher Gebiete kommen dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungseinheiten zum Einsatz, die lokal verfügbare erneuerbare Ressourcen nutzen. Stand der Technik bilden Einheiten, die auf PV-Diesel-Batterie System basieren. Die verwendeten Versorgungsskonzepte in Hybridsystemen sind durch den Einsatz von Batterien als Energiespeicher meist wenig zuverlässig und teuer. Diese Energiespeicher sind sehr aufwendig zu überwachen und schwerig zu entsorgen. Den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung eines neuen Hybridsystems mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher. Dieses Konzept eignet sich für Bergregionen in Entwicklungsländern wie Nepal, wo z.B. neben der solaren Strahlung kleine Flüsse in großer Anzahl vorhanden sind. Das Hybridsystem verfügt über einen Synchrongenerator, der die Netzgrößen Frequenz und Spannung vorgibt und zusätzlich unterstützen PV und Windkraftanlage die Versorgung. Die Wasserkraftanlage soll den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energienutzung erhöhen. Die Erweiterung des Systems um ein Dieselaggregat soll die Zuverlässigkeit der Versorgung erhöhen. Das Hybridsystem inkl. der Batterien wird modelliert und simuliert. Anschließend werden die Simulations- und Messergebnisse verglichen, um eine Validierung des Modells zu erreichen. Die Regelungsstruktur ist aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Systemen und Parametern sehr komplex. Sie wird mit dem Simulationstool Matlab/Simulink nachgebildet. Das Verhalten des Gesamtsystems wird unter verschiedene Lasten und unterschiedlichen meteorologischen Gegebenheiten untersucht. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer modularen Energiemanagementeinheit, die auf Basis der erneuerbaren Energieversorgung aufgebaut wird. Dabei stellt die Netzfrequenz eine wichtige Eingangsgröße für die Regelung dar. Sie gibt über die Wirkleistungsstatik die Leistungsänderung im Netz wider. Über diese Angabe und die meteorologischen Daten kann eine optimale wirtschaftliche Aufteilung der Energieversorgung berechnet und eine zuverlässige Versorgung gewährleistet werden. Abschließend wurde die entwickelte Energiemanagementeinheit hardwaretechnisch aufgebaut, sowie Sensoren, Anzeige- und Eingabeeinheit in die Hardware integriert. Die Algorithmen werden in einer höheren Programmiersprache umgesetzt. Die Simulationen unter verschiedenen meteorologischen und netztechnischen Gegebenheiten mit dem entwickelten Model eines Hybridsystems für die elektrische Energieversorgung haben gezeigt, dass das verwendete Konzept mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher ökologisch und ökonomisch eine geeignete Lösung für Entwicklungsländer sein kann. Die hardwaretechnische Umsetzung des entwickelten Modells einer Energiemanagementeinheit hat seine sichere Funktion bei der praktischen Anwendung in einem Hybridsystem bestätigen können.


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Building integrated photovoltaic (BiPV) systems generate electricity, but also heat, which is typically wasted and also reduces the efficiency of generation. A heat recovery unit can be combined with a BiPV system to take advantage of this waste heat, thus providing cogeneration. Two different photovoltaic (PV) cell types were combined with a heat recovery unit and analysed in terms of their life-cycle energy consumption to determine the energy payback period. A net energy analysis of these PV systems has previously been performed, but recent improvements in the data used for this study allow for a more comprehensive assessment of the combined energy used throughout the entire life-cycle of these systems to be performed. Energy payback periods between 4 and 16.5 years were found, depending on the BiPV system. The energy embodied in PV systems is significant, emphasised here due to the innovative use of national average input–output (I–O) data to fill gaps in traditional life-cycle inventories, i.e. hybrid analysis. These findings provide an insight into the net energy savings that are possible with a well-designed and managed BiPV system.