995 resultados para rodent control


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SUMMARY: Federal Urban Rat Control Program grants were awarded to cities in different areas of the United States. Severe problems of rat infestations have been detected in many of the cities by the Environmental Health Service. Approximately 20% of 3.8 million people in the project areas were occupying homes infested with rats. Control operations are now in effect in all cities, and the living conditions of the people have been substantially improved. An increase in interest in rodent control also is evident in countries outside of the United States. The Technical Development Laboratories of the National Communicable Disease Center are participating in the World Health Organization program of research on new rodenticides. The evaluation program involves five steps which carry a candidate toxi¬cant from laboratory phase through field testing. Acceptability and suitable concentrations of both acute and accumulative rodenticides are determined. Observations are made on the hazard of the compound to pets and to other nontarget vertebrates. Laboratory and field studies have been completed on a new, promising stabilized scilliroside glycoside which has given excellent control of the Norway rat in 16 out of 19 premises. Another new coded compound has shown a unique specificity for roof rats as compared to Norway rats. Although anticoagulant resistant rat populations have occurred in several countries in Europe, as yet no evidence has been noted of such resistance in rats in the United States.


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"Aids for rodent control programs": p. 29-31.


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We investigated the species diversity and habitat use of rodents in the Ifugao Rice Terraces (IRT), Luzon, Philippines, as a first step in their assessment either as pest species of rice or as potential non-target species of rodent control practice. Trapping was carried out in caneland and forest habitats adjacent to rice cropland using trap lines of 10 - 15 cage-traps. Four trapping rounds, each consisting of 5 nights trapping, were replicated at two sites during the months of May and June. A diverse rodent fauna was recorded, including the non-native pest species, Rattus tanezumi, and the native species, Rattus everetti and Chrotomys mindorensis. Results from trapping and spool-and-line tracking suggested that these native species do not contribute to rice damage and that several may actually be beneficial in the ricefield ecosystem as vermivores that feed on invertebrate pests. Control should therefore be directed at the pest species, R. tanezumi, minimising non-target effects on the non-pest rodent species.


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It may be useful to review some of the considerations that go into recommendations concerning bird management. Later I will make some comments concerning specific methods and devices being used in or promoted for bird control work regardless of whether or not they are new. Members of the National Pest Control Association provide a variety of services, such as fumigation, termite control and general pest control which includes rodent control. There are eight such categories listed in our roster, but only one member in five provides every service listed. Bird control is a rather recent development and is the newest category of service to be listed in the NPCA roster where it appeared for the first time in 1959. As of September 1, 1966, 45% of our members' offices indicated that they were prepared to offer bird control service. Less than 40% did so in 1964. Why is it that more of our members do not declare themselves as ready to do bird control work? I believe the most common answer you would find is that bird control is not yet sufficiently established that they can provide a service comparable in quality to that which is provided against termites or cockroaches or rats. Our members simply do not want to jeopardize their reputation on methods that are not certain or are too complex. Others recognize the emotional reaction evidenced by much of the population concerning control of birds and do not want to become involved in work that might offend some of their clientele. Still others simply do not agree that birds are their responsibility.


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide anthropozoonosis that infects livestock, including sheep as the carriers to other animals and humans. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of Leptospira spp. in sheep from two slaughterhouses in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and its association with epidemiological variables. Serum samples from 182 sheep were evaluated for Leptospira spp. antibodies by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Results indicated 34/182 (18.68%; CI95% 13.70-24.98%) positive serum samples, mainly to the serovar Copenhageni (17/34; 50%; CI95% 33.99-66.01%). Bacterial growth in the Fletcher medium was detected for 13/34 (38.24%; CI95% 23.87-55.08%) animals, and confirmed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing for only two kidney samples from two animals. Thus, treatment and vaccination of sheep, besides rodent control, can be useful to prevent the infection in the studied region since sheep are important Leptospira spp. carriers, and its transmission to slaughterhouse workers is mainly through the manipulation of visceral tissues.


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We investigated the relationship between the severity and incidence of resistance among Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) on a farm in Wales and the subsequent outcome of a practical rodent control operation. Bromadiolone resistance factors were estimated for rats trapped on the farm using the blood clotting response test, and were found to be 2 to 3 for male rats and approximately 6 for females. The incidence of resistance in the rat population was high. Infestation size was estimated by census baiting and tracking, and was found to be substantial, with a maximum of 6.5 kg of bait being eaten on a single night. A proprietary rodenticide (Deadline (TM)), containing 0.005% bromadiolone, was used to control the infestation. The duration of baiting was 35 days and, according to the two methods of assessment used, treatment success was in the region of 87 and 93%. No evidence was observed of a significant impact of resistance on the rat control operation, and the remaining rats of this very heavy infestation would probably have been controlled if baiting had continued for longer.


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A sample of 10 Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) was taken for DNA resistance testing from an agricultural site in Kent where applications of the anticoagulant rodenticide bromadiolone had been unsuccessful. All animals tested were homozygous for the single nucleotide VKORC1 polymorphism tyrosine139phenylalanine, or Y139F. This is a common resistance mutation found extensively in France and Belgium but not previously in the UK. Y139F confers a significant level of resistance to first-generation anticoagulants, such as chlorophacinone, and to the second-generation compound bromadiolone. Another compound widely used in the UK, difenacoum, is also thought to be partially resisted by rats which carry Y139F. A silent VKORC1 mutation was also found in all rats tested. The presence of a third important VKORC1 mutation which confers resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides in widespread use in the UK, the others being Y139C and L120Q, further threatens the ability of pest control practitioners to deliver effective rodent control.


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Anticoagulants rodenticides have already known for over half a century, as effective and safe method of rodent control. However, discovered in 1958 anticoagulant resistance has given us a very important problem for their future long-term use. Laboratory tests provide the main method for identification the different types of anticoagulant resistances, quantify the magnitude of their effect and help us to choose the best pest control strategy. The main important tests are lethal feeding period (LFP) and blood clotting response (BCR) tests. These tests can now be used to quantify the likely effect of the resistance on treatment outcome by providing an estimate of the ‘resistance factor’. In 2004 the gene responsible for anticoagulant resistance (VKORC1) was identified and sequenced. As a result, a new molecular resistance testing methodology has been developed, and a number of resistance mutations, particularly in Norway rats and house mice. Three mutations of the VKORC1 gene in Norway rats have been identified to date that confer a degree of resistance to bromadiolone and difenacoum, sufficient to affect treatment outcome in the field.


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Context. Rattus tanezumi (the Asian house rat) is the principal rodent pest of rice and coconut crops in the Philippines. Little is known about the population and breeding ecology of R. tanezumi in complex agroecosystems; thus, current methods of rodent control may be inappropriate or poorly implemented. Aims. To investigate the habitat use, population dynamics and breeding biology of R. tanezumi in complex lowland agroecosystems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Luzon, and to develop ecologically based rodent management (EBRM) strategies that will target specific habitats at specific times to improve cost-efficiency and minimise non-target risks. Methods. An 18-month trapping study was conducted in rice monoculture, rice adjacent to coconut, coconut groves, coconut-based agroforest and forest habitats. Trapped animals were measured, marked and assessed for breeding condition. Key results. Five species of rodent were captured across all habitats with R. tanezumi the major pest species in both the rice and coconut crops. The stage of the rice crop was a major factor influencing the habitat use and breeding biology of R. tanezumi. In rice fields, R. tanezumi abundance was highest during the tillering to ripening stages of the rice crop and lowest during the seedling stage, whereas in coconut groves abundance was highest from the seedling to tillering stage of nearby rice crops. Peaks in breeding activity occurred from the booting stage of the rice crop until just after harvest, but >10% of females were in breeding condition at each month of the year. Conclusions. In contrast with the practices applied by rice farmers in the study region, the most effective time for lethal management based on the breeding ecology of R. tanezumi is likely to be during the early stages of the rice crop, before the booting stage. Farmers generally apply control actions as individuals. We recommend coordinated community action. Continuous breeding throughout the year may necessitate two community campaigns per rice cropping season. To limit population growth, the most effective time to reduce nesting habitat is from the booting stage until harvest. Implications. By adopting EBRM strategies, we expect a reduction in costs associated with rodent control, as well as improved yield and reduced risk to non-target species.


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Rodents are responsible for the transmission of more than 60 diseases both to human beings and to domestic animals. The increase in rodent infestation in a given area brings several health problems to the nearby population. Thus, when infestation increases, it is time to take intervention measures. Although many countries have implemented programs aimed at controlling rodent infestation, literature on studies evaluating the effectiveness of intervention measures in urban areas is scarce. Aimed at contributing to the understanding of rodents` population dynamics in urban areas, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the control methods proposed by ""Programa de Vigilancia e Controle de Roedores do Municipio de Sao Paulo`` (Program for Rodents Surveillance and Control in Sao Paulo Municipality), conducted on Jardim Comercial District. As a first step, a survey to assess infestation rates was conducted in 1529 dwellings located in the area studied. After that, a chemical control upon rodents was accomplished in every dwelling infested. One week and six months after completion of control measures, a new evaluation on infestation rates was carried out, in order to verify the effectiveness of the procedures taken and to estimate the re-infestation capacity. Initial infestation rate was 40.0%, and the final infestation rate, 14.4%. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control methods utilized was 63.8%. It can thus be concluded that the control methods applied were quite effective.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose mundialmente distribuída que infecta animais de produção, incluindo as ovelhas como carreadores para outros animais e o homem. O presente estudo objetivou determinar a prevalência de Leptospira spp. em ovinos de dois abatedouros do estado de São Paulo e sua associação com algumas variáveis epidemiológicas estudadas. Amostras de soro de 182 ovinos foram pesquisadas para a presença de anticorpos para Leptospira spp. pela soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Os resultados indicaram 34/182 (18,68%; IC95% 13,70-24,98%) amostras positivas, principalmente para o sorovar Copenhageni (17/34; 50%; IC95% 33,99-66,01%). Crescimento bacteriano no meio de Fletcher foi observado em amostras de 13/34 (38,24%; CI95% 23.87-55.08%) animais, e confirmados pela Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR) e seqüenciamento para somente duas amostras renais de dois animais. Assim, o tratamento e vacinação dos ovinos, além do controle de roedores, pode ser útil na prevenção da infecção na região estudada, visto que os ovinos são importantes carreadores de Leptospira spp. para o homem, e sua transmissão aos trabalhadores de abatedouros ocorre principalmente pela manipulação das vísceras.


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Hantaviruses belong to the Bunyaviridae family, which consists of vector-borne viruses. These viruses can provoke two infection types: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) - which occurs in the Old World - and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) - an emergent zoonosis that can be found in many countries of the western hemisphere. Rodents are hantavirus reservoirs and each species seems to host a different virus type. Humans acquire the infection by inhaling contaminated aerosol particles eliminated by infected animals. The factors involved in the emergence of hantavirus infections in the human population include ecological modifications and changes in human activities. The most important risk factor is contact between man and rodents, as a result of agricultural, forestry or military activities. Rodent control remains the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus diseases, including via health education and hygienic habits.


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A infecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii tem sido diagnosticada em suínos em todo o mundo. Perdas econômicas geralmente estão relacionadas a distúrbios reprodutivos. A infecção pelo Toxoplasma tem também importância em saúde pública, já que cistos teciduais do parasito podem persistir na carne e subprodutos oriundos de suínos, que servirão de fontes de infecção para o ser humano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a frequência e os fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo Toxoplasma em granjas de reprodutores suídeos certificados ou não da microrregião de Toledo, no Paraná, que inclui os municípios de Toledo, Nova Santa Rosa, São José das Palmeiras e São Pedro do Iguaçú. A frequência relativa de infecção foi 13,4%, sem diferença com o tipo de granja. A análise de regressão logística demonstrou os seguintes fatores associados à infecção: não utilização de funcionários separados por área da granja, o acesso de animais ao cocho de ração e ao reservatório de água, a não utilização de tampa neste reservatório, a não prevenção de roedores, o número e peso médio de leitões ao desmame por porca.


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Establishing a conservation tree planting can be a challenge in semiarid regions like western Nebraska, where annual precipitation of 20 inches or less is the norm. Tree planting failure commonly occurs as a result of poor site preparation coupled with inadequate weed and grass control the first three to five years after planting. Effective site preparation begins the year before planting. The results help young trees survive and grow in several ways. This NebGuide explains when and how to do site preparation for conservation tree planting in Western Nebraska.