983 resultados para road accident
An earlier study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) showed that the annual cost of road traffic accidents in 2001 was S$699.36 million which was 0.5% of the annual GDP. This paper attempts to update of the cost estimates of road traffic accidents. More precise methods of computing the human cost, lost output and property damage are adopted which grew in an annual cost of S$610.3 million or 0.338% of the annual GDP in 2003. A more conservative estimate of S$878,000 for fatal accident is also obtained, compared to the earlier figure of S$1.4 million. This study has shown that it is necessary to update the annual traffic accident costs regularly, as the figures vary with the number of accidents which change with time.
We present the postmortem findings of a fatal road accident involving a motorcyclist, a car, and a common buzzard. Both the motorcyclist and the bird died on the scene of the accident and were examined by postmortem full-body CT and autopsy. In addition, a facial injury of the motorcyclist was compared with the dimensions of the buzzard’s beak and claws by 3D scan technologies. Blood splatters collected on the bird’s beak, feet, and tail were examined by DNA analysis. The overall findings suggested a collision of a common buzzard with a motorcyclist in full speed, causing the motorcyclist to lose control of his vehicle and crash with an approaching car on the oncoming lane.
Using the Bayesian approach as the model selection criteria, the main purpose in this study is to establish a practical road accident model that can provide a better interpretation and prediction performance. For this purpose we are using a structural explanatory model with autoregressive error term. The model estimation is carried out through Bayesian inference and the best model is selected based on the goodness of fit measures. To cross validate the model estimation further prediction analysis were done. As the road safety measures the number of fatal accidents in Spain, during 2000-2011 were employed. The results of the variable selection process show that the factors explaining fatal road accidents are mainly exposure, economic factors, and surveillance and legislative measures. The model selection shows that the impact of economic factors on fatal accidents during the period under study has been higher compared to surveillance and legislative measures.
The objectives are to examine rural road accident data in order to develop a method by which high accident rate locations and accident causes can be identified, and also to develop proposals for improvements at such locations and to identify measures which will improve road safety throughout the country. The problem of road safety in Iran is an important issue, because of the tragic and unnecessary loss of life, and the enormous cost of accidents in the country. The resources available to deal with the problems are limited and must be allocated on priority basis. This study represents an initial effort to identify the extent of the problem in order to take remedial measures. A study was made of all the available road accident data collected by agencies related to road safety in Iran, and the major organisations responsible for road safety development were visited. The Vice Minister of Roads and Transportation selected for this study a 280 Km rural road in South West Iran. Mainly because of the lack of suitable maps and plans of the roads, it was not possible to accurately identify the location of accidents. Accident scene data was subsequently collected by the highway police and personally by the author. The data for the study road was then analysed to identify 'high accident rate' locations, and also to determine, as far as was possible, the reasons for the accidents. The study suggests specific improvements for each of the high accident rate locations examined (eg. the building of dual carriageways with central guard rails to reduce the risk of collision with oncoming vehicles, pedestrian facilities to allow pedestrians to cross dangerous roadsl]. In addition recommendations are made to guide and assist the major organisations responsible for road safety in Iran. These recommendations are: (al for improving accident data collection and storage (bl for subsequent analysis for taking remedial measures with a view to accident prevention
In the general introduction of the road-accident phenomenon inside and outside Iran, the results of previous research-works and international conferences and seminars on road-safety have been reviewed. Also a sample-road between Tehran and Mashad has been investigated as a case-study. Examining the road-accident data and iriformation,first: the information presented in road-accident report-forms in developed countries is discussed and, second: the procedures for road-accident data collection in Iran are investigated in detail. The data supplied by Iran Road-Police Central Statistics Office, is analysed, different rates are computed, due comparisons with other nations are made, and the results are discussed. Also such analysis and comparisons are presented for different provinces of Iran. It is concluded that each province with its own natural, geographical, social and economical characteristics possesses its own reasons for the quality and quantity of road-accidents and therefore must receive its own appropriate remedial solutions. The question~ of "what is the cost of road-accidents", "why and how evaluate the cost", "what is the appropriate way of approach to such evaluation" are all discussed and then "the cost of road-accidents in Iran" based on two different approaches: "Gross National Output"and "court award" is computed. It is concluded that this cost is about 1.5 per cent of the country's national product. In Appendix 3 an impressive example is given of the trend of costs and benefits that can be attributed to investment in road-safety measures.
This research was originally undertaken to aid the Jamaican government and the World Bank in making funding decisions relative to improvement of road systems and traffic control in Jamaica. An investigation of the frequency and causes of road accidents and an evaluation of their impact on the Jamaican economy were carried out, and a model system which might be applied was developed. It is believed that the importance of road accident economic and manpower losses to the survival of developing countries, such as Jamaica, cannot be overemphasized. It is suggested that the World Bank, in cooperation with national governments, has a role to play in alleviating this serious problem. Data was collected from such organizations as the Jamaica Ministry of Construction, Police Department, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization. A variety of methodologies were utilized to organize this data in useful and understandable forms. The most important conclusion of this research is that solvable problems in road systems and in traffic control result in the unnecessary loss of useful citizens, in both developed and developing countries. However, a lack of information and understanding regarding the impact of high rates of road accident death and injury on the national economy and stability of a country results in an apparent lack of concern. Having little internal expertise in the field of road accident prevention, developing countries usually hire consultants to help them address this problem. In the case of Jamaica, this practice has resulted in distrust and hard feelings between the Jamaican authorities and major organizations involved in the field. Jamaican officials have found confusing the recommendations of most experts contracted to study traffic safety. The attempts of foreign consultants to utilize a technological approach (the use of coding systems and computers), methods which do not appear cost-effective for Jamaica, have resulted in the expenditure of limited funds for studies which offer no feasible approach to the problem. This funding limitation, which hampers research and road improvement, could be alleviated by such organizations as the World Bank. The causes of high accident rates are many, it was found. Formulation of a plan to address this serious problem must take into account the current failure to appreciate the impact of a high level of road accidents on national economy and stability, inability to find a feasible approach to the problem, and inadequate funding. Such a plan is discussed in detail in the main text of this research.
• In December 1986 funds were approved to double the intensity of random breath testing (RBT) and provide publicity support for police efforts. These changes were considered necessary to make RBT effective. • RBT methods were changed in the metropolitan area to enable block testing (pulling over a block of traffic rather than one or two cars), deployment of police to cut off escape routes, and testing by traffic patrols in all police subdivisions. Additional operators were trained for country RBT. • A publicity campaign was developed, aimed mainly at male drivers aged 18-50. The campaign consisted of the “cardsharp” television commercials, radio commercials, newspaper articles, posters and pamphlets. • Increased testing and the publicity campaigns were launched on 10 April 1987. • Police tests increased by 92.5% in May – December 1987, compared with the same period in the previous four years. • The detection rate for drinking drivers picked up by police who were cutting off escape routes was comparatively high, indicating that drivers were attempting to avoid RBT, and that this police method was effective at detecting these drivers. • A telephone survey indicated that drivers were aware of the messages of the publicity campaign. • The telephone survey also indicated that the target group had been exposed to high levels of RBT, as planned, and that fear of apprehension was the major factor deterring them from drink driving. • A roadside survey of driver blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) by the University of Adelaide’s Road Accident Research Unit (RARU) showed that, between 10p.m. and 3a.m., the proportion of drivers in Adelaide with a BAC greater than or equal to 0/08 decreased by 42%. • Drivers under 21 were identified as a possible problem area. • Fatalities in the twelve month period commencing May 1987 decreased by 18% in comparison with the previous twelve month period, and by 13% in comparison with the average of the previous two twelve month periods (commencing May 1985 and May 1986). There are indications that this trend is continuing. • It is concluded that the increase in RBT, plus publicity, was successful in achieving its aims of reductions in drink driving and accidents.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transporte
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Esta dissertação examina a situação geral dos Acidentes Viários, no contexto do transporte rodoviário, cujas evidências apontam o Fator Humano como o maior responsável por tais eventos. Entende-se que um maior conhecimento sobre ele possibilitará melhorar a segurança do tráfego e da produção transporte. O estudo pretende destacar a importância das análises relacionadas com a atividade transporte rodoviário, as variações da demanda do sistema de circulação e a tarefa do motorista, sob a ótica da ergonomia. Objetiva ele, também, mostrar importância desses estudos para melhor avaliar as interações dos fatores homemmáquina- ambiente viário e para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e produtos de segurança viária. A revisão bibliográfica dos capítulos iniciais revelam o estado da arte e a importância da segurança de trânsito, em nível internacional. Também revelaram que todas nações sofrem do mesmo mal em suas redes viárias, que varia de acordo com a realidade de cada um. Embora o acidente de trânsito seja um fenômeno comum às nações, aqui eles atingiram a dimensão de flagelo social, em razão da sua severidade; e de calamidade econômica, face a elevação dos custos de produção na atividade do transporte rodoviário. São analisadas as características do fator humano, fundamentais na tarefa de condução, e o respectivo nexo causal das falhas com a gênese do acidente, num sistema multifatorial e interativo. O trabalho fundamenta-se em extensa revisão bibliográfica. O estudo de caso, desenvolvido a partir da revisão dos dados de uma pesquisa anterior, comprova a hipótese que o “álcool-direção”, considerado na literatura como o maior causador de acidentes viários, tem sua presença marcada por elevados índices nas rodovias do RS, contrariando a conclusão da pesquisa anterior. Ao final, também oferece recomendações para o desenvolvimento de ações objetivas para melhorar a segurança viária.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un código de MATLAB para el procesamiento de imágenes tomográficas 3D, de muestras de asfalto de carreteras en Polonia. Estas imágenes en 3D han sido tomadas por un equipo de investigación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Lodz (LUT). El objetivo de este proyecto es crear una herramienta que se pueda utilizar para estudiar las diferentes muestras de asfalto 3D y pueda servir para estudiar las pruebas de estrés que experimentan las muestras en el laboratorio. Con el objetivo final de encontrar soluciones a la degradación sufrida en las carreteras de Polonia, debido a diferentes causas, como son las condiciones meteorológicas. La degradación de las carreteras es un tema que se ha investigado desde hace muchos años, debido a la fuerte degradación causada por diferentes factores como son climáticos, la falta de mantenimiento o el tráfico excesivo en algunos casos. Es en Polonia, donde estos tres factores hacen que la composición de muchas carreteras se degrade rápidamente, sobre todo debido a las condiciones meteorológicas sufridas a lo largo del año, con temperaturas que van desde 30° C en verano a -20° C en invierno. Esto hace que la composición de las carreteras sufra mucho y el asfalto se levante, lo que aumenta los costos de mantenimiento y los accidentes de carretera. Este proyecto parte de la base de investigación que se lleva a cabo en la LUT, tratando de mejorar el análisis de las muestras de asfalto, por lo que se realizarán las pruebas de estrés y encontrar soluciones para mejorar el asfalto en las carreteras polacas. Esto disminuiría notablemente el costo de mantenimiento. A pesar de no entrar en aspectos muy técnicos sobre el asfalto y su composición, se ha necesitado realizar un estudio profundo sobre todas sus características, para crear un código capaz de obtener los mejores resultados. Por estas razones, se ha desarrollado en Matlab, los algoritmos que permiten el estudio de los especímenes 3D de asfalto. Se ha utilizado este software, ya que Matlab es una poderosa herramienta matemática que permite operar con matrices para realización de operaciones rápidamente, permitiendo desarrollar un código específico para el tratamiento y procesamiento de imágenes en 3D. Gracias a esta herramienta, estos algoritmos realizan procesos tales como, la segmentación de la imagen 3D, pre y post procesamiento de la imagen, filtrado o todo tipo de análisis microestructural de las muestras de asfalto que se están estudiando. El código presentado para la segmentación de las muestras de asfalto 3D es menos complejo en su diseño y desarrollo, debido a las herramientas de procesamiento de imágenes que incluye Matlab, que facilitan significativamente la tarea de programación, así como el método de segmentación utilizado. Respecto al código, este ha sido diseñado teniendo en cuenta el objetivo de facilitar el trabajo de análisis y estudio de las imágenes en 3D de las muestras de asfalto. Por lo tanto, el principal objetivo es el de crear una herramienta para el estudio de este código, por ello fue desarrollado para que pueda ser integrado en un entorno visual, de manera que sea más fácil y simple su utilización. Ese es el motivo por el cual todos estos algoritmos y funciones, que ha sido desarrolladas, se integrarán en una herramienta visual que se ha desarrollado con el GUIDE de Matlab. Esta herramienta ha sido creada en colaboración con Jorge Vega, y fue desarrollada en su proyecto final de carrera, cuyo título es: Segmentación microestructural de Imágenes en 3D de la muestra de asfalto utilizando Matlab. En esta herramienta se ha utilizado todo las funciones programadas en este proyecto, y tiene el objetivo de desarrollar una herramienta que permita crear un entorno gráfico intuitivo y de fácil uso para el estudio de las muestras de 3D de asfalto. Este proyecto se ha dividido en 4 capítulos, en un primer lugar estará la introducción, donde se presentarán los aspectos más importante que se va a componer el proyecto. En el segundo capítulo se presentarán todos los datos técnicos que se han tenido que estudiar para desarrollar la herramienta, entre los que cabe los tres temas más importantes que se han estudiado en este proyecto: materiales asfálticos, los principios de la tomografías 3D y el procesamiento de imágenes. Esta será la base para el tercer capítulo, que expondrá la metodología utilizada en la elaboración del código, con la explicación del entorno de trabajo utilizado en Matlab y todas las funciones de procesamiento de imágenes utilizadas. Además, se muestra todo el código desarrollado, así como una descripción teórica de los métodos utilizados para el pre-procesamiento y segmentación de las imagenes en 3D. En el capítulo 4, se mostrarán los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de una de las muestras de asfalto, y, finalmente, el último capítulo se basa en las conclusiones sobre el desarrollo de este proyecto. En este proyecto se ha llevado han realizado todos los puntos que se establecieron como punto de partida en el anteproyecto para crear la herramienta, a pesar de que se ha dejado para futuros proyectos nuevas posibilidades de este codigo, como por ejemplo, la detección automática de las diferentes regiones de una muestra de asfalto debido a su composición. Como se muestra en este proyecto, las técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes se utilizan cada vez más en multitud áreas, como pueden ser industriales o médicas. En consecuencia, este tipo de proyecto tiene multitud de posibilidades, y pudiendo ser la base para muchas nuevas aplicaciones que se puedan desarrollar en un futuro. Por último, se concluye que este proyecto ha contribuido a fortalecer las habilidades de programación, ampliando el conocimiento de Matlab y de la teoría de procesamiento de imágenes. Del mismo modo, este trabajo proporciona una base para el desarrollo de un proyecto más amplio cuyo alcance será una herramienta que puedas ser utilizada por el equipo de investigación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Lodz y en futuros proyectos. ABSTRACT In this project has been developed one code in MATLAB to process X-ray tomographic 3D images of asphalt specimens. These images 3D has been taken by a research team of the Lodz University of Technology (LUT). The aim of this project is to create a tool that can be used to study differents asphalt specimen and can be used to study them after stress tests undergoing the samples. With the final goal to find solutions to the degradation suffered roads in Poland due to differents causes, like weather conditions. The degradation of the roads is an issue that has been investigated many years ago, due to strong degradation suffered caused by various factors such as climate, poor maintenance or excessive traffic in some cases. It is in Poland where these three factors make the composition of many roads degrade rapidly, especially due to the weather conditions suffered along the year, with temperatures ranging from 30 o C in summer to -20 ° C in winter. This causes the roads suffers a lot and asphalt rises shortly after putting, increasing maintenance costs and road accident. This project part of the base that research is taking place at the LUT, in order to better analyze the asphalt specimens, they are tested for stress and find solutions to improve the asphalt on Polish roads. This would decrease remarkable maintenance cost. Although this project will not go into the technical aspect as asphalt and composition, but it has been required a deep study about all of its features, to create a code able to obtain the best results. For these reasons, there have been developed in Matlab, algorithms that allow the study of 3D specimens of asphalt. Matlab is a powerful mathematical tool, which allows arrays operate fastly, allowing to develop specific code for the treatment and processing of 3D images. Thus, these algorithms perform processes such as the multidimensional matrix sgementation, pre and post processing with the same filtering algorithms or microstructural analysis of asphalt specimen which being studied. All these algorithms and function that has been developed to be integrated into a visual tool which it be developed with the GUIDE of Matlab. This tool has been created in the project of Jorge Vega which name is: Microstructural segmentation of 3D images of asphalt specimen using Matlab engine. In this tool it has been used all the functions programmed in this project, and it has the aim to develop an easy and intuitive graphical environment for the study of 3D samples of asphalt. This project has been divided into 4 chapters plus the introduction, the second chapter introduces the state-of-the-art of the three of the most important topics that have been studied in this project: asphalt materials, principle of X-ray tomography and image processing. This will be the base for the third chapter, which will outline the methodology used in developing the code, explaining the working environment of Matlab and all the functions of processing images used. In addition, it will be shown all the developed code created, as well as a theoretical description of the methods used for preprocessing and 3D image segmentation. In Chapter 4 is shown the results obtained from the study of one of the specimens of asphalt, and finally the last chapter draws the conclusions regarding the development of this project.
Los accidentes del tráfico son un fenómeno social muy relevantes y una de las principales causas de mortalidad en los países desarrollados. Para entender este fenómeno complejo se aplican modelos econométricos sofisticados tanto en la literatura académica como por las administraciones públicas. Esta tesis está dedicada al análisis de modelos macroscópicos para los accidentes del tráfico en España. El objetivo de esta tesis se puede dividir en dos bloques: a. Obtener una mejor comprensión del fenómeno de accidentes de trafico mediante la aplicación y comparación de dos modelos macroscópicos utilizados frecuentemente en este área: DRAG y UCM, con la aplicación a los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas en España durante el período 2000-2009. Los análisis se llevaron a cabo con enfoque frecuencista y mediante los programas TRIO, SAS y TRAMO/SEATS. b. La aplicación de modelos y la selección de las variables más relevantes, son temas actuales de investigación y en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología que pretende mejorar, mediante herramientas teóricas y prácticas, el entendimiento de selección y comparación de los modelos macroscópicos. Se han desarrollado metodologías tanto para selección como para comparación de modelos. La metodología de selección de modelos se ha aplicado a los accidentes mortales ocurridos en la red viaria en el período 2000-2011, y la propuesta metodológica de comparación de modelos macroscópicos se ha aplicado a la frecuencia y la severidad de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas en el período 2000-2009. Como resultado de los desarrollos anteriores se resaltan las siguientes contribuciones: a. Profundización de los modelos a través de interpretación de las variables respuesta y poder de predicción de los modelos. El conocimiento sobre el comportamiento de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas se ha ampliado en este proceso. bl. Desarrollo de una metodología para selección de variables relevantes para la explicación de la ocurrencia de accidentes de tráfico. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de a) la propuesta metodológica se basa en los modelos DRAG, cuyos parámetros se han estimado con enfoque bayesiano y se han aplicado a los datos de accidentes mortales entre los años 2000-2011 en España. Esta metodología novedosa y original se ha comparado con modelos de regresión dinámica (DR), que son los modelos más comunes para el trabajo con procesos estocásticos. Los resultados son comparables, y con la nueva propuesta se realiza una aportación metodológica que optimiza el proceso de selección de modelos, con escaso coste computacional. b2. En la tesis se ha diseñado una metodología de comparación teórica entre los modelos competidores mediante la aplicación conjunta de simulación Monte Cario, diseño de experimentos y análisis de la varianza ANOVA. Los modelos competidores tienen diferentes estructuras, que afectan a la estimación de efectos de las variables explicativas. Teniendo en cuenta el estudio desarrollado en bl) este desarrollo tiene el propósito de determinar como interpretar la componente de tendencia estocástica que un modelo UCM modela explícitamente, a través de un modelo DRAG, que no tiene un método específico para modelar este elemento. Los resultados de este estudio son importantes para ver si la serie necesita ser diferenciada antes de modelar. b3. Se han desarrollado nuevos algoritmos para realizar los ejercicios metodológicos, implementados en diferentes programas como R, WinBUGS, y MATLAB. El cumplimiento de los objetivos de la tesis a través de los desarrollos antes enunciados se remarcan en las siguientes conclusiones: 1. El fenómeno de accidentes del tráfico se ha analizado mediante dos modelos macroscópicos. Los efectos de los factores de influencia son diferentes dependiendo de la metodología aplicada. Los resultados de predicción son similares aunque con ligera superioridad de la metodología DRAG. 2. La metodología para selección de variables y modelos proporciona resultados prácticos en cuanto a la explicación de los accidentes de tráfico. La predicción y la interpretación también se han mejorado mediante esta nueva metodología. 3. Se ha implementado una metodología para profundizar en el conocimiento de la relación entre las estimaciones de los efectos de dos modelos competidores como DRAG y UCM. Un aspecto muy importante en este tema es la interpretación de la tendencia mediante dos modelos diferentes de la que se ha obtenido información muy útil para los investigadores en el campo del modelado. Los resultados han proporcionado una ampliación satisfactoria del conocimiento en torno al proceso de modelado y comprensión de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas y accidentes mortales totales en España. ABSTRACT Road accidents are a very relevant social phenomenon and one of the main causes of death in industrialized countries. Sophisticated econometric models are applied in academic work and by the administrations for a better understanding of this very complex phenomenon. This thesis is thus devoted to the analysis of macro models for road accidents with application to the Spanish case. The objectives of the thesis may be divided in two blocks: a. To achieve a better understanding of the road accident phenomenon by means of the application and comparison of two of the most frequently used macro modelings: DRAG (demand for road use, accidents and their gravity) and UCM (unobserved components model); the application was made to van involved accident data in Spain in the period 2000-2009. The analysis has been carried out within the frequentist framework and using available state of the art software, TRIO, SAS and TRAMO/SEATS. b. Concern on the application of the models and on the relevant input variables to be included in the model has driven the research to try to improve, by theoretical and practical means, the understanding on methodological choice and model selection procedures. The theoretical developments have been applied to fatal accidents during the period 2000-2011 and van-involved road accidents in 2000-2009. This has resulted in the following contributions: a. Insight on the models has been gained through interpretation of the effect of the input variables on the response and prediction accuracy of both models. The behavior of van-involved road accidents has been explained during this process. b1. Development of an input variable selection procedure, which is crucial for an efficient choice of the inputs. Following the results of a) the procedure uses the DRAG-like model. The estimation is carried out within the Bayesian framework. The procedure has been applied for the total road accident data in Spain in the period 2000-2011. The results of the model selection procedure are compared and validated through a dynamic regression model given that the original data has a stochastic trend. b2. A methodology for theoretical comparison between the two models through Monte Carlo simulation, computer experiment design and ANOVA. The models have a different structure and this affects the estimation of the effects of the input variables. The comparison is thus carried out in terms of the effect of the input variables on the response, which is in general different, and should be related. Considering the results of the study carried out in b1) this study tries to find out how a stochastic time trend will be captured in DRAG model, since there is no specific trend component in DRAG. Given the results of b1) the findings of this study are crucial in order to see if the estimation of data with stochastic component through DRAG will be valid or whether the data need a certain adjustment (typically differencing) prior to the estimation. The model comparison methodology was applied to the UCM and DRAG models, considering that, as mentioned above, the UCM has a specific trend term while DRAG does not. b3. New algorithms were developed for carrying out the methodological exercises. For this purpose different softwares, R, WinBUGs and MATLAB were used. These objectives and contributions have been resulted in the following findings: 1. The road accident phenomenon has been analyzed by means of two macro models: The effects of the influential input variables may be estimated through the models, but it has been observed that the estimates vary from one model to the other, although prediction accuracy is similar, with a slight superiority of the DRAG methodology. 2. The variable selection methodology provides very practical results, as far as the explanation of road accidents is concerned. Prediction accuracy and interpretability have been improved by means of a more efficient input variable and model selection procedure. 3. Insight has been gained on the relationship between the estimates of the effects using the two models. A very relevant issue here is the role of trend in both models, relevant recommendations for the analyst have resulted from here. The results have provided a very satisfactory insight into both modeling aspects and the understanding of both van-involved and total fatal accidents behavior in Spain.
The issues involved in planning for pedal cyclists are examined with reference to the West Midlands County. Working with a local cycling campaign group, the researcher uses action research methods to investigate and influence the campaign. Development of cycle planning is traced through the literature, focusing on bicycle ownership, bicycle use and cycling policy. UK practice is contrasted with the integrated approach of other countries. An extensive bibliography is provided. Local authority cycle planning through the TPP process is systematically assessed over three years. This provides a context for the information regarding cycling in the West Midlands. Existing data is presented from the 1981 Census and local police road accident and bicycle theft records. The developing relationship between the local authority and the cycle campaign group is narrated in detail, explaining the problems that can beset efforts to improve conditions for cyclists. The researcher was closely involved in this interaction, particularly with policy and a major public inquiry. A survey of the Cycle Campaign Network indicates that the local group was not atypical. To provide information relevant to the local campaign and for effective local planning, a survey of 3,500 West Midlands residents was conducted using a novel combination of questionnaires and interviews. It shows that 1) Bicycle ownership and use is considerably higher than indicated by the 1978/9 National Travel Survey 2) Cycling is most import to certain disadvantaged sections of the community, particularly the young, those without access to a car and in the lower SEGs. The broader issues of transport policy are discussed, concluding that cycling is regarded as a marginal activity and that changes in general transport policy, land use planning and fiscal arrangements are necessary conditions for cycle planning to succeed. An integrated package of cycling measures involving engineering, education, enforcement and encouragement is also required. Recommendations are made concerning central government, local authorities and cycle campaign groups. Subjects for further research are identified.