988 resultados para right pulmonary artery
OBJECTIVE: Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right pulmonary artery (AOLCARPA), is a rare entity that is usually associated with other defects. Of the 20 cases of AOLCARPA reported in the literature, 14 (70%) had associations. We describe four patients with AOLCARPA without associated defects, but with a peculiar intramural aortic trajectory. METHODS: Fifty-five patients with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery were operated upon at INCOR-FMUSP. Four of the patients had the anomalous origin from the right pulmonary artery (RPA) without associated defects but with intramural aortic trajectory. Clinical and laboratory examinations were analyzed, as well as surgical findings. RESULTS: All patients had congestive heart failure (CHF) and 3 also had angina pectoris. Two patients had a murmur of mitral regurgitation, signs of myocardial infarction on the ECG and cardiomegaly. The shortening fraction varied from 9% to 23%. The hemodynamic study confirmed the diagnosis of anomalous origin of the coronary artery, but the intramural trajectory and the origin from the RPA were established only at surgery. In 3 patients, the technique of side-to-side anastomosis was performed with a good outcome. One patient, who underwent end-to-side anastomosis, died 6 months after the surgery. CONCLUSION: Association with other defects usually occurs in the AOLCARPA, and the intramural aortic trajectory is difficult to clinically diagnose but easy to surgically correct.
OBJECTIVES: The reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) with valved conduits remains a challenge. The reoperation rate at 5 years can be as high as 25% and depends on age, type of conduit, conduit diameter and principal heart malformation. The aim of this study is to provide a bench model with computer fluid dynamics to analyse the haemodynamics of the RVOT, pulmonary artery, its bifurcation, and left and right pulmonary arteries that in the future may serve as a tool for analysis and prediction of outcome following RVOT reconstruction. METHODS: Pressure, flow and diameter at the RVOT, pulmonary artery, bifurcation of the pulmonary artery, and left and right pulmonary arteries were measured in five normal pigs with a mean weight of 24.6 ± 0.89 kg. Data obtained were used for a 3D computer fluid-dynamics simulation of flow conditions, focusing on the pressure, flow and shear stress profile of the pulmonary trunk to the level of the left and right pulmonary arteries. RESULTS: Three inlet steady flow profiles were obtained at 0.2, 0.29 and 0.36 m/s that correspond to the flow rates of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 l/min flow at the RVOT. The flow velocity profile was constant at the RVOT down to the bifurcation and decreased at the left and right pulmonary arteries. In all three inlet velocity profiles, low sheer stress and low-velocity areas were detected along the left wall of the pulmonary artery, at the pulmonary artery bifurcation and at the ostia of both pulmonary arteries. CONCLUSIONS: This computed fluid real-time model provides us with a realistic picture of fluid dynamics in the pulmonary tract area. Deep shear stress areas correspond to a turbulent flow profile that is a predictive factor for the development of vessel wall arteriosclerosis. We believe that this bench model may be a useful tool for further evaluation of RVOT pathology following surgical reconstructions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
BACKGROUND: Dogs experimentally inoculated with Angiostrongylus vasorum develop severe pulmonary parenchymal lesions and arterial thrombosis at the time of patency. HYPOTHESIS: A. vasorum-induced thrombosis results in arterial hypoxemia, pulmonary hypertension (PH), and altered cardiac morphology and function. ANIMALS: Six healthy Beagles experimentally inoculated with A. vasorum. METHODS: Thoracic radiographs and arterial blood gas analyses were performed 8 and 13 weeks postinoculation (wpi) and 9 weeks posttherapy (wpt). Echocardiography was done before and 2, 5, 8, 13 wpi and 9 wpt. Invasive pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) measurements were obtained 8 wpi. Two untreated dogs were necropsied 13 wpi and 4 treated dogs 9 wpt. RESULTS: All dogs had patent infections at 7 wpi and clinical respiratory signs at 8 wpi. Moderate hypoxemia (median PaO2 of 73 and 74 mmHg) present at 8 and 13 wpi had resolved by 9 wpt. Echocardiographically, no evidence of PH and no abnormalities in cardiac size and function were discernible at any time point. PAP invasively measured at 8 wpi was not different from that of control dogs. Severe radiographic pulmonary parenchymal and suspected thrombotic lesions at 13 wpi were corroborated by necropsy. Most histopathologic changes had resolved at 9 wpt, but focal inflammatory, thrombotic, and fibrotic changes still were present in all dogs. CONCLUSION: In experimentally infected Beagles, pulmonary and vascular changes induced by A. vasorum are reflected by marked radiographic changes and arterial hypoxemia. These did not result in PH and echocardiographic changes in cardiac size and function.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether β-adrenoceptor (β-AR) overstimulation induced by in vivo treatment with isoproterenol (ISO) alters vascular reactivity and nitric oxide (NO) production and signaling in pulmonary arteries. Vehicle or ISO (0.3mgkg(-1)day(-1)) was administered daily to male Wistar rats. After 7days, the jugular vein was cannulated to assess right ventricular (RV) systolic pressure (SP) and end diastolic pressure (EDP). The extralobar pulmonary arteries were isolated to evaluate the relaxation responses, protein expression (Western blot), NO production (diaminofluorescein-2 fluorescence), and cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) levels (enzyme immunoassay kit). ISO treatment induced RV hypertrophy; however, no differences in RV-SP and EDP were observed. The pulmonary arteries from the ISO-treated group showed enhanced relaxation to acetylcholine that was abolished by the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(ω)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME); whereas relaxation elicited by sodium nitroprusside, ISO, metaproterenol, mirabegron, or KCl was not affected by ISO treatment. ISO-treated rats displayed enhanced endothelial NOS (eNOS) and vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) expression in the pulmonary arteries, while phosphodiesterase-5 protein expression decreased. ISO treatment increased NO and cGMP levels and did not induce eNOS uncoupling. The present data indicate that β-AR overactivation enhances the endothelium-dependent relaxation of pulmonary arteries. This effect was linked to an increase in eNOS-derived NO production, cGMP formation and VASP content and to a decrease in phosphodiesterase-5 expression. Therefore, elevated NO bioactivity through cGMP/VASP signaling could represent a protective mechanism of β-AR overactivation on pulmonary circulation.
The Holt-Oram syndrome was confirmed in an asymptomatic 36-year-old man by a novel TBX5-gene mutation (exon 8 acceptor splicing site, c.663-1G greater than A). Computed tomography showed an atrial septal defect and an anomalous right coronary artery crossing between the aorta and pulmonary arteries. Surgery corrected the septal defect and the initial segment of the anomalous vessel was unroofed and enlarged. Anomalous coronary arteries were not previously described in the Holt-Oram syndrome patients and should be added to the list of possible associated cardiac defects.
We report here a case of coronary artery fistula in a neonate with clinical signs of heart failure. The electrocardiogram showed signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and diffuse alterations in ventricular repolarization. Chest X-ray showed an enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with an increase in pulmonary flow. After echocardiographic diagnosis and angiographic confirmation, closure of the fistulous trajectory was performed with a detachable balloon with an early and late successful outcome.
High-altitude destinations are visited by increasing numbers of children and adolescents. High-altitude hypoxia triggers pulmonary hypertension that in turn may have adverse effects on cardiac function and may induce life-threatening high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), but there are limited data in this young population. We, therefore, assessed in 118 nonacclimatized healthy children and adolescents (mean ± SD; age: 11 ± 2 yr) the effects of rapid ascent to high altitude on pulmonary artery pressure and right and left ventricular function by echocardiography. Pulmonary artery pressure was estimated by measuring the systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient. The echocardiography was performed at low altitude and 40 h after rapid ascent to 3,450 m. Pulmonary artery pressure was more than twofold higher at high than at low altitude (35 ± 11 vs. 16 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.0001), and there existed a wide variability of pulmonary artery pressure at high altitude with an estimated upper 95% limit of 52 mmHg. Moreover, pulmonary artery pressure and its altitude-induced increase were inversely related to age, resulting in an almost twofold larger increase in the 6- to 9- than in the 14- to 16-yr-old participants (24 ± 12 vs. 13 ± 8 mmHg; P = 0.004). Even in children with the most severe altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular systolic function did not decrease, but increased, and none of the children developed HAPE. HAPE appears to be a rare event in this young population after rapid ascent to this altitude at which major tourist destinations are located.
Pulmonary-artery pressure and exhaled nitric oxide in Bolivian and Caucasian high altitude dwellers.
There is evidence that high altitude populations may be better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than low altitude natives, but the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. In Tibetans, increased pulmonary respiratory NO synthesis attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. It has been speculated that this mechanism may represent a generalized high altitude adaptation pattern, but direct evidence for this speculation is lacking. We therefore measured systolic pulmonary-artery pressure (Doppler chocardiography) and exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in 34 healthy, middle-aged Bolivian high altitude natives and in 34 age- and sex-matched, well-acclimatized Caucasian low altitude natives living at high altitude (3600 m). The mean+/-SD systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient (24.3+/-5.9 vs. 24.7+/-4.9 mmHg) and exhaled NO (19.2+/-7.2 vs. 22.5+/-9.5 ppb) were similar in Bolivians and Caucasians. There was no relationship between pulmonary-artery pressure and respiratory NO in the two groups. These findings provide no evidence that Bolivian high altitude natives are better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than Caucasian low altitude natives and suggest that attenuation of pulmonary hypertension by increased respiratory NO synthesis may not represent a universal adaptation pattern in highaltitude populations.
Invasive studies suggest that healthy children living at high altitude display pulmonary hypertension, but the data to support this assumption are sparse. Nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by the respiratory epithelium regulates pulmonary artery pressure, and its synthesis was reported to be increased in Aymara high-altitude dwellers. We hypothesized that pulmonary artery pressure will be lower in Aymara children than in children of European ancestry at high altitude, and that this will be related to increased respiratory NO. We therefore compared pulmonary artery pressure and exhaled NO (a marker of respiratory epithelial NO synthesis) between large groups of healthy children of Aymara (n = 200; mean +/- SD age, 9.5 +/- 3.6 years) and European ancestry (n = 77) living at high altitude (3,600 to 4,000 m). We also studied a group of European children (n = 29) living at low altitude. The systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient in the Aymara children was normal, even though significantly higher than the gradient measured in European children at low altitude (22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg vs 17.7 +/- 3.1 mm Hg, p < 0.001). In children of European ancestry studied at high altitude, the pressure gradient was 33% higher than in the Aymara children (30.0 +/- 5.3 mm Hg vs 22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg, p < 0.0001). In contrast to what was expected, exhaled NO tended to be lower in Aymara children than in European children living at the same altitude (12.4 +/- 8.8 parts per billion [ppb] vs 16.1 +/- 11.1 ppb, p = 0.06) and was not related to pulmonary artery pressure in either group. Aymara children are protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension at high altitude. This protection does not appear to be related to increased respiratory NO synthesis.
Rapport de synthèse : Plusieurs études suggèrent que les populations vivant en haute altitude sont mieux protégées contre l'hypertension pulmonaire hypoxique que celles originaires de la plaine. Cependant, les mécanismes sous jacents ne sont pas bien compris. Chez les Tibétains, la synthèse augmentée par le système respiratoire de monoxyde d'azote (NO) atténue l'hypertension pulmonaire hypoxique. Il a été spéculé que ce mécanisme pourrait représenter un mode généralisé d'adaptation à la haute altitude, mais il n'existe pas de preuve directe qui consume cette hypothèse. Nous avons donc mesuré la pression artérielle pulmonaire (par échocardiographie Doppler) ainsi que la concentration du NO dans l'air exhalé chez 34 Boliviens en bonne santé, nés et ayant toujours vécus en haute altitude (3600 m) et chez 34 Caucasiens apparentés pour l'âge et le sexe, nés en basse altitude mais vivant depuis de nombreuses années à cette même haute altitude (3600 mètres). La pression artérielle pulmonaire (24.3±5.9 vs. 24.7±4.9 mm Hg) et le NO exhalé (19.2±7.2 vs. 22.5±9.5 ppb) étaient similaires chez les Boliviens et les Caucasiens. Il n'y avait aucune corrélation entre la pression artérielle pulmonaire et le NO respiratoire dans les deux groupes. Ces résultats ne fournissent donc aucune évidence que les Boliviens nés en haute altitude sont mieux protégés contre l'hypertension pulmonaire hypoxique que les Caucasiens nés à basse altitude. Cela suggère que l'atténuation de l'hypertension pulmonaire par une synthèse accrue de NO respiratoire ne représente pas un mode universel d'adaptation des populations à la haute altitude. Abstract : There is evidence that high altitude populations may be better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than low altitude natives, but the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. In Tibetans, increased pulmonary respiratory NO synthesis attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. It has been speculated that this mechanism may represent a generalized high altitude adaptation pattern, but direct evidence for this speculation is lacking. We therefore measured systolic pulmonary-artery pressure (Doppler echocardiography) and exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in 34 healthy, middle-aged Bolivian high altitude natives and in 34 age- and sex-matched, well-acclimatized Caucasian low altitude natives living at high altitude (3600 m). The mean ± SD systolic right ventricular to right arterial pressure gradient (24.3 ± 5.9 vs. 24.7 ± 4.9 mmHg) and exhaled NO (19.2 ± 7.2 vs. 22.5 ± 9.5 ppb) were similar in Bolivians and Caucasians. There was no relationship between ,pulmonary-artery pressure and respiratory NO in the two groups. These findings provide no evidence that Bolivian high altitude natives are better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than Caucasian low altitude natives and suggest that attenuation of pulmonary hypertension by increased respiratory NO synthesis may not represent a universal adaptation pattern in highaltitude populations.
A 68 year-old woman presented with increasing dyspnoea (NYHA II) and systolic murmur at auscultation. Echocardiography showed thickened pulmonary valve leaflets, a systolic prolapsing mass provoking severe pulmonary stenosis (peak systolic pulmonary pressure: 42 mmHg), no regurgitation, minimal right ventricular dilatation but normal ventricular function. CT scan showed a dense structure extending from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) up to the pulmonary bifurcation infiltrating the pulmonary valve (PV).