1000 resultados para rickettsia-like organism (RLO)


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From 2001 to 2002, a new and emergent infectious disease of Ophiocephalus argus occurred in a fishery in Hubei Province, China, with an incidence of 60% similar to 70% and a mortality as high as 100 %. The diseased fish showed an enlarged abdomen, the millet-like nodules in internal organs, and the swollen kidney which was composed of 5 similar to 10 sarcoma-like bodies in cream or gray-white colour or ulcerated into beandregs-like substance. Light microscopic observation revealed the basophilic or acidphilic inclusions in cytoplasm of the cells and the granulomas, a diffusive chronic inflammation in internal organs. Further analysis under an electron microscope indicated that the intracytoplasmic inclusions were rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) that are either spherical or coccoid, with variable size, ranging from 0.5 similar to 1.5 mum in diameter, and enclosed within membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles. RLO had a central nucleoid region with some fine filamentous structures and an electron-dense granule. Its cytoplasm contained abundant ribosomal bodies. Occasionally, RLO appeared to be divided by binary fission. RLOs were also observed in the homogenized tissue of infected fish. The results suggested that the death of cultured O. argus was caused by RLO infection.


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Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense (Ca. P. australiense) is associated with the plant diseases strawberry lethal yellows (SLY), strawberry green petal (SGP), papaya dieback (PDB), Australian grapevine yellows (AGY) and Phormium yellow leaf (PYL; New Zealand). Strawberry lethal yellows disease is also associated with a rickettsia-like-organism (RLO) or infrequently with the tomato big bud (TBB) phytoplasma, the latter being associated with a wide range of plant diseases throughout Australia. In contrast, the RLO has been identified only in association with SLY disease, and Ca. P. australiense has been detected only in a limited number of plant host species. The aim of this study was to identify plant hosts that are possible reservoirs of Ca. P. australiense and the SLY RLO. Thirty-one plant species from south-east Queensland were observed with disease between 2001 and 2003 and, of these, 18 species tested positive using phytoplasma-specific primers. The RLO was detected in diseased Jacksonia scoparia and Modiola caroliniana samples collected at Stanthorpe. The TBB phytoplasma was detected in 16 different plant species and Ca. P. australiense Australian grapevine yellows strain was detected in six species. The TBB phytoplasma was detected in plants collected at Nambour, Stanthorpe, Warwick and Brisbane. Ca. P. australiense was detected in plants collected at Nambour, Stanthorpe, Gatton and Allora. All four phytoplasmas were detected in diseased Gomphocarpus physocarpus plants collected at Toowoomba, Allora, Nambour and Gatton. These results indicated that the vector(s) of Ca. P. australiense are distributed throughout south-east Queensland and the diversity of phytoplasmas detected in G. physocarpus suggests it is a feeding source for phytoplasma insect vectors or it has a broad susceptibility to a range of phytoplasmas.


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Strawberry lethal yellows (SLY) disease in Australia is associated with the phytoplasmas Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense and tomato big bud, and a rickettsia-like-organism (RLO). Ca. P. australiense is also associated with strawberry green petal (SGP) disease. This study investigated the strength of the association of the different agents with SLY disease. We also documented the location of SLY or SGP plants, and measured whether they were RLO or phytoplasma positive. Symptomatic strawberry plants collected from south-east Queensland (Australia) between January 2000 and October 2002 were screened by PCR for both phytoplasmas and the RLO. Two previously unreported disease symptoms termed severe fruit distortion (SFD) and strawberry leaves from fruit (SLF) were observed during this study but there was no clear association between these symptoms and phytoplasmas or the RLO. Only two SGP diseased plants were observed and collected, compared with 363 plants with SLY disease symptoms. Of the 363 SLY samples, 117 tested positive for the RLO, 67 tested positive for Ca. P. australiense AGY strain and 11 plants tested positive for Ca. P. australiense PYL variant strain. On runner production farms at Stanthorpe, Queensland the RLO was detected in SLY diseased plants more frequently than for the phytoplasmas. On fruit production farms on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Ca. P. australiense was detected in SLY disease plants more frequently than the RLO.


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本文系统报道了养殖乌鳢类立克次体(Rickettsia-like organism,RLO)感染的各器官(脑、眼、鳃、心脏、头肾、肝、胰腺组织、脾、肾、肠和卵巢)的组织病理变化,探讨了炎症发展的基本规律。感染乌鳢病理解剖学特征和最具病理诊断意义的是体内各器官普遍出现的白色结节。这些结节的显微结构为肉芽肿炎症即一种慢性增生性炎症。在严重病变的肾脏,由于组织坏死区域较大和周围明显的细胞增生形成了境界较为清楚的巨大“肉瘤”状肿物。内脏器官的血管(特别是造血器官的血管)出现明显纤维素性血栓、混合血栓、弥散性血管内


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An unknown Gram-positive, catalase-negative, ovoid-shaped bacterium isolated from the submandibular abscess of a rabbit was subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated the unknown coccus represents a new subline within the genus Gemella. The unknown isolate was readily distinguished from other recognized members of the genus Gemella, namely Gemella haemolysans, Gemella bergeri, Gemella morbillorum, Gemella palaticanis and Gemella sanguinis, by biochemical tests and electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell proteins. Based on both phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium is classified in the genus Gemella as Gemella cuniculi sp. nov. The type strain is CCUG 42726T.


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Introduction: Q-fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii, a Gram-negative bacterium and Rickettsia-like organism. Transmitted from wild and domestic animals to humans, the most common route is inhalation of contaminated dust; however the oral route can be considered as a second pathway. Aim: to understand the reasons behind not including farming workforce and their families in the national vaccinations program. Discussion: In 1977 Q-fever became a notifiable disease nationally. Australia is the only country to have a registered Q-fever vaccine. As a result of the cost of the vaccine, Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) supply and subsidised program arrangements are based on the active cases count per year (by occupation), rather than for occupations that expose workers to high level of possible "risk". Conclusion: Australian farmers, farm managers, farm workers and their families need to be well educated about Q-fever and included in the national vaccination program.


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Histological analysis of gill samples taken from individuals of Latris lineata reared in aquaculture in Tasmania, Australia, and those sampled from the wild revealed the presence of epitheliocystis-like basophilic inclusions. Subsequent morphological, in situ hybridization, and molecular analyses were performed to confirm the presence of this disease and discovered a Chlamydia-like organism associated with this condition, and the criteria set by Fredericks and Relman's postulates were used to establish disease causation. Three distinct 16S rRNA genotypes were sequenced from 16 fish, and phylogenetic analyses of the nearly full-length 16S rRNA sequences generated for this bacterial agent indicated that they were nearly identical novel members of the order Chlamydiales. This new taxon formed a well-supported clade with "Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola" from the yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). On the basis of sequence divergence over the 16S rRNA region relative to all other members of the order Chlamydiales, a new genus and species are proposed here for the Chlamydia-like bacterium from L. lineata, i.e., "Candidatus Similichlamydia latridicola" gen. nov., sp. nov.


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We report the isolation and characterization of a hitherto unknown gram-negative, rod-shaped Neisseria-like organism from an infected wound resulting from a bite from a kinkajou. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown organism be classified as a new species, Kingella potus sp. nov.


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Chlamydial infections of fish are emerging as an important cause of disease in new and established aquaculture industries. To date, epitheliocystis, a skin and gill disease associated with infection by these obligate intracellular pathogens, has been described in over 90 fish species, including hosts from marine and fresh water environments. Aided by advances in molecular detection and typing, recent years have seen an explosion in the description of these epitheliocystis-related chlamydial pathogens of fish, significantly broadening our knowledge of the genetic diversity of the order Chlamydiales. Remarkably, in most cases, it seems that each new piscine host studied has revealed the presence of a phylogenetically unique and novel chlamydial pathogen, providing researchers with a fascinating opportunity to understand the origin, evolution and adaptation of their traditional terrestrial chlamydial relatives. Despite the advances in this area, much still needs to be learnt about the epidemiology of chlamydial infections in fish if these pathogens are to be controlled in farmed environments. The lack of in vitro methods for culturing of chlamydial pathogens of fish is a major hindrance to this field. This review provides an update on our current knowledge of the taxonomy and diversity of chlamydial pathogens of fish, discusses the impact of these infections on the health, and highlights further areas of research required to understand the biology and epidemiology of this important emerging group of fish pathogens of aquaculture species.


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The fatty acids of 18 strains of Bordetella avium, 3 strains of Alcaligenes faecalis, 5 strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica, and 12 strains of a B. avium-like organism were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The presence of a significant amount of the acid 2-OH C14:0 characterized B. avium and the B. avium-like organism. B. avium and the B. avium-like organism differed in their relative concentrations of C16:1 and 3-OH C14:0 acids. B. bronchiseptica and A. faecalis were distinguishable by comparison of the relative concentrations of C18:0 and C18:1 acids.


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In 2012, a project was initiated to assess if the soft rot disease of ginger in Australian fields was associated with pathogens other than Pythium myriotylum. Together with nine Pythium spp., ten isolates of a Pythium-like organism were also recovered from ginger with soft rot symptoms. These Pythium-like isolates were identified as Pythiogeton (Py.) ramosum based on its morphology and ITS sequences. In-vitro pathogenicity tests allowed confirmation of pathogenicity of Py. ramosum on excised carrot (Daucus carota), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and potato (Solanum tubersum) tubers, although it was not pathogenic on excised ginger (Zingiber officinale) and radish (Raphanus sativus) rhizome/roots. In addition it was found to be pathogenic on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), capsicum (Capsicum annuum) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) seedlings. This is the first record of Py. ramosum and its pathogenicity in Australia.


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Since 1988 growers of bay scallop Argopecten irradians in China have been experiencing mortality in their cultured stocks. Although poorly documented, mortality apparently began near Qingdao and has since spread to other areas of Shandong and Liaoning provinces. Samples of cultured scallops were collected from several growing areas in these provinces and analyzed by histological methods for pathogens. An unidentified haplosporidian parasite was observed in a high proportion of scallops from two of the stocks examined. Most infections were of low intensity, but one heavy infection was also observed. Only plasmodia stages were observed; they occurred intercellularly in connective tissues throughout the scallops. Plasmodia were spherical to oval, varied from 4.0 to 17.0 mu m in diameter and contained from 2 to 18 nuclei. Absence of spores prevented generic assignment of the parasite. The source and pathogenicity of the haplosporidian could not be assessed without additional research. No other microbial parasites (i.e. rickettsia-like, chlamydia-like or kidney coccidia) were observed in any of the scallops examined.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Naturais, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias, Universidade do Algarve, 1992


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A previously undescribed, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, Streptococcus-like organism originating from a European beaver (Castor fiber) was subjected to a taxonomic study. The organism displayed beta-haemolytic activity and gave a positive reaction with Lancefield group A antisera. Based on the results of biochemical testing, the organism was tentatively identified as a member of the genus Streptococcus, but it did not correspond phenotypically to any recognized species of this genus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies confirmed this assignment, with the bacterium forming a hitherto unknown subline within the genus. Sequence divergence values of greater than 3% from other reference streptococcal species, however, demonstrated that the unidentified coccus-shaped organism represents a hitherto unknown species. Based on phenotypic and molecular phylogenetic evidence, it is therefore proposed that the unknown organism from a beaver be classified as a novel species, Streptococcus castoreus sp. nov. The type strain is M605815/03/2(T) (=CCUG 48115(T) = CIP 108205(T)).


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de um agente etiológico, denominado na Europa, Australia e EUA como megabactéria, observado em estômago de pequenas aves (canários belgas, agapornis e periquitos australianos), provenientes da região de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo/SP. As necropsias de 64 aves silvestres (4 periquitos australianos, 12 agapornis e 48 canários), realizadas no perído de 1994 a 1997, foram analisadas, constatando-se em 56% dos casos a presença de estruturas filiformes, acidofílicas sob coloração Giemsa, gram positivas, existentes no muco do proventrículo, descritas na literatura como megabactérias. Foram testados diversos tipos de meios de cultura para reprodução in vitro deste microrganismo. Foram ainda comparadas as dimensões (comprimento e largura) dessa bactéria obtida apartir do esfregaço fresco de muco proventricular e da megabactéria proveniente de cultivo in vitro. Também foram listados os principais achados macroscópicos do animais portadores desta bactéria.