27 resultados para retromolar


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the area and volume of bone available for grafting in a donor retromolar region using computed tomography (CT). Materials and Methods: Ten patients previously scanned by multislice CT were selected for evaluation. Images from partially and completely dentate patients at least 18 years of age were included in the study; those from patients with impacted or erupted third molars or intrabony lesions in the study area were not included. Computer software with appropriate tools was used to handle the images. Two calibrated observers made measurements separately. Safety margins in relation to the lingual cortex, the base of mandible, and the alveolar canal were established in each cross-section of the CTs. Measurements were done by using cross-sectional views, and the results were calculated after three-dimensional reconstruction, providing area and volume data. Results: The mean area of bone available for grafting was 8.12 cm(2) ( range, 0.00 to 13.60 cm(2)) and 8.32 cm(2) ( range, 0.00 to 14.30 cm(2)) for observers 1 and 2, respectively. Mean available bone volume for grafting was 0.79 cm(3) ( range, 0.00 to 1.50 cm(3)) for observer 1 and 0.85 cm(3) ( range, 0.00 to 1.60 cm(3)) for observer 2. Interobserver analysis showed substantial agreement. Conclusion: The retromolar region showed a wide variety of anatomic differences among patients. Three-dimensional multislice CT allows reproducible measurements of the area and volume of the retromolar region. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2010; 25: 374-378


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A ressecção do ramo ascendente da mandíbula ocasiona um déficit funcional e estético considerável. OBJETIVO: Comparar a mandibulectomia marginal e segmentar de tumores avançados de loja amigdalina e região retromolar sem envolvimento ósseo mandibular detectado no período pré-operatório, em relação à sobrevida e recidiva loco-regional. Forma de Estudo: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Compararam-se 20 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia marginal e 22 tratados com mandibulectomia segmentar de outubro de 1994 a dezembro de 2001 em serviço de referência em Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço. RESULTADOS: Dos 20 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia marginal, 35% morreram com doença, 15% por recidiva local, 15% por recidiva regional e 5% por recidiva loco-regional. Dos 22 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia segmentar 45,4% morreram pela doença, sendo 31,8% por recidiva local e 13,6% por recidiva à distância. Na análise pelo método de Kaplan-Meier o grupo tratado com mandibulectomia marginal apresentou uma taxa de 55%, e o grupo tratado com ressecção segmentar 45% com p= 0,8329. CONCLUSÕES: A análise dos dois grupos evidenciou que a conservação do ramo ascendente da mandíbula, mesmo em lesões avançadas, sem envolvimento mandibular, não aumenta o índice de recidiva.


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The retromolar foramen allows the passage of the neurovascular bundles that contribute to nutrition and innervation of the pulp and periodontium of the lower teeth. Knowledge of this anatomical variation may prevent complications in the anesthesia and surgical procedures in this area and serve as an anatomical landmark for ethnic identification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the retromolar foramen in human mandibles of adult Brazilians and discuss the clinical and ethnic related to the presence of this foramen. Were evaluated 222 human mandibles, dry, adults, Brazilians, independent of gender. The evaluation was performed by two examiners who standardized search from a previous anatomical study. The mandibles were analyzed: the presence of the retromolar foramen (bilateral or unilateral), the presence of the foramen on right and left sides, and the number of foramens present on each side. It was found that 59 had at least one mandible retromolar foramens resulting in an incidence of 26.58%. The retromolar foramen was present unilaterally in 41 mandibles and 18 bilaterally, with incidences of 18.47% and 12.16% respectively. on the right side, the retromolar foramen was present in incidences of 16.22% and 18.92% respectively The analysis of the right side of the mandibles revealed that 47.46%, 21.21% and 3.03% had one, two and three foramens, respectively The left side showed 55.93%, 16.22% and 8.11% of the 222 mandibles with one, two and three retromolar foramens, respectively The incidence of retromolar foramen in the Brazilian population is significant and should be considered in the planning and execution of procedures in several areas of clinical practice dentistry in order to avoid complications. Moreover, it was found that the incidence of retromolar foramen contributes to differentiation of ethnic groups in the area of forensic anthropology.


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The retromolar triangle is a triangular area located in the mandible, posteriorly to the last molar. This region, due its thickness and bone density, is widely used for the installation of devices that provide an anchorage system for the movement of the lower molars. The aim of this research is to provide morphometric data of the mucosa thickness of the retromolar triangle. Twenty-five patients of portuguese nationality, with indication for extraction of the impacted lower third molar (right and/or left), were studied. In the region of the retromolar triangle were demarcated 3 points corresponding to the vertices of a triangle whose the base was torned for the distal face of the lower third molar and the lenght of the sides corresponded to vestibulolingual dimension of the same tooth, then was demarcated a fourth point corresponding to the geometric center of the triangle. Then, using a finger spreader with silicone stop were measured the mucosal tickness at each point. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed. The lowest average value found was 5.5mm on the right side and the highest average value found was 7.13mm on the left side. Considering the mean values obtained at the points of the retromolar triangle mucosa measured in this study, we conclude that the retromolar triangle shows thick mucosa, so the mini-implants indicated for this region should have a long transmucosal neck.


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Background. The retromolar canal (RMC) is an anatomical variation that can cause complications in dental procedures. Method. The RMC was evaluated according to age, sex, and presence of accessory mandibular canal and accessory mental foramen, on both sides in 500 panoramic radiographs, belonging to individuals at the age of 7 to 20 years. The associations of interest were studied through Fisher's Exact Test and Pearson's Chi-Square Test, and the correlation was studied through Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r). The significance level used was 5%. Results. The RMC was observed in 44 radiographs (8.8%), and out of those 24 were females. There was no statistically significant association between the RMC and age (p > 0.05; Fisher's Exact Test), sex (p = 0.787; Pearson's Chi-Square Test), amount of mandibular canals and mental foramina, on both sides (p > 0.05; Pearson's Chi-Square Test). There was a significant association between RMC and side, the higher frequency of the canal being on the right side (p < 0.05; Fisher's Exact Test). Conclusions. Despite the low occurrence of the RMC, its identification and the verification of its dimensions and path are relevant, mainly in cases when anesthetic and surgical procedures can present failures or difficulties.


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The retromolar canal is an anatomic structure of the mandible with clinical importance. This canal branches off from the mandibular canal behind the third molar and travels to the retromolar foramen in the retromolar fossa. The retromolar canal might conduct accessory innervation to the mandibular molars or contain an aberrant buccal nerve.


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This study proposed to evaluate the mandibular biomechanics in the posterior dentition based on experimental and computational analyses. The analyses were performed on a model of human mandible, which was modeled by epoxy resin for photoelastic analysis and by computer-aided design for finite element analysis. To standardize the evaluation, specific areas were determined at the lateral surface of mandibular body. The photoelastic analysis was configured through a vertical load on the first upper molar and fixed support at the ramus of mandible. The same configuration was used in the computer simulation. Force magnitudes of 50, 100, 150, and 200 N were applied to evaluate the bone stress. The stress results presented similar distribution in both analyses, with the more intense stress being at retromolar area and oblique line and alveolar process at molar level. This study presented the similarity of results in the experimental and computational analyses and, thus, showed the high importance of morphology biomechanical characterization at posterior dentition.


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O exame clínico não é suficiente para avaliar, com precisão, o envolvimento linfonodal em carcinomas de boca e orofaringe. Avaliamos 21 pacientes portadores de carcinoma espinocelular de boca e orofaringe, estadiados clinicamente como N0. Em todos os pacientes foi feita tomografia computadorizada de face e pescoço, e linfocintilografia. A sensibilidade e a especificidade da tomografia computadorizada foram de 16% e 73% para o lado homolateral, e 0% e 90% para o contralateral, respectivamente. Drenagem linfática foi vista em 76,2% dos casos. A não-migração ocorreu em casos de difícil injeção do radiofármaco, como fossa amigdaliana e região retromolar. A migração bilateral ocorreu apenas em casos de soalho bucal, em que havia envolvimento da linha mediana. A partir desses resultados conclui-se que a tomografia computadorizada foi menos eficiente que o exame clínico. Porém, o tomógrafo utilizado foi o não-helicoidal e, portanto, a eficácia do tomógrafo helicoidal não foi avaliada. A linfocintilografia foi útil na avaliação de pacientes clinicamente N0 e estamos utilizando o método para avaliar linfonodo sentinela nos carcinomas de boca.


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Os autores estudaram sete casos de carcinoma de gengiva atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia e no Serviço de Diagnóstico por Imagem do Complexo Hospitalar Heliópolis, São Paulo, SP, entre 1985 e 1996. Todos os casos eram carcinomas do tipo espinocelular. Os sete pacientes eram do sexo masculino (100%), com idade variando entre 48 e 72 anos (média de 57 anos). Exame de tomografia computadorizada foi realizado em seis (85,6%) dos sete pacientes. Quatro pacientes (57,1%) eram não tratados na ocasião do exame de imagem e três pacientes (42,8%) já tinham tido algum tipo de tratamento (cirurgia ou radioterapia). Além disso, os autores analisaram o local primário e as extensões locais para a mandíbula (5/7 casos; 71,4%), para o soalho da boca (3/7 casos; 42,8%), para o soalho do seio maxilar (1/7 casos; 14,2%) e para o trígono retromolar (1/7 casos; 14,2%). Linfonodos metastáticos foram observados em cinco pacientes (71,4%). Biópsia e exame histopatológico confirmaram todos os casos. Confrontação com achados cirúrgicos foi possível em cinco casos (71,4%).


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OBJETIVO: O esvaziamento cervical seletivo, removendo apenas os linfonodos com maior probabilidade de metástases, pode ser adequado para o tratamento do pescoço nos carcinomas epidermóides do andar inferior da boca. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os níveis linfonodais acometidos por metástases em uma série de pacientes tratados em uma única instituição. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados os registros de 416 pacientes com câncer de lábio, língua oral, soalho de boca, gengiva inferior, região jugal e trígono retromolar, submetidos à 519 esvaziamentos cervicais entre 1977 e 2001, quanto ao níveis linfonodais acometidos por metástases. RESULTADOS: O nível I estava acometido em 107/519 (20%) esvaziamentos, o nível II em 147/519 (28%), o nível III em 75/519 (14%), o nível IV em 32/419 (7%) e o nível V em 22/419 (5%). A taxa de falso-negativos e de falso-positivos foi de 36% e 30%, respectivamente. Os pacientes com metástases nos níveis I e/ou II, III, IV ou V tiveram uma média 2,2; 4,8; 6,5 e 7,5 linfonodos comprometidos, respectivamente (p < 0.0001). As metástases no nível IIb foram diagnosticadas em 21 (5%) pacientes, sendo que 11 (52%) deles tinham metástases no nível V (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: O esvaziamento cervical dos níveis I a IV remove quase todos os linfonodos com risco de metástases no carcinoma epidermóide do andar inferior da boca. O esvaziamento seletivo com esta extensão é adequado para o tratamento eletivo do pescoço (N0), onde ocorrem aproximadamente 30% de casos falso-negativos, e também pode ser suficiente no esvaziamento terapêutico (N+). Quando ocorrem metástases no nível IIb, aumenta significativamente o risco de metástases no nível V.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a importância da tomografia computadorizada na mudança do paradigma cirúrgico no carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) da boca e orofaringe. MÉTODO: De 1991 e 2004, nos Departamentos de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço/ORL e Radiologia do Hospital Heliópolis, foram analisados, retrospectivamente, tomografias computadorizadas de 30 pacientes, 25 homens e cinco mulheres, com idades variando de 25 a 77 anos, todos com diagnóstico de carcinoma epidermóide do soalho da boca e/ou da língua oral e orofaringe. Todos os exames foram avaliados por dois radiologistas, separadamente, sem o conhecimento prévio do estadiamento clínico, sendo analisada a disseminação local-regional para os diferentes sítios. Para análise interobservadores, o índice Kappa foi calculado para estimar a concordância entre os mesmos, sendo o nível de significância adotado o valor de 0,05. RESULTADO: A análise da concordância entre os observadores foi considerada excelente (Kappa: 0,81 - 1,00) para três subsítios (linha média, espaço mastigador e cadeia linfonodal jugulo-carotídea alta); boa (Kappa: 0,61 - 0,80) para 10 subsítios (soalho da boca e língua oral, ramo da mandíbula, trígono retromolar, espaço submandibular, loja amigdalina e cadeias linfonodais submentoniana, submandibular, jugulo-carotídea média, jugulo-carotídea baixa e espinal); moderada (Kappa: 0,41 - 0,60) para dois subsítios (corpo da mandíbula e base da língua) e não foi possível calcular o Kappa para um subsítio (cadeia linfonodal retrofaríngea). CONCLUSÃO: A concordância interobservadores predominou de boa a excelente, sendo os valores estatisticamente significantes.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of CD105 and FvW antibodies in the angiogenesis of oral epidermoid carcinoma (OEC), correlating it with the TNM clinical staging system, seeking a better understanding of its biological behavior and use as an indicator of prognosis.The sample consisted of 30 epidermoid carcinoma (EC) cases, 10 of the floor of the mouth, 10 of the retromolar region and 10 of the tongue, in addition to 10 cases of pyogenic granuloma, which made up the control group. The results showed that mean microvessel counts (MVC) were correspondingly higher in the pyogenic granuloma group (CD105 = 57.26 vessels and FvW = 39.64) than in the EC group (CD105 = 10.09 and FvW = 12.20) and that the differences were statistically significant between the groups for each of the angiogenic biomarkers (p = 0.002 for CD105 and p< 0.001 for FvW). CD105 had better positivity in the pyogenic granuloma group (mean = 57.26 vessels) and for EC, FvW had the highest expression (mean = 12.20 vessels). With respect to EC, the most affected age group was between 51 and 70 years (n = 14; 46.7%), with a representative MVC for both markers. No statistically significant difference was found between the sexes for any of the markers (p = 0.967 for CD105 and p = 0.744 for FvW). Mean CD105 levels were much higher in patients with stage T3 and T4 (17.13) and lower in those with stage N+ (6.36). Mean FvW levels were higher in the patients with stage T1 and T2 (12.23) and lower in patients with T3 and T4 (12.10), but without a statistically significant difference. In regard to anatomic location, a statistically significant difference was observed between FvW sites, with a statistically significant difference between floor of the mouth cases and those located in the retromolar region (p =0.013). Therefore, this study suggests that CD105 expression in OEC angiogenesis, in contrast to other types of malignant neoplasias, may not be correlated with prognosis and tumor aggressiveness, whereas FvW was a more effective antibody for staining this lesion


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Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the biomechanical stability of 9 different osteosynthesis methods after sagittal split ramus osteotomy by simulating the masticatory forces and using a 3-point biomechanical test method.Materials and Methods: Forty-five polyurethane hemimandibles with bone-like consistency were randomly assigned to 9 groups (n = 5) and subjected to sagittal split ramus osteotomy. After 4-mm advancement of the distal segment, the bone segments were fixed by different osteosynthesis methods using 2.0-mm miniplate/screw systems: group A, one 4-hole conventional straight miniplate; group B, one 4-hole locking straight miniplate; group C, one 4-hole conventional miniplate and one bicortical screw; group D, one 4-hole locking miniplate and 1 bicortical screw; group E, one 6-hole conventional straight miniplate; group F, one 6-hole locking straight miniplate; group (3: two 4-hole conventional straight miniplates; group H. two 4-hole locking straight miniplates; and group 1, 3 bicortical screws in an inverted-L. pattern. All models were mounted on a base especially constructed for this purpose. Using a 3-point biomechanical test model, the hemimandibles were loaded in compressive strength in an Instron machine (Norwood, MA) until a 3-mm displacement occurred between segments vertically or horizontally. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 1%).Results: The multiparametric comparison of the groups showed a statistically significant difference (P<.01) between groups that used 2 miniplates (groups G and H), 1 miniplate and 1 bicortical screw (groups C and D), and only bicortical screws (group D compared with groups that used only 1 miniplate with 2 screws per segment (groups A and B) and 3 screws per segment (groups E and F).Conclusion: The placement of 2.0-mm-diameter bicortical screws in the retromolar region, associated or not with conventional and locking miniplates with monocortical screws, promoted a better stabilization of bone segments. Locking miniplates presented a better performance in bone fixation in all groups. (C) 2010 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:724-730, 2010


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OBJETIVO: verificar o percentual de pacientes que necessitaram extração de dentes permanentes, pré-molares, dentre aqueles tratados com extração de dentes decíduos para correção do apinhamento primário na dentição mista, bem como analisar as possíveis variáveis relacionadas. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi composta por documentações ortodônticas de 70 pacientes na dentição permanente, cujo tratamento iniciou-se na dentição mista com planejamento de um programa de extrações seriadas (PES). Todos os prontuários foram analisados por um único examinador, no intuito de verificar se o PES havia sido cumprido com a extração de dentes permanentes ou se havia sido realizada apenas extração de dentes decíduos. Verificou-se a associação entre a extração de dentes permanentes e as variáveis padrão facial; relação sagital entre as arcadas dentárias; IMPA; proporção tamanho do segundo molar permanente inferior/espaço retromolar; mecânica de controle de espaço e discrepância de modelo (teste exato de Fisher para as variáveis categóricas e modelo de regressão logística para as variáveis numéricas). Os resultados foram considerados para p<0,05. RESULTADOS: dos pacientes que haviam sido tratados com extração de dentes decíduos para a correção do apinhamento na dentição mista, 70% necessitaram de extração de dentes permanentes. A análise estatística não mostrou associação significativa entre as variáveis estudadas e a necessidade de extração de dentes permanentes, com exceção da variável discrepância de modelo. CONCLUSÃO: a discrepância de modelo representou a principal determinante de extração de pré-molares no PES.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the anatomotopographic location of the mandibular foramen in the right and left ramus, and to verify the influence of the amount of dental alveoli on the foramen position. Thirty-five adult dry human mandibles of Araraquara Dental School, UNESP - São Paulo State University were assessed, with or without dental alveoli. Measurements were obtained, using a ruler and a digital caliper. The following distances were measured: Fl - distance between the lowest point of the mandibular incisure and the mandibular foramen (F point); FB - distance between the mandibular base and F point; FP - distance between the posterior margin of the ramus and F point; FA - distance between the anterior margin of the ramus and F point; FT - distance between the apex of the retromolar trigone and F point. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare each measurement according to hemi-arch, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyze the influence of the presence of alveoli on the measures. For multiple comparison, Dunn's method was used. There was no statistically significant difference in the location of the mandibular foramen when compared to the right and left hemi-arches. The amount of dental alveoli influenced, significantly, only on FA and FP distances. Thus, it was concluded that the right and left mandibular ramus showed symmetry in the location of the mandibular foramen, and the amount of alveoli influenced on the distances of the anterior and posterior margins of the mandibular rams, in relation to the mandibular foramen.