16 resultados para reterritorialization


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Taking a Media Anthropology’s approach to dynamics of mediated selfrepresentation in migratory contexts, this thesis starts by mapping radio initiatives produced by, for and/or with migrants in Portugal. To further explore dynamics of support of initial settlement in the country, community-making, cultural reproduction, and transnational connectivity - found both in the mapping stage and the minority media literature (e.g. Kosnick, 2007; Rigoni & Saitta, 2012; Silverstone & Georgiou, 2005) - a case study was selected: the station awarded with the first bilingual license in Portugal. The station in question caters largely to the British population presenting themselves as “expats” and residing in the Algarve. The ethnographic strategy to research it consisted of “following the radio” (Marcus, 1995) beyond the station and into the events and establishments it announces on air, so as to relate production and consumption realms. The leading research question asks how does locally produced radio play into “expats” processes of management of cultural identity – and what are the specificities of its role? Drawing on conceptualizations of lifestyle migration (Benson & O’Reilly, 2009), production of locality (Appadurai 1996) and the public sphere (Butsch, 2007; Calhoun & et al, 1992; Dahlgren, 2006), this thesis contributes to valuing radio as a productive gateway to research migrants’ construction of belonging, to inscribe a counterpoint in the field of minority media, and to debate conceptualizations of migratory categories and flows. Specifically, this thesis argues that the station fulfills similar roles to other minority radio initiatives but in ways that are specific to the population being catered to. Namely, unlike other minority stations, radio facilitates the process of transitioning between categories along on a continuum linking tourists and migrants. It also reflects and participates in strategies of reterritorialization that rest on functional and partial modes of incorporation. While contributing to sustain a translocality (Appadurai, 1996) it indexes and fosters a stance of connection that is symbolically and materially connected to the UK and other “neighborhoods” but is, simultaneously, oriented to engaging with the Algarve as “home”. Yet, besides reifying a British cultural identity, radio’s oral, repetitive and ephemeral discourse particularly trivializes the reproduction of an ambivalent stance of connection with place that is shared by other “expats”. This dynamic is related to migratory projects driven by social imaginaries fostered by international media that stimulate the search for idealized ways of living, which the radio associates with the Algarve. While recurrently localizing and validating the narrative projecting an idealized “good life”, radio amplifies dynamics among migrants that seem to reaffirm the migratory move as a good choice.


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Thirty years after the Canton of Jura entered sovereignty, it has to be admited that the creation of the newly canton did't fullfill the hopes of economic and demografic growth that many could have expected from political independance. Through a plurality of complementary approaches, the research suggest a closer look at, on one hand, the position of the Canton in its territorial context as well as its structure and dynamics and on the other hand, the representations of the territory and its evolution by the social actors. This in order to formulate a set of social demands (of debate, of openness and of overcoming cleavages) which augurs for a new territoriality regime and testify of a requirement of reflexivity toward the state institutions and actions. The analysis allowed to set in evidence the central role of the couple identity-project in the dynamics of change, and to identifiy three main periods in the recent past of the Canton: a period of territorialization, during which grew a strong collective identity, coupled with a major project of society (the creation of the canton of Jura); then followed a period of deterritorialization, with the fragmentation of the collective identity and the lack of a project of society. Then, the third period, with a paradoxical event, the failure in public vote of the the project Jura open Land (Jura Pays ouvert), which was meant to give a second wind to the Canton. We consider this turning point as the start of a new period (of reterritorialization), with an issue linked with the outlines of a renewed "jurassian" identity and the elaboration of a shared territory project.Trente ans après l'entrée en souveraineté, force est de constater que la création du canton du Jura n'a pas permis de répondre aux espérances de développement économique et démographique que l'indépendance politique devait entraîner dans son sillage. Cette recherche se propose, à travers une pluralité d'approches complémentaires, d'examiner d'une part la position du Canton dans son contexte territorial ainsi que sa structure et sa dynamique; d'autre part, les représentations que se font les acteurs du territoire et de son évolution, pour déboucher sur une série de demandes sociales (de débat, d'ouverture et de dépassement des clivages) qui augurent de la transition vers un nouveau régime de territorialité et témoignent d'une exigence de réflexivité envers les institutions et les actions de l'Etat. L'analyse a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle central du couple identité-projet dans la dynamique de changement et d'identifier trois temps forts dans l'évolution récente du Canton, une phase de territorialisation au cours de laquelle s'est constituée une identité forte doublée d'un projet de société majeur, suivie d'une phase de déterritorialisation avec une fragmentation de l'identité collective et l'absence de projet mobilisateur. Enfin, un moment paradoxal, l'échec du projet Jura Pays ouvert, censé redonner un second souffle au Canton, qui amorce une nouvelle étape (de reterritorialisation) avec un questionnement lié aux contours d'une identité jurassienne renouvelée et à l'élaboration d'un projet de territoire partagé.Les ressorts de la production du territoire et de son développement sont analysés à travers le rôle des représentations sociales dans la constitution identitaire et le projet territorial, à l'exemple du canton du Jura. La mise en évidence du rôle central du couple identité-projet dans la dynamique de changement a permis d'identifier trois temps forts dans l'évolution récente du Canton. Une première phase (la création du canton du Jura), au cours de laquelle s'est constituée une identité forte doublée d'un projet de société majeur, suivie d'une phase au cours de laquelle l'identité collective s'est fragmentée en l'absence de projet mobilisateur (la phase de « gestion » de l'Etat). Puis un moment de rupture (l'échec du projet Jura Pays ouvert) et l'amorce d'une transition vers une nouvelle étape, avec un questionnement lié aux contours d'une identité jurassienne renouvelée, à l'élaboration d'un projet de territoire partagé, et à l'action des pouvoirs publics dans un contexte de repositionnement du Canton.


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This thesis explores the connection between the historical and social construction of madness in relation to how society currently views madness and schizophrenia. The anti-psychiatry movement has been outlined using the work of anti-psychiatrists David Cooper, R. D. Laing and Franco Basaglia. Foucault’s work regarding madness and the asylum is also reviewed to give an overarching analysis of madness, including analysis of its creation. With the help of Basaglia, madness as class warfare and social disease are explored. By connecting this analysis to the medicalization of schizophrenia and the use of counter-narratives, this thesis uses the work of Deleuze and Guattari to illustrate how mental illness can be redefined through deterritorialization, reterritorialization and lines of flight. Specifically, this thesis uses a Foucauldian textual analysis to examine self-narratives of schizophrenia including, the films A Beautiful Mind and The Best of Youth, and the books Two Accounts of a Journey Through Madness, The Center Cannot Hold and Living With Voices. These self-narratives illustrate the importance of considering an individual’s voice when determining treatment options for mental illness. Overall, a shift in thinking is needed. The findings suggest self-help groups are not enough on their own and should be combined with medical intervention. Self-narratives are an important step in the recovery process as it allows one to come to terms with their voice hearing experiences. As well, self-narratives are useful in the treatment process as a tool that can help to redefine dominant conceptualizations of schizophrenia and mental illness today.


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Análisis de las lógicas espaciales del reconocimiento del territorio indígena en Colombia a través de procesos de reterritorialización y codificación coloniales, y de procesos de desterritorialización a través de la distinción política y disyunción de la codificación estatal por parte de la multiplicidad indígena.


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The work seeks to understand the process of reterritorialization triggered by tourism development in Tibau do Sul / RN, noting its economic, socio-cultural and political implications to the local society. Tourist activity was addressed as socio-cultural phenomenon, considering the case of (dis) (re) territorialization and power relations between staff producers of the tourism space. Given the complexity of this issue and the need for further studies that focus on the reterritorialization cases generated by tourism in the northeastern coast, given the action of the agents involved in the construction of the spaces generated by tourism, this work is then justified. For such a study an exploratory and qualitative study was conducted, through a survey of secondary and primary data, and interviews with leaders of public, private nonprofit community in the investigated county. In this sense, it was found that the process of (dis) (re) territorialization in the city investigated, permeates the contradictions resulting from the conflicts existing power while providing the location and implications for economic and sociocultural dimensions, its heart is found in the political, the relationship between entrepreneurship - established mainly by outsiders who own businesses in Pipa - and local government - composed entirely by insiders who work in the municipal headquarters, that until then, hold the political and the economic power. Thus, to understand the regionalization of tourism it is necessary to analyze its economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions, referring to the complexity of relationships between producing space agents. It is believed that the reterritorialization can be capable of producing territorialities contextualized to the culture, history, economy and local politics, understanding that the active participation of the natives will contribute to a less perverse, since this has been one of the faces experienced by local people


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PARA ONDE SOPRAM OS VENTOS , metaphor used to indicate turism public politicsway to the west zone of Fortaleza, against the direction where until now this public politics was targeted, to the east zone. This context, análise the public politics implemented in the Grande Pirambu, so like the processes of nonterritorialization and reterritorialization unchain by the program os settlement and indemnification of the Projeto Costa Oeste. Aim to learn the transformations that unroll in the studied área, based in proceding methodologic that privileged the interviews with many social actors resettled, indemnificators, intirenants, livers and fishmen. The public politics analyzes run to the Grande Pirambu infer that the same answer at trying of urbam requalification of the área, object of the new exigence pretender by the touristics activities developed in Fortaleza, wish to incorporate this área at the turistics dynamic of the city. However, the implementation of the Projeto Costa Oeste do not occuring in calm way, by opposite sence the beginning, the same has been propitiated polemics and discussions, stired up about public politics between the municipa and state power, to bring about injury in the public coffers, to the developing turismo f the city and, mainly to the living around Grande Pirambu, unquiet and sad with the buildings of the referring project that there is running for four years


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper aims to build a set for methodological studies involving territorial aspects of development, from two research plan: the analytical, related to development categories and models within the repertoire of territorialization, deterritorialization-reterritorialization, and the conceptual: regarding conceptions of territory, territorial development, in their qualitative, scalar and temporal aspects.


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The charismatic and controversial Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba is the centre of attention and devotion for a great number of adherents from various national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Due to its global spread, the Sathya Sai Baba movement is an ideal case for examining displaced religious practices. Singing is a vital part of the religious practice of Sai devotees. In this article I will discuss the contents and usage of the songbook that Swiss devotees compiled. We can observe the extent to which Indian contents are carried over and how they are supplemented with Swiss songs, but also with songs perceived as being part of a universal spiritual treasury of songs (e.g. Native American, Hebrew or International Christian songs). I will suggest that the concept of de- and reterritorialization helps us to analyze the practices of this global religious community. Additionally, I will argue that the devotees’ choice of songs and their singing practices are indeed a manifestation of their claim to universalism as well as their need to be rooted locally. I will further argue that a globalized religious movement is limited in dealing with the encounter of diverse cultural contents by the strategy of reterritorialization, but beyond that creates a new and supraterritorial cultural context.


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En tanto "espacio apropiado", el territorio no es sólo un soporte destinado a albergar a los grupos humanos y a ofrecer recursos a las actividades económicas, sino también, es una activa matriz de organización de relaciones sociales. A partir de allí, la territorialidad resulta indisociable de las relaciones de poder. Así, las configuraciones territoriales que podemos observar constituyen la resultante de procesos de territorialización y reterritorialización que se definen en el interjuego de diversos actores, quienes participan en la construcción del territorio imponiendo sus objetivos, implementando sus estrategias y, en definitiva, ejerciendo sus respectivas cuotas de poder. Una de las maneras en las que el poder se expresa en el territorio es por medio de los procesos de normalización. Este es el caso de una determinada técnica promovida globalmente por sectores de poder, en la cual subyace una específica noción de desarrollo que es inseminada en el territorio modificando su configuración. Es así como, en términos territoriales, las técnicas ofrecen valiosos indicios para comprender los mecanismos por los cuales el poder teje entramados sociales y materializa espacios. Siguiendo estas líneas argumentales, este trabajo reflexiona acerca de las maneras en las que el poder se expresa en la globalización económica y explora algunas formas en las que interviene en la organización de los territorios.


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Una de las características definitorias del sistema urbano contemporáneo es su desterritorialización, es decir, su adopción de un modelo de desarrollo que se da al margen del territorio concreto que lo sustenta y de los recursos biofísicos y culturales existentes en él. Dicha desterritorialización es posible gracias al uso intensivo de energía que ha permitido ampliar hasta la escala global los flujos del metabolismo urbano. De este modo se han roto las relaciones de proximidad urbano-rurales, y se ha aumentado la dependencia de recursos externos. Entre las diferentes manifestaciones de esta desterritorialización se encuentra la organización del sistema alimentario, que en la actualidad responde a un modelo globalizado, en el que la distancia entre producción y consumo ha aumentado a costa de incrementar el gasto energético en transporte y conservación de alimentos. Este distanciamento físico va acompañado también de un distanciamiento social e identario, con la hegemonía de un modelo agroindustrial que no respeta los paisajes, las prácticas agrícolas, los conocimientos tradicionales ni las variedades genéticas locales. Tanto el modelo territorial como el alimentario son altamente vulnerables ante crisis externas que pueden alterar su funcionamiento. El enfoque (bio)regionalista desde el mismo inicio de la ciudad industrial hasta nuestros días ha propuesto un modelo de ordenación territorial alternativo, adaptado a las condiciones locales y basado en la proximidad, que dotaría al sistema territorial de mayor resiliencia y sostenibilidad. Para confirmar este presupuesto y evaluar la capacidad de reterritorialización alimentaria se ha desarrollado una metodología que aborda el estudio del sistema territorial como socioecosistema complejo, en el que se distinguen componentes de tipo social, construido y biofísico, que se encuentran interrelacionados. La historia de cambios en la organización del sistema, su estado actual y su capacidad de reorganizarse en estados alternativos son las bases de dicha evaluación. Esta metodología se aplica a la Comunidad de Madrid con el fin de describir su sistema territorial desde el punto de vista del abastecimiento alimentario y evaluar su capacidad de reterritorialización. ABSTRACT Deterritorialization is one of the defining characteristics of the contemporary urban system. This means that its development model is designed ignoring the attributes of the specific region in which is located, and the biophysical and cultural resources therein. Such territorialization is possible due to the intensive energy consumption that allows expanding to a global scale the flows of urban metabolism. This way, urban-rural linkages have been broken, increasing dependency on external resources. The modern food system is among the clearest expressions of a deterritorialized model. In a globalized food system, increasing distances between production and consumption spaces are possible through energy-intensive transport and preservation activities. Physical distanciation goes hand in hand with social disconnection and loss of identity, due to a hegemonic agro-industrial model that does not respect local landscapes, agricultural practices, traditional knowledge or genetic varieties. Both the regional and the food systems are highly vulnerable to external shocks that may affect their functions. The bioregionalist approach has proposed, since the industrial city until today, an alternative model, adapted to local conditions and rooted on proximity, which provides a sustainable and resilient regional planning and management. To confirm this assumption and assess the food reterritorialisation capacity, a methodology has been developed that address the regional system as a complex social-ecosystem, in which interrelated social, built and biophysical subsystems are included. Assessment is based in the analysis of regimes shifts in the history of the system, and in the description of its current and alternative states. This methodology is applied to the administrative region of Madrid in order to describe its regional food system and assess its reterritorialization capacity.


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A presente tese tem como objetivo analisar territorialização dos descendentes pomeranos na região de Pancas/ES e o processo de recriação/resignficação de sua identidade étnica e social e de seu modo de vida. Entende-se o território como um espaço constituído a partir de relações sociais desenvolvidas ao longo do tempo e, portanto, repleto das relações contraditórias do modo de produção capitalista, como o campesinato, que tende tanto à sua destruição como também necessita de relações não capitalistas em sua lógica, possibilitanto assim, sua recriação. A comunidade de camponeses pomeranos se territorializou na área onde se localizam os Pontões Capixabas a partir de 1918, mas, desde o ano de 2002 passou a viver uma situação de conflito fundiário, pois suas terras (colônias) estavam sob ameaça de desapropriação, colocandoos em uma disputa territorial na tentativa de barrar a possível expropriação das terras e consequentemente do seu modo de vida tradicional frente à implantação de uma Unidade de Conservação Ambiental de Proteção Integral. Neste contexto de conflito, a consciência de classe se faz presente com mais força, levando ao fazer-se dessa classe social, que entendia já ter conquistado a terra de trabalho. O território é fator fundante para a recuperação e afirmação da identidade étnica e social dos imigrantes pomeranos, identidade esta perdida não só com o fim da Pomerânia enquanto nação, mas por todo o processo de expropriação e dominação que sofreram ao longo do tempo, e, recuperada com a territorialização, pois, o acesso à terra de trabalho possibilitou a continuidade de seu modo de vida, mas principalmente a manutenção da língua tradicional e a recriação enquanto camponês e pomerano.


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A criação de espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos é uma estratégia utilizada pelo homem desde a antiguidade, objetivando a reserva de áreas com características naturais necessárias à manutenção ou à reprodução cultural de populações humanas específicas, regulando e limitando o acesso e a apropriação de certos recursos e/ou reservando-os para usos ou futuros. Os processos de criação dessas “áreas especialmente protegidas” foram contudo intensificados, no final do século XX, com a percepção da finitude dos recursos naturais, e acelerados pelo florescimento e a consolidação do capitalismo, agora “globalizado”. Quando tais processos, são orientados por interesses diversos de grupos sociais hegemônicos, são comuns não só a desestruturação do modo de vida dos usuários dos recursos naturais tradicionalmente relacionados aos “territórios especiais”, como também a expulsão de grupos não-hegemônicos neles já instalados, sempre que suas práticas culturais sejam consideradas como incompatíveis com os fins e os objetivos da área que se pretende proteger. Entre os tipos de área especialmente protegida estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, encontram-se as Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (UC). Criadas por Lei com o objetivo de conservar a biodiversidade brasileira, as UC vem sendo palco de diversos conflitos ambientais envolvendo populações tradicionais em todos os biomas brasileiros, mas pode ser mais facilmente evidenciada na Amazônia, aonde a megabiodiversidade a proteger se sobrepõe a territórios ocupados por diversas etnias indígenas e outros povos tradicionais. Os conflitos são intensificados quando a categoria de manejo da UC criada restringe o acesso e altera os modos de apropriação e/ou dos usos tradicionais dos recursos naturais da área por parte dos residentes, inclusive impedindo a continuidade da permanência das populações no interior da UC, no caso o grupo das UC de Proteção Integral. À luz dos debates que vem sendo travados no campo da ecologia política, tais processos conflituosos estariam associados à desterritorialização dos grupos afetados pela criação da UC, nos quais o Estado brasileiro seria o responsável direto. Independentemente das diversas abordagens acadêmicas para o conceito de “território”, entende-se atualmente que a territorialização e a desterritorialização (com consequente reterritorialização) são processos interrelacionados e circularmente conectados, não podendo ser compreendidos separadamente. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é contribuir para a compreensão desses processos de des-re-terrritorialização, avaliando como alguns mecanismos previstos na Lei do Sistema Nacional das Unidades de Conservação para o reassentamento das populações anteriormente residentes vem sendo aplicados, no sentido de promover processos de reterritorialização. As reflexões apresentadas se dão a partir do caso dos ribeirinhos e colonos residentes na Estação Ecológica da Terra do Meio, Pará, Brasil. A partir da avaliação, são propostas alternativas para minimizar a situação de injustiça ambiental na qual se encontram esses atores sociais específicos.


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The main thesis of this article is that the increasing recourse to the use of unmanned aerial systems in asymmetric warfare and the beginning routinization of U.S. drone operations represent part of an evolutionary change in the spatial ordering of global politics -- Using a heuristic framework based on actor-network theory, it is argued that practices of panoptic observation and selective airstrikes, being in need of legal justification, contribute to a reterritorialization of asymmetric conflicts -- Under a new normative spatial regime, a legal condition of state immaturity is constructed, which establishes a zone of conditional sovereignty subject to transnational aerial policing -- At the same time, this process is neither a deterministic result of the new technology nor a deliberate effect of policies to which drones are merely neutral instruments -- Rather, military technology and political decisions both form part of a long chain of action which has evolved under the specific circumstances of recent military interventions