12 resultados para restrooms


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View along hallway past restrooms, on lower level.


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O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar a qualidade dos serviços prestados pela Biblioteca Central (BC) da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) utilizando o método Servqual. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. A triangulação dos dados foi realizada por meio de uma survey com 363 usuários, entrevista com nove servidores que atuam na Biblioteca e consulta a documentos da universidade que descrevem as características básicas da Biblioteca Central. A survey foi aplicada utilizando-se questionário desenvolvido com base na escala Servqual em pré-teste realizado na Biblioteca Setorial Tecnológica (BST) da UFES. Foram utilizadas duas modalidades de coleta na survey aplicada na BC: presencial e online. Foram coletados 110 questionários presenciais e 253 online. As entrevistas com os servidores da BC foram baseadas nos 116 registros de reivindicações dos usuários, coletados pela BC anteriormente à pesquisa. Além desses documentos, consultaramse informações institucionais divulgadas no catálogo de serviços da BC e em páginas da BC e da UFES na internet. Identificaram-se quatro dimensões da qualidade dos serviços prestados pela BC, com médias negativas, indicando necessidade de melhoria nos serviços prestados. As ações prioritárias recomendadas para a BC são: a) melhorar instalações físicas e equipamentos; e b) capacitar e motivar os trabalhadores para atendimento aos usuários. Essas ações devem conduzir a soluções de problemas relacionados a condições de estudo (iluminação, climatização, água, banheiros, espaço físico, móveis e silêncio) e acesso a informação (internet, autoempréstimo, quantitativo de exemplares, limitação do empréstimo e alerta quanto à data de renovação).


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge among men who have sex with men in Brazil using the latent trait model estimated by Item Response Theory. METHODS Multicenter, cross-sectional study, carried out in ten Brazilian cities between 2008 and 2009. Adult men who have sex with men were recruited (n = 3,746) through Respondent Driven Sampling. HIV/AIDS knowledge was ascertained through ten statements by face-to-face interview and latent scores were obtained through two-parameter logistic modeling (difficulty and discrimination) using Item Response Theory. Differential item functioning was used to examine each item characteristic curve by age and schooling. RESULTS Overall, the HIV/AIDS knowledge scores using Item Response Theory did not exceed 6.0 (scale 0-10), with mean and median values of 5.0 (SD = 0.9) and 5.3, respectively, with 40.7% of the sample with knowledge levels below the average. Some beliefs still exist in this population regarding the transmission of the virus by insect bites, by using public restrooms, and by sharing utensils during meals. With regard to the difficulty and discrimination parameters, eight items were located below the mean of the scale and were considered very easy, and four items presented very low discrimination parameter (< 0.34). The absence of difficult items contributed to the inaccuracy of the measurement of knowledge among those with median level and above. CONCLUSIONS Item Response Theory analysis, which focuses on the individual properties of each item, allows measures to be obtained that do not vary or depend on the questionnaire, which provides better ascertainment and accuracy of knowledge scores. Valid and reliable scales are essential for monitoring HIV/AIDS knowledge among the men who have sex with men population over time and in different geographic regions, and this psychometric model brings this advantage.


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El presente proyecto de investigación está interesado en explorar y describir determinadas formas de sociabilidad de varones de clase media auto definidos como homosexuales entre el inicio de la última dictadura (1976) y la formación de un circuito de discos y pubs gays en la ciudad de Córdoba durante el llamado “destape alfonsinista” (1986). La investigación contempla la descripción densa de dos series de prácticas de sociabilidad. Por una parte, se analizará la sociabilidad de varones homosexuales, especialmente de un conjunto de sujetos que desempeñaban determinadas profesiones como “decoradores”, “modistos”, “cocineros”, “anticuarios” y organizadores de fiestas, contratados por las elites locales y clases medias acomodadas para diseñar sus formas de diversión durante el período. ¿Cómo estos sujetos se relacionaban con quienes no forman parte del “ambiente” homosexual y cómo gestionaban el “secreto público” de su identidad erótico-sexual en sus relaciones con las elites cordobesas? El estudio de estas formas de sociabilidad homosexual escasamente trabajadas por la literatura internacional se relacionará con un análisis de las formas de sociabilidad entre varones homosexuales y la formación de un “ambiente”. Para ello se estudiarán espacios colectivos de socialización como baños públicos, plazas, calles, fiestas privadas, bares, boliches y saunas. Los códigos de comunicación verbal y gestual utilizados en esos espacios, y la caracterización de las redes de personas que componían el “ambiente” también serán objeto de análisis. Dado el carácter inicial de esta investigación, ya que no se cuenta con estudios previos para Córdoba, proponemos la siguiente hipótesis de tipo exploratorio en relación a las formas de sociabilidad de determinados varones homosexuales: Estos sujetos habrían asegurado su reproducción social tanto como la posesión de ciertos salvoconductos para el ejercicio de su identidad sociosexual produciendo fiestas de las elites locales. A partir de erigirse en árbitros del “buen gusto” dichos sujetos habrían asegurado ciertos privilegios, entre ellos “feminizar” sus gustos y producirse como “locas”. Dada las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la recuperación democrática, los salvoconductos se hicieron cada vez menos valiosos al mismo tiempo que se formaba una identidad “gay” que, aunque buscó distanciarse del modelo negativo de “la loca”, continuó reclamando su dominio sobre el “buen gusto”. De esta manera, el cultivo experto del “buen gusto” sería parte de las prácticas que organizaban las formas de sociabilidad de varones homosexuales con sujetos heterosexuales de las elites. En relación a las formas de sociabilidad entre homosexuales proponemos que durante la dictadura, “el ambiente” se habría organizado en torno a un circuito callejero y una territorialidad de eventos privados (fiestas negras). Las diferentes performances sociales desarrolladas en tales espacios formaron parte de prácticas que desafiaron el estado de sitio impuesto. Reprimidas por la dictadura, estas prácticas no podían formar parte de un consumo cultural mercantilizado. La recuperación democrática y los cambios en las políticas del Estado con relación a los derechos y los reclamos de las minorías articulados con la expansión de un mercado gay global, habrían producido un cambio en las formas de sociabilidad homosexual. El ejercicio de esta sociabilidad supuso cada vez más el consumo de ciertas mercancías culturales asociadas con “la noche”. Así, la formación de una identidad “gay”, como opuesta al modelo “loca/chongo” dominante hasta los años ´80, aparecería fuertemente relacionada con la formación y segmentarización de un mercado del entretenimiento nocturno. Para la recolección de datos se recurrirá a entrevistas focalizadas e historias de vida de sujetos que trabajaron dando forma a las prácticas de divertimento nocturno de las elites locales y participaron en las redes de personas que componían el “ambiente”. This research project aims at exploring and describing determined forms of sociability among middle class self-identified as homossexual males betwwen the beginning of the last dictatorial period (1976) and the establishment of a network of disco and gay pubs in Cordoba, AR, during the so called “destape alfonsinista” (1986). This research will deal with the thick description of two series of sociability practices. On the one hand, it will analyze male homossexuals sociability practices themselves, barely studied in international literature, mainly those of a set of subjects whose professional careers were those of interior decorators, dressmakers, kitchen chefs, antiquarians and party promoters hired by the local elites and upper middle classes to design their forms of leisure durign that period. On the other, we will deal with the forms of sociability between male homossexuals and the the set of a social environment. This rearch will study collective spaces of socialization such as restrooms, squares, streets, private parties, pubs, discos and saunas. The communication codes in those spaces, both verbal and gestural, as well as the description of the social networks componing that enviroment will also be considered. Focused interviews with and life histories of those who worked structuring night leisure local elite practices and were part of that environment social networks will be the main techniques used in data collection.


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This document lists Iowa lakes and provides their locations, major fish species found in the lake, information on shoreline access, boat rental, boat motor requirements, ramp type, camping availability and map availability. It also indicates if the lake has restrooms and playgrounds.


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This work contains a preliminary marketing plan for host services on Frei Galvão’s Church in Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. It started from the analysis of the current situation and of a study on visitors’ profiles. The development of the marketing plan proposal used the methodology of the 7 P’s of service marketing. The studies brought some relevant results, as they have indicated a lack of restaurants, adequate signalization, restrooms and a good parking lot. The studies have also shown that the host services managers lack data about number of visitors and about the distribution of pills. These results allowed the author to elaborate some strategies and formulate the proposal here presented


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This creative Capstone project, Privy Private Eye: A Guidebook for Travelers Who Have to Go, contains a nonfiction compendium of brief reviews of public restrooms in the Dallas, Texas area. To inform readers about facilities that are safe (and a few that should be avoided), Privy Private Eye contains reviews and ratings of restrooms in gas stations, restaurants, and retail centers. These appraisals will be featured in a full-length manuscript that may be published in the near future as a travel guide. Also contained herein, before the creative portion of the project itself, is a reflective paper describing the project, its creation, and its position within the context of published travel guides.


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Three sustainable projects were studied under a sustainable park model for humid climates to determine where their costs lie in terms of installation, maintenance or both. These projects included the use of solar lighting to replace every configuration of conventional lighting, inclusion of a water garden/bog filter and Riparian Buffer System for the purposes of filtering sediments and nutrients out of runoff to prevent contaminated runoff from reaching the river that was adjacent to the park model location and construction of a LEED-inspired building to serve as the concession stand/restrooms building. The aggregate cost savings of instituting all three projects over ten years was $74,120 and the entire project paid itself off in approximately four years.


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This poster presentation will exhibit the ongoing design work within two small islands adjacent to Diner Key Marina gifted by the City of Miami to the non-profit organization, Shake-A-Leg. This organization works to blur the lines between access, recreation, and skill, redefining what is possible. Abled and disabled children, adolescents, and young adults go to Shake-A-Leg to participate in a myriad of activities such as sailing, kayaking, swimming, painting, and socializing in these islands regardless of their inadequate walkways and installations. The users are people from different social statuses, physical and mental abilities. This poster will exhibit the design proposal to enhance the islands’ infrastructure to provide seamless access to all its visitors through the lush habitat in these islands. The proposed program challenges the disabilities of the person and helps them to mediate and transform them into new possibilities and abilities. The program proposes ten components which include a nature trail, restrooms, dinning center, art studio, and observation deck. The design of each space draws from the sailing boat to create solutions were the user will explore, participate and enjoy. The location encourages a feeling of challenge but at the same time it is a place for relief and freedom, allowing them to discover the diversity through experimentation and interaction with the environment. This poster presents design principles that value equal access and experience, celebrating the differences among users and the environment, blurring the lines between nature and access.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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The main issues related to water conservation in urban centers are the increase in water supply cost, demand growth, pollution and differences in the distribution of water resources. Water conservation, the controlled and efficient use of water, includes both measures as reasonable means of water reuse. Thus, conservation practices are an effective way to meet demand and supply water to new activities and users without jeopardizing the supplying water bodies and preserving the natural environment. This study aims to examine the water management of a shopping mall and the use of rainwater harvesting combined with greywater reuse. For buildings in general, water loss is common due to leaks in the hydraulic and restroom equipment. These losses, which are caused by a high volume of water used and wasted in the system, are often the result of design errors, incorrect maintenance procedures and users' bad habits In southern Brazil, where there is rainfall almost all year long, water shortages occasionally occur, particularly in some winter mouths. One difficulty that appears on rainwater studies is the proper determination of rainwater volume that can be used to address water supply systems. In this work, the simulation method was used to determine this volume. Thus, simulations with the following variables: rainfall, catchment area and water consumption were performed. For mall's hydraulic systems, segmented alternatives are adopted. That is, focusing on the use of rainwater or greywater reuse. Other alternatives of effluent reuse have been slightly discussed due to sanitary issues, those are effluents from toilets and kitchen sinks. The adoption of greywater may be feasible if there is a significant flow of greywater to comply water demand for toilet flushing. The inspections made in this study found that the quantity of sinks was insufficient to supply an adequate amount of water to toilets and urinals. The greywater reuse system was found to be infeasible in terms of demand and supply of water. Conversely, the rainwater harvesting system was entirely feasible and easily supplied water to all restrooms and contributed to the cooling of the air conditioning system with a short payback period. One of the challenges of this work was the need to compare the actual water consumption with a water consumption parameter used in buildings. Thus, a method that addresses the generation of specific consumption indexes for specific activity (like a mall) was used. The water consumption indices showed that this mall has a satisfactory water management program.