1000 resultados para respiratory problem


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L’exposition quotidienne aux polluants atmosphériques tels que le dioxyde de soufre, les particules fines (PM2.5) et l’ozone en milieu urbain sont associés à des effets néfastes sur la santé respiratoire des enfants. Des études épidémiologiques transversales rapportent des associations entre la pollution atmosphérique et des problèmes de santé respiratoires chez les enfants en milieu industriel telles que la prévalence de l’asthme et de l'hyperréactivité bronchique. Ces études épidémiologiques transversales ne permettent pas d’évaluer les effets sur la santé d’une exposition de courte durée. Peu d’études ont évalué les effets respiratoires des expositions aiguës chez les enfants à la pollution atmosphérique d’émissions industrielles. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons analysé l’association entre l’exposition journalière aux émissions d’une aluminerie et l’hospitalisation pour problèmes respiratoires (asthme, bronchiolite) chez les enfants de Shawinigan. Pour étudier ces effets des expositions aiguës, nous avons utilisé le devis épidémiologique de type « case-crossover » qui compare l’exposition lors des jours « cas » (jour d’hospitalisation) avec l’exposition lors des jours « contrôle » (exposition du même individu, les mêmes jours de la semaine, durant le même mois). Les variables d’exposition suivantes ont été calculées pour les enfants vivants dans un rayon de 7.5 km de l’industrie et pour ceux habitant à moins de 2.5 km de la station de mesure de polluants près de l’industrie : i) le nombre d’heures par jour durant lesquelles la résidence de chaque enfant recevait le panache de fumée de l’industrie. ii) les concentrations journalières de PM2.5 et de SO2 (moyenne et maximales) de la station de mesure des polluants localisée près de l’industrie. Des régressions logistiques conditionnelles ont été utilisées pour estimer les rapports de cotes (OR) et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% (IC95%). Au total, 429 hospitalisations d’enfants pour asthme et bronchiolite ont été recensées pendant la période d’étude allant de 1999 à 2008. Le risque d’hospitalisations pour asthme et bronchiolite a augmenté avec l’augmentation du nombre d’heures d’exposition aux fumées de l’industrie, chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Pour les enfants de 2-4 ans, cette association était : OR : 1.27, pour un interquartile de 4.8 heures/jour; intervalle de confiance à 95%: 1.03-1.56. Des tendances moins prononcées sont notées avec les niveaux de SO2 et de PM2.5. Cette étude suggère que l’exposition journalière aux émissions industrielles identifiées par l’exposition horaire des vents venant de l’usine pourrait être associée à une exacerbation des problèmes respiratoires chez les jeunes enfants. De plus, l’effet plus prononcé avec la variable d’exposition basée sur les vents suggère un effet découlant des polluants autres que ceux mesurés (SO2 et PM2.5), possiblement comme les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP).


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La majorité des études qui ont examiné les effets respiratoires d’une exposition de courte durée à la pollution de l’air ont été réalisées en milieu urbain. En milieu pollué par des sources industrielles, la nature de l’exposition diffère de celle en milieu urbain. Le premier objectif de ce mémoire visait une recension des études traitant de l’association entre les effets respiratoires chez l’enfant et l’exposition aux émissions de polluants industriels. La majorité des études suggèrent que l’exposition aux émissions de polluants émis par des industries est associée à un accroissement des problèmes respiratoires. Dans ces études, l’effet de l’exposition de courte durée a rarement été étudié. L’autre objectif du mémoire était d’évaluer l’association entre une exposition journalière aux émissions de pollution atmosphérique d’un complexe industriel (deux fonderies et une usine de raffinage de l’alumine) du Saguenay, Québec, et les hospitalisations pour problèmes respiratoires des enfants de 0 à 4 ans vivant près de celles-ci (<7.5 km), à l’aide d’une étude épidémiologique de type cas-croisé. Le pourcentage d’heures où le domicile de l’enfant était sous les vents provenant de la direction du complexe industriel et les maxima et moyennes journalières des concentrations de dioxyde de soufre (SO2) et de particules fines (PM2.5) ont été recueillis du 1er janvier 2001 au 31 décembre 2010 afin d’estimer l’exposition. Des régressions logistiques conditionnelles ont été employées pour estimer les rapports de cotes (OR) et les intervalles de confiance à 95%. Les hospitalisations pour asthme et bronchiolite chez les jeunes enfants étaient associées à l’augmentation de l’exposition journalière aux émissions, estimée par le pourcentage d’heures sous les vents. Les résultats de ce mémoire suggèrent que l’exposition aux émissions industrielles de polluants de l’air est associée à des effets respiratoires chez les enfants.


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This study examined the effect of Asian nativity and duration of residence in Australia on the odds of reporting a chronic health condition (cancer, respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus). Data were from waves 3, 7 and 9 of the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) longitudinal survey, and multi-level group-mean-centred logistic regression models were used for the analysis. After covariate adjustment, Asian immigrants were less likely to report cancer and respiratory problem compared with native-born Australians. While there was no significant difference in reporting CVD, they were more likely to report diabetes than native-born people. Asian immigrants maintained their health advantage with respect to cancer regardless of duration of residence. However, after 20 years of stay, Asian immigrants lost their earlier advantage and were not significantly different from native-born people in terms of reporting a respiratory problem. In contrast, Asian immigrants were not measurably different from native-born Australians in reporting diabetes if their length of stay in Australia was less than 20 years, but became disadvantaged after staying for 20 years or longer. There was no measurable difference in the odds of reporting CVD between Asian immigrants and native-born Australians for any duration of residence. On the whole this study found that health advantage, existence of healthy immigrant effect and subsequent erosion of it with increasing duration of residence among Asian immigrants depends upon the chronic health condition.


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Background Young children are known to be the most frequent hospital users compared to older children and young adults. Therefore, they are an important population from economic and policy perspectives of health care delivery. In Switzerland complete hospitalization discharge records for children [<5 years] of four consecutive years [2002–2005] were evaluated in order to analyze variation in patterns of hospital use. Methods Stationary and outpatient hospitalization rates on aggregated ZIP code level were calculated based on census data provided by the Swiss federal statistical office (BfS). Thirty-seven hospital service areas for children [HSAP] were created with the method of "small area analysis", reflecting user-based health markets. Descriptive statistics and general linear models were applied to analyze the data. Results The mean stationary hospitalization rate over four years was 66.1 discharges per 1000 children. Hospitalizations for respiratory problem are most dominant in young children (25.9%) and highest hospitalization rates are associated with geographical factors of urban areas and specific language regions. Statistical models yielded significant effect estimates for these factors and a significant association between ambulatory/outpatient and stationary hospitalization rates. Conclusion The utilization-based approach, using HSAP as spatial representation of user-based health markets, is a valid instrument and allows assessing the supply and demand of children's health care services. The study provides for the first time estimates for several factors associated with the large variation in the utilization and provision of paediatric health care resources in Switzerland.


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Particulate matter (PM) emissions involve a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in a gas, where it is noted that PM emissions from diesel engines are a major contributor to the ambient air pollution problem. Whilst epidemiological studies have shown a link between increased ambient PM emissions and respiratory morbidity and mortality, studies of this design are not able to identify the PM constituents responsible for driving adverse respiratory health effects. This review explores in detail the physico-chemical properties of diesel particulate matter (DPM), and identifies the constituents of this pollution source that are responsible for the development of respiratory disease. In particular, this review shows that the DPM surface area and adsorbed organic compounds play a significant role in manifesting chemical and cellular processes that if sustained can lead to the development of adverse respiratory health effects. The mechanisms of injury involved included: inflammation, innate and acquired immunity, and oxidative stress. Understanding the mechanisms of lung injury from DPM will enhance efforts to protect at-risk individuals from the harmful respiratory effects of air pollutants.


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Air pollution is a widespread health problem associated with respiratory symptoms. Continuous exposure monitoring was performed to estimate alveolar and tracheobronchial dose, measured as deposited surface area, for 103 children and to evaluate the long-term effects of exposure to airborne particles through spirometry, skin prick tests and measurement of exhaled nitric oxide (eNO). The mean daily alveolar deposited surface area dose received by children was 1.35×103 mm2. The lowest and highest particle number concentrations were found during sleeping and eating time. A significant negative association was found between changes in pulmonary function tests and individual dose estimates. Significant differences were found for asthmatics, children with allergic rhinitis and sensitive to allergens compared to healthy subjects for eNO. Variation is a child’s activity over time appeared to have a strong impact on respiratory outcomes, which indicates that personal monitoring is vital for assessing the expected health effects of exposure to particles.


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Background Chronic respiratory illnesses are the most common group of childhood chronic health conditions and are overrepresented in socially isolated groups. Objective To conduct a randomized controlled pilot trial to evaluate the efficacy of Breathe Easier Online (BEO), an Internet-based problem-solving program with minimal facilitator involvement to improve psychosocial well-being in children and adolescents with a chronic respiratory condition. Methods We randomly assigned 42 socially isolated children and adolescents (18 males), aged between 10 and 17 years to either a BEO (final n = 19) or a wait-list control (final n = 20) condition. In total, 3 participants (2 from BEO and 1 from control) did not complete the intervention. Psychosocial well-being was operationalized through self-reported scores on depression symptoms and social problem solving. Secondary outcome measures included self-reported attitudes toward their illness and spirometry results. Paper-and-pencil questionnaires were completed at the hospital when participants attended a briefing session at baseline (time 1) and in their homes after the intervention for the BEO group or a matched 9-week time period for the wait-list group (time 2). Results The two groups were comparable at baseline across all demographic measures (all F < 1). For the primary outcome measures, there were no significant group differences on depression (P = .17) or social problem solving (P = .61). However, following the online intervention, those in the BEO group reported significantly lower depression (P = .04), less impulsive/careless problem solving (P = .01), and an improvement in positive attitude toward their illness (P = .04) compared with baseline. The wait-list group did not show these differences. Children in the BEO group and their parents rated the online modules very favorably. Conclusions Although there were no significant group differences on primary outcome measures, our pilot data provide tentative support for the feasibility (acceptability and user satisfaction) and initial efficacy of an Internet-based intervention for improving well-being in children and adolescents with a chronic respiratory condition. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry number: ACTRN12610000214033;


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Grass pollen is a major trigger for allergic rhinitis and asthma, yet little is known about the timing and levels of human exposure to airborne grass pollen across Australasian urban environments. The relationships between environmental aeroallergen exposure and allergic respiratory disease bridge the fields of ecology, aerobiology, geospatial science and public health. The Australian Aerobiology Working Group comprised of experts in botany, palynology, biogeography, climate change science, plant genetics, biostatistics, ecology, pollen allergy, public and environmental health, and medicine, was established to systematically source, collate and analyse atmospheric pollen concentration data from 11 Australian and six New Zealand sites. Following two week-long workshops, post-workshop evaluations were conducted to reflect upon the utility of this analysis and synthesis approach to address complex multidisciplinary questions. This Working Group described i) a biogeographically dependent variation in airborne pollen diversity, ii) a latitudinal gradient in the timing, duration and number of peaks of the grass pollen season, and iii) the emergence of new methodologies based on trans-disciplinary synthesis of aerobiology and remote sensing data. Challenges included resolving methodological variations between pollen monitoring sites and temporal variations in pollen datasets. Other challenges included “marrying” ecosystem and health sciences and reconciling divergent expert opinion. The Australian Aerobiology Working Group facilitated knowledge transfer between diverse scientific disciplines, mentored students and early career scientists, and provided an uninterrupted collaborative opportunity to focus on a unifying problem globally. The Working Group provided a platform to optimise the value of large existing ecological datasets that have importance for human respiratory health and ecosystems research. Compilation of current knowledge of Australasian pollen aerobiology is a critical first step towards the management of exposure to pollen in patients with allergic disease and provides a basis from which the future impacts of climate change on pollen distribution can be assessed and monitored.


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Against a background of point-source outbreaks of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in renal transplant units in Europe, we undertook a retrospective 3 year observational review of PCP in Northern Ireland. This showed an unexpected increase in incidence, with a mortality rate of 30%. Fifty-one cases were confirmed compared to 10 in the preceding 7 years. Where undiagnosed HIV infection had previously been the main risk factor for PCP, this was now equally matched by chemotherapy for haematological and non-haematological malignancy and immune suppression for a range of autoimmune conditions. Congenital immunodeficiency and transplantation were less common pre-disposing factors, but renal grafts also showed a rising incidence. Asymptomatic carriage was uncommon. At presentation both upper and lower respiratory samples were of equal use in establishing the diagnosis and treatment resulted in rapid clearance. The data suggests the need for considering PCP in at risk patients, reviewing its mode of acquisition and whether iatrogenic colonization is a treatable pre-condition. [Epub ahead of print]


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems. The increasing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing countries has led to a global epidemic. The hypothesis proposed is that patients undergoing dialysis would experience a marked negative influence on physiological variables of sleep and autonomic nervous system activity, compromising quality of life.Methods/Design: A prospective, consecutive, double blind, randomized controlled clinical trial is proposed to address the effect of dialysis on sleep, pulmonary function, respiratory mechanics, upper airway collapsibility, autonomic nervous activity, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in patients with CKD. The measurement protocol will include body weight (kg); height (cm); body mass index calculated as weight/height(2); circumferences (cm) of the neck, waist, and hip; heart and respiratory rates; blood pressures; Mallampati index; tonsil index; heart rate variability; maximum ventilatory pressures; negative expiratory pressure test, and polysomnography (sleep study), as well as the administration of specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life.Discussion: CKD is a major public health problem worldwide, and its incidence has increased in part by the increased life expectancy and increasing number of cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Sleep disorders are common in patients with renal insufficiency. Our hypothesis is that the weather weight gain due to volume overload observed during interdialytic period will influence the degree of collapsibility of the upper airway due to narrowing and predispose to upper airway occlusion during sleep, and to investigate the negative influences of haemodialysis in the physiological variables of sleep, and autonomic nervous system, and respiratory mechanics and thereby compromise the quality of life of patients.


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Chronic tonsillar diseases are an important health problem, leading to large numbers of surgical procedures worldwide. Little is known about pathogenesis of these diseases. In order to investigate the role of respiratory viruses in chronic adenotonsillar diseases, we developed a cross-sectional study to determine the rates of viral detections of common respiratory viruses detected by TaqMan real time PCR (qPCR) in nasopharyngeal secretions, tonsillar tissues and peripheral blood from 121 children with chronic tonsillar diseases, without symptoms of acute respiratory infections. At least one respiratory virus was detected in 97.5% of patients. The viral co-infection rate was 69.5%. The most frequently detected viruses were human adenovirus in 47.1%, human enterovirus in 40.5%, human rhinovirus in 38%, human bocavirus in 29.8%, human metapneumovirus in 17.4% and human respiratory syncytial virus in 15.7%. Results of qPCR varied widely between sample sites: human adenovirus, human bocavirus and human enterovirus were predominantly detected in tissues, while human rhinovirus was more frequently detected in secretions. Rates of virus detection were remarkably high in tonsil tissues: over 85% in adenoids and close to 70% in palatine tonsils. In addition, overall virus detection rates were higher in more hypertrophic than in smaller adenoids (p = 0.05), and in the particular case of human enteroviruses, they were detected more frequently (p = 0.05) in larger palatine tonsils than in smaller ones. While persistence/latency of DNA viruses in tonsillar tissues has been documented, such is not the case of RNA viruses. Respiratory viruses are highly prevalent in adenoids and palatine tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillar diseases, and persistence of these viruses in tonsils may stimulate chronic inflammation and play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases.


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Trabajo realizado por: Maldonado, F.; Packard, T.; Gómez, M.; Santana Rodríguez, J. J


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BACKGROUND: Recurrent acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are a common problem in childhood. Some evidence suggests a benefit regarding the prevention of ARTI in children treated with the immunomodulator OM-85 BV (Bronchovaxom). METHODS: We summarised the evidence on the effectiveness of the immunomodulator OM-85 BV in the prevention of ARTI in children. We searched randomised comparisons of oral purified bacterial extracts against inactive controls in children with respiratory tract diseases in nine electronic databases and reference lists of included studies. We extracted salient features of each study, calculated relative risks (RR) or weighted mean differences (WMD) and performed meta-analyses using random-effects models. RESULTS: Thirteen studies (2,721 patients) of low to moderate quality tested OM-85 BV. Patients and outcomes differed substantially, which impeded pooling results of more than two trials. Two studies (240 patients) reporting on the number of patients with less than three infections over 6 month of follow-up in children not in day care showed a trend for benefit RR 0.82 (95% CI, 0.65-1.02). One out of two studies examining the number of children not in day care without infections over 4-6 month reported a significant RR of 0.42 (95% CI, 0.21-0.82) whereas the smaller, second study did not [RR 0.92 (95% CI, 0.58-1.46)]. Two studies reporting the number of antibiotic courses indicated a benefit for the intervention arm [WMD 2.0 (95% CI, 1.7-2.3)]. Two out of the three studies showed a reduction of length of episodes of 4-6 days whereas a third study showed no difference between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Evidence in favour of OM-85 BV in the prevention of ARTI in children is weak. There is a trend for fewer and shorter infections and a reduction of antibiotic use.


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Antimicrobial resistance among respiratory tract pathogens has become an increasing problem worldwide during the last 10-20 years. The wide use of antimicrobial agents in ambulatory practice has contributed to the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the community, namely Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. The pneumococcus has developed resistance to most antibiotics used for its treatment. Classes with important resistance problems include the beta-lactams, the macrolides, the lincosamides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the tetracyclines. Unfortunately, resistance to more than one class of antibiotics is common. In Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis, resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics is the main concern currently. It is important to know the local resistance pattern of the most common respiratory tract pathogens in order to make reasonable recommendations for an empirical therapy for respiratory tract infection, when antibiotic therapy is indeed indicated.


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The ability of anesthetic agents to provide adequate analgesia and sedation is limited by the ventilatory depression associated with overdosing in spontaneously breathing patients. Therefore, quantitation of drug induced ventilatory depression is a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic problem relevant to the practice of anesthesia. Although several studies describe the effect of respiratory depressant drugs on isolated endpoints, an integrated description of drug induced respiratory depression with parameters identifiable from clinically available data is not available. This study proposes a physiological model of CO2 disposition, ventilatory regulation, and the effects of anesthetic agents on the control of breathing. The predictive performance of the model is evaluated through simulations aimed at reproducing experimental observations of drug induced hypercarbia and hypoventilation associated with intravenous administration of a fast-onset, highly potent anesthetic mu agonist (including previously unpublished experimental data determined after administration of 1 mg alfentanil bolus). The proposed model structure has substantial descriptive capability and can provide clinically relevant predictions of respiratory inhibition in the non-steady-state to enhance safety of drug delivery in the anesthetic practice.